Stand User Variant, Spinoff Universe Archetypes (5e Subclass)

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Steel Ball Run Archetypes[edit]

Hey Ya![edit]

Stand of Cheers

The Hey Ya! Alignment Stand has high Charisma. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 5. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and does not have a traditional summoned form.

Poccoloco is the lucky guy after all!

At 3rd level, you gain 3 points of luck. You may spend 1 point of luck to gain advantage on any singular d20 roll before or after the original roll, but before the outcome has been decided. Without using your reaction, you can spend 1 luck to roll 1d20 + your Stand’s Charisma modifier when an attack roll is made against you. If the roll is higher than the attack roll made against you, it misses.


At 5th level, you can guide others with your luck. As a bonus action or reaction, you can grant 1 creature within 6 feet a d8 of inspiration (this increases to d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level). This can be done a number of times equal to your Stand’s Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest, or you may regain 1 use by spending 1 spirit point.

This is awesome!

At 7th level, you can target up to your Stand’s Charisma modifier creatures as a bonus action. You can stop targeting creatures as a free action to free up capacity. Targeted creatures have their critical failure range increased by 2 (1 becomes 1-3).

I’ve never been on ground this easy to ride!

At 9th level, your luck guides your steps. You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and you ignore difficult terrain. Your luck point maximum increases by 1.

I’m counting the clouds in the sky.

At 11th level, your rests take half as long (short rests take 30 minutes, long rests take 4 hours). You gain 1 more point of luck.

I really do have ‘one out of one-hundred-thousand luck’!

At 14th level, you can rely on your luck. You can spend 1 point of luck to replace any d20 roll, including attack rolls, with 15.

Hey Ya! Requiem

At 20th level, for 1 minute once per day, your luck kicks into overdrive. As a bonus action, you can find any item you wish. You can give 2 creatures your inspiration with each use. You can use your inspiration an unlimited number of times. You can grant yourself inspiration.

When Requiem ends, you are overcome with a wave of bad luck. You can not use any archetype features for 2d4 rounds and you lose any items gained from Requiem permanently.


Stand of Spin

The Tusk Alignment Stand has high dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Every Act your Stand gains increases its Dexterity and Strength scores by +1, and its range by +5 feet after Act 1. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand becomes proficient in Unarmed Strikes at 20th level. As your Stand evolves and gains new acts, you are still able to use your all your previous Act's abilities, but only one Act can be active at a time.

Tusk Act 1

Starting at 3rd level, you learn the secret of the spin and the power to awaken your Stand. You learn how to rotate your nails at an incredibly fast pace and fire them like bullets. You have as many rounds as there are fingers on your hands and feet. You become proficient in attacking with the nail bullets, and they have a range of 10/20 feet. The bullets deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage on a hit, and you regain all your nails after 1 minute of not firing any nails, or instead of regaining 10 hit points.

Pizza Mozzarella!

Starting at 5th level, you become proficient in one instrument of your choice, as well as the Performance skill and riding a mount. In addition, while you are riding your horse, attack rolls have disadvantage against you.

Tusk Act 2

Starting at 7th level, your Stand is changed physically from its original form, and now has new features and powers as your determination and spirit grows along with it. The nail bullets that originally accompanied you have now evolved along side the stand. Your nail bullets' ranges increase by 30 feet. The bullets now deal 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage. You may also spend 1 Spirit point to recover 1 nail bullet as a bonus action. If your bullet misses the target, you can spend 1 spirit point to move the hole left over by the shot to hit the original target if they are still within 10 ft. of it, and last until the end of your next turn. They must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw or take the nail bullet's damage.

Jesus Christ?!

Starting at 9th level, you can refresh your inner psyche and remove any mental disabilities whether imposed by magical or non-magical effects. You must finish a long rest before using this power again. You also gain the power to cast locate object and locate person as a spell-like ability, but can only cast one of these spells once before having to complete a long rest.

Tusk Act 3

Starting at 11th level, you and your Stand have grown, the stronger your mental psyche the more powerful the Stand. Your left over holes from your nail bullets can now move up to 25 ft. on each of your turns. This movement ignores physical and magical, but not dimensional barriers. You can additionally travel or send any body part as well as send your Stand through these holes as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You can not bring any other person or object with you.

