Talk:Elvish Language

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If this is only for Appalachia, shouldn't it have the usual (X Supplement) ending?--Yanied (talk) 14:32, 9 February 2022 (MST)

The language is Sindarin, a language created by JRR Tolkien for the elves with a large worldwide user base, including Facebook groups and so on. If a DM uses an elven language in their game it will likely be Sindarin unless they make their own. I'm calling it elvish. But it would not be campaign specific. It is not even D&D specific. The dialect here is a little different in that it covers a little bit different word set. Still, it is general, not specific to a campaign. 2601:803:500:D060:69EB:61CA:F725:3745 18:15, 11 February 2022 (MST)
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