5e Feats

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Please leave the "(5e Feat)" identifier in the page title when creating your new feat!

See Also

5e SRD:Feats
A list of official feats in the SRD.
5e Feat Design Guide
A guide that has info on creating feats as well as a step-by-step guide for creating them.
Feats with Stricter Requirements
Feats that are designed to have stricter requirements and otherwise have features that would not fit regular feats.

Feats, Featured and Quality

These feats have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Combat Feats

Feat Prerequisites
Readied Caster Ability to cast at least one spell
Valiant Wisdom 13 or higher

Discovery Feats

Feat Prerequisites

Interaction Feats

Feat Prerequisites

Racial Feats

Feat Prerequisites

Combat Feats

Feats that are predominately used in combat.

Feat Prerequisites
2 Thousand Pound Bear Constitution 15 or higher
4 is better than 2 Must have 4 arms
Absurd Grower At least medium size, Constitution score of 15 or higher, level 4, and minumum a hit dice d8
Accursed Healer Ability to cast at least one spell that regain hit points
Acrobatic Dexterity score of 13 and higher
Action Adept 2nd level or higher
Adamantine Spirit Constitution score of 13 or higher
Adamantite Membrane Hit Dice d10 or d12, Constitution score of 17 or higher
Adaptive Warrior Fighting Style feature
Adept Augur Must have Spell Slots, proficiency in Arcana
Adept Aviator Permanent flying speed
Adrenaline Rusher
Advance Lightning Ability to deal lightning damage
Advance Sneak Attack Level 17, Rogue
Advanced Busoshoku Haki Busoshoku Haki (5e Feat) or Busoshoku Haki, Variant (5e Feat)
Advanced Comboer Strength or Dexterity score of 15 or higher
Advanced Haoshoku Haki Conqueror's Haki (5e Feat)
Advanced Kenbunshoku Haki Kenbunshoku Haki (5e Feat)
Advantageous Attacker 4th level or higher
Adversity Adversary Constitution score 13 or higher, proficiency in Constitution saving throws
Aegis Protector Proficiency with shields
Aerial Guardian Dexterity and Constitution score of 13 or higher, permanent flying speed (need to have wings) of 30 ft or more
Aggressive Melee Master Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Agile Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Agile Evader Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Aikido Master
Air Blade Wielder Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Air Blade Wielder, Variant Strength or Dexterity score of 15 or higher
Alert, 2nd Variant
Alert, Variant
Alluring Defender Charisma score of 13 or higher
Alpha Chaotic alignment
Altered Mystic Conflux Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10
Alternate Progression Must have a multiclass or subclass
Ambiguous Spellcaster Ability to cast at least one spell
Ambitious Spellcaster Ability to cast at least one spell
Analysis Magic Proficiency in Arcana, you must be able to cast either Dispel Magic or Counterspell
Analytical Striker
Anatomy Expert Intelligence or Wisdom score of 13 or higher
Ancient Touch Ability to cast at least one spell with a range of touch or self.
Angry Tank
Anti-Component Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Anti-Magic Champion
Anticipator Strength or Dexterity, and Wisdom score of 15 or higher
Apprentice of Charon Ability to cast at least one spell that regains hit points or deals necrotic damage
Apprentice Witch Charisma 13 or higher, to have met and bargained with a valid Otherworldly Patron.
Apprentice Witch Hunter Wisdom 13 or Higher
Arcana Infused The ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Adept The ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Ammunitionist Wisdom or Intelligence 13 or higher
Arcane Archer. Ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Archery Adept Intelligence 13 or higher, proficiency with shortbows or longbows
Arcane Artillerist Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Arcane Athlete, Variant Proficiency with Athletics and Arcana
Arcane Combat Master Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Arcane Defender Intelligence 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Arcane Destruction Level 4, spellcaster Wizard, Sorcerer or Warlock, proficiency with any ranged weapon
Arcane Life Burner Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Arcane Master Intelligence 13 or higher, proficiency in Arcana, the ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Mastery Ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Observer Ability to cast spells.
Arcane Prodigy 4th level, Intelligence 13 or higher
Arcane Shield Intelligence 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Arcane Student The ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Warrior The ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Weaponmaster The ability to cast spells.
Arcane Wielder The ability to cast at least one spell
Arch Necromancer Intelligence 20 or higher, The ability to cast a necromancy spell
Armed Duality Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with martial weapons,
Armed Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Armed Wizard Ability to cast spells
Armor Master Strength 13 or higher
Armored Arcanist The ability to cast at least one spell
Armored Beast Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with heavy armor
Arsonist Ability to cast a spell that deals Fire damage
Art Analyst Intelligence and Wisdom 15 or higher
Artful Dodger Proficiency with Performance
Artifact Master
Ascendant Spellcaster 18 Intelligence, 18 Wisdom, or 18 Charisma or the ability to cast at least one 6th level spell
Assassin Dexterity 14 or higher
Assassin’s Secret Dex 20, Level 16, Rogue
Astral Touched
Astute Mind
Athletic Swimmer A permanent swimming speed.
Attain Physically, Variant Strength 19 or higher and 4th Level
Attunement Breaker Level 8
Aura Blade Wielder Fighter of the 5th level or higher
Aura Master Ability to cast Auras of Life, Purity, and Vitality
Aura of Protection
Axe Expert
Axe Master
Axe Thrower Proficiency with Handaxes
Axe Thrower, Variant Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with handaxes, battleaxes, or greataxes
Bahamut's Shield Worship Bahamut, Charisma 13 or higher
Ballroom Blitz Dexterity and Charisma 13 or Higher
Barbed Tongue Ability to cast silvery barbs
Bardic Adept
Basher Proficiency with Shields
Battle Burglar Dexterity 13
Battle Focused Constitution 13 or higher
Battle IQ Intelligence 13
Battle Mage The ability to cast at least one spell
Battle Planner
Battle Shouter Charisma 13 or higher
Battlemage The ability to case at least one spell
Bearer of Strength Strength 13 or higher
Beating Heart
Belligerent Grasper Must be able to Rage
Berserk Soul Constitution 15 or higher
Beyond Limits Constitution 13+ or higher, Character Level 16 or higher
Big Bewitching Book Wizard, Expertise in Arcana
Big Game Hunter Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or Higher
Black Belt Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
User:Blackcatz20/Quantum Being
Blade Dancer Dexterity 13 or higher
Blade Warden Ability to cast Blade Ward
Blademaster Dexterity 13
Bladesinger's Study Intelligence 16 or higher
Blasting Smite Pact of the Blade class feature, character level 15, Eldritch Blast cantrip
Blaze Blades Ability to cast Flame Blade
Blessed by Lightning Dexterity 13 or higher
Blind But Not Broken Passive Perception 13
BLJ Initiate Dexterity 13 or higher, or alternatively a 4th level Plumber
Blocker Constitution 13 or higher
Blood Construct Creator Way of The Blood Manipulation
Blood Mage Level 10, Ability to cast at least one spell
Blood Mage, 2nd Variant Constitution 13 or higher, able to cast at least one spell and/or have ki points or similar
Blood Magic, Variant Having any number of spell slots or ki points
Blood Mutant
Bloodlust, Variant
Bloodrage Smite Strength score of 18 or higher
Bloody Blade Wielder
Bloody Magic The ability to cast at least one spell
Bloody Smiter Strength and Constitution scores of 18 or higher
Blowgun Expert
Bludgeoning Master
Body and Soul Constitution 20 or higher.
Body Booster
Body of War 13 Strength or Dexterity
Boisterous Bruiser Strength and Charisma 13 or higher
Bombing Maniac Dex 17 or higher
Bone Breaker
Book Basher Wizard
Boomerang Expert Proficiency with boomerangs
Boomerang Master Dexterity 13
Boon Master Must have 20 in Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity
Bountiful Critical
Bow Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Boxer Strength and Constitution 13 or higher.
Braced for Impact Strength 13 or higher, unarmored defense
Brand of the Hexblood Blood Hunter Level 6 and Brand of Castigation known
Breaching Charge Strength or Dexterity 15 or more
Breaker Overdrive 15 Str, 15 Con, below 50% health.
Brilliant Arcanomancy Spellcasting ability score 13 or higher
Broken Mind = Broken Hope none
Bruiser Strength and Constitution 15 or higher
Brute Force Strength 13 or higher
Bullet and Shield Fighting Proficiency with firearm, shields
Bullet Hell Proficiency with Firearms
Burning Soul Charisma 13 or higher
Busoshoku Haki Level 2 or higher
Busoshoku Haki, Variant
Butcher Evil Alignment
Butcher, Variant Dexterity 13 or Higher
Calculating Caster Spell Slots, Proficiency with Arcana
Cannoneer Dexterity 13
Cantrip Amplifier The ability to cast at least one spell
Cantrip Barrage The ability to cast at least one cantrip
Cantrip Caster The ability to cast one or more cantrip spells.
Cantrip Caster, Variant Ability to cast cantrips, spellcasting ability of 13 or higher.
Cantrip Combatant The ability to cast spells.
Cantrip Combatant, 2nd Variant The ability to cast at least one cantrip
Cantrip Combatant, Variant Spellcasting ability score 13 or higher; the ability to cast at least one cantrip
Cantrip Combo Combatant Ability to cast at least 3 cantrips
Cantrip Expert Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Cantrip Expert, Variant Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Cantrip King Prerequisite: Pact magic or spellcasting feature
Cantrip Legend the ability to cast at least two cantrips
Cantrip Lord Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Cantrip Master, Variant The ability to cast at least one cantrip
Cantrip Overcharger Spellcasting
Cantrip Prodigy The ability to cast at least one cantrip
Cantrip Specialist Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Cantrip Splitter The ability to cast at least one cantrip
Capable Caster Spellcasting ability 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell
Captivating Fighter Charisma 13 or higher
Cautious Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Celestial Armaments Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher, ties with the upper planes (for example, aasimar race or divine soul sorcerer subclass)
Celestial Armaments, Variant Level 8, Wisdom or Charisma 15 or higher, ties with the upper planes (for example, aasimar race or divine soul sorcerer subclass).
Celtic Cudgel Ability to cast Shillelagh
Chain Potion Guzzler Not a construct or undead
Champion Archer Dexterity 13
Chaos Elementalist 4th Level
Chaotic Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Charger, Variant
Charismatic Champion Charisma 13, Proficiency with martial weapons
Charismatic Combatant 13 Charisma or higher
Charismatic Presence Charisma 13
Charming Combatant Charisma 13 or higher
Charon's Disciple None
Cherufe Transfiguration Cursed Body of Fire and 10th level
Child of War Strength or Dexterity of 13 or higher
Chuckster Strength 13 or higher
Clashing Ideals Chaotic or Lawful alignment
Cleaver Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Close Quarter Ranger Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher
Close Quarters Combatant Dexterity 17 or higher
Close Quarters Shooter
Close Range Shooter Dexterity 13 or higher
Close Shooter Proficiency with a ranged weapon
Close to Death Having failed two death saving throws in one combat encounter
Closed Mind = Closed Fortress Wisdom 13, or madness
Cobra Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Combat Brute
Combat Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Combat Expert
Combat Healer The ability to cast spells that empower your melee attack or use the divine smite Feature and must be at least level 8.
Combat Master
Combo Fighter Proficiency with martial weapons
Combo Finisher Monk Level 3
Combo Meter Strength 15 or Dexterity 15
Combo Star Dexterity 13 or higher
Companion Charisma 13 or higher
Concentrated Caster the ability to cast a spell that requires concentration
Concussive Crit Main ability at least 18, crit threshold below 20.
Concussive Striker Strength 13 or higher
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks Intelligence 13 or higher
Conqueror's Haki Charisma score 13 or higher
Conscious Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Conservative Combatant Dexterity of 13 or more
Constitution Save Master Proficiency in Constitution Saves
Coordinator 13 Intelligence or 13 Charisma
Corrosive Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Corrosive Mage The ability to cast at least one spell
Counter Striker
Counterattack Ace
Counterattacker Dexterity of 13 or higher
Courageous Abrogation Dexterity 13 or higher
Cover Move Constitution 13 or higher, Proficiency with shields
Cover Taker
Craven Cannot be immune to the frightened condition
Crimson Demon the ability to cast at least one spell
Crippling Striker Strength 13 or higher
Critical Caster Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
Critical Crippler
Critical Dual Wielder Dexterity 13 or higher
Critical Master
Critical Rejuvenator The ability to cast at least one healing spell or feature
Critical Scorcher
Critical Speed Dexterity score 13 or higher
Critical Spells The ability to cast at least one spell, minimum Level required 8.