Tusk Act 4

Starting at 14th level, your Stand has no more room to grow. You and it have reached a masterful level of power, though at the cost of some sort of sacrifice. You gained the power of infinity. While riding a horse, you may charge 45 ft. in a straight line and make a single unarmed attack with your Stand, making them spin for an infinite amount of time by trapping them in the Golden Spin, making them become unconscious, save for being aware of their surroundings and able to speak for 1 minute before continuing to infinitely spin their own pocket dimension. This can only be done by using this feature again, by another feature that utilizes Golden Spin, or by the Wish spell or a similar effect. You may spend 2 spirit points to have your Stand automatically hit with their next melee attack.

Your nail bullets evolve as well, they now deal 4d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. You may spend 1 spirit point as part of your Stand's unarmed attack to make it deal your nail bullets' damage.

Tusk Requiem

Starting at 20th level, your Stand has evolved beyond the level of the infinite spin, reaching the power of the Dimensional Spin. As a bonus action once per day, you can transform your Stand into a bullet and fire it forcing 1 creature within 60 ft. to be under the effects of Tusk Act 4's Golden Spin. You can choose to pause and resume the effects of the Golden Spin as a bonus action. This is your Requiem equivalent, and thus requires the Arrow to use.


Stand of Rope

The Lonesome Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Depending on the situation, I have the right to execution

At 3rd level, you can generate up to 80 feet of rope from your body. You have expertise in any checks or saves related to using this rope, and you can use it as a garrote. This rope uses your Stand's AC.

I was never expecting to die on a bed

At 5th level, you can detach your limbs, stringing them along your rope. Your unarmed attacks gain a range of 15 feet, you can grapple as a bonus action, and you can impose disadvantage on unarmed attacks made against you as a reaction for 2 spirit points.

My only fear is losing you

At 7th level, while your Stand is summoned, you benefit from all of its features outlined in Stand of Rope.

I consider myself lucky…

At 9th level, you can completely detach your body. As an action, until the end of your next turn, you gain expertise in stealth, can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 inch, and creatures attacking you have advantage.

Now, to shut your mouth forever

At 11th level, you can completely detach another creature's body by force. As an action, they must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they become paralyzed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to automatically fail any of the saving throws associated with this feature.

Rope Transfer

At 14th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, you can grant your archetype features to a creature within 5 feet for 1 minute.

Lonesome Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action, during which none of your features cost spirit points, and attacks against you have disadvantage.

Tomb of the Boom[edit]

Stand of Magnetic Destruction

The Tomb of the Boom Alignment Stand is a unique Stand, as it. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 45 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I wonder how far their organs will fly out...

At 3rd level, when your Stand successfully hits a creature with an unarmed attack, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom saving throw + your Proficiency bonus Strength saving throw. On a failure, any metal objects are attracted toward them. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed, and move as far as the listed range at the beginning of each of your turns. The objects make an attack roll using your Stand's Strength modifier at the beginning of each of your turns when they are touching the creature. This effect ends if your Stand is not within 60 ft. of them.

Weight (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die
1-4 70 1d6
5-9 60 2d6
10-29 50 3d6
30-49 40 4d6
50-99 30 5d6
100-199 20 10d6
200+ 10 20d6
We're such a blessed family.

Your Stand has multiple ACTs, which you can transform your Stand between as a bonus action. At 5th level, you are restricted to ACT 1. While in ACT 1, you may spend 3 spirit points to make you or your Stand appear as any other humanoid, including other Stands, and your or its unarmed attacks' damage rolls deal slashing damage and have a +1 bonus.

Do I look like a stork?

At 7th level, you may completely transform the shape of any metal within 5 ft. of your Stand. If the metal is part of an attack, such as a thrown steel ball or longsword, your Stand may attempt a Strength saving throw against the attack roll, causing the attack to fail and the weapon to be destroyed on a success. You may spend 1 spirit point to cause this to automatically succeed.

I always let the girls strangle me.

At 9th level, you can call upon ACT 2 of your Stand. ACT 2 has a Strength score equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3.

I'll tear through your arteries!

