User:Guy/Splat/Trade Goods

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Unlike other items, trade goods retain their full value when bought or sold during downtime.


Cast from precious metals in pocketable sizes, coins are among the most commonly exchanged trade goods.

name gp cost kg weight stack summary
Copper Piece 0.01 0.01 1000 A copper piece (cp) is usually a coin, but can more broadly any piece of copper weighing 10 grams. It's widely used for small purchases.
Gold Piece 1 0.01 1000 A gold piece (gp) is usually a coin, but can be any shape of gold weighing 10 grams. Its value is the standard against which most other goods are measured.
Platinum Piece 10 0.01 1000 A platinum piece (pp) is usually a platinum coin, but can be any piece of platinum weighing 10 grams. One is worth 10 gp.
Silver Piece 0.1 0.01 1000 A silver piece (sp), is usually a coin but can more broadly any piece of silver weighing 10 grams. Ten of them are worth 1 gold piece.


Spices, herbs, grains, and related substances. Part of the value in such materials is the inherent and obvious value of sustenance, unlike the more esoteric value of gemstones and metals. Most foodstuff can last for years if properly stored, but unlike other trade goods these don't provide wealth that can last for generations.

name gp per kg summary


Gemstones have the highest value-density of any trade goods, making them particularly useful for the super-rich. Their value is mostly due to aesthetics and rarity, though some insist gemstones have magical or spiritual purpose. Most famously, diamonds are needed to bring life to the dead through resurrection. The costs below assume the gemstone is one carat (or 0.2 grams), uncloudy, polished, and cut. Rough gems can be as little as half this cost.
Gemstone Carats. Generally a gem's cost doubles for each additional carat beyond 1. A 2-carat gem for example has double the cost, a 3-carat gem has quadruple the cost (doubled twice), and a 4-carat gem for example has 8 times the cost (doubled three times). Any gemstone larger than 5 carats (or 1 gram, worth ×16 cost) is so rare it is a mystic item, and cannot be found and bought during downtime.

name gp for 1 carat kg weight stack summary
Diamond 200 0.0002 1000 A glistening transparent gemstone notable for its mysterious magical properties, aesthetic beauty, and seemingly supernatural hardness.


Metals can generally be recast in different shapes and sizes while retaining their full value, so they are generally priced by kilogram.

name gp per kg summary
Adamantite 10000 Adamantite is an extremely rare alloy said to be impossibly strong and sharp, yet lightweight. Many smiths consider it to be the ultimate metal.
Copper 1 Copper is a widely-mined metal with a distinctly pinkish-orange color, used in bronze and brass. It is most known for copper coins.
Electrum 50 Electrum is a naturally-occurring alloy of gold and silver. It is widely considered to be half as valuable as gold.
Gold 100 The cost of most other items is weighed against the gold standard used by most merchants and travelers. A standard gold bar weighs 1 kg and is worth 100 gp.
Iron 0.2 Iron is a gray metal that is widely mined, and used in the craft of countless goifs. Refined but unshaped iron costs 0.2 gp per kg.
Platinum 1000 A metal of a silvery-white color notable for its rarity and magical properties. The super-rich use it for aesthetic purposes and as currency.
Silver 10 A particularly reflective metal with subtle supernatural properties. It is used to make silver pieces and silvered weapons.
Steel 0.6 Steel is an alloy of iron that has much greater strength and durability than pure iron. It is widely used in weapons and armor.
Tin 1 Tin is a silvery metal with a slightly yellow hue, known to be easily cut or even bent by hand. It is principally used to make pewter and bronze.
Titanium 6 Titanium is a metal known for its high strength-to-density ratio. The difficulty in extracting and working titanium however renders it prohibitively expensive for most.


Most folk find livestock a great means of storing wealth; money that walks, makes more of itself, and provide food or labor. Livestock is less value-dense than other trade goods so adventurers infrequently use them.

name gp cost kg weight stack summary


name gp per m2 kg per m2 summary


name gp cost kg weight stack summary
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