Critical Striker Strength 17 or higher.
Crossbow Duelist Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 or higher
Crossbow Sniper Proficiency with a crossbow
Crown of Thorns Wisdom 13 or higher
Crushing Blow Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Crystal Mortar The ability to cast at least one spell.
Cunning Militant
Cursebinder Wisdom 13 or higher
Cursed Body of Fire
Cybermonk 8th Level Artificer and Monk
Dabbler in the Arts Intelligence 13 or higher
Dagger Expert
Dagger Master
Dagger Mastery Dexterity 15 or higher, Proficient with daggers.
Dagger Savant Dexterity 13 or higher
Damage Sponge D10 or D12 Hit Die, Constitution 16 or higher
Damage Substitution The ability to cast spells
Dancer 13 Dexterity or 13 Charisma
Dancing Duelist Proficiency with a finesse martial weapon
Danger Aware
Dark Critical Must have a stat of 17 or higher, level 12 or higher.
Dark Master The ability to cast at least one spell.
Darkened Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Dauntless Constitution 13 or higher
Dead Shot
Deadeye Intelligence 13
Deadly Initiator Dexterity 13 or higher
Death has NO hold on me Level 8
Death Hungry
Deathly Critical
Dedicated Hero Good alignment
Defeat Gravity 16 dex
Defender Constitution 13 or higher.
Defensive Attacker Proficiency with shields
Deft Aegis Proficiency with Shields
Demolishing Onslaught Strength or Dexterity 16 or Higher, Medium Size
Destroyer Strength 13 or higher
Determined Warrior Constitution 13 or higher
Dexterity Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Dexterous Dexterity 13 or higher
Dexterous Fighter Dexterity 13 or higher
Diamond Master Strength 13 or higher, Constitution 13 or higher
Dilettente Fighter
Diplomatic Immunity Charisma 15 or higher
Dirty Fighter Strength 13
Disarmer Dex 14 or higher and must have a melee weapon equipped.
Disciplined Bolter
Dishonorable any alignment that isn't good or lawful
Displacer Dexterity 13 or higher
Distant Striker Spear Proficiency
Distracting Puppet Dexterity score of 13 or higher.
Distracting, Variant
Divine Channeler Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher
Divine Conduit Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher
Divine Resilience Wisdom score must be 15 or higher
Divine Striker Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Diviner Wisdom 13 or higher, Spell Slots
Dodge Expert Dexterity score of 19 or higher
Double Weapon Master
Draconic Blood Blessed The ability to cast at least one spell.
Draconic Champion Constitution 13 or higher
Draconic Champion, Variant Constitution 13 or higher
Draconic Fighter
Draconic Heritage, Variant Dragonborn
Draconic Shard
Dragon Blessed
Dragon Slayer Barbarian, Fighter, Ranger, or Rogue
Dragon Speaker Proficiency in arcana and knowing draconic language.
Dragon's Blood
Dreadful Command Charisma 18 or higher
Dreaming Chemist
Dryad's Subtlety Proficiency with Nature and Stealth
Dual Pistol Master Proficiency with firearms
Dual Wield Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Dual Wielder, Variant
Dual Wielding Master Dexterity 13 or higher, Dual Wielder, Extra Attack
Dualcast Spellcasting ability score 18 or higher
Dumb Survivor
Durable Mage The ability to cast at least one spell
Dynamic Weapon Master
Early 1980's NBA Player None, except for a good work ethic, and a pair of Chuck Taylor's Converse.
Earthen Ki
Efficacious Mind
Eldritch Augmentation Pact of the Blade class feature
Eldritch Blessing Charisma 13 or higher
Eldritch Connection Pact Magic
Eldritch Disciple Charisma 13 or higher
Eldritch Enticement Character Level 4 or higher
Eldritch Improviser Pact of the Blade Class Feature
Eldritch Improvisor, Variant Pact of the Blade Class Feature, Cha 13
Eldritch Ki Wisdom 13 or higher,5e_SRD:monk
Eldritch Power Charisma 13 or higher
Eldritch Servant
Eldritch Specialist The ability to cast at least one spell
Eldritch Touched Charisma 13 or higher
Eldtritch Adept Character Level 4 or higher
Electric Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Elemental Adept, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Affinity The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Archer Proficiency with bows
Elemental Armor The ability to cast at least one spell; proficiency in light, medium or heavy armor
Elemental Defender The ability to cast at least one spell of 1st level or higher.
Elemental Duality The ability to cast at least one spell of 1st level or higher.
Elemental Escort Ability to cast Absorb Elements
Elemental Expertise The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Fighter
Elemental Fixation The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Investiture Ability to cast Investitures of Flame, Ice, Stone, and Wind
Elemental Ki Body Strength, Wisdom and Dexterity score of 17 or higher or 10th level monk class.
Elemental Master Archer Dexterity 13 or higher
Elemental Master, Variant One damage dealing spell
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Proficiency
Elemental Shot At least one spell slot.
Elemental Specialist The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Swordsman proficiency with any sword
Elemental Touched
Elemental Training
Elementally Absorbent Ability to cast Absorb Elements
Elitist, Variant
Elven Blade Master
Elven Bow Magic The ability to cast at least one spell, proficiency with bows or guns, ability to speak Elven
Elven Bow Magic, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell, proficiency with bows, ability to speak Elven
Emberfrost Caster Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature; the ability to cast a spell that deals fire damage and another that deals cold damage
Emberfrost Fighter
Emergency Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Enchanted Reloader Proficiency with at least one ranged weapon, at least 13 Intelligence
Enchanted Voice
Enchanted Weaponry Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher, Ability to cast at least one spell.
Endless Performance
Endurance Caster Constitution 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell
Endure Constitution 13 or higher
Enduring Believer Charisma of 13 or higher
Energy of Destruction
Energy Vampire The ability to cast at least one spell.
Energy Warrior
Enhanced Vigor Constitution 13 or higher
Enlightened Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Esoteric Accuracy Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher.
Esoteric Accuracy, Variant Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher.
Essence Thief The ability to cast at least one spell
Eternal Optimist
Evasive Footwork Dexterity and Wisdom 13 or Higher.
Exact Shooter Dexterity 13 or higher
Exceptional Counter Dexterity and Intelligence 13 or higher
Excitement Rush
Expanding Power
Expansion of the Body Constitution 13, Wisdom 13
Experienced Brawler
Experienced Healer The ability to cast at least one spell that restores Hit Points.
Experienced Rogue rogue 8th level or higher, Dexterity 18 or higher.
Expert Grappler 15 Strength or 15 Dexterity
Expert Linguist Wisdom or Intelligence score of 13 or higher
Expert Sniper Int of 16 or higher, Proficiency in Firearms
Expert Trapper Dexterity or Intelligence 13
Expertise Skill Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher
Exploding Critical 13 Strength or higher
Explosive Counterer 14 Strength or 14 Dexterity
Explosive Smiter Charisma 13 or higher
Extendo Mags
Extension of Oneself A d4 or greater unarmed strike damage die or 15 in dexterity or Strength
Eye for the Opportunity Dexterity 13 or higher, Wisdom 13 or higher
Eye of Foresight Wisdom and Dexterity 15 or higher
Familiar Commander The ability to cast the Find Familiar spell.
Familiar Lord Strixhaven Initiate feat
Fan The Hammer! 8th level or higher, Dexterity score of 17 or higher
Far Critical 13 Dexterity or higher
Farming Master
Fast Thrower Dexterity 13 or higher.
Fast-Handed Dexterity 13 or higher
Fated Strike Strength or Dexterity 13
Favored by the Gods
Featherweight Duelist Dexterity 13 or greater
Fencing Expert Dexterity 13 or higher
Festering Anger Good or Neutral Alignment. Can add to character from backstory, but wont take effect till 4th level.
Field Commander
Fierce Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Fiery Fist Strength or Dexterity 13 and Wisdom or charisma 13
Fiery Soul The ability to cast at least one spell
Fighting Initiate Variant Proficiency with a martial weapon
Fighting Mage The ability to cast at least one spell
Final Blade Dexterity 15 or higher
Finesse Fighting Dexterity 16
Finesse Mastery
Finesse Weapon Master
Fire Master The ability to cast at least one spell that deals fire damage
Fire Soul Ability to cast a spell that deals Fire damage
Fire Warrior Resistance to fire damage as a racial trait
Firearm Adept firearm proficiency
Firearm Expert
Firearm Expert, Variant
Firearm Flourish Firearm proficiency
Fires Of The Phoenix The ability to cast at least one spell that deals fire damage.
Flail Master UA, Variant Proficiency with a flail
Flame Adept Ability to cast or use flame based attacks.
Flame Blade Master 3rd level or Higher
Flame Tempest Racial trait that allow you to deal fire damage.
Flaming Ki
Fleet of Foot
Flinger Dexterity 15+
Fluid Motion Dexterity 13 or higher
Flurry Striker Flurry of Blows
Flying Projectiles Dexterity 13 or higher
Focused Caster Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Focused Caster, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
Focused Disruptor
Focused Practitioner The ability to cast at least one spell
Foot-Swordsman Dexterity 13 or higher
Force and Finesse Strength and Dexterity 15 or higher
Force Multiplier Strength 13 or higher
Force of Inspiration Charisma 13 or higher and the ability to cast at least one spell.
Form Caster The ability to cast at least one spell, the ability to transform into another form or creature
Fortified Constitution 13 or higher
Freezeshooter Proficiency with bows or crossbows
Frenzied Striker Strength or Dexterity 18 or higher
From the Shadows
Frontline Caster Ability to cast at least one spell
Frontline Caster, Variant Ability to cast at least one spell
Frost Shot Elf (eladrin [winter])
Frosted Ki
Frostfire Falanx Ability to cast Burning Hands and Frost Fingers
Frugal Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
Full Counter Dexterity 13 or higher
Full Counter, 2nd Variant 13 Dexterity or higher
Fungal Infection Constitution 13 or higher
Furious Monster Must have the barbarian class as the main class
Furious Vitality Constitution of 16 or higher
Fury of the Fallen Str or Con of 16 or higher, level 12
Gambling Addiction
Gauntlet Master
Ghostfire Initiate The ability to cast a spell that deals fire damage
Giant Slayer
Giant Touched
Gish’s Aftermagic the ability to cast a spell
Glass Cannon Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 or higher
God Summoner Character of 10th level or higher
Godhand must be a Monk
Gorilla Gripper Proficiency with at least one weapon with the two-handed property.
Goring Fighter
Gorlo's Great Axe 19 str requirement
Grand Battle Master 16 dexterity and strength, access to battle maneuvers and superiority dice.
Grand Finale Charisma 16
Grand Leaper Strength 13 or higher, either a running long jump distance of 15 feet or greater or a running high jump distance of 5 feet or greater
Grand Summoner The ability to conjure, summon, animate, call, bind, craft, or create a creature
Grand Weapon Expert 10th level, Great Weapon Master fighting style
Granite Armor
Grappled Ascension Strength 16 or Higher
Grappled Spellcaster Spellcasting ability, level 12+, Wisdom or Intelligence 14 or higher
Grappler, Variant Strength 13 or higher
Grazer Dexterity 13 or higher
Greasy Ability to cast Grease
Great Armed Wizard Ability to cast spells
Great Healer The ability to cast at least 1 spell that restore hit points
Great Spell Master Able to cast at lease one spell
Great Weapon Defense Strength 13 or higher
Great Weapon Master, Variant Strength 13 or higher
Great Weapon Offense Strength 13 or higher
Great Weapon Parry
Great Weapon Riposte proficiency with a two-handed weapon
Great Weapon Riposte, Variant proficiency with a two-handed weapon
Greatbow Master Strength 13, Dexterity 13, proficiency with martial weapons
Greater Familiar
Greater Spell Sculpting Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Greatsword Master Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher
Grenadier Proficiency with smith's tools or tinker's tools, proficiency with bombs, character level 4th
Grim Healer The ability to restore hit points using a spell.
Grim Wardlord Ability to cast Death Ward
Grittier Dexterity 13 or higher
Grounded Magic
Gruesome Combatant Strength or Charisma score of 15 or higher
Guard Movement None
Guarded Fist
Guillotine Headsman
Gunpowder Expert Dexterity 13 or higher
Guns a-Blazing Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with firearms
Halberdier Proficiency with Halberds
Half-Sworder Proficiency with any sword.
Hammer Fist
Hammer Thrower Strength 13 or higher
Hand Axe Master
Hand Strike Master A d4 or greater unarmed strike damage die.
Hand to Hand Combatant Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 or higher
Handaxe Expert
Handgunner Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency in ranged weapons
Hardened Hurt Constitution 15 or Higher
Hardy Fighter
Harmonic Summoner Ability to summon one creature
Harrier Proficiency in at least 1 ranged weapon
Haunting Revelry Inflicted with madness
Hawk's Aim Dexterity of 13 or higher
Hawkeye Shooter Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency in the Perception skill
Haymaker Strength 13 or higher
Headhunter Strength 15 or higher, Level 9 or higher, proficiency with martial weapons
Headman's Chop
Headsman Proficiency with Greataxes or Greatswords
Healing Expert The ability to cast at least one healing spell.
Healing Factor Con 15 or the Second Wind feature.