At 11th level, your Stand evolves once more. While in ACT 3, your Stand can weaponize both iron sand and the iron inside a creature's blood. As an action when a creature is within 15 ft. of your Stand, you force them to make DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failure, either the iron is sucked out of their blood dealing 2d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier piercing damage, or half as much damage on a success; or they become restrained for 1 minute using your iron sand. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, no longer being restrained on a success.

Can we get a new intestine record??

At 14th level, when your Stand is within 15 ft. of a creature, attack rolls as per I wonder how far their organs will fly out... have advantage, and while within 5 ft., they deal twice as much damage.

Tomb of the Boom Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. While in Requiem, you benefit from the effects of all 3 ACTS simultaneously. Additionally, as an action for 5 spirit points, each creature of your choice within 100 ft. of your Stand As an action, the ground around you overflows with gold dust covering every creature of you choose and you are lifted into the air by a cloud of gold dust must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier magical bludgeoning damage and is paralyzed until the end of your next turn as wave after wave of iron sand barrages them. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not paralyzed.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap[edit]

Stand of Dimension Hopping

The D4C Alignment has high Charisma, and Dexterity or Strength. Your Stands' Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stands' Dexterity Or Strength ( Choose one ) is equal to your Dexterity Or Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stands' Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, And the non chosen ability score are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stands' chosen ability score modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your stands dexterity or strength modifier for damage rolls. Your stand’s DC is equal to 8 + Your stand’s Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency modifier. The damage your stands unarmed strikes deal is bludgeoning on strength attacks, or slashing/piercing on dexterity attacks. You also gain proficiency in small arms ( Revolvers, Pistols ETC ).


At 3rd level, You gain the ability to move between dimensions when closed between two objects, this may be activated without the use of any type of action once the conditions are set on yours or another’s turn, so long as you are conscious. You may attempt to drag someone within 5 feet of you or your stand as a bonus action with you through this newly made portal by grappling them, you may spend a spirit point to gain advantage on this grapple. When creatures or objects, with the exception of yourself or things you are holding or carrying are within a radius of 10 x Your stands charisma modifier feet of an alternative version of it, they will be drawn towards each other at a speed of 5 x Your stands charisma modifier feet per round, this effect may be resisted by making a strength save each round until they are outside of range of their alternative self. If an object or creatures with the exception of yourself or things you are wearing, holding, or carrying come into contact with an alternative version of itself it takes 2d10 + your stands Charisma modifier + your proficiency force damage as it fuses ( this becomes 3d10 at level 8, 4d10 at level 12 and 5d10 at level 18 ), if anything is holding or carrying an object that is fused it takes half that damage. Additionally if two alternative versions of creatures are within half the radius for them to be pulled together, at the start of each turn a small part of each creature's bodies will split off into a menger sponge that has a size of one half square foot, that will be drawn to its other version at an extremely fast speed and then will fuse with its alternative version, this deals process 1d6 damage ( 2d6 at level 8 and 3d6 at level 14 ) each round to each creature ( this damage cannot be reduced ) and they lose 1 pound with every menger sponge created by this effect. Anything that reaches zero hit-points from this fusion is instantly destroyed and is erased completely. You always know what your baseline reality is. And portals you create will not be removed until dispelled either as a bonus action for one or for all of them or until 5 rounds have passed ( half a minute ). You and other versions of yourself are immune to the effects of being near other versions of yourself including anything you and other versions of yourself are carrying, holding or wearing..

The only one that can move freely in this dimension is me

At 5th level, Your proficiency with your stand has started to improve, you may now create portals to other dimensions without needing to be pressed between two objects yourself, so long as you have touched the one of the objects within the last round or are currently holding it( this will not work for objects larger than 2 x your stand’s charisma modifier in cubic feet). You additionally may choose to reappear in another spot that fits the conditions for a portal creation within 60 feet of where you created the portal in your current reality on the reality your portal leads to.

What my subordinates are doing, Mr Steel… is a plan. Not murder, just the simple execution of my orders…

At 7th level, you can pull out another version of any creature that you can see or that you know of as an action for 1 spirit point. They have the same stats, abilities ( other versions of you will not have your stand’s abilities ) and equipment as the original version of them. Their personality traits, ideals, bonds, flaws and attitude towards you might be the same or totally different (depends on the DM( Other versions of you will always have your personality traits ideals bonds and flaws and will follow your orders, If in combat you command them on your turn though they only gain access to one action). Starting at level 14, once per week when you bring a stand user other than yourself to you may choose to give them another stand of choice. ( You choose not your character ( This stand must not already be in use within your baseline universe. )

If I switch out with this new me...

