5e Epic Boons

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An epic boon is an optional reward described on page 227 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, and one is meant to only be bestowed upon a character who has already reached 20th level. Consider viewing the 5e Epic Boon Design Guide before creating your new epic boon.

Epic Boons

Epic Boon Prerequisites
Adamantine Body
Boon of Abyss Mastery
Boon of Achilles
Boon of Adamantine Bones
Boon of Advanced Shape Change
Boon of Agility
Boon of Angel Mastery
Boon of Apex Abjuration
Boon of Apex Conjuration
Boon of Apex Divination
Boon of Apex Enchantment
Boon of Apex Evocation
Boon of Apex Illusion
Boon of Apex Necromancy
Boon of Apex Transmutation
Boon of Arcane Archery
Boon of Arcane Arrow
Boon of Arcane Mastery
Boon of Arcane Might
Boon of Archery
Boon of Archetype Have an archetype feature.
Boon of Argonaut
Boon of Artifact Affinity
Boon of Ascendance
Boon of Atlas
Boon of Atlas, Variant
Boon of Attunement
Boon of Auto-Biocontrol
Boon of Awesomeness
Boon of Bahamut
Boon of Bearing
Boon of Berserker 20th level Barbarian with Berserker subclass
Boon of Blessed Touch
Boon of Bloodlust
Boon of Bold Charges
Boon of Cantrip Casting
Boon of Carnage
Boon of Catastrophic Blows
Boon of Chains
Boon of Cobra Kai
Boon of Compression
Boon of Creature Shapes
Boon of Death Perception
Boon of Death’s Grace
Boon of Defense
Boon of Demonic Ascension
Boon of Desolate Strikes
Boon of Destruction
Boon of Disaster
Boon of Doomed Touch
Boon of Dragon Form Must have draconic blood coursing through them.
Boon of Effortless Focus
Boon of Eldrich Blast, Variant
Boon of Eldritch Blast
Boon of Eldritch Might The Mystic Arcanum class feature.
Boon of Eldritch Power Eldritch Mastery class feature
Boon of Elemental Archery
Boon of Elemental Void
Boon of Elusiveness
Boon of Empty Soul
Boon of Enlightened Eldritch Blast
Boon of Enlightenment
Boon of Epic Magic
Boon of Epic Mastery Have 20 lvls in one class
Boon of Epic Multiclassing
Boon of Epic Mysticism
Boon of Epic Resilience
Boon of Epic Spellcasting
Boon of Epic Spellcasting, Variant Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell
Boon of Epic Spells Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell, All ability scores beyond 20
Boon of Expanded Knowledge
Boon of Extensive Knowledge
Boon of Failure
Boon of Filth
Boon of Final Immortality
Boon of Final Mastery All ability scores beyond 20
Boon of Find Greatest Steed
Boon of Fleeting
Boon of Flight
Boon of Force
Boon of Foresight
Boon of Fortified Mind
Boon of Gargantuan Size
Boon of Giant's Grip
Boon of Golem Crafting
Boon of Great Feats
Boon of Greater Dragon Breath
Boon of Greater Immortality
Boon of Greater Speed
Boon of Growth
Boon of Hasty Heroics
Boon of Heavy Cavalry
Boon of High Mysticism
Boon of Hoarding
Boon of Hourai Elixir
Boon of Immovability
Boon of Incredible Craftsmanship
Boon of Incredible Dweomercrafting
Boon of Incredible Foremanship
Boon of Incredible Profession
Boon of Incredible Recuperation
Boon of Inedia
Boon of Intellect
Boon of Invulnerability
Boon of Invulnerability, Variant
Boon of Iron Skin
Boon of Ki Control
Boon of Ki Mastery
Boon of Languages
Boon of Laser Eyes
Boon of Lathander
Boon of Legendary Actions
Boon of Legendary Potency
Boon of Legendary Resistance
Boon of Legendary Skills
Boon of Legendary Strike
Boon of Legendary Superiority
Boon of Lendys
Boon of Low Magic
Boon of Magic Item Mastery
Boon of Magical Secrets
Boon of Magical Sight
Boon of Malaclysm
Boon of Many Spells Spellcasting or Pact Magic
Boon of Masterful Attunement
Boon of Masterful Parry
Boon of Mastery
Boon of Mechanus
Boon of Minion Mastery
Boon of Monstrous Strength
Boon of Multi-Subclass Must be multiclassed
Boon of Multiclassing
Boon of Nature's Bane Be a Druid within the Circle of Blight
Boon of Nature's Champion
Boon of Nirvana
Boon of Omniscience Cast divination spells at least 360 times.
