Sumire (JJBA Supplement)

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This content deviates from 5e standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care. DesignDisclaimer.png
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5e rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
This creature was created as part of the Player Equivalent CR variant rule using the Sideshow (Anime Supplement) class and no background, and as such does not follow traditional CR.


Small humanoid, neutral good

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 33 (6d10)
Speed 30 ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4
Skills Acrobatics +5, Animal Handling +4, Arcana +7, Perception +4, Persuasion +5
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Japanese
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spirit Points. Sumire has 6 spirit points which she may expend. She regains all spirit points at the end of a long rest.

Brainstorm. When Sumire is targeted by a feature in which he must make a saving throw or the entity initiating the effect makes any sort of attack roll or skill check, she may spend 1 spirit point to contest it with an Intelligence saving throw, completely ignoring the effect on a success.

Psychic Instinct. Sumire is aware of the alignment of any creatures she can see.


Multiattack. Sumire makes 2 attacks with her unarmed strikes.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 bludgeoning damage.

Psychic Vision. Sumire learns the current state of one creature she has seen in person on the same plane as her including any conditions affecting them, any hit points and resources they have, and any other major relevant information. She may spend 1 spirit point to use this action as a bonus action.

Precognition (1 Spirit Point). For 1 hour (concentration), whenever Sumire rolls 1d20, she may add 2 (1d4) to the roll's result, and she can not be surprised.


Despite being one of the world's most potent psychics, Sumire never knew her parents. At the age of 9, she used her precognition to divine the license plate number of a car involved in a hit-and-run, which ended up leading the police to the correct suspect, drawing the attention of the Dress Organization, who promptly kidnapped her. Aboard a train en-route to Dress's main lab, she escaped her handler, Sophine, and released a superweapon being held aboard to buy time; codenamed "Baoh". However, when this weapon was released, she instead met 17 year old Ikuro Hashizara. From then on, the two became an inseparable pair dedicated to the destruction of their former captors.

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