At 9th level, when you drop to 0 hit points but are not instantly killed you may resist going unconscious for a number of rounds equal to your stand’s Charisma Modifier allowing you to take your first turn in this state instantly, additionally when you are within 10 ft of an alternative version of yourself while in this state ( or when you are under 20% of your hitpoint maximum ) you may choose to swap your stand to them. You ( The player) take control of this new version of yourself though the old version of yourself will die instantly if unattended to, the new version of yourself will gain all the knowledge and memories you the old version of yourself had, though will have no injuries or conditions you had ( With the exception of the infinite rotation ). After swapping your hitpoint maximum temporarily becomes half your normal hitpoint ( rounding down ) until you make a long rest though you are healed to this maximum upon swapping. this effect stacks on every use, though you may not go under 10% of your normal maximum hitpoints from using this ability multiple times ( This will automatically happen if an alternative version of you is in your stand’s range when if you are killed. You may make your turn instantly if this ability is activated in this way. ) ( You do not have any spirit points or the uses / remaining duration of any abilities restored by this ability )

My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of 'Justice'

At 11th level, You gain proficiency and advantage on insight and persuasion, additionally you gain proficiency in charisma saves. If you already had proficiency in any of these skills/saves you may add an additional half proficiency to those rolls. Additionally you may spend a spirit point to use your stand’s charisma modifier on charisma checks and saves, you may also replace wisdom saves you make with charisma saves for a spirit point, you cannot use this with the prior stated replacement.

Love Train

At 14th level, for up to 1 minute per long rest, you are protected by a dimensional barrier that redirects all misfortune from you, while this ability is active you gain the following benefits/effects. Any rolls you make automatically succeed, though roll to see if you get a natural 20, reroll natural 1s ( all rolls you make count as natural 20s at level 20 while active).

  • Any attacks ( including negative or harmful effects( or the side effects of positive abilities or spells ( Like the aftermath of the haste spell ) the exception being attacks made with the infinite rotation or golden spin must still meet your AC ( or your stand’s AC ) to hit ) made against you while you are within love train’s barrier automatically hit love-trains barrier but the damage and negative effects of the attack are karmically redirected to another creature ( of the DMs choice ) on the same plain, this will kill the creature even if the damage ( or effects ) would not do so normally, a creature that has something redirected to them does not need to be from the current time, but must be at some point in the future.
  • You may squeeze between small areas that are a half an inch wide or larger.
  • Any damage, negative effects, injuries or negative conditions that are affecting you when before you activate this ability are automatically redirected and those effects are negated upon activation, ( with the exception of effects caused by the infinite rotation or golden spin ).
  • You Hover 3 feet off the ground.
  • You may move Love-train's barrier a number of feet equal to your movement speed x 2 each round, This moves you with love-train's barrier if you are inside of it when you move it.

If you move love-train through an object, surface, or creature you pass through it causing you nor the object your passing through any harm. If you were to run out of movement when attempting to pass through an object, you will pass through said object anyways though deducting the extra movement from your next turn. This ability is activated as a free action on your turn, but will only activate at the beginning of the next creature's turn in initiative..

The only things that can get through love train are the effects are attacks imbued with the perfected spin or infinite spin, or things that can pierce through dimensional barriers, attacks made with either of these cannot have their damage redirected or negated by love train.

When your stand is outside of love train’s barrier any damage your stand takes is not negated or redirected fully, instead it is only halved on top of pre-existing resistances or similar traits, this damage is fully negated after one turn has passed from that instance of damage being taken. If you were to be instantly killed while love-train is active it will automatically deactivate.

If the holy corpse favors you, ( or your at level 20 in settings without the corpse ) you may select one creature within 5 feet of you to become host to the holy corpse ( or in settings that the corpse does not exist to be host to the energy of Love Train ) causing said creature to become unconscious while you use love train, when you have a selected creature to act as host to this power you may use love train without a time limit. A creature may resist this by making a DC 8 + your stand's charisma modifier + your proficiency charisma saving throw.

