Treasure (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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The following are Treasures that can be found in the Dragon ball world.


Item Type Subtype
Weighted Clothing


Item Type Subtype


Item Type Subtype
Dragon Radar
Power Pole

Very Rare[edit]

Item Type Subtype
Dragon Balls
Flying Nimbus
Senzu Bean


Item Type Subtype
Dragon Balls
Fruit of Might
King Yemma's Fruit
Potara Earrings
Z Sword


Item Type Subtype
Dragon Ball

Incomplete Items[edit]

Items with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
Item Type Subtype

Campaign Specific Epic Boons[edit]

The following boons can be gained by a wish made on any set of Dragon Balls.

Diversified Genetics[edit]

Your biology has been permanently modified by advanced science, powerful magic, or both. You gain the racial traits of one race of your choice, and count as that race for the sake of technique requirements.

Eternal Youth[edit]

You have been granted eternal youth through constant consumption of paradise herb or cybernetic augmentation. You no longer age, are immune to disease and poisons, and you enter your physical prime.

Phoenix Immortality[edit]

You have been granted immortality from a phoenix. You can not die from old age, poison, or disease, but you are still effected by them.

Elixir of Life[edit]

You have drank deeply from the Fountain of Youth. You can not be killed by taking damage or by being killed instantly. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you become unconscious. You may lose this condition by regaining at least 1 hit point. Additionally, your limbs regain 1/4 their maximum hit points at the end of each of your turns.

True Immortality[edit]

You have been granted immortality that only a wish can grant. You gain the Elixir of Life and Phoenix Immortality boons.

Enlightened Training[edit]

You have gained knowledge and strength beyond your power level. You may take 1 technique of the DM's choice. This technique can be of a higher tier (i.e. Fundamental, Basic, Advanced, Super, Legendary, Godly, Beyond Godly), but for every tier above those you have access to, it counts as 1 additional technique for your technique limit. If it is within the tiers you know, it counts as half a technique for your technique limit. If it already counted as half a technique, it instead does not count against your technique limit.

Seat of Korin[edit]

You hold the seat of your planet's guardian's gatekeeper, attending to problems that do not require their unrivaled power. Only one creature can have this boon at a time, gained by sitting in the physical Seat of Korin with consent from the current Korin. A second creature may have this by fusing, absorbing, or otherwise combining with the holder of this boon, allowing a second creature to gain this boon traditionally. You gain the following techniques:

Senzu Bean Creation

Requirements: Seat of Korin

Components: 1 seed

Cost: 10 ki points

Channeling ki into the seed over the course of 1 hour, you transform it into a senzu bean creation. When planted, the seed immediately begins to grow for 5 months. This process creates a single bean, and a single seed. Beans can be consumed or planted, acting identically seeds in the latter case. Beans must have at least 20 ft. between them to grow.

Power Pole Creation

Requirements: Seat of Korin

Components: 1 stick worth at least 20 gp

Cost: 10 ki points

Channeling ki into the stick over the course of 1 hour, you transform it into a power pole.

Nimbus Creation

Requirements: Seat of Korin

Cost: 10 ki points

Channeling ki into the very clouds around you over the course of 1 hour, you create one flying nimbus.

Tower Lightning

Requirements: Seat of Korin

Cost: 0 ki points

As a free action, you may fire a bolt of lightning that is a 500,000 ft. tall line anywhere within 90 ft. of the physical Seat of Korin except attop the seat itself. Any creature hit by this must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 6d10 lightning damage and are stunned. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Seat of Kami[edit]

You hold the seat of your planet's guardian, attending to your planet's needs in ways only you can. Only one creature can have this boon at a time, gained by sitting in the physical Seat of Kami with consent from the current Kami. A second creature may have this by fusing, absorbing, or otherwise combining with the holder of this boon, allowing a second creature to gain this boon traditionally. You can sense creatures with godly ki, and you gain the Magic Materialization and Instant Transmission techniques.

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