Healing Wear Constitution 13 or higher
Health Nut Constitution 13 or higher
Heart Full of Neutrality Neutral Alignment, Wisdom 13 or higher
Heartripper Strength 15 or higher
Hearty Soul Constitution 13 or higher
Heated Caster The ability to cast at least fire-based spells.
Heaviest Armor Master Proficiency in Heavy Armor
Heavily Charming Weapons Strength 13 or Dexterity 13, Charisma 17, proficiency with martial weapons
Heavy Armor Champion Proficiency with heavy armor, Strength 13 or higher
Heavy Armor Juggernaut Strength 13, Proficiency with heavy armor
Heavy Armor Master, 2nd Variant Proficiency with heavy armor
Heavy Armor Master, Variant Proficiency with heavy armor
Heavy Armor Modification Proficiency with heavy armor and smith's tools
Heavy Critical Medium or larger sized creature
Heavy Duelist Strength of 14 or higher, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Heavy Marksman Strength 13
Heavy Polearm Knight Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor
Heavy Ranger Strength 15, proficiency in at least one heavy ranged weapon
Heavy Weapon Balancer Size Small or Tiny
Heavy Weapon Duel Wielder Strength score 13 or higher
Heavy Weapon Enthusiast
Heavy Weapon Juggernaut Strength 18, proficiency with heavy weapons
Heavy Weapons Master Strength 13
Heavy Wielder Strength of 13 or higher, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Hedge Mage Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Helpful Hallucinations Madness or a broken mind
Hemorrhage Proficiency with a weapon that deal slashing or piercing damage
Hemorrhaging Criticals Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Herculean Blow
Herculean Toughness Constitution 13 or higher
Heretic Punisher level 12
Hero's Heart Good Alignment
Hexblade's Wickedness Hexblade Warlock, Charisma 15
Hidden Archer Dexterity 13 or higher
High Constitution Constitution 13
Higher Metamorphosis
Hijack Spellcasting, Have an Arcane Focus, Charisma, Wisdom or Intelligence 18 or higher
Hitman Style Expert Strength or Dexterity score of 14 or higher
Holy Shield Proficiency with shields, Spellcasting
Hoplite proficiency with shields and at least one of the following: lance, pike, or spear
Hoplite, Variant proficiency with shields and at least one of the following: lance, pike, or spear
Horde Breaker Dexterity 13 or higher
Horde Fighter
Horde Fighter, Variant
Hyperalert, Variant Alert feat
Hyperprocessing the ability to cast at least one spell that requires concentration
Iaijutsu Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Iaijutsu Master, 2nd Variant Dexterity 15 or higher
Iaijutsu Master, Variant Dexterity 15 or higher
Illuminated The ability to deal radiant damage with a racial trait, class feature or spell.
Illusionist Charisma 13 or higher, Spell Slots
Illusive Master Illusion spell
Immense Magic Ability to cast spells. Spell casting ability score of 17 or higher.
Immortal Inurement must be cursed with immortality and have entered a death-like state at least once
Immoveable Constitution 13 or higher
IMP 15 Dex or higher
Impaler Ability to use polearm or reach weapons Strength of 18 or higher.
Impenetrable proficiency with heavy armor
Imperturbable The ability to cast spells, constitution of 18 or higher.
Improbable Dagger User
Improved Arcane Ward Arcane Ward class feature
Improved Criticals
Improved Healing Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13 or higher
Improved Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spellcasting ability score of 13 or higher, Persistent Spell ( https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Persistent_Spell_(5e_Feat) )
Improved Resistance Constitution score 13 or higher, resistance to a damage type
Improvised Weapon Master, Variant
Indefatigable Warrior Strength 13 or higher, Constitution 13 or higher
Indestructible Resistance or immunity to at least one damage type except psychic.
Indomitable Defender 13 Strength, 13 Constitution
Indomitable Rager
Inert Aura The ability to cast at least one spell
Inevitable Lightning Ability to deal lightning damage, level 8
Innate Talent
Insightful Fighter Wisdom 13 or higher
Insightful Fighter Variant Wisdom 13 or higher
Instinct Evasiveness Dexterity of 13 or higher
Intangible Spellcaster The ability to cast at least one spell
Intellectual Grit Firearm Proficiency, Intelligence score of 16
Intelligent Archer Intelligence 13 and proficiency with ranged weapons
Intelligent Fighter Intelligence 13 or higher
Intense Conditioning Con 10 or higher
Intense Conditioning Variant Con 15 or higher
Intense Focus The ability to cast at least one spell that requires concentration
Intense Focus (Variant) The ability to cast at least one spell that requires concentration
Intensified Dragon's Breath Dragonborn or Dragonkin
Interceptor Dexterity of 14 or higher
Internal Inferno Constitution of 13 or higher
Interposing Reaction Constitution 13 or higher, Dexterity 13 or higher
Invoker Suport Ability to summon, animate or create a creature
Iron Ambassador Proficiency with shields
Iron Fist Style Strength and Constitution score at 15 or more, level 8
Iron Reflexes Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with medium armor
Iron Skinned Constitution score of 13 or higher
Iron Will
Ironhide Constitution 13
Javelin Master proficiency with simple or martial weapons
Jockey Small or Tiny size
Judgement Cut End Strength or Dexterity 13, proficiency with at least one melee weapon that deals slashing damage
Kaiju Hunter 18 Strength
Kamikaze Con or Str of 13 or higher
Karate basic A dexterity or Strength score of 13 or higher, you must be of level 4th or higher.
Kenbunshoku Haki Wisdom 13 or higher
Ki Blaster
Ki Healer Wisdom 13 or higher
Ki Infusion Wisdom 13+
Ki Master Wisdom 13 or higher
Ki Mastery Wisdom 13 or higher
Ki Sensitive
Ki-trip Caster Ki class feature
Kiwami Heat Obtained by breaking the Project G.O.R.O. Curse.
Knowledgeable Attacker Intelligence 13 or higher
Kor Hookmaster
Kyuudou Master
Kōjin Cherufe Transfiguration and 18th level
Lance Master
Lance-a-lot Proficiency with Lances
Lancer Proficiency with a lance
Lancer, Variant Proficiency with a lance
Language Barrier Ability to speak an exotic language.
Large Strider Large size or larger; Dexterity 13 or higher
Large Weapon Master Strength or Dexterity 15 or higher
Large Weapon Master, Variant Strength 13
Last Breath
Last Stitch Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Lead from the Front Charisma 13 or Greater
Leaping Attacker Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or higher.
Legendary Shield Master 13 Strength or Constitution, shield proficiency
Legendary Strength Strength 13 or higher
Lethal Assassin
Lethal Attacker
Lethal Dualist
Lethal Duelist 13 Strength or 13 Dexterity
Lethal Duelist, Variant 13 Strength or 13 Dexterity
Lethal Hunter
Lethal Precision Dexterity 18 or higher, Proficiency with a ranged weapon
Lethal Puncher Dexterity and Constitution 13 or higher
Lethal Ranger
Lethal Tempo Proficiency with any simple or martial ranged weapon
Lethal Thrower
Light Armor Master Dexterity of 15 or higher, light armor proficiency
Light Feet Dexterity 13 or higher
Light Weapon Expert 13 Dex
Light Weapon Master, Variant Proficiency in a Light Weapon
Lightning Fists Dexterity and Wisdom 13 or higher,
Lightning Focus The ability to cast at least one spell
Lightning Runner Dexterity of 13 or higher
Lightning Spell Master The ability to cast at least one spell, Intelligence, Wisdom and/or Charisma of 18 or higher.
Lightsaber Master Proficiency in lightsabers
Like a Lion Charisma 13 or higher
Limited Magic Resistance 11th level, the ability to cast at least one spell
Longsword Master Proficient with Longswords
Longswordsman Proficient with Longswords
Lost Tradition The ability to cast at least one spell
Lumberjack Strength and Constitution 13 or Higher
Machine Gun Specialist Proficiency in Firearms
Machine Gunner proficiency with firearms
Mad Smasher Strength 13 or higher
Madness is Genius Madness, or a broken mind
Mageseeker Adept Proficiency with Martial Weapons and an Intelligence Score of 12 or higher
Magic Flight Master The ability to cast a spell that grants flying speed.
Magic Hater Not having the spellcasting feature, not be able to cast spells.
Magic Material Exemption The ability to cast at least one spell with material components that have a cost
Magic Missile Master Ability to cast magic missile
Magic Resistance You cannot have a spellcasting feature.
Magic Warder The ability to cast at least one spell
Magical Insight The ability to cast at least one spell
Magical Striker 13 in Strength or Dexterity, ability to cast at least one damaging magical spell. May be used by Monk class
Magically Resistant Constitution or Wisdom 13 or higher
Magis The ability to cast at least one spell.
Mana Burst Constitution 15 or higher
Mana Reservoir Spellcasting, at least one spellslot of first level
Marathoner Strength and Constitution 13 or higher
Mark Reinforcer Any type of marks, both cantrips and spells are allowed.
Marked Target An ability or spell that allows you to mark a target.
Marksman Dexterity 13 or higher, Proficiency with bows
Martial Artist Dexterity 13
Martial Arts Expert Strength 15 and Dexterity 15 or higher
Martial Arts Master Wisdom 13 or higher
Martial Arts Prodigy Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Martial Cadence
Martial Caster Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Martial Master At least one superiority die
Martial Poise
Martial Training A Martial Weapon
Martyr Access to at least one spell from the paladin's or cleric's list.
Master Archer Dexterity 13 or higher
Master At Arms Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Master Attacker Proficiency with all martial weapons
Master Bomber
Master Caster The ability to cast a 1st level Spell.
Master Dodger a dexterity of 14 or higher
Master Healer Wisdom 15 or higher
Master Manipulator The ability to use a feature or cast a spell that inflicts the Charmed condition
Master Marksman Wisdom score 13 or higher and Dexterity score 15 or higher
Master Necromancer _The ability to cast a spell or cantrip_
Master of a Thousand Cuts Proficiency with a Finesse weapon
Master of Concentration 10th Level, the ability to cast at least one spell
Master of Constellations 8th level Druid, Circle of Stars
Master of Darkness The ability to cast a necromancy spell or be an undead
Master of Fists Dexterity 15 and Strength 15
Master of Lycanthropy
Master of Measure Dexterity 13 or higher
Master of Mounts Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or higher
Master of Spellcasting The ability to cast at lest one spell
Master of Strength Ki Strength 13 or higher
Master of the Body any ability score of 17 or higher
Master of the Deep Proficiency with martial weapons
Master of the Open Hand none
Master Recuperator 15 Constitution or more
Master Reloader
Mastered Critical Str 18 and Dex 18
Mastery of the Mind Be capable of casting concentration spells.
Matrix Motions Dexterity 15
Maul Master Proficiency with Mauls
Melee Brute Strength 13 or higher
Memories of War Intelligence 18, Proficiency with simple weapons
Mental Agility Intelligence 13 or greater
Merciful Mage The ability to cast at least one spell
Metallic Caster The ability to cast earth-based spells.
Metamagic Master, Variant the ability to cast spells
Metamagic Specialist Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Metamagician The ability to cast at least one spell
Mighty Blows Strength 18 or above
Mighty caster The ability to cast a 1st level Spell.
Mighty Smiter Strength 13 or higher, Spell Slots
Military Parader Proficiency with and combat experience with Polearms*, Strength and Dexterity score 13 or higher.
Mind Break Berserk Mode Constitution 14 or higher
Mind Electric
Mind Flayer Slayer Wisdom 13 or higher
Minor Barbarian 13 Strength and 13 Consituion, doesn't already have the Rage feature.
Minor Cleric Wisdom 13 or higher
Minor Elementalist Ability to cast at least one spell
Minor Paladin
Minor Rogue Dexterity 13 or higher
Minor Wizard Intelligence 13 or higher
Mithridatism Constitution 13 or higher
Mix Magic Ability to cast spells
Mobile Healer The ability to cast at least one spell that restores Hit Points.
Moments of Heroism An ability score at or above 13
Momentum 13 Strength or 13 Dexterity
Momentum Conserver Proficiency with glaives, greataxes, greatswords, halberds, mauls, and pikes.
Momentum Hitter 16 Dex or higher
Momentum Striker
Monk Initiate
Monstrous Strength Strength 13,
Morningstar Star Paladin or Cleric
Mortal Draw Dexterity 13 or higher
Mount Master
Mounted Crusader
Multi-Attacker Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Multi-Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Multi-Faceted 10th level or higher, Cannot have multiclassed
Multi-Multi-Multi-Attacker Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Multi-Summoner Spellcasting, the ability to summon at least one creature
Multi-Tasker, Variant
Multiattacker Extra attack feature.
Multicasting Intelligence 17+, Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Multitasking Fighter having the multiclass prerequisites of the targeted class
Murderer of Legends 8th level, 20 in at least 1 ability score
Muscle Magic Constitution 13, Wisdom 13
Mute Magus The ability to cast at least one spell
MyFeat dead have a deity from the death or life domain, have spellcasting, have prior conflict with a god
Mystic Initiate Intelligence 13 or higher
Mystical Archer The ability to cast at least one spell.
Mystically Minded
Natural Attacker
Natural Hider
Natural Regeneration Constitution 13 or higher
Nature Attuned Shapeshift Must be able to shapeshift (with any type of ability).
Necroknight Ability to cast a Necromancy spell
Necromancer The ability to cast a necromancy spell