( IN SETTINGS THAT HAVE THE HOLY CORPSE YOU MUST TAKE D4C MISCONSTRUED OR AN ADDITIONAL FEATURE) ( In settings where the holy corpse exists you may only obtain this feature by absorbing the whole corpse, or gaining its favor, after which you may use this ability )

Master Of Dimensions

At 20th level, For one minute per long rest as a bonus action you gain the following benefits:

  • You may use any abilities you have without their consequences, cost, or using remaining duration, or remaining uses.
  • You cannot be instantly killed.
  • Any attacks you and your stand make overcome resistances and immunities.
  • Your stands unarmed strikes always deal max damage.
  • You may also use your 3rd level ability without needing a second object to create the dimensional portal though you may only do this once per round and the object must be twice your height in diameter or smaller.

Alternative Features

These features are designed to be either granted as boons from the DM or as replacements for pre existing abilities, some of these abilities may not be canon, being either formed out of the misconceptions some people have of this stand or made from skills that the original user has been shown doing.


Starting at 14th level, as a full turn action for up to 10 minutes you may temporarily cause dimensions to overlap, All creatures within a 1 mile radius are temporarily jumbled about dimensions, only you know which creatures belong to the baseline dimension. When you do something in one dimension, it will somehow happen in the others as to how it happens is up to the DM but it will not be you who does it in the other dimension, during this duration you cannot have two alternative versions of a creature other than yourself in the same dimension. When you either choose to deactivate or have it run out of time this ability you may keep all non leveled creatures within this radius jumbled or have them be returned to their original dimensions, all leveled creatures will always be returned to their original dimensions upon this ability's end. Additionally you gain the following benefits, your movement speed doubles without the use of dash, interacting or using objects for the sake of activating your third level ability may be used as an action or reaction, and you may use. Additionally “My Heart and actions” has its range extended to 120 feet. The ending of this ability is seamless and unnoticeable to all creatures other than yourself or other versions of yourself. You may use this a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier each long rest. ( This is meant as a replacement for love-train for when it is not allowed or when its only obtainable through the holy corpse but may be used as a replacement on the players behalf instead, but may be taken instead if without the prior conditions. )

Self Menger

Starting at 9th level, for one spirit point as a reaction to being hit by a ranged attack but only before damage is rolled, you may decide to temporarily send a part of you to another dimension causing the attack to miss, though this will deal 1d10 force damage that cannot be reduced to yourself. A part of your body being missing in this way cannot not hinder you, and said part of your body returns at the start of your next turn.

Military Veteran

You gain access to the features and proficiencies of the soldier background.

Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure[edit]

Stand of Destruction

The Boku no Rhythm Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Contact Bomb

At 3rd level, as an action, you may place bombs onto any solid object. You can only have 1 bomb active at a time, and bombs detonate when a creature touches it or after 1 minute passes. A creature may attempt to stop a bomb from detonating as a reaction. A creature that does so must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw as an action on each of their turns or have the bomb detonate.

Creatures within 10 ft. radius of a detonated bomb must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage die increases to 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th). You and your Stand are unharmed by any of these explosions you are aware of. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the bomb upon detonation, making it affect only the creature that activated/possesses it, and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to increase the range of the explosion, giving it up to 20 additional ft. radius.

I won't allow anyone to race for the king of Naples!

At 5th level, your Stand may have a number of active bombs equal to your Dexterity modifier, and may place bombs within liquids.

I take this as a mission from God!

Starting at 7th level, your Stand may have a number of active bombs equal to its Dexterity modifier, and may place bombs within gasses that are not air.

There is no weakness to God's will

At 9th level, your Stand may have any number of active bombs at a time, and may place 1d4 bombs as an action.

You're out of options

At 11th level, as a reaction when a creature makes a melee attack against you, you may create and detonate a bomb that only effects them simultaneously. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after using this.

You can't even breath

At 14th level, you may place any number of bombs, which can be in air.

Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure Requiem

At 20th level, as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day, your Stand may enter its Requiem form, during which its bombs have 3 times the range, and deal twice as much damage.

