Downtime Activities (Hyrule Supplement)

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Common: deku scrubs, gerudo, gorons, hylians, and zora
Uncommon: anouki, kokiri, koroks, rito, skull kids, and tokay
Rare: lanayru desert robots, cobbles, kikwis, maiamai, minish, mogma, weapon spirits.
Fighter: brute, darknut, spellsword, sword savage, archer, tunic, hatamoto
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Downtime Activities
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In Hyrule, downtime activities are an optional guideline used to facilitate what player-characters can accomplish between encounters and adventures.

The amount of time that passes between adventures is completely up to the DM of your campaign, but depending on the party's intentions more or less time may be allotted. The shortest considerable downtime might be a single day, but the activities below can allow for full years of time passing. As a rough guideline, a DM may want to afford a month of downtime for each completed adventure; or a week for every significant encounter.

During this downtime, your DM may afford various options for what you can do as the days pass, either selected from those below or engineered for your specific location and campaign. Of course, new options can be discussed between players as well.

As a general rule, each day of downtime that passes encompasses 8 hours dedicated to the downtime activity, 8 hours dedicated to rest, and 8 hours dedicated to other needs. The options below are meant for day-to-day passage of time, but summaries for a week (7 days), month (31 days) and a year (52 weeks) are summarized as well.

The options below all assume you are spending most of your downtime in a village or city with a population of at least a few hundred non-hostile individuals.

Carouse and socialize[edit]

See the rules for carousing in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Large Construction[edit]

A character that wishes to captain a ship or own property can have a hard time buying a finished product that fulfils their exact needs. Instead, a character might decide to lead a construction effort, in order to make sure they are satisfied with the final product. This can typically only take place in cities or large towns due to the required labor and materials (with the notable exception of buildings designed to be constructed farther away from civilization, such as Outposts).


Building anything larger than a Rowboat is a large investment of both time and money. Construction can only take place in a Shipyard, which can be found in most port towns. The Constructing a Ship table (seen below) shows the cost of building the ship (including materials and labor) and the amount of time it takes, provided that the character is using downtime to oversee construction. Work can continue while the character is away, but for each day the character is away, construction speed is halved.

Completed ships can typically be purchased at 1.5 times their Construction Cost, should they be available.

Constructing a Ship
Ship Construction Cost Construction Time
Keelboat 15,000 rupees 30 days
Longship 50,000 rupees 60 days
Sailing Ship 50,000 rupees 60 days
Warship 125,000 rupees 85 days
Galley 150,000 rupees 100 days

Buildings and Furniture[edit]

For the character that wants a safe, secure, and permanent location to rest and recuperate, building are certainly an improvement to inns and taverns.

Before a character can begin overseeing construction for a building, they must acquire a plot of land. If the estate lies within a kingdom or similar domain, the character will need a royal charter, a land grant, or a deed (all being different types of legal documents that serve as proof of ownership). Land can also be acquired by inheritance or other means, such as a reward for service to the crown. A small estate might sell for less that 1,000 rupees, or for as much as 10,000 rupees. A large estate will cost 50,000 rupees or more, if it can be bought at all.

The Constructing a Building table (seen below) shows the cost of constructing the building (including materials and labor) and the amount of time it takes, provided that the character is using downtime to oversee construction. Work can continue while the character is away, but for each day the character is away, construction speed is halved.

Like Ships, finished buildings can be purchased for 1.5 times their Construction Cost, if they are available.

Constructing a Building
Building Construction Cost Construction Time Maximum Occupancy
Shack 500 rupees 2 days 2
Cozy House 3,000 rupees 20 days 4
Shop, Tavern, or Inn 10,000 rupees 45 days 16
Trading Post 50,000 rupees 60 days 24
Fortified Tower 150,000 rupees 100 days 30
Outpost or Fort 150,000 rupees 100 days 52
Manor w/ Estate 250,000 rupees 150 days 68
Temple or Monastery 500,000 rupees 400 days 86
Keep or Small Castle 650,000 rupees 450 days 112
Grand Palace 1,000,000+ rupees 800+ days 250+

Furniture. Once the construction of a ship or building is complete, it still needs to be outfitted with furniture before it can be properly used. While plenty of adventuring items are usable when it comes to interior decorating, the list below includes some common objects that are typically only found within a home. The DM is free to invent additional furniture options to serve a specific purpose, or for a player that wants more variation.

Workstation | Special. | Workstations are fixed, extensive versions of the typical artisan's tools a character can travel with. They cost twice the normal version of the artisan's tools, and are required for certain downtime activities that involve workstations. During a downtime activity that requires a workstation, regular artisan's tools can be used instead, but they give disadvantage on any associated checks, and double the amount of time required to complete the downtime activity.

Bed | 50 rupees | Essential for anyone who wants a good night's sleep.

Fireplace | 45 rupees | Produces light and you can cook with it!

Table/Desk | 15 rupees | A wooden desk or table.

Chair (set of 3) | 10 rupees | A chair you can sit on.

