Deathclaw (5e Fallout Campaign Setting)

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Physical Description[edit]

Fearsome harbingers of terror and death, deathclaws are the scourges of the wastes, at least, most of them. These creatures rip their prey apart with their flensing claws and mouth full of razor sharp teeth, though, they don't use said mouth for much, except eating.


There is not much to say about the history of deathclaws, except this. They were once many species of reptiles until the bombs dropped, and radiation changed them forever.


Most deathclaws live in solitude or alone, but those who mate usually stay together until the newborns are grown. In rare cases, deathclaws will make a matriarchy upon a particularly powerful deathclaw, that oversees everything the tribe holds.

In even rarer cases deathclaws will make an intelligent society similar to humans. An example of this is vault 13.

Deathclaw Names[edit]

Deathclaws don't really have names but can be described by their horns, eg: a curved horned deathclaw could be called Curvy.

Deathclaw Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by +2.
Age. Deathclaws reach adulthood at age 5, and can live up to 500 years
Alignment. Deathclaws usually tend toward a chaotic nature, because of their animalistic instincts. But, can be on any side of the spectrum
Size. Depends on Subrace
Speed. Depends on Subrace
Monstrosity of the wastes. You are a monstrosity, as well as being able to push and carry 2x your normal amount, but you will be shot on sight in any settlement.
Rad Pool. Your rad pool is a minimum of 100 rads, as a result of being born by radiation
Incredibly Awkward. Almost all wasteland armor was designed for a human wearer. To wear any armor, you must spend half of its cost to have it refitted for you, including power armor, unless you or someone else custom-built the armor for a Large creature.
Eyes of the dark. you have a darkvision of 30ft
Scaly Protection. You have a base armor of 11 + your Dexterity modifier
Languages. You can understand Common, but can't speak.
Subrace. You must pick one of the following subraces:


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increase by +1.
Size. You are Medium.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 50 feet.
Youngling. You were born very recently. You gain 1 fewer hit points each level.
Violent Claws. Your hands are adorned with spiked fingers. You may add your proficiency bonus to both your unarmed attacks' attack and damage rolls.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increase by +1.
Size. You are Medium as a result of your growth being stunted.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
"Old Man". You are smarter than other deathclaws, and that is your advantage. As an action, you can put on a cloak if you have one on your body, giving you advantage on stealth checks, and deceive checks. You also lose the buffs and debuffs of Monstrosity of the Wastes
Able to Speak. You can now speak Common


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and Constitution increase by +2, your Intelligence decreases by -2
Size. Enclave deathclaws are genetically modified adult deathclaws. You are Large.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 35 feet.
Obedient Slave. Whenever an enclave officer of higher rank commands you to do something, you must make a contested charisma check, on a success you disobey your masters, on a failure, you must do said action as long as it is not to kill yourself
Metal Claws. your claws have been given a considerable upgrade. your claws deal 1d8 Melee Damage. however, you have disadvantage on using guns that are not made for your size


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution increase by +3, your Intelligence decreases by -4.
Size. You are Large.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Armored Shell. Your body has a thick protective shell to protect all of its vital components. The first critical hit scored against you becomes a normal hit. You regain use of this feature each time a Doctor's Bag is used on you.
Frightening Visage. As an action, you can impose a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a failure, the creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. This ability recharges after a long rest.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution increase by +4, your Intelligence and Charisma decrease by -3.
Size. You are Large.
Speed. You have a movement speed of 35 feet.
Irradiated. Your scales glow with radiation. At the end of each of your turns, every creature within 5 feet of you is exposed to light radiation. At the end of each round, you are automatically exposed to light radiation as well.
Radioactive Claws. Once per turn, when making an unarmed strike you can deal radiation damage equal to the damage dealt by your strike. This can be done a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, with every use thereafter dealing the same radiation damage to you. This feature cannot be used to regain hit points from Rad-Claw. You regain the ability to use this feature without harm at the end of a short rest.
Rad-Claw. Any time you gain rads, you regain hit points equal to the rads gained. Additionally, when rolling rad dice to determine your rad pool you use your entire constitution score rather than half.

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