Stand User Alignment: Scary Monsters[edit]

Stand of Prehistory

The Scary Monsters Alignment Stand is one of high wisdom and dexterity. This Stand is a phenomenon, so it doesn't have a summoned form. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Prehistoric Transformation

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to turn yourself into a Utharaptor as a full turn action. or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You gain your Stand's features, and your movement speed becomes 60ft. Your newly acquired claw melee attacks deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage. Your bite melee attack deals 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and can only be done once per round. You lose the ability to speak any language and have disadvantage on any Intelligence-based rolls. It takes one full turn to transform back to your normal state.

I Will Stand Above That Flock of Pigeons and I Will Control Them...

At 5th level, you can infect beasts no bigger than Small within 45 feet of you with a virus that will slowly transform them into dinosaurs that are around the same size as what they originally were as an action. You can only have 2 dinosaurs at once (this increases to 4 at level 7, 6 at level 11, and 8 at level 14). You can make a DC 13 Survival check to find at least one Small or Tiny beast in the immediate area to convert into a dinosaur. You can spend 1 Spirit Point to automatically find 1 beast to convert. Your dinosaurs are permanently charmed by you.


At 7th level your senses in your normal form are heightened, becoming more like your dinosaur form. If you aren't already, you become proficient in the Nature, Perception, and Survival skills. Along with this you gain the ability to consume rocks as a substitute for food.


At 9th level, you learn to transform into a much more humanoid state rather than fully turning into a Utharaptor. You gain the ability to speak langauge when in your transformed state and no have disadvantage on Intelligence-based rolls. You can now transform monstrosities as well as beasts into dinsosaurs.

Kkoo! Kkoo!

At 11th level, you can fossilize Tiny beasts or monstrosities that have been turned into dinosaurs as an action, allowing you to fuse them to objects as camouflage. After turning them into fossils, you can put them back into their normal state at will. A creature must beat DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity + your proficiency bonus Perception check to know that the fossil is a living creature.

The Wound of Your Slit Throat... Is the 'Line' of the Wretched World I Was Part of...

At 14th level, your ability to transform creatures into dinosaurs increases allowing you to turn both Medium and Large sized beasts and monstrosities into dinosaurs. You can have up to 2 Medium or Large dinosaurs at a time, but you must find a creature to turn just how you would in I will stand above that flock of pigeons and I will control them....

Scary Monsters Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Any creature within a 50 foot radius of you must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they quickly begin to transform into a dinosaur of similar size to them, completing their transformation at the end of their second consecutive turn of being inside the radius. On a success, they take 5d10 poison damage. Any creature turned dinosaur in your field will stay a dinosaur under your control for 1 minute after leaving your radius.

Cream Starter[edit]

Stand of Flesh

The Cream Starter Alignment Stand is a an offensive-defensive Stand the size of a large lighter. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon-type, and as such does not have a traditional summoned form.

Good day to you both

At 3rd level, you may convert flesh into a healing spray. As an action or bonus action, you may sacrifice any number of hit points to heal a creature within 15 feet for an equal number.

Just die peacefully as you are

At 5th level, as a bonus action, you must spend 2 spirit points to force a creature within 5 feet to attempt a DC 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, you may use "Good day to you both" using their hit points, but you may only effect up to 50 hit points. You may spend 1 spirit points to grant them disadvantage. Dead or willing creatures do not need to make this saving throw. Corpses have 20 x their size category above Tiny hit points.

I didn’t soil your good name… I soiled your face with my meat spray

At 7th level, you can spend 15 hit points to disguise a person's face as another's for 1 hour or until they remove the flesh spray as an action.

Let’s skip the chit-chat and get straight to the point. I will now hang you both from this tree

At 9th level, you can spend 8 hit points to cut off a person's nose and mouth. They must attempt a DC 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they can must hold their breath. On a failure, they immediately begin suffocating. They may attempt a Strength saving throw with the same DC at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

You two aren’t bad people. If you were, I’d already have killed you

At 11th level, when you use "Let's skip the chit-chat", they become paralyzed on a failure. You may effect up to 100 hit points with "Just die peacefully as you are".

There’s no need for you to die shamefully

At 14th level, you may spend 30 hit points to remove up to 3 conditions or effects from a creature within 15 feet as an action.

Cream Starter Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may take or give hit points as an action, bonus action, or reaction at a range of 45 feet, and you may spend 1 spirit point to take or give hit points without consuming any sort of action.

