User:Guy/Splat/Trade Goods/Titanium

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Titanium. Common trade good (metal), 6 gp per kilogram. Titanium is a silver-colored metal known for its high strength-to-density ratio, and rather strong resistance to corrosion. Alloys made with titanium are often significantly stronger than steel. Although titanium is fairly abundant, the secretive and difficult process of extracting useable concentrations of titanium from other rocks is such that titanium is particularly expensive—almost on the level of a precious metal like silver. Titanium itself is strongly associated with the mining citadels populated by vergar, centers for some of the most skilled prospectors and metallurgists in the world.
 Titanium's most renowned use is in the construction of fortress and silksteel armors, neither of which can be properly crafted without high-grade titanium—or much more expensive materials, like adamantite.
 A standard ingot or "bar" of high-grade titanium weighs 1 kilogram and costs 6 gp. Such an ingot is a petty item.
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