Painting | varies based on painting. Frame costs 5 rupees. | Art on a canvas.

Rug | 10 rupees if made from cloth, 20 rupees+ if made from fur | Soft rug to put on the floor.

Shelf | 15 rupees | Things go on it, and hopefully stay on.

Wardrobe | 15 rupees | For storing clothes specifically.

Couch | 35 rupees | A comfortable piece of furniture designed for sitting or lounging, usually accommodating multiple people at a time. Makes a good bed substitute as well.

Nightstand | 8 rupees | A small version of a table, designed to sit next to a bed.

Statue | 75 rupees | A medium sized statue, typically designed for outdoor use.|

Weapon Mount | 100 rupees | This weapon-mount is typically affixed to a wall, and can hold a shield, bow, or other weapon.


Craft an item using 1/2 the rupees worth of material which the item is composed of. This purchase can be made when the players have access to a shop or market where they could reasonably find the materials. Alternatively, the player may ask the DM to forage. If reasonable for the terrain (ie a Player trying to forage wood for arrows in a desert would be unreasonable), the DM may set a DC for the player to find materials equivalent to the crafting costs. The time it takes to craft a weapon is 100 rupees per day, with a minimum of one day (Exceptions can be made for especially proficient crafters or very small items). For armor, the work speed is also 100r per day, but requires measurements. For simple craftings, tool proficiency may not be required, but will certainly be necessary for larger or more valuable items for them to turn out as intended. This section only applies to non-magic items.

Gather information[edit] See the OGL section on Gathering Information


Imprisonment in Hyrule is a fickle thing, varying based on the culture of the people one has been collared by. Many legends exist of a hero escaping confinement, but that may not pan out for you. Imprisonment, if you are not going to be released, or are unable to escape, is a dreadful prospect. While on the inside you may work on criminal connections and other less savory skills.

Magic items[edit]

Buy a magic item[edit]

Craft a magic item[edit]

Sell a magic item[edit]

Make a living[edit]

You can try to earn a living. If you work an hour per day, you are paid one rupee, five rupees for two hours, and so on, adding four rupees for each extra hour. If you work more then eight hours each day, you gain one level of exhaustion. To have a job, you need to proficient with a tool used by people with that job (e.g fishing tackle for a fisherman)

Types of work

Crafting. Blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, and tailors belong to this profession. Tools used are Smith's Tools and Weaver's Tools.

Fishing. Fishermen are a different type of hunter. The tool used is fishing tackle.

Hunting. Leatherworkers and taxidermists belong to this profession. Tools used are Leatherworker's Tools and Taxidermist's Kits.

Mining. Miners are a unique profession. Tools used are Miner's Kits. Also, a miner is proficient with the war pick.

Spellcasting. Spellcasters are very special. They use component pouches and arcane foci as tools.

Prepare for an encounter[edit]

This can take many forms. Readying a castle's structure against an nearby horde of moblins, cleaning and greasing gear for a skirmish, or gathering materials for a binding ritual can all fall under this category.

Run a business[edit]

Sell goods[edit]

This downtime activity works well with practicing certain jobs.

Materials found by each job:


Meat: 10 rupees/lb, Fur: 20+ rupees/lb


Fish: 30-50 rupees/fish


Ore: 60-80 rupees/lb


Arcane Residuum: 60-70 rupees/lb. Special: 3 lb of arcane residuum can be made into a component pouch.

Study a language or tool[edit]

With the agreement of the DM, a player can work on a new proficiency. The player can work by themselves to learn, which will take years of study and practice. An instructor will allow the player to learn a new skill at an accelerated pace. An instructor charges based on the skill in question (A forger will likely charge more than a fisherman) but will usually charge 1000-5000 rupees per week of training, and will allow the player to learn proficiency in that language or tool in 6-18 months.

Sow rumors[edit]

Across Hyrule, most information is passed through word of mouth. A small town will usually receive its news from wanderers and traders. Occasionally, there is the rare mailman, but news is primarily informal. As such, an adventurer is seen as a source of news, making it more easy to disseminate rumors. To sow a rumor, talk to your DM to discuss what kind of people you will sow the rumor among, and the amount of time you will spend doing so. The substance of the rumor, the people being told the rumor, and the time spent will affect the DC of a Deception check made to sow the rumor.

Train an animal[edit]

If you want a furry friend, what's stopping you? Here are five tricks you can teach animals with successful Animal Handling checks:

Attack. (DC 15) The animal defends you if it can and focuses its attacks on a creature you choose. An animal might also be able to utilize a small weapon, like a dagger, when it's fighting.

Pickpocket. (DC 20) The animal can be instructed to take a certain kind of item (such as coins, papers, or jewelery) when it sees it.

Hide. (DC 15) The animal hides, even if it would normally not do so.

Recall. (DC 8) The animal returns to your side, often paired with a call or whistle for longer range.

Lookout. (DC 12) The animal will stay at the instructed location keeping an eye out, crying out or returning to you when another creature is spotted.

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