Talisman of the Little Reaper (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

A bronze hour glass hung on a chain of the same metal with golden sand on the inside.

Bound Creature. You can use an action to summon the bound creature, fink, in an empty space within 30 feet of you. Fink is friendly to you and your companions and will obey verbal commands you issue to him. If you don't issue any commands, Fink will attempt to defend you.

Lifeforce Boon. Whenever an attuned creature gains a level, Fink gains (1d6 + 3) maximum hit points. fink loses this extra hit points each time the talisman becomes attuned.

Mortal Wound. When fink drops to 0 hit points he will retreat inside the amulet. After 24 hours have passed, he may be re-summoned. When exiting the amulet, his hit points and spell slots will be fully restored.

Panic. If you fall to 20 or fewer hit points. fink may use a reaction to teleports to an empty space within 5 feet of you.


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