5e Staves

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Staffs, Featured and Quality

These articles have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Magic Staff Rarity Type


Magic Staff Rarity Type
Angels Tear rare
Axle of Nirvana legendary
Back-Step Scepter very rare
Behold legendary
Bolstering Staff very rare
Caduceus legendary
Cane of Earth-Shaking legendary
Darkstaff rare
Divining Staff varies
Draconic Magestaff legendary
Dragon Staff rare
Dreamwood Staff rare
Dreamwood Staff, Variant very rare
Eldritch Staff rare
Falcane uncommon
Fire Staff Uncommon
Gem Staff of the War Mage uncommon (0 gems), rare (1 gem), very rare (2 gems), or legendary (3 gems)
Glowstaff very rare
Graystaff very rare
Greater Staff of Fire legendary
Grexl's Staff Legendary
Healers Vow Rare
Healing Stick uncommon
Ice Staff uncommon
Imperial Archmage Helper very rare
Karsus’ Dream legendary
Lich's Staff of Magic legendary
Lightning Staff Uncommon
Lucky Staff very rare
Navigator's Staff legendary
Palemoon Staff rare
Portal Staff Legendary
Pyre-bone Staff rare
Resonance rare
RhinoRoller legendary
Runestaff rarity by staff
Runic Staff Uncommon, Rare(Greater), Very Rare (Grand)
Saint's Staff rare
Scion Staff legendary
Seakeeper's Staff very rare
Sickly Staff of Life Rare
Sickly Stave of Sores rare
Skull of Corruption Rare
Spirit Scepter rare
Staff of Acid very rare
Staff of Altered Life Rare
Staff of Amplifying common
Staff of Arcane Mastery Very Rare
Staff of Azeroth
Staff of Beekeeping rare
Staff of Bones rare
Staff of Charging Legendary
Staff of Christmas Very Rare
Staff of Corruption very rare
Staff of Death very rare
Staff of Earth very rare
Staff of Earth, Variant rare
Staff of Explosion Legendary
Staff of Greater Spellcasting very rare
Staff of Hades legendary
Staff of Heatbane Very rare
Staff of Icefire uncommon
Staff of Light common
Staff of Location very rare
Staff of Magical Endurance legendary
Staff of Marcus legendary
Staff of Protection uncommon
Staff of Rebirth very rare
Staff of Rest Very Rare
Staff of Rings Very rare
Staff of Sacrifice legendary
Staff of Slime rare
Staff of the Airbender rare
Staff of the Archdruid legendary
Staff of the Death Goddess legendary
Staff of the Desert rare
Staff of the Fool rare
Staff of the Forgotten Star Artifact
Staff of the Giver very rare
Staff of the Moonmaiden very rare quarterstaff
Staff of the Seven Seas legendary
Staff of the Sun very rare
Staff of the Viper rare
Staff of the Wilds varies
Staff of Two Faces rare
Staff of Warding very rare
Staff of Weave Manipulation varies
Stave of Spellcharge Item Dependent.
The Staff of Ways Artifact
The Yin/Yang Legendary
Twisted Bident Legendary Morphing
Vanquishing Staff legendary
Vir Tasallan Very Rare
Voidkeeper Staff legendary
Warpwood Staff very rare

April Fools Staffs

Magic Staff Rarity Type
Wabbajack legendary

Incomplete Staffs

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