Necropotent Spellcaster The ability to cast at least one necromancy spell
Necrotic Master The ability to cast a spell that deals necrotic damage.
Necrotic Mastery Ability to cast necromancy spells
Net Master Proficiency with Nets
Night Hunter darkvision
Nimble Brawn
Nimble Fighter Dexterity of 13 or higher
Notch Additional Arrow Dexterity 14 (+4 to take this feat again)
Obliterating Strike 12th Level, 18 or higher Dexterity, Sneak Attack
Off-Hand Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Offensive Defender 13 Strength, 13 Constitution
Offensive Duelist
Offensive Duelist, Variant Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 or higher
Ominous Warrior Strength 13 or higher
Omniscient Readers Viewpoint Intelligence 14 or higher
One Armed Master
One For All Strength 17 or higher, Constitution 14 or higher, level 7 or higher
One Who Walks in Death Constitution 9 or less
One With the Dark Evil alignment
One-armed Duelist Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
One-armed Weapon Master Strength 13 or higher
One-Handed Fighter Strength or Dexterity 15
One-Handed Weapon Master Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Opportune Attack Dexterity 13 or higher
Opportunist Intelligence 13 or higher
Opportunistic Attacker Sentinel
Opportunistic Fighter
Opportunity Shot 15 Dexterity
Oracle Intelligence or Wisdom 15 or higher
Order of Operations Lawful Alignment
Out of the Ordinary Instinct Proficiency in perception and Wisdom 16 or higher
Oven Mitts Proficiency with Cook’s Utensils
Overcharged Lightning Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, ability to deal lightning damage
Overheal 15 Wisdom or higher
Overkill None
Oversized Fighter Strength 16, Level 15
Overwhelming Magic Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, spellcasting ability of 15 or higher
Overwhelming Magic, 2nd Variant Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Overwhelming Magic, Variant Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, your spellcasting ability 18 or higher
Overwhelming Strikes 13 strength or dexterity
Pack Leader
Pact Initiate
Pact Leader none
Panache 13 Dexterity
Parry Dexterity 13 or higher
Parry Master Dexterity of 15 or higher, dual wielding
Parry Master, Variant 16 Strength 15 passive Perception
Perceptive Proficiency in Perception
Perfect Focus Wisdom 13 or higher
Perfect Striker Dexterity or Strength 13 or higher
Perfectionist Evil Alignment, 15 Str, at least level 6
Permotio Pressure Strength 15 & Wisdom 15
Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spell casting ability score of 13 or higher
Persistent Warrior Constitution of 15 or more
Personal Space Strength or a Dexterity of 13+, and a Constitution of 13+
Petty Charisma 13 or higher, vicious mockery
Phalanx Fighter
Photographic memory The ability to cast at least one spell
Physical Enhancer
Physical Spellcaster Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher, ability to cast spells
Pick Prodigy Proficiency with War Picks
Piercing Vocabulary The ability to be able to cast at least one spell
Pit Fighter Strength 13 or higher
Plague of Undeath Intelligence 13 or higher; being sick with something serious
Planeswalker Spark None
Podiatrist Wisdom 13 or higher
Poison Crafter
Poison Endurance Constitution 13 or higher
Poison Expert Dexterity or Intelligence 13 or higher
Poison User Proficiency with Poisoner's kit and Alchemist's supplies
Polearm Artist
Polearm Defender Strength 13 or higher
Polearm Master, Variant
Polearm Prodigy Dexterity score of 13 or higher, Polearm Master feat
Power Nap 13 Constitution
Power Shot
Powerful Aura
Powerful Thrower Strength 13 or higher
Precise Dexterity 13
Precise Pitcher
Precise Shot Dexterity 18 or higher, proficiency with a ranged weapon/firearm
Precise, Variant Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or higher
Precision Thrower Dexterity 13 or higher
Prepared 13 Wisdom
Presence of Mind The ability to cast at least one spell or have at least 1 Ki Point, Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher.
Pressure Point Striker
Primal Fighter
Primal Warrior Constitution 13 or higher, Strength 13 or higher
Prodigal Spellcaster Ability to cast at least one spell
Prodigal Spellcaster, Variant Ability to cast at least one spell
Prodigious Archer
Prodigious Fighter Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with at least one type of armor, weapon, or shields.
Prodigious Summoner The ability to conjure, summon, animate, call, bind, craft, control, charm, or create a creature
Prodigy Fighter Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Proficient Aggressor Dexterity 13
Psionic Adept Intelligence of 13 or higher
Psionic Caster Intelligence of 13 or higher, spellcasting
Psionic Energy Intelligence of 17 or higher, Psionic Energy dice
Psionic Master Intelligence of 13 or higher, Psionic Energy dice
Psionic Warrior Intelligence of 13 or higher, proficiency with shields
Pugilist Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Pummeler Strength 13 or higher
Punisher Strength 15 or higher
Purity of Focus
Pyroblaster Ability to cast Fireball
Pyrokinetic Intelligence 13 or higher
Pyrokinetic, 1st Variant The ability to cast at least one spell that deals fire damage.
Pyromancy The ability to cast at least one spell
Pyromania The ability to cast at least one spell that deals fire damage.
Quarterstaff Arcane The ability to cast at least one spell
Quarterstaff Channeler Ability to cast at least one spell, quarterstaff proficiency
Quarterstaff Elemental Damage The ability to cast at least one spell
Quarterstaff Wizard Attack The ability to cast at least one spell
Quick Blade Mastery Dexterity 13, proficiency in finesse weapons.
Quick Blade Proficiency Dexterity 13, proficiency in finesse weapons.
Quick Combatant
Quick Navigator
Quick on Your Feet Dexterity 13 or higher
Quick Reloader Proficiency in firearms, 13 Dexterity
Quick Spell The ability to cast at least one spell
Quick Throw
Quickdraw Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with at least one type of weapon.
Quickdraw Master Dexterity 13 or greater, proficiency with a slashing weapon
Quickening Master The ability to cast at least one spell
Quickspell Ability to cast spells.
Radiant Fist Strength or Dexterity 13 and Wisdom or Charisma 13
Radiant Healer The ability to cast spells that restore hit points.
Ragdoll Constitution and Dexterity 13 or Higher
Rage Against the Heavens
Rallying Ally Dexterity or Strength 13 or higher
Ramping Speed Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or higher
Ranged Attack Master Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with ranged weapons
Ranged Dual Wielder Dexterity 13 or higher
Ranged Magic Warrior Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Ranged Master 13 dex or higher, proficiency with simple ranged weapons and either longbows, hand crossbows or heavy crossbows
Ranged Weapon Expert Dexterity 13 or higher
Rapid Puncher The ability to make two or more unarmed strikes during a turn.
Rapid Reload Dexterity of 13 or higher
Rapid Shot Proficiency with a ranged weapon
Rapid Throw Dexterity 13 or higher
Rapier Master Proficiency with rapiers
Raven Wings 13 Dexterity, No flying speed
User:Ravenhearts Wisdom 12 or higher
Reaction Master Dexterity 15 or higher
Reaction Specialist Dexterity 18 or higher
Reactionary Dexterity 13 or higher
Reactionary Master 15+ dexterity
Reactive Caster The ability to cast at least one spell that requires your reaction
Reactive Combatant Dexterity 13 or higher
Reactive Wild Shape The ability to Wild Shape.
Reaper's Grace Proficiency with martial weapons, Charisma 16 or higher
Reckless Mage the ability to cast at least one spell
Reckless Protector Constitution 13 or higher
Recovering Addict
Red Vision
Redirection Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma of 16 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell
Redline 5th level, Constitution score of 14 or higher
Reflexive Dexterity 13 or higher
Regeneration, Variant
Reinforced Life Constitution 15, or higher
Relentless Assault
Relentless Brawler Monk, 13 Dexterity
Relentless Combatant
Relentless Fury Must use the barbarian class as the main class
Relentless Pursuant
Relentless Will 15 Wisdom
Rend Proficiency with martial weapons
Reprise Reaper Proficiency with Sickles
Resilient, Variant
Resistant Resistant to at least one damage type.
Resistive Constitution 13 or higher
Resourceful Wisdom 13 or higher
Resourceful Brawler
Retroactive Defender Dexterity, Wisdom or Strength 18
Returned From Hell Survive or get out of hell
Reversal of Fortune
Reversalist Strength 13 or higher
Ricochet Master
Rifle Spin 16 dex and 16 str
Riposte Dexterity or Wisdom of 13 or higher
Ritual Converter Ability to cast spells.
Ritual Converter, Variant Ability to cast spells, usage of a spellbook
Robust Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Rock Solid Constitution 13 or higher
Rodeo Expert
Rogue Initiate
Roguish Initiate
Roll N Reload 14 dexterity
Rookie Rogue
Rotting Blood Constitution 13 or higher
Rune Scribe Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, proficiency in the Arcana skill, proficiency with the smith's tools, and knowledge of how to write in Giant.
Running Rabbit Striking Tiger Dexterity and Wisdom 13 or higher
Sadistic Chaotic or evil alignment
Sadistic Warrior non good alignment, 16 Constitution
Sadistic, Variant Dexterity or Strength 15 or higher, Proficiency in martial weapons.
Safe Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
Sagacious Stepper Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Salty Charisma 13 or higher
Salvation Wisdom 13 or higher
Sapper Proficiency in alchemist's supplies
Savage Spellcaster Ability to cast at least one spell. Ability score of 13 in either WIS, INT, or CHA.
Saving Expertise
Savior Charisma 13 or higher
Schadenfreudist Constitution 13
Scholomancer The ability to cast at least one spell
Scimitar Skirmisher Proficiency with Scimitars
Scope Adept The ability to cast at least one spell
Scornful Psion
Scythe Mastery Strength 13 or higher
Scythe Wielder None
Secondary Archetype Initiate
Seismic Stomper Constitution 13 or higher
Self Healing Constitution 13 or higher
Shadow Blade Expert Be able to cast the spell Shadow blade
Shadow Caster Ability to cast at least one spell
Shadow Lich 13+ Charisma
Shadow Lord ability to cast a necromancy spell
Shadow Lord, Variant
Shadow Vanish
Shaper of Earth Knows the mold earth cantrip
Shaper of Fire Knows the control flames cantrip
Shaper of Water Knows the shape water cantrip
Sharpshooter, Variant Proficiency with weapons with the range property
Shield Bearer Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Shield Champion Strength and Constitution 13 or higher, proficiency with shields.
Shield Channeler The ability to cast at least one spell.
Shield Charger Strength 13
Shield Crusher Strength 13 or higher
Shield Fighter Strength 13 or higher, proficiency with shields.
Shield Guardian Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Shield Juggernaut Strength 13 or higher.
Shield Knight Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Shield Mage Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Shield Magic Fighter Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Shield Master, 2nd Variant Shield Proficiency
Shield Master, Revised
Shield Master, Variant
Shield Surfer Dexterity 13 or higher
Shield Tank Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher.
Shield Wall Proficiency with Shields
Shillelagh Savant
Shoot n' Cast The ability to cast at least one spell, (Dexterity) 13 or higher
Short Rest Expert
Short Shortswordsman Size Small or Tiny
Shotgun Expert proficiency with firearms
Shotgun Expert, Variant Prerequisites: proficiency with firearms
Siege Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
Siege Warrior Strength 13
Siege Weapon Master
Signature Move Have a feature that requires spell slots or recharge on rest.
Silent Killer Dexterity 13 or higher
Silent Performance Ability to cast at least 1 spell and play at least 1 instrument
Simple Weapons Expert none
Siphoning Ki monk level 5
Skilled Deflection Dex 14, Deflect Missiles or similar class feature
Skirmisher Dexterity 15 or higher
Sky Hammer proficiency in at least one martial melee weapon
Sky Hunter Dexterity of 13
Slam Fire 18 str
Slaves Champion
Slice N Dice!
Sling Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Sling Mastery
Slippery Dexterity 15
Slow Reflexes CON 8 or more, DEX 8 or less
Smiting Initiate Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, Proficiency in Simple and/or Martial Weapons
Smiting Warrior Proficiency with at least one martial melee weapon
Snap Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Snap Shooter Dexterity or Strength of 13 or higher
Sneaky Slash Master 13 Dexterity or higher, and a [Slashing Weapon]
Sniper Dexterity 13 or higher
Sniper Range Spree Dexterity 13 or higher
Soaking Ki
Sonic Fist Strength or Dexterity 13 and Wisdom or Charisma 13
Sonic Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Sonumancy ability to cast at least one spell
Sorcerer Adept The Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature.
Sorcerous Emergence the ability to cast at least one spell
Sorcerous Slinger Proficiency with Slings, ability to cast at least one spell
Soul Siphoner the ability to deal necrotic damage
Spark of Life Tool Proficiency with Smith's tools, Mason's tools, Carpenter's tools or Woodcarver's tools
Spatial Awareness
Spearmaster Proficiency with Spears, Strength of 15 or Dexterity of 19
Speed Kills Dexterity 18 or higher
Spell Expertise the ability to cast spells
Spell Expertise, Variant the ability to cast spells
Spell Master, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
Spell Slash The ability to cast one spell of 1st level or higher
Spell Stalker Proficiency with Arcana and Stealth