Stand User Alignment: In a Silent Way[edit]

Stand of Sound

The In a Silent Way Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own.

I will cross the continent with my feet alone

At 3rd level, your Stand awakens your own natural dexterity. Your movement speed increases by half its total rounded up, and you gain an equal climbing and swimming speed.

Sound Construct

Starting at 5th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by an attack or must make a saving throw, you may create a three-dimensional representation of a sound opposite to the intended effect, causing the attack to automatically fail or you to automatically succeed the saving throw.

Sound Storage

At 7th level, you may charge an object with a sound as an action. If a creature touches a charged object, all creatures within a 10 ft. radius of it must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage increases to 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at 9th, 1d12 at 15th, and 2d6 at 17th). This damage may be of any type of your choosing as decided when you create it, but you must spend 1 spirit point to make it a damage type beyond slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing; and 2 spirit points to make it force damage. You and your Stand are unharmed by any charged objects you are aware of. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the sound upon detonation, making it affect only the creature that activated/possesses it, and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to increase the range of the sound, giving it up to 20 additional ft. radius. All charged objects lose their sound at the end of your next long rest.

Winning the race and getting money is desirable… but taking your Corpse Parts would be faster

Starting at 9th level, you may use Sound Construct without spending spirit points or without spending your reaction, but not both.

Sound Homunculus

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may imbue an object with life using sound, turning a relevant amount of inanimate matter into a pseudomimic with a movement speed of 30 ft. instead of a flying speed. You may control them all simultaneously alongside your Stand (i.e. all creatures move 30 ft. as a free action all creatures attack as an action, etc.). You may have up to your Stand's Dexterity modifier Sound Homunculi at a time.

I feel sorry for you two, but I do not feel guilt

Starting at 14th level, you may create a Sound Homunculus as a bonus action or reaction for 1 spirit point, or as an action for no spirit points.

In a Silent Way Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You may cause any object to become charged with sound in any manner the moment you see a creature touch it.


Stand of Reversing

The Mandom Alignment Stand of high wisdom. Your Stand’s Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand’s Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such has no summoned form. You gain a proficiency in 1 simple or martial ranged weapon of your choice.

Time Rewind

At 3rd level, your Stand has the ability to turn back time for 1 round as an action, making things exactly the same as they were 1 round ago and every creature will realize that things have been rewound (This increases to 2 rounds at level 7). Any creature that doesn’t know the effect of your Stand will be forced to make a DC 8 + your Stand’s Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, they are forced to use up their turn and look around and get their bearings. On a success, they can still use their action but don’t know your ability still. If a creature succeeds 3 times in a row on this effect, they will be able to understand the ability and no longer be forced to make the Wisdom save. When you rewind time in any of your features, any Spirit Points that you have spent since your last long rest do not return to you. Every other creature’s Spirit Points that have been spent, if they have any or have used any, go back to the amount they had at that time.

Then… I humbly suggest that we begin

At 5th level, you can spend 1 Spirit Point to use Time Rewind as a bonus action.

This is the 2nd shot! This decides it!

At 7th level, you can attack 1 additional time with any ranged weapon you are currently using when you take the attack action (this increases to 2 extra attacks at the 9th level, 3 extra attacks at the 11th level, and 4 at the 14th level).

You are a mere ‘conformist’!

At 9th level, as a reaction, you can spend 1 of your next turn's attacks gained from This is the 2nd shot! This decides it! to make a a ranged weapon attack.

This is ‘The True Man’s World’.

At 11th level, as a reaction 2 Spirit Points, you can rewind time by 2 rounds.

Find the ‘path of light’! The ‘shining path’ that one must tread...

At 14th level, as a free action during your turn for 2 spirit points, you can rewind time by 2 rounds.

Mandom~Lovers of the World

At 20th level, your Time Rewind becomes extremely precise giving you the ability to send select creatures back instead. This is your equivalent of Requiem. You can enter this mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During your turn, you can target any creature besides yourself within a 100 ft. radius of you and send them back in time 2 rounds as a bonus action. This creature will appear in the present where they were 2 rounds ago and be exactly like they were 2 rounds ago. You can choose whether or not this creature remembers what happened or if they will have the same memory as 2 rounds ago. You cannot send yourself back with this ability. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to choose 1 additional creature to send back in time.

