Pathfinder Deities

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Name Alignment Domains Subdomains Favored Weapon
Caliginos Neutral Good Darkness, Good, Healing, Protection, Water Agathion, Consume, Fortificatios, Ice, Medicine, Moon, Night, Purity, Redemption, Restoration, Sickle
Evunelan Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Darkness, Glory, Liberation, Strength protean, moon, honor, freedom, ferocity Katar, tri-bladed
Feritas Chaotic Good Chaos, Good, Magic, Plant, Travel, Weather Quarterstaff
Kanaloa neutral magic, knowledge, death water ocean, psychopomp, education, arcane spear
Kaza Lawful Good Good, Healing, Law, Knowledge Spirit Blade
Nightmare Chaotic Neutral Animal, Chaos, Darkness, Madness, Travel Feather, Fur, Insanity, Moon, Nightmare, Truth
Rochubur Lawful Neutral Animal, Community, Law, Travel, War Feather, Cooperation, Family, Loyalty, Tactics Shortbow
Tion Neutral Good Good, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Sun Quarterstaff
Uimeall Chaotic Neutral Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Madness Curse, Entropy, Insanity, Thought, Truth Improvised Weapon
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