Spell Thief the ability to cast at least one spell
Spell Travel Spellcasting
Spell Weapon The ability to cast at least one spell
Spellbane Abjurer Intelligence 13 or higher, The ability to cast at least one spell
Spellblade Strength or Dexterity 15 or higher; Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 15 or higher; the ability to cast at least one cantrip
Spellbound Archer Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or higher
Spellcasting Affinity The ability to cast at least one spell
Spellcraft Specialization The ability to cast at least one spell.
Spellflair The ability to cast at least one spell
Spiked Chain Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Spirit Firearms Dexterity 13
Sprinter Strength and Constitution 13 or higher
Spry Dexterity 13
Staff Master
Staggering Blow Strength 13 or higher
Staggering Critical
Stalker 16 or higher in Dexterity, Proficiency or Expertise in Perception.
Startosser Dexterity 13 or higher
Static Saunter 13 Dex, the ability to cast at least one spell
Stave Scrapper Proficiency with Quarterstaffs
Stealthy Dexterity 13 or higher
Stealthy Assassin Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency in Stealth
Stealthy, Variant Dexterity 13 or higher
Steed Master Proficiency in Animal Handling
Steel Body Constitution and Strength 13 or higher.
Steeled Resolve Constitution or Wisdom 13+, Proficiency in Survival
Sticky Feet Dexterity 15 or higher
Sticky Fingers Dexterity 13+, Sleight of Hand proficiency
Stone Monkey
Stonebark Ability to cast Barkskin and Stoneskin
Storm Powered Dexterity 15 and the ability to deal lightning damage.
Strategic Strike Dexterity 13 or higher
Street Fighter A d4 or greater unarmed strike damage die.
Strength of Iron No spellcasting
Strong Fighter Strength 13 or higher
Strongarm Strength 13 or higher
Strongest Fighter Strength 13 or higher
Stubborn Warrior Strength or Constitution 13 or higher
Student of the Arcane Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature, Intelligence of 13 or higher
Studious Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Sturdy Constitution or Strength 13 or higher
Stylized Combatant Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Suave Soldier Charisma 13 or higher
Subduer Strength 12
Subtle Spellcaster, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
Summit of Strength Strength score of 13 or higher
Summoners Domain Spellcasting, the ability to summon at least one creature
Summoning Savant the ability to cast at least one conjuration spell
Sumo Body Str & Con 15
Super Alert 18+ Dexterity, Alert feat
Super Breath Ability to use a breath weapon,
Super Counter Dexterity 13 or higher.
Super Exploder
Superior Critical Level 14 or higher, Improved Criticals
Superior Evasion Dexterity 13 or higher
Superior Genetics a race with two or more subraces
Superior Great Weapon Training Strength 15 or more
Superior Reflexes Dexterity 18 or higher
Superior Unarmored Defense Wisdom 13, Dex 13
Supernatural Conditioning Constitution 19 or higher
Supernaturally Strong Strength score of 13 or higher
Support Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Supreme Great Weapon Master
Supreme Stealth 16 dexterity, stealth proficiency
Supreme Two-Weapon Fighting Dexterity 20 or higher
Surging Adrenaline
Survivor Constitution 13 or higher
Sweeper 13 or higher Strength or Dexterity
Swift Dexterity 13 or higher
Swift Defender Dexterity 13 or higher
Swift Executioner of the Night and Sky A permanent flying speed, Dexterity 13 or higher.
Swift Movement Dexterity of 13 or more
Swift Strike Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Swift Striker Dexterity 15 or higher
Swift Wind Dexterity of 13 or higher
Sword and Board Strength 13 or higher
Sword and Shield Master Proficiency with one-handed swords, shields
Sword Expert Proficiency with double-bladed scimitars, greatswords, longswords, rapiers, scimitars, and shortswords.
Sword Master
Symbiotic Swarm
Synchronized Combat Have an ally under your control, such as a summoned creature.
Synchronized Hearts (Pets) Have at least 1 Pet or Familiar, Animal Handling Proficiency, Wisdom 15
Tank Constitution 13 or higher
Tanky Constitution 13 or higher
Taste of Blood Constitution score of 14 or higher
Taste of Blood, Variant Constitution score of 14 or higher
Taunting Aura Charisma 13 or higher
Taurus Health Constitution 16 or higher
Tavern Brawler, Variant 16 str
Team Fighter
Technician Must be able to cast at least one 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell
Telekinetic Poltergeist Intelligence 13 or higher, able to cast Mage Hand
Telekinetic, Variant
Tempest Strength or Dexterity Score of 13 or higher.
Temporal Ki Wisdom of 15
Tendrils Must be an abberation
Terrifying Charisma 13, & Strength13 or more
Terrifying Predator Charisma 13, Strength/Dex 13
Terrifying Presence Charisma 13 or higher OR Proficiency in Intimidation
Terroriser Strength 13, and Charisma 13
Terrorizing 13 Charisma
The Grappler Strength 16 & Dexterity 16 scores.
The Human Spirit Constitution 16 or higher, human race
The Swallow Dex 13, Wis 13, unarmed strike proficiency
The Wise Brawler Wisdom of 13 or higher
Thick Skin Strength and Constitution 13 or higher
Third Hand Marksman Access to the mage hand spell, Dexterity 13 or higher.
Thorny Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Three Swords Style Strength or Dexterity of 15 or higher
Thrifty Caster The ability to cast at least one spell
Throat Strike proficiency in Medicine, proficiency with Unarmed Strikes, Sneak Attack +3d6
Throw Object Str or Dex 15
Thrower Strength 13
Throwing Expert Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Throwing Master Dexterity or Strength 13 or higher
Throwing Weapon Master
Thunder Master The ability to cast at least one spell.
Thunder Warrior Strength 13 or higher
Tide of Iron
Tiny Titan Size medium or small
Tireless Strength, charisma or Constitution 13 or higher
Titan's Grip Strength 19 or higher
Titan's Resistance Constitution 13 or higher
Titan's Strength Strength 15 or higher
Titanborn Strength and Constitution score of 13 or higher
Titanborn, Variant Constitution 16, Strength 16
Titanic Dual Wielding Strength 18, Size Medium or Larger
Titanic Wielder Strength 13 or higher, Constitution 13 or higher
Titans Grip Requirement: 20 Strength
Touch Spell Master the ability to cast at least one spell with a range of touch that requires an attack roll or saving throw
Tough Body
Tough Guy Constitution 16.
Tough Unarmored Defense Unarmored Defense
Toughened Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Trained Regular Infantryman
Trained Sight
Trained to Survive You must use the rangers class or have the rangers multi-class
Trample size of Medium or greater
Transmutation Elder The ability to cast at least one spell.
Triage Templar Wisdom 15 or higher, Proficiency with Medicine
Trick Arrows Crafter Be at least Level 4 or higher, Proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies or Tinker's tools, and Intelligence of 13 or higher
Trick Shooter Proficiency with at least one ranged weapon, Ability to cast at least one spell
Trident Master Proficiency with tridents
Trident Technician Proficiency with Tridents
Trophy Collector
True Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
True Critical
True Flight
True Great Weapon Mastery Strength 18, Great Weapon Fighting Style
True Protector Constitution 13 or higher
True Shapechanger Changeling
Truth Seer Proficiency with Insight
Twilight Templar Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher
Two Dagger Fighter Dexterity 13 or higher
Two Handed Critical Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Two Handed Fighter 15 strength, proficiency with a weapon with the two-handed or versatile property
Two Weapon Fighting Connoisseur Strength 13 or Dexterity 13, Extra Attack
Two Weapon Slayer The Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style.
Two-Handed Weaponmaster Strength 13 or higher
Two-Weapon Grandmaster Dexterity 20
Two-Weapon Master
Ultimate Bond The ability to conjure creatures to fight by your side through class features or spells
Ultimate Durability Constitution 13 or higher
Ultimate Intellect Intelligence 13 or higher
Ultimate Mender The ability to cast the mending cantrip
Ultimate Opportunist Dexterity 13 or higher
Unarmed Elemental Augmentation The ability to cast at least one spell or cantrip
Unarmed Expert Strength score 13 or higher
Unarmed Master
Unarmed Master, 1st Variant 13 Strength or 13 Dexterity
Unarmored Arcanist The ability to cast at least one spell.
Unarmored Defense Expert Dexterity score of 13 or higher.
Unarmored Defense Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Unarmored Fighter Dexterity and your "Chosen Ability" 13 or higher
Unarmored Magus
Unarmored Mastery having at least 1-st level in two different classes
Unarmored Resiliance 13 Dexterity
Unarmored Senses Unarmored Defense feature, Dexterity 13 or higher
Unarmored Warrior Dexterity or Strength 13 or higher
Unassuming Strength 15str and Grappler feat
Unattuned Proficiency bonus +3 or higher
Unbound Strength Strength score 13 or higher
Uncanny Brawn Strength 13 or higher
Uncanny Finesse Dexterity 15 or higher
Unflinching Drive
Unga Bunga Strength 13 or Higher, Intelligence 7 or Less
Unique Spell Focus Ability to cast at least 1 spell.
Unique Weapon Mastery Proficiency with a weapon. A Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Unkillable Constitution 13 or higher
Unnatural Vitality Ability to deal necrotic damage
Unparalleled Duelist 13 Dexterity
Unseen Predator
Unseen Threat
Unshakable Caster the ability to cast at least one spell
Unstoppable Strength 15 or higher
Unstoppable Critical 18 or more in Strength or Dexterity, level 16 or higher.
Unusually Nimble
Unwieldy Strength Strength 15 or higher, proficiency with martial weapons
Unyielding Attacker
Unyielding Infliction Ability to cast Inflict Wounds spell
Unyielding Justice
Unyielding Rampart proficiency with shields
Unyielding Warrior Constitution 13 or higher
Uroborous Joy The ability to cast a spell that can restore hit points or provide temporary hit points, charisma or wisdom of 13 or higher, level 4.
Valkyrie Dexterity 13 or higher and a permanent flying speed
Vengeance Striker
Versatile Anger Must be able to Rage, Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature.
Versatile Combatant Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Versatile Combatant, Variant 13 Strength and Dexterity
Versatile Weapon Master 13 Dexterity, 13 Wisdom
Versatile Weapon Master, Variant 13 Strength, 13 Dexterity
Very Defensive Duelist Defensive Duelist feat, Dexterity 16 or higher
Very Lightly Armored Proficiency with light armor
Veteran Spearman 13 Strength or Dexterity
Veteran Warrior Strength or Dexterity 13
Vexer Ability to cast spells.
Vicious Spell Ability to cast at least 1 spell.
Vicious Spell, Variant Ability to cast at least one spell with a saving throw
Vigilant Ki Wisdom 13 or higher, proficient in perception
Visionary Spellcasting
Vital Soul Constitution 16
Vital Striker Dexterity 13 or higher
Vital Warrior Constitution 13 or higher
Vow of Mastery 20 Charisma, spellcasting (partial or full does not matter)
Vowed to the Blade Dexterity 13 or higher
Wand Master
War Mage, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
War Trained
Warcaster, 2nd Variant The ability to cast at at least one spell
Warcaster, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell, Two-Weapon fighting style
Ward Breaker Intelligence 13 or higher
Warhammer Mastery Proficiency with Warhammers
Warpath Constitution 13 or higher
Warrior's Riposte 4th level; fighter, paladin, or barbarian
Warsage Intelligence 13
Watchful Eye
Weak of Body, Strong of Mind Strength 7 or less, Intelligence 13 or Higher
Weapon Binder The ability to cast spells.
Weapon Channeler The ability to cast at least one spell, Strength or Dexterity of 13 or higher
Weapon Density Manipulation WIS 14 or INT 14 or CHA 14
Weapon Expert See below
Weapon Lord proficiency with martial weapons
Weapon Lord, Variant proficiency with martial weapons
Weapon Master, 2nd Variant
Weapon Master, 3rd Variant
Weapon Master, 4th Variant
Weapon Master, 5th Variant Strength 13 or Dexterity 13
Weapon Recall Bound Weapon
Weapon Specialist Proficiency with martial weapons
Weapon Specialist, Variant
Weapon Specialization Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
Weapon Throwing Master Dexterity 15
Well Concentrated The ability to cast at least one spell
Wheel of Chance Nothing is required to take this. *You meet a cloaked figure in a location you can't recall. He asks you if you feel lucky and offers you a deal. Now do you take it?
Whip Master Proficiency with Whips
Whip Master, Variant
Whip Suzerain proficiency with whips
Whip Trick Master Proficiency with whips
Whirling Striker Strength 13 or higher
Wild Adaptations Wild Shape / restrictions= Cannot be a Circle of the Moon Druid.
Wild Speech Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Wind Wheel Strength and Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency with martial melee weapons
Windlord Ability to fly (natural or through magic)
Windy Ki
Winter Mage The ability to cast at least one spell that deals cold damage, and cannot be a cleric or paladin
Wisdom-Bound Warrior Wisdom 13, Proficiency with martial weapons
Wise Archer Wisdom 13 and proficiency with ranged weapons
Wish Power Charisma 13 or higher
Witcher Enhanced Strength or Intelligence 13 or higher
Without Fear Haunted One Background
Wizard's Practice Dummy level 8
Wrestler Proficiency in Athletics
Yang Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher, Neutral or Good Alignment
Yin Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher, Neutral or Evil Alignment
Zenith Talent Ability score of 20
Zhi ge Dexterity 13 or higher