Boon of Oversized Weapons
Boon of Pace
Boon of Peerless Parrying
Boon of Perceived Time
Boon of Perfect Breaching
Boon of Perfect Escapology
Boon of Perfect Form
Boon of Persuasion
Boon of Power
Boon of Quickness
Boon of Racing
Boon of Radiant Starlight
Boon of Rage
Boon of Rapidity
Boon of Reflexes
Boon of Resistance
Boon of Rust
Boon of Samsara
Boon of Savage Attacks
Boon of Saving Grace
Boon of Second Chances
Boon of Shadow Melding Proficiency in Stealth, Dexterity 15 or higher
Boon of Siegecraft
Boon of Smithbending Strength of 18 or higher, proficiency in smith's tools
Boon of Solar Power
Boon of Sorcery Points
Boon of Soul Sight
Boon of Special Damage
Boon of Spell Lore Spellcasting feature and the ability to prepare spells.
Boon of Spell Mastery, Variant The ability to cast spells
Boon of Strength
Boon of Subjob
Boon of Superior Blood
Boon of Superior Time Stop
Boon of Supreme Magic
Boon of Surging Energy
Boon of Swiftest Bladework
Boon of Telekinesis
Boon of Teleportation
Boon of Tenacious Magic
Boon of the Apex Spell Caster
Boon of the Artillerist Artillerist Artificer
Boon of the Assassins
Boon of the Barbarian 20th level Barbarian
Boon of the Battlemaster
Boon of the Beast
Boon of the Beast Master
Boon of the Berserker
Boon of the Biomancer
Boon of the Blind Eye
Boon of the Bold
Boon of the Breathless
Boon of the Bulwark
Boon of the Cat
Boon of the Caustic Soul
Boon of the Cleric Cleric 20
Boon of the Combat Performer
Boon of the Corrosive Spirit
Boon of the Dark Soul
Boon of the Demigod
Boon of the Demon Slayer
Boon of the Devourer
Boon of the Devouring Abyss
Boon of The Doom Slayer
Boon of the Dragon
Boon of the Dragon Form, Variant Must have Draconic heritage in some shape or form
Boon of the Dragon God Be a Dragon Lord
Boon of the Dragon Rider
Boon of the Dragon Slayer
Boon of the Druid Wild shape class feature; 20th level Druid
Boon of the Druid, Variant
Boon of the Eldritch Knight
Boon of the Eldritch Master
Boon of the Elemental Fire
Boon of the Elemental Force
Boon of the Elemental Ice
Boon of the Elemental Lightning
Boon of the Elemental Necrotic
Boon of the Elemental Psychic
Boon of the Elemental Radiant
Boon of the Elemental Thunder
Boon of The Elemental Void
Boon of The Empowered Soul
Boon of the Enlightened Flame Light Domain Cleric
Boon of the Epic Barbarian 20th level Barbarian
Boon of the Epic Bard 20th-level Bard
Boon of the Epic Wizard 20th-level Wizard
Boon of the Fearless Assault
Boon of the Fighter
Boon of the Fire Golem
Boon of the Fire King
Boon of the Fire Lord
Boon of the Firemaster
Boon of the Flame
Boon of the Flight Mother
Boon of the Forest Lord
Boon of the Frostblood
Boon of the Frozen Path
Boon of the Frozen Spirit, Variant
Boon of the Furious Light
Boon of the Giant
Boon of the Giant's Might
Boon of The Greater Archmage
Boon of the Hallowed Necromancer Able to cast 1 spell
Boon of the Heart of Heroes
Boon of the Heart of Heroes Legacy
Boon of the Heavy Cavalry
Boon of the Heavy-Handed
Boon of the Hunter
Boon of the Improved Familiar
Boon of the Kenpachi
Boon of the Limit Breaker
Boon of the Master Monk
Boon of the Masterful Hunter BloodHunter LV.20
Boon of the Monk
Boon of the Monster Tamer
Boon of the Mountain Strength and Constitution over 15, been in contact with earth deity
Boon of the Necromancer The ability to cast at least one spell
Boon of the Necrotic Soul
Boon of the Oblivion Mirror Revived at least 10 times
