Plague of Undeath (5e Feat)

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Plague of Undeath

Prerequisites: 13+ Intelligence
Through the power of plague, you are able to reanimate those you have killed as plaguelings that follow your command. These plaguelings are made of plague and deal life debilitating damage.

- Increase your Intelligence score by 1 to a maximum of 20.

- You gain an additional 30 ft of darkvision.

- When you kill an enemy, you can try to bring their spirit under your control as a plagueling version of their former self. You can try it 2 times per creature any given. Roll 3d4. If you roll an odd number all 3 times, you absorb their essence, which you can summon within the range of your darkvision. The number of plaguelings you can have is equal to your Intelligence modifier. If it is destroyed, you will lose this plagueling forever. You can only summon one plagueling at a time, which you control at will and has its own turn.

Stats Shadow's stats, actions(ignoring legendary actions) and AC will be identical to the creature's previous stats
HP HP will be equal to their CR (Challenge Rating) * 4
Actions The shadow replicates whatever object it used to effect their attacks.
Resistances The Shadow does not keep any of it's former resistances, immunities, or vulnerabilities, instead it is immune to necrotic damage and vulnerable to radiant
Especial All damage it does counts as necrotic damage
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