Discovery Feats

Feats that improve ways of handling locations, investigating or travel.

Feat Prerequisites
Absolute Strength Strength of 13 or higher.
Adaptive Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Adept Enchanter Intelligence 15 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Alternate Progression Must have a multiclass or subclass
Arcane Athlete The ability to cast at least one spell, Dexterity or Strength of 13 or higher
Arcane Mergence Able to cast 3rd level spells
Artificer Infusion Adept Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Artistic Soul
Ascendant Spellcaster 18 Intelligence, 18 Wisdom, or 18 Charisma or the ability to cast at least one 6th level spell
Attunement Breaker Level 8
Barbaric Buff Intelligence 13 or higher
Beast Shifter Seen at least one beast
Beating Heart
Bestial Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Blind But Not Broken Passive Perception 13
Blind Savant No natural vision
Blindsighted Wisdom 13 or higher
BLJ Initiate Dexterity 13 or higher, or alternatively a 4th level Plumber
Blood Magic Spellcasting
Body Booster
Brainiac Intelligence 13 or higher
Cantrip Collector The ability to cast at least one spell.
Cat Napper
Chronicler Level 8, proficiency in History
City Dweller
Closed Mind = Closed Fortress Wisdom 13, or madness
Common Ritualist
Craftsman of Faeria
Crystal Eyes Passive Perception 14
Curse Expert
Dexterity Master Dexterity 13 or higher
Diviner Wisdom 13 or higher, Spell Slots
Doctor Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Druidic Disciple Proficiency in Nature and Religion
Dryad's Subtlety Proficiency with Nature and Stealth
Eldritch Enticement Character Level 4 or higher
Eldtritch Adept Character Level 4 or higher
Erudite Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Experienced Historian Have Expertise in history (have your proficiency doubled) or have 15 INT
Extra-Dimensionally Resonant Any Alignment
Extremely Proficient 17 or higher in any Ability Score
Fast Learner, Variant
Fast Movement
Favor of the Wind Constitution, Wisdom or Intelligence 13
Fiddler on the Roof Proficiency with the Viol
Focused Practiser
Force of Inspiration Charisma 13 or higher and the ability to cast at least one spell.
Free Diver
Free Runner 11 Dexterity
From the Shadows
God of the Forge
Grand Leaper Strength 13 or higher, either a running long jump distance of 15 feet or greater or a running high jump distance of 5 feet or greater
Grand Performer proficency in performance and acrobatics
Heated Caster The ability to cast at least fire-based spells.
Helpful Hallucinations Madness or a broken mind
High Jumper
Idiot Savant Intelligence score 8 or lower
Improved Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spellcasting ability score of 13 or higher, Persistent Spell ( https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Persistent_Spell_(5e_Feat) )
Innate Talent
Intellectual Musician Intelligence 13
Intuitive Mind Intelligence 13 or higher
Ivory Tower Intellectual Intelligence 13 or higher
Keen Mind, 2nd Variant
Keen Mind, Variant
Kenbunshoku Haki Wisdom 13 or higher
Light Sleeper Constitution or Intelligence of 13 or higher
Literature Professor
Magic Flight Master The ability to cast a spell that grants flying speed.
Marked Target An ability or spell that allows you to mark a target.
Master Blacksmith Proficiency with smith's tools
Master Chef Character level 10, Wisdom or Constitution 18 or higher, proficiency in cook's utensil's.
Master Enchanter Adept Enchanter feat
Medicinal Ecologist Proficiency with Nature, Medicine, and the Herbalism Kit
Metallic Caster The ability to cast earth-based spells.
Minor Druid Wisdom 13 or higher
Minor Rogue Dexterity 13 or higher
Moments of Heroism An ability score at or above 13
Monstrous Strength Strength 13,
Monstrous Superior Surgery Dexterity 16, Wisdom 16, proficiency in perception and intuition
MyFeat dead have a deity from the death or life domain, have spellcasting, have prior conflict with a god
Natural Arcanist Proficiency with Arcana and Nature
Nature Sanctuary Ability to cast Druid Grove
Night Owl
Night Owl, Variant
Nimble Leaper Dexterity 13 or higher
Occult Vision Darkvision or Superior Darkvision
Old Sea Dog Proficiency in water vehicles
Oracle Intelligence or Wisdom 15 or higher
Paragon You must have received a +2 racial bonus in one ability score at 1st-level.
Paranoid Wisdom 13 or higher
Parkourist Dex 15 or higher, Str 12 or higher, proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Perceptive Proficiency in Perception
Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spell casting ability score of 13 or higher
Planeswalker Spark None
Podiatrist Wisdom 13 or higher
Polymath Proficiency in Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion
Prescient Preparer Intelligence 13 or higher
Primal Agility Dexterity 13 or higher
Primal Warrior Constitution 13 or higher, Strength 13 or higher
Quick Learner
Ramping Speed Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or higher
Rapid Ritual Deployment Wisdom or Intelligence score of 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell as a ritual
Raven Wings 13 Dexterity, No flying speed
Relentless Pursuant
Reliable Talent
Resourceful Necromancer The ability to cast at least one spell
Rest Expert Constitution 13 or higher
Reversal of Fortune
Rookie Ranger Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher
Rookie Rogue
Safety Net Proficiency with Acrobatics
Sagacious Stepper Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Scholar of the Ancients Intelligence 13
Seismic Sense Proficiency in Perception
Self Healing Constitution 13 or higher
Shadow Vanish
Shapeshifting Master
Skillful Summoner The ability to conjure, summon, animate, or craft a creature.
Skirmisher Dexterity 15 or higher
Spatial Awareness
Stair Ambulator hooves, or a steed with hooves
Static Saunter 13 Dex, the ability to cast at least one spell
Stealthy, Variant Dexterity 13 or higher
Student of Theft Dexterity 13 or higher
Supernatural Survivor level 8 or higher, 13 constitution and 13 wisdom
Supersonic Speed
Teamster Proficiency with Land Vehicles
Temple Raider
The Apprentice Intelligence 13 or higher
Thirty/Thirty Vision Wisdom score of 30 or lower
Tireless Strength, charisma or Constitution 13 or higher
Track Star Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or higher
Trained Sight
Tree Hugger Good Alignment
Triathlete Mobile or Proficiency with Athletics
True Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
True Flight
True Sense Wisdom 15 or higher
Un-Aging Must be a creature which physically ages, and can potentially die from aging.
Unarmed Master
Unattuned Proficiency bonus +3 or higher
Unseen Predator
Urban Scout
Vegan Ki Wisdom 13 or Higher
Vigilante Charisma 13 or higher
Way of Water Strength and Dexterity 13 or higher
Weathered Individual
Weave Realtor The ability to cast at least one spell.
Wild Adaptations Wild Shape / restrictions= Cannot be a Circle of the Moon Druid.
Wish Power Charisma 13 or higher
Witch Doctor Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher

Interaction Feats

Feats that improve the way you deal with objects and other creatures.