Boon of the Ocean
Boon of the Oozeborn
Boon of the Paladin 20th level Paladin
Boon of the Paragon
Boon of the Phoenix
Boon of the Phoenix, Variant
Boon of the Planeswalker
Boon of The Primeval God
Boon of the Proficient
Boon of the Quick
Boon of the Ranger
Boon of the Ranger, Variant
Boon of the Raven
Boon of the Reaper
Boon of the Reaper, Variant Level 20 Undead style="text-align: left;" |
Boon of The Resolute Mind
Boon of the Rogue
Boon of the Savant
Boon of the Servant The ability to cast the unseen servant spell
Boon of the Shadow Animal companion
Boon of The Shapechanger
Boon of the Skald
Boon of the Slasher
Boon of the Sorcerer
Boon of the Sorcerer, Variant
Boon of the Soul Devourer
Boon of the Spirit-bound
Boon of the Squirrel
Boon of the Steel Fist
Boon of the Steelbond
Boon of the Storm
Boon of the Sun Walker Sunlight sensitivity trait or sunlight hypersensitivity trait
Boon of the Superior Changeling Changeling (5e Race)
Boon of the Swamp
Boon of the Swordmaster
Boon of The Time Lord
Boon of the Tireless
Boon of the Tireless Dragon Breath
Boon of the True Caster
Boon of the Twisted Mind
Boon of the Ultimate Familiar
Boon of the Unbreakable
Boon of the Undying
Boon of the Undying Will
Boon of the War Master Must be 20th lv. in a class with the ability to learn fighting styles.
Boon of the Warmage
Boon of the Warrior Mage Non-spellcasting class.
Boon of the Weave The ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell.
Boon of the Witch
Boon of the Wretched Power
Boon of the Yellow King
Boon of the Zealot
Boon of Thief's Touch
Boon of Thunderous Speed
Boon of Time
Boon of Time Immutability
Boon of Time Mastery
Boon of Torm
Boon of Troll's Body
Boon of True Immortality
Boon of True Primality Must be a Barbarian.
Boon of Unbridled Power Strength score 20 or higher, at least 19th level
Boon of Uncanny Vitality
Boon of Unlimited Death
Boon of Unlimited Stamina
Boon of Unlimited Strength Strength 20, create a shockwave using pure physical strength.
Boon of Unstoppable Offense
Boon of Unstoppable Offense (variant)
Boon of Versatile Spellcaster Multiclassed into two spellcasting classes with different casting modifiers.
Boon of Wanderlust
Boon of Willfulness
Boon of Wish Proficiency
Boon of Wishes
Breath of Death
Celestial Inheritance
Corrupted Heart Having once held an Impure Heart or fallen completely into darkness from a Beating Heart.
Divine Sightbearer Devotion to a particular Deity
Draconic Fortitude Level 20 Dragonborn / Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Emperor’s Will The Eye of the Sage and The Jade Emperor’s Body
Grand Spell Sniper Spell Sniper feat
Greater Boon of Epic Spellcasting must have the Boon of Epic Spellcasting.
Haki Must train 1d6 hours a day for nearly 1 year to gain 1 of the 3 types of haki.
Holy Heart Contact with a higher Diety
Icy Soul
Immortal Body
Impure Heart Having once held aPure Heart and lost it, or evolved from the Beating Heart.
Inhuman Mentality
Invulnerable Mind
Mark of Tzeentch
Meteora's Spark
Mithral Spirit
Musclebound 20 in Strength
One Hit Kill
Piercing Shards Levels in Druid or Ranger
Plot Armor
Pure Heart Having had the Beating Heart and evolve it.
Radiation Immunity
Single Spell
Soul of the Sea
Spawn of the Great Old Ones
Spell Point Mastery (5e Feat)
Super Namekian
The Forsaken Child
True Weapon Master


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