Feat Prerequisites
Alarming Presence
Alert, 2nd Variant
Alpha Chaotic alignment
Alpha Familiar The ability to cast at least one spell
Alter Ego Kalashtar
Alternate Progression Must have a multiclass or subclass
Amateur Artificer Intelligence 13 or higher
Amateur Necromancer Intelligence score of 13 or higher
Anatomy Expert Intelligence or Wisdom score of 13 or higher
Angelic Shape be marked by a Fiend or Celestial, or be a Fiend or Celestial
Animal Companion
Arcane Abeyance The ability to cast at least one 4th level spell
Arcane Archer. Ability to cast at least one spell
Arcane Destruction Level 4, spellcaster Wizard, Sorcerer or Warlock, proficiency with any ranged weapon
Arcane Hand Mage Hand cantrip.
Arcane Meditation Wizard
Arcane Transcriber Intelligence 13, ability to cast at least one spell (excluding Wizards)
Arcane Trinketeer Intelligence 14 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell
Arch Necromancer Intelligence 20 or higher, The ability to cast a necromancy spell
Armor Master Strength 13 or higher
Armored One Constitution 13 or higher
Art Analyst Intelligence and Wisdom 15 or higher
Artful Dodger Proficiency with Performance
Artifact Master
Artificery Adorer Intelligence 15 or higher
Artistic Soul
Ascendant Spellcaster 18 Intelligence, 18 Wisdom, or 18 Charisma or the ability to cast at least one 6th level spell
Ascetic Intelligence or Wisdom of 13 or higher
Attunement Breaker Level 8
Augment Healing Wisdom 13 or higher, Proficiency in Medicine
Bardic Adept
Base Cunning Intelligence score of 12 or lower
Bearer of Strength Strength 13 or higher
Beating Heart
Beautiful Ward Charisma of 13 or higher
Belligerent Grasper Must be able to Rage
Bestowed Blessing
Blessed Healer Wisdom 13 or higher
Blood Construct Creator Way of The Blood Manipulation
Blood Mage Level 10, Ability to cast at least one spell
Bound familiar
Brainiac Intelligence 13 or higher
Burning Soul Charisma 13 or higher
Business Owner
Butcher, Variant Dexterity 13 or Higher
Cannoneer Dexterity 13
Cantrip Amplifier The ability to cast at least one spell
Chain Potion Guzzler Not a construct or undead
Champion of the Gods Good alignment, level 15 or higher
Chronicler Level 8, proficiency in History
Chuunibyo Charisma 15 or higher
Clashing Ideals Chaotic or Lawful alignment
Class Skill Mastery
Closed Mind = Closed Fortress Wisdom 13, or madness
Companion Charisma 13 or higher
Compatibility The ability to cast at least one spell
Concentrated Caster the ability to cast a spell that requires concentration
Conqueror's Haki Charisma score 13 or higher
Coordinator 13 Intelligence or 13 Charisma
Core Capable Ability Score of 15 or higher
Craven Cannot be immune to the frightened condition
Critical Rejuvenator The ability to cast at least one healing spell or feature
Culinary Savant Level 4, Proficiency in cook's utensil's or brewer's kit.
Curse Expert
Cursebinder Wisdom 13 or higher
Dancer 13 Dexterity or 13 Charisma
Danger Aware
Dark Master The ability to cast at least one spell.
Darkstalker Dexterity 13 or higher
Data Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Death Is Cheap None
Deceptive Charisma 13 or higher
Decomposer Countercharm class feature
Devourer At least 13 Constitution
Devourer of Snakes
Diabolist Intelligence 13 or higher
Diplomatic Immunity Charisma 15 or higher
Distracting, Variant
Divine Guidance Wisdom or Charisma 15 or higher
Doctor Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher
Dragon's Ageing
Dragonforger Proficiency with Arcana
Dreadful Command Charisma 18 or higher
Dreaming Chemist
Dynamic Weapon Master
Earthen Ki
Efficient Masseur
Eidetic Memory
Eldritch Augmentation Pact of the Blade class feature
Eldritch Blessing Charisma 13 or higher
Eldritch Connection Pact Magic
Eldritch Empowerment Pact of the Blade Class Feature
Eldritch Enticement Character Level 4 or higher
Eldritch Touched Charisma 13 or higher
Eldtritch Adept Character Level 4 or higher
Electric Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Elemental Conversion The ability to cast at least one spell
Elemental Master Archer Dexterity 13 or higher
Enchanted Voice
Enhanced Undead Can cast Animate Undead and a Wisdom or Intelligence score of 18
Enthralling Charm Charisma 13 or higher
Equestrian Expressionist Proficiency with Acrobatics, Animal Handling, and Performance
Evasive Dexterity 13 or higher
Experienced Ambassador
Experienced Rogue rogue 8th level or higher, Dexterity 18 or higher.
Expert Ability score applicable to skill must be 13 or higher
Expert Medic 15 Wisdom or higher
Expert Trapper Dexterity or Intelligence 13
Extremely Proficient 17 or higher in any Ability Score
Familiar Master Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Familiar Menagerie the ability to cast the find familiar spell
Farming Master
Farrier Proficiency with Animal Handling and Smith’s Tools
Fast Learner, Variant
Favor of the Gods
Field Surgeon 13 Wisdom
Firestarter 16 intelligence
Fitness Nut
Flaming Ki
Flesh Eater Constitution of 13 or more
Fly Free must have wings and a flying speed.
Focused Practiser
Foot-Swordsman Dexterity 13 or higher
Force of Inspiration Charisma 13 or higher and the ability to cast at least one spell.
Freaky Fish Guy/ Gal A permanent swimming speed.
Free Runner 11 Dexterity
Frosted Ki
Frugal Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
Gentle Giant Large size or larger
Getaway Driver Wisdom 13 or higher
Gift of the Myconids
Gift of Wind
Glib Tongue Charisma 13
God of the Forge
God Summoner Character of 10th level or higher
Godly Strength Strength 13 or higher
Gold into Lead Proficiency with Alchemist’s Supplies and Firearms
Grandmaster Expertise with a skill or tool
Great Armed Wizard Ability to cast spells
Gruesome Combatant Strength or Charisma score of 15 or higher
Gunpowder Expert Dexterity 13 or higher
Hand Strike Master A d4 or greater unarmed strike damage die.
Harmonic Summoner Ability to summon one creature
Haunting Revelry Inflicted with madness
Headless Undead type
Heated Caster The ability to cast at least fire-based spells.
Heavenly Pillar Strength 20 or higher. Con 15 or higher.
Helpful Hallucinations Madness or a broken mind
Hephaestus Incarnate
Identifier Ability to cast Identify
Illusory Ki Wisdom 13 or higher
Improbable Dagger User
Improved Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spellcasting ability score of 13 or higher, Persistent Spell ( https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Persistent_Spell_(5e_Feat) )
Improving Healer Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Infusion Adept Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Infusion Initiate Spellcasting or pact magic feature
Innate Talent
Intellectual Musician Intelligence 13
Iron Palate Constitution score of 15 or higher
Irresistible 13 Charisma or higher, proficiency in Persuasion.
Jack of All Trades
Javelin Master proficiency with simple or martial weapons
Keen Eye
Ki Healer Wisdom 13 or higher
Ki Infusion Wisdom 13+
Ki Talent Wisdom 13 or higher
Lead from the Front Charisma 13 or Greater
Legendary Blacksmith
Legendary Blacksmith Pagma Strength 16, proficient in Smithing Tools
Light Sleeper Constitution or Intelligence of 13 or higher
Literature Professor
Lord of Lies Proficiency with Investigation, Insight and Deception
Madness is Genius Madness, or a broken mind
Maestro of Mastery Ability to cast Skill Empowerment
Magic Blacksmith
Magic Item Expert must have created or attuned to a magic item
Major Transmuter Minor Transmuter
Mana Reservoir Spellcasting, at least one spellslot of first level
Marine Biologist Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher
Marked Target An ability or spell that allows you to mark a target.
Master Alchemist
Master and Commander Charisma 15 or higher, Proficiency with Water Vehicles
Master Blacksmith Proficiency with smith's tools
Master Chef Character level 10, Wisdom or Constitution 18 or higher, proficiency in cook's utensil's.
Master Craftsman Proficiency in at least one type of Artisan's tools, or the Herbalism kit
Master Healer Wisdom 15 or higher
Master Manipulator The ability to use a feature or cast a spell that inflicts the Charmed condition
Master of Lycanthropy
Master of Mounts Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or higher
Master of Strength Ki Strength 13 or higher
Master of the Mind 13+ Intelligence
Master Tinkerer
Mesmeric Influence Charisma of 14 or above, and Spellcasting ability.
Metallic Caster The ability to cast earth-based spells.
Minor Artificer Intelligence 16 or higher
Minor Cleric Wisdom 13 or higher
Minor Druid Wisdom 13 or higher
Minor Transmuter Ability to cast a Transmutation spell
Minor Wizard Intelligence 13 or higher
Moments of Heroism An ability score at or above 13
Monstrous Superior Surgery Dexterity 16, Wisdom 16, proficiency in perception and intuition
Musical Trend Charisma 15 or higher, proficiency with performance.
MyFeat dead have a deity from the death or life domain, have spellcasting, have prior conflict with a god
Mystical Recovery Ability to cast spells, charisma modifiers 15
Nature Attuned Shapeshift Must be able to shapeshift (with any type of ability).
Necromancer The ability to cast a necromancy spell
Necrotic Master The ability to cast a spell that deals necrotic damage.
Necrotic Mastery Ability to cast necromancy spells
Night Hunter darkvision
Novice Bard Charisma score 13 or higher
Nuisance Charisma 13 or higher.
Occult Vision Darkvision or Superior Darkvision
Ominous Warrior Strength 13 or higher
One Man Band Charisma 18 or higher
One With the Dark Evil alignment
One-Man Band Proficiency with Performance
Onion Cutter Constitution 13 or higher
Open Minded Intelligence and Wisdom 13 or higher
Oracle Intelligence or Wisdom 15 or higher
Origami Planter Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature
Patron Initiate
Persistent Spell the ability to cast spells, spell casting ability score of 13 or higher
Persuasive Talker Charisma 15 or higher
Pet Companion
Physical Enhancer
Pickpocket Dexterity 13 or higher
Pickpocket Variant Dexterity 13 or higher
Planeswalker Spark None
Plant Controller Charisma or Wisdom 13 or higher
Poison Crafter
Poison Crafting Expert Proficiency with the poisoner's kit
Poison Eater Constitution 13
Poison Expert Dexterity or Intelligence 13 or higher
Power Transfer Must be well versed in the art of manipulating souls and or spirits
Powerlifter Strength 13 or higher
Prescient Preparer Intelligence 13 or higher
Professional Wrestler Strength 15 or higher and proficiency in athletics.
Proficient Summoner
Pure Talent None
Pyrokinetic Intelligence 13 or higher
Quick Attuner
Quick Learner
Rabble Rouser Charisma 13 or higher
Rapid Ritual Deployment Wisdom or Intelligence score of 13 or higher, the ability to cast at least one spell as a ritual
Rapid Ritualist Ability to cast at least one spell as a ritual
Reckless Protector Constitution 13 or higher
Resourceful Brawler
Resourceful Necromancer The ability to cast at least one spell
Reversal of Fortune
Ritual Killer Ability to cast a spell
Ritual Master Ability to cast at least one ritual spell
Ritual Sacrifice
Rogue Initiate
Roguish Heritage Dexterity 13 or higher.
Rookie Rogue
Rope Master
Rune Scribe Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, proficiency in the Arcana skill, proficiency with the smith's tools, and knowledge of how to write in Giant.
Sacrifice Constitution 15, You must have taken damage from a demon
Scholar of the Ancients Intelligence 13
Seismic Sense Proficiency in Perception
Shaper of Earth Knows the mold earth cantrip
Shaper of Fire Knows the control flames cantrip
Shaper of Water Knows the shape water cantrip
Shared Knowledge Intelligence 13 or higher
Shepherd Wisdom 13 or higher
Siege Warrior Strength 13
Silver Tongued Charisma 13 or higher
Silver Tongued Devil Charisma 18 or higher, 6th level bard
Simulate Magic Item Proficiency in the tools needed to create the chosen item, ability to cast spells, and Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher.
Skilled Thief proficiency in Stealth or Sleight of Hand, proficiency with the thieve's tools
Skillful Summoner The ability to conjure, summon, animate, or craft a creature.
Sling Mastery
Smithing Adept Intelligence 13 or higher, or Strength 13 or higher, and proficiency with smith's tools
Smiting Initiate Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, Proficiency in Simple and/or Martial Weapons
Soaking Ki
Soothsayer Charisma or Wisdom 13 or higher
Sorcerous Emergence the ability to cast at least one spell
Sorcerous Sender Ability to cast Sending
Speed Crafter Proficiency in at least 3 tools
Spell Expertise, Variant the ability to cast spells
Spell Knot Spellcasting ability modifier of 13 or higher
Spell Scroll Crafter Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature
Spell Thief the ability to cast at least one spell
Spell Unraveller Proficiency with Arcana
Spellcraft Specialization The ability to cast at least one spell.
Spellweaver Proficiency with Arcana and Weaver’s Tools
Spirit Medium Wisdom 13 or Higher
Starving Artist Charisma 15 or higher, Constitution 9 or less
Steadfast Summoner
Stealthy Assassin Dexterity 13 or higher, proficiency in Stealth
Steed Master Proficiency in Animal Handling
Sticky Fingers Dexterity 13+, Sleight of Hand proficiency
Stone Feather Constitution score 13 or higher
Street Fighter A d4 or greater unarmed strike damage die.
Striking Looks Charisma 13 or higher
Student of Theft Dexterity 13 or higher
Subtle Spellcaster, Variant The ability to cast at least one spell
Superior Genetics a race with two or more subraces
Supernatural Survivor level 8 or higher, 13 constitution and 13 wisdom
Superpowers Оne ability score of 15 or more
Supersonic Speed
Surgeon's Presence Expertise with Surgeon's Supplies, Healer's Kit, or equivalent.
Synchronized Combat Have an ally under your control, such as a summoned creature.
Synchronized Hearts (Pets) Have at least 1 Pet or Familiar, Animal Handling Proficiency, Wisdom 15
Talented Youngster You've leveled up at least 4 times while playing the character.
Tattoo Thaumaturge Proficiency in Arcana and Painter’s Supplies.
Technician Must be able to cast at least one 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell
Telepathic Initiate The ability to cast at least one spell
Temple Initiate Wisdom of 13 or higher, an alignment that aligns with your chosen deity
Terroriser Strength 13, and Charisma 13
Terrorizing 13 Charisma
Thirty/Thirty Vision Wisdom score of 30 or lower
Too Dumb to Fool Intelligence 14 or less
Tool Expert
Town Crier Proficiency with Performance
Trick Arrows Crafter Be at least Level 4 or higher, Proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies or Tinker's tools, and Intelligence of 13 or higher
True Caster The ability to cast at least one spell.
Truly Attuned attuned to 3 or more magic items
Truth Seer Proficiency with Insight
Ultimate Mender The ability to cast the mending cantrip
Un-Aging Must be a creature which physically ages, and can potentially die from aging.
Unassuming Strength 15str and Grappler feat
Uncanny Brawn Strength 13 or higher
Uncanny Finesse Dexterity 15 or higher
Unlimited Armory The ability to cast at least one conjuration spell
Utility Magic Caster Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence 13 or higher
Very Defensive Duelist Defensive Duelist feat, Dexterity 16 or higher
Veterinarian Wisdom 15 or higher
Vocal Mastery At least one level in Bard
Voice of Hraak Azul
Vow of Mastery 20 Charisma, spellcasting (partial or full does not matter)
Warlord Strength 15 or higher
Weapon Recall Bound Weapon
Whip Trick Master Proficiency with whips
Wide Eyed Proficient in Investigation or Perception
Wild Speech Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 13 or higher
Windy Ki

Racial Feats

Feats that build on the capabilities of your race.

Feat Prerequisites
Abhorrent Mutation Farspawn, Half-Farspawn, Aberrant Bloodline, Great Old One pact / Dark One pact, other relation to aberrations
Actionmaster Cybertronian Anachronist
Adamantine Marrow Constitution 13 or higher, warforged, genasi (earth)
Adamantine Upgrade Warforged race, Integrated Protection racial trait
Adaptive Scales Dragonborn, any Dragonkin
Adept Shapeshifter Changeling or Doppleganger race
Advanced Alternate Form Cybertronian, Transformer subrace
Advanced Psionic Master Be a Mentar race
Aerial Combat Master Aarakocra (or another race with a flying speed)
Aether Touched Aethelf
Aggressive Intuition Natural Weapons
Agonising Canrip 5th level, Pact Magic or Spellcasting feature
Amorphous Be a Oozes, Elemental, Aberration or any other creature that does not have a preset body.
Anachronist Cybertronian
Ancient Dragonborn Dragonborn
Angel Protector Aasimar
Animated Biter cursed life race
Arcane Fluency Ability to spontaneously cast spells, spellcasting ability 17 or more
Arcanist Charisma 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (arcane)
Armed and Ready spiderfolk
Aspect of Semuanya Lizardfolk
Atavic Shapechanging Intelligence and Constitution 15 or higher, Changeling
Avariel Heritage Elf or Half-Elf
Avariel Raptor Avariel Elf
Bahamut’s Favor Metallic Dragonborn
Becomer Changeling
Bedrock Cutter Deep Gnome, Proficiency with Mason’s Tools
Bell's Toll Intelligence 17 or higher and Charisma 13 or higher, Death's Shawl, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (death)
Bladesong Master Half-elf or elf
Blazeborne Fire Genasi
Blazing Blessed Genasi (Fire)
Blazing Soul Constitution 17 or higher and Charisma 13 or higher, Flameheart, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (fire)
Blessed of Semuanya Lizardfolk race
Blessed Shapechanging Changeling
Blessing of the Storm Leviathorin race
Blessing of the Waves Leviathorin
Blood of Avernus Tiefling
Boarish Resilience Shifter (Beasthide)
Boulder’s Fortitude Goliath
Breath Weapon Expert Dragonborn (FTD)
Breathing Techniques Dragonborn, Constitution 13 or higher
Brilliant Heart Charisma 17 or higher, Veil of Light, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (light)
Built and Trained Warforged race
Built For Combat Warforged race
Camo Scales Lizardfolk
Can't Go Without Finessin' dexterity 13 or higher
Caught Aquamarine Gem
Celestial Reaper Aasimar or Tiefling, a flying speed, Dexterity 13 or higher, Charisma 16 or higher
Child of the Night cursed life race
Clever Tail Tiefling
Cold Front Constitution 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (ice)
Compact Cloaker Goblin
Composite Ooze-Kin You must be an ooze-kin
Consecrated to Hell Level 7, demon race, tiefling, devil, know how to perform magic
Crawler’s Consecration Deep Gnome or Gnome
Creative You must be a Kenku.
Curse of Sess’inek Lizardfolk.
Daywalker Dhampir or Vampire
Death's Shawl Intelligence 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (death)
Deep Cover Deep Gnome, Dexterity 15 or Higher
Deep Draconian Lungs Dragonborn
Deep Trance Elf, Wisdom 13 or higher
Demon Eyes You must be a tiefling.
Demonic Movements Glasya or Feral Tiefling
Devilish Hunger Tiefling
Devilish Speed Dexterity 13 or higher, tiefling
Digi-Energy Conservation Digital monster class
Dire Orc Orc
Dirtborne Earth Genasi
Doppelganger Bushwhacker You must be a doppelganger.
Down to Earth Genasi (Earth)
Dracochampion Dragonborn Race, 5th level or higher
Draconic Heir Dragonborn or dragon type, Constitution 13 or higher
Draconic Heritage Dragon, Dragonborn, or Draconic Bloodline (sorcerous origin), other Draconic Heritage
Draconic Lungs You must be a dragonborn.
Draconic Savagery Must be a Dragonborn
Dragon Scales Dragonborn or Dragon Ascendancy
Dragon's Magic half-dragon
Dragonborn Elemental Charge Dragonborn
Dragonborn heritage: Constitution and Defense Dragonborn
Dragonbreath Warrior Dragonborn
Drakiin High Magic Drakiin
Drow Dark Arts You must be a dark elf (drow).
Drowned Drow Drow
Durable Scales Dragonborn
Dwarfism Any medium-sized race, and your height must be equal to, or lower than 3 feet.
Ecdysis Lizardfolk, Constitution 13 or Higher
Elder Leshy Be a Leshy race
Electric Powered Reborn, Constitution 13 or higher
Electrosonar Reptilian or dragonkin race
Elemental Fury Spellborn, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13.
Elven Awakening Half-Elf or Elf
Emissary of the Underdark Charisma 13 or higher; drow, spiderfol, or other races that dwells in the Underdark
Enemy of Destiny Level 4, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma ability scores must be at least 14, spell caster.
Enhanced Dragon Breath Some form of breath attack (such as the breath weapon trait, access to the dragon's breath spell or the breath of the dragon feature.
Enlarged Dragon Breath Dragonborn
Evolution Savant You must be a Primal Zerg
Extra Arms Simic Hybrid
Fast Learner Human, Half-elf, or half-orc
Fear's True Form Fallen Human (Fear), Constitution 12 or higher
Feather Shredder Aarakocra, Owlin, or any race with feathery wings
Fellspirited You must be a tiefling.
Fiendish Familiar Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma of 13 or higher; The Fiend as your Otherworldly Patron; or a race with a fiendish ancestry
Fiendish Hide Tiefling Race
Firbolg Magic firbolg
Firecon/Monsterbot Cybertronian
Flameheart Constitution 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (fire)
Flames of Phlegethos, Variant Tiefling
Flight, Half-Dragon Half-Dragon race
Flower's Blessing Wisdom 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (flower)
Flying Burst Dex 18; Temporary flight capability race.
Fortitude of Dis Tiefling
Frenzied Assault Dexterity 17 or higher, and must be a Half-Satori (closed-eye)
Frightful Presence dragonborn, dragonkin or any subclass with draconic ties (such as Draconic Bloodline sorcerer or Way of the Ascendant Dragon monk)
Frost Bastion Constitution 17 or higher, Cold Front, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (ice)
Fueled by Ki At least one level in Monk, a racial feature that allows for spellcasting.
Fuzor Cybertronian, Mutant
Gem Holder You must be a Gem.
Gemgineer You must be a Peridot of the Gem race.
Genetic Adept of Symbiote You need to be a Klyntar or use the Class Klyntar Host or Klyntar Host, Variant
Genie Magic Genasi
Giant's Grasp Goliath Race
Gish Githyanki
Glacier Layer Silver or White Dragonborn
Gnoll Thrasher Gnoll
Goliath Constitution Goliath
Goliath Strength Goliath
Greater Scorpio Awakening Scorpio Called
Greathorn minotaur
Half-Troll Endurance You must be a half-troll.
Half-Troll Reckless Warrior You must be a half-troll.
Hammerspace Cybertronian
Hardened Scales Dragonborn race
Hardy Fighter, Variant Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher
Hare Metal Harengon, Strength 8 or Higher
Hellish Infusion Race or heritage related to the Nine Hells or similar plane, such as Tiefling.
Holoshifter You must be a Gem.
Holosmith You must be a Bismuth of the Gem race.
Holosummoner You must be a Gem.
Honor Guard thri-manipulus ,Extra Attack feature
Hulking Rage Mechanoid Brawler
Human Adaptability Human
Human Prowess: Magecraft human race, the ability to cast at least 1 spell or cantrip
Human Prowess: Warcraft human race, proficiency with any armor, proficiency with at least 2 martial weapons
Hurl Breath Dragonborn
Hybrid Prowess Centaur
Hybrid Vigor Dhampir, Genasi, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Hexblood, or Tiefling
Illithid Mind Prowess You must be an illithid.
Illithid Mindforce You must be an illithid.
Improved Celestial Heritage Aasimar
Improved Enlarge Form 8th level, aggrand
Improved Rabbit Hop Harengon Race, Dex 14, Character level 8 or higher
Inherent Yardratian Magic Yardrat
Inordinate Being 13 Strength or 13 Constitution
Inurement of the Feywild Fey relations (Fey Ancestry feature, Pact of the Archfey, things that'll tie you in to the fey)
Iron Bodied Be a Mentar race
Keeper of Chains Must be a 9th level Krynn
King of Dragons Dragon
Labyrinth of the Mind Minotaur, Intelligence 13 or Higher
Lie Detector Wisdom 15 or higher, and must be a satori, a half-satori half-phantom, or a half-satori
Light Critical Dex 15 or higher
Lightning Charge Dexterity 17 or higher and Charisma 13 or higher, Storm Flash, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (storm)
Limber 13 Dexterity or higher, must be of a feline race
Living Armor Panopletherea
Macromaster Cybertronian, Transformer subrace
Malachite's Chains Be a Lapis Lazuli of [Gem] Race
Mark of the Wild must be a wood elf, or firbolg
Master at Arms Dexterity or Strength of 13 or higher, Spiderfolk Race
Master At Arms, Variant Dexterity of 13 or higher, Spiderfolk Race
Master Shapeshifter Changeling
Mechanical Enhancements construct creature type
Mechanus' Mettle Warforged race
Micromaster Cybertronian, Transformer subrace, Pretender (5e Feat)
Mighty Breath Dragonborn
Mimic Caster Kenku, Wisdom and Charisma 13 or higher
Mind's Eye Intelligence 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (mind)
Mithral Form Warforged
Monkey Monk Hadozee, Dexterity 15 or higher
Mortar Breath Dragonborn
Namekian Giant Size You must be a namekian.
Namekian Regeneration Namekian
Natural Entertainer You must be a Spinel Gem.
Natural Mage Charisma 19 or higher, Arcanist, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (arcane)
Natural Weapon Master any natural weapon
Nature's Bounty Wisdom 17 or higher, Flower's Blessing, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (flower)
Neural Melter Intelligence 17 or higher and Charisma 13 or higher, Mind's Eye, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (mind)
Ooze Manipulation 15 Dexterity, Be a plasmoid
Optimized Implant Curwesta Pixie
Orcish Power Half-Orc
Orcish Rage Orc race, Strength 13 or higher
Osteofluidic You must either be a Skeleton or be otherwise made of magically connected bones, or be able to summon such a creature.
Persistence Human, or half-human lineage
Phantom Fighter Wisdom 13 or higher, proficiency in martial weapons, and must be a half-human half-phantom or a half-satori half-phantom
Phantom Resilience Constitution 15 or higher, and must be a half-human half-phantom or a half-satori half-phantom
Powder Monkey Hadozee
Powerful Wielder the Powerful Build race feature, strength of 15 or higher
Pragmatic Ritualist Humanoide
Prehensile Tail You must have a tail, whether magical or natural. Dexterity 15
Pretender Cybertronian, Transformer subrace
Primal Adrenaline Level 6, Animal or Aquatic Race (or Hybrid with animal features), Constitution 14 or higher and Strength or Dexterity 14 or higher.
Primal Armor Master You must have the natural armor racial trait, or an equivalent racial trait that grants you an unarmored AC higher than 10 + your Dexterity modifier.
Primal Roar Animal or Aquatic Race (or Hybrid with animal features), Constitution 15 or higher
Protean Multishape Master You must be a protean with Dexterity 17 or higher.
Psionic Mastery Illithid
Psychic Manifestation Kalasthar
Pufferfish Triton triton
Purrbox Charisma 13+; Any feline-adjacent race
Queen of Collars Must be a 15th level Krynn
Racial Joker Humano
Radiant Emotions You must be a Diamond of the Gem race.
Ratfolk Ambition Ratfolk, Cannot Have Lucky
Ratfolk Mojo ratfolk.
Ratfolk Voodoo Ratfolk
Ravenous Maw Lizardfolk
Relentless Flurry Dexterity 15, Flurry of Blows, Monk
Render You must be a Lizardfolk.
Rolling Rusher You must be a Quartz of the Gem race.
Ruby Squad You must be a Ruby of the Gem race.
Sapphiric Sight You must be a Sapphire of the Gem race.
Scenic Swimmer Sea Elf or Triton
Scion of Slime Genasi (Water)
Scorpio Magic Bond Scorpio Called, the ability to cast at least one spell.
Sea Scale Lizardfolk
Sensory Savant
Sha'sal Khou Reconciler Githyanki or Githzerai
Shadow Walker must be a type of undead, Dexterity of 13 or more.
Shapechanger cursed life race
Shaped Clay You must be a human.
Shapeshifter Changeling
Shell Shock Tortle
Shell Warden Tortle, Ability to cast a spell
Short Mountain Dwarf (Hill)
Siege Creature Large size or larger, or the ability to become a large sized or larger creature
Silt Scale Lizardfolk
Simic Shifter Control over a form of Lycanthropy
Singularity Autognome, Intelligence 15 or higher
Slender Nightmare Slender
Slimy 13 Constitution, 16 Dexterity, must have ingested living Ooze or be related to an Ooze such as by race or bloodline
Slimy Studier Must be a Ooze, Must have a Wisdom stat of 13 (or higher)
Small Body, Big Heart Tiny Sized Race
Snapping Tortle Tortle
Soul Master Fallen Human race
Soul Swap Kalashtar, 16 or higher Wisdom
Stealthy Spirit Stalker Bugbear
Storm Flash Dexterity 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (storm)
Stout Sprinter Dwarf, Strength 13 or higher
Strong Winged race that wings and has a flying speed, Strength 13 or higher
Subchief The ability to cast at least one spell, lizardfolk.
Subconscious Skulker Charisma 17 or higher, and must be a Satori (closed-eye) or a Half-Satori Half-Phantom (closed-eye)
Sunlight Acclimated A race with the sunlight sensitivity racial trait.
Superior Body cursed life race
Superior Endurance Goliath Race
Supernaturally Mighty Strength score of 13 or higher
Supreme Charisma Charisma 20
Sycophant Undead, and/or ability to cause necrotic damage.
Tail Whip You must have a tail
Take Flight You must be a Aasimar
User:TankTurtle13/Sandbox Being a Standard Human race
The Great Learner Human
The Great Tortle Mage Tortle, ability to cast at least one spell
The Masquerade Dhampir or Vampire
The Utilizer Human race, rogue class or ranger, and the ability to cast 1 spell
Thri-Kreen Multi-Weapon Master You must be a thri-kreen.
Thri-Kreen Psionicist thri-kreen
Throttlebot Cybertronian, Transformer subrace
Tiamat’s Favor Chromatic Dragonborn
Torpid Constitution 13; bullywug, grippli, or grung,
Tortle Turret Tortle, Ability to cast a spell
Tough As Nails Constitution 16 or higher
Toughened Hide Racial Constitution ability score increase of +2 or higher
Transfigurant Be a Liber Zmora subrace
Triple Changer Cybertronian, Transformer subrace
Twisted Fate Abberation type
Ultimate Defence Strength score of 15 or higher, Constitution score of 17 or higher
Uncanny Physically Strength 13 or higher
Undead Armament Skeleton
Unique Study Human
Unnatural Charmer cursed life race
Unnoticed Tiny or Small size
Up To Size You must be small sized or smaller.
Veil of Light Charisma 13 or higher, and must be a Fairy, 2nd Variant (light)
Victory or Death! Orc or Half-Orc
Void God Blood Hylvoran
Voltaic Vociferator Blue or Bronze dragonborn
Voracious Eater Be a Homicid Zmora subrace
Voracity Bite attack
WAAAAGGGHHH!!!! Be an considered one of the orkoid species like goblins and trolls and of course orkz
Waterborne Water Genasi
Windborne Air Genasi
Wing Strength Race with wings, must have a glide or flying speed
Wings of Darkness Dark elf, shadar kai, mark of shadow elf, tiefling or aasimar (fallen).
Witcher Trials Constitution 13 or higher, Human
Wyvernlings Claws Dexterity and Strength 18 or higher, must be a Wyvernling (5e Race) or Dragonborn
Zerth Githzerai
Zircon's Deductions You must be a Zircon Gem.

Unsorted Feats

Feat Prerequisites
Binder Feats (5e Other) 13 Charisma style="text-align: left;" | Spellcasting, Pact Magic, or Soul Binding feature style="text-align: left;" |
Body Armor (Tensura Supplement) None
Breath Channeling Some form of breath attack (such as the breath weapon trait, access to the dragon's breath spell or the breath of the dragon feature.
Deadly Poisoner Dexterity or Strength of 16 or higher, Race with ability to poison
Dungeon Explorer
Epiphany Level 8, able to cast at least one spell.
Feats (Forgotten Lands Supplement) style="text-align: left;" | Darkvision or Superior Darkvision style="text-align: left;" | 13 Wisdom style="text-align: left;" | style="text-align: left;" | Dragon, Dragonborn, or Draconic Bloodline (sorcerous origin), other Draconic Heritage style="text-align: left;" | Dragonborn Race, 5th level or higher style="text-align: left;" | Dragonborn style="text-align: left;" | Dragonborn or dragon type, Constitution 13 or higher style="text-align: left;" | You must be a dragonborn. style="text-align: left;" | Dragonborn
Feats (Reania Supplement) Sufficient training from someone with matching fighting style. style="text-align: left;" | style="text-align: left;" | Taught by Appropriate NPC (Must be higher level, and possess this feat) style="text-align: left;" | Rage and the Ability to cast spells style="text-align: left;" | The ability to cast spells style="text-align: left;" | Must be taught by appropriate NPC style="text-align: left;" | Given by Vampire
Intellectual Combatant 13 Intelligence
Pro Wrestling Str 13, trained in althletics, Grappler feat
System Shock (5e Variant Rule) Constitution score of 13 or higher
Titan's Resistance, Variant Constitution 13 or higher, Level 8
Tool Master expertise in at least one tool
Trance Cannot be an Elf or otherwise unable to sleep
Transparent World Wisdom 13 or higher

April Fools Feats

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