Catch the Rainbow[edit]

Stand of Rain

The Catch the Rainbow Alignment Stand is one of high dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a summoned form. Your Stand's AC is equal to your own. Your Stand gives you manipulation of rain to a high degree allowing for incredible mobility in open spaces, but becomes useless when rain isn't present.

Rain Walking

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to stop raindrops in their tracks and make them float in mid-air when you touch them, becoming solid enough to support you and walk on allowing, granting you a flying speed equal to your movement speed. Any creature that attempts to move through anywhere you have been since your previous turn while it is raining must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw or take a 1d8 of piercing damage (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 7, 3d10 at level 9, 4d8 at level 11, and 4d12 at level 14). You can choose to stop raindrops around a creature within 30 ft. as a reaction, forcing them to make this saving throw.

Can you see my 'mask'?

At 5th level as a reaction you can stop a raindrop in front of a ranged attack's projectile, causing it to stop and fall. You may make an attack with the projectile, using the original roles, instead of stopping it for 1 spirit point.

Yes... I'm so-sorry...

At 7th level, you can use the rain to plug any wounds you or another creature may have received. You or another creature a within 30 feet of you gain 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier temporary hit points as an action for 1 Spirit Point (this die increases to 3d8 at level 9, 4d8 at level 11, and 5d8 at level 14). After it stops raining, these temporary hit points are lost.

Your existence is 'sin'!

At 9th level, you can turn raindrops around you into weapons that you are proficient with but made of the rain as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point. These two-handed melee weapons deal 2d6 piercing or slashing damage, and last until you are no longer in the rain.

Humans all have a 'purpose'! It transcends the limitations of the flesh!

At 11th level, you can meld with the rain, letting rain drops create holes in your body. This allows you to transport yourself through the rain up to 60 ft. away as a reaction for 2 Spirit Points. You can even have individual functional limbs go through the rain and do things such as allow you to speak with someone from afar until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point.

I must dispose of you!

At 14th level, you can fuse with the rain as a reaction for 1 spirit point, making you intangible until the end of your next turn. You become immune to damage and your flying speed is doubled, but you can only attack with water weapons you create with the "Your existence is 'sin'!" feature. You can only use this ability once, regaining use at the end of a short rest.

Catch the Rainbow Requiem

At 20th level, you gain an alarming amount of control over rain as it falls to the Earth. You can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You gain the ability to change the flow and speed of raindrops that fall from the sky even at the rate that it begins to pierce creatures that stand under it. Any creatures of your choice in the same rain as yourself must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns. On a failure, they take 6d8 piercing damage, and on a success they take half as much damage. As an action, you can make a single proficient ranged attack with a range of 60/120 feet. On a hit, the creature takes 8d10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Piercing damage. If it has stopped raining but the ground is still wet, you can make the rain on the ground fall upwards in a 100 ft. radius around you.

Tatoo You![edit]

Stand of Clones

The Tatoo you! Alignment Stand is spelled correctly. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 120 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, you split into 6 identical clones of yourself. You and all of your clones benefit from Stand of Clones. They each only have 1 hit die of hit points and do not gain more hit points when you level up. Your bodies can not be un-summoned, but each body counts as you, in that if you die, you maintain control of it. If one of your bodies dies, it splits from one of the remaining bodies at full hit points at the end of your next long rest. Your bodies do not benefit from Manifestation of Will, Invisible Force, Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor. They all act on their own turn with their own actions.


At 5th level, your bodies can phase through each other, allowing them to occupy each others' space, and to move through each others' spaces without a penalty to their movement speed. When two bodies are occupying the same space, they decide which of them gets targeted by any effect.

Eleven Men

At 7th level, your number of clones increases to 11.


At 9th level, while one of your bodies is occupying another's space, it may teleport to occupy the space of any other body as a bonus action or reaction.

Unequal Constitution

At 11th level, each time you gain a level past this feature, you may decide which of your clones gains a hit die.

Enhanced Bodies

At 14th level, all of your bodies benefit from Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor.

Tatoo You! Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. All of your bodies' maximum and current hit points become 300, and teleportation can be done at will.

Stand User Alignment: Chocolate D-I-S-C-O[edit]

Stand of Manipulation

The Chocolate D-I-S-C-O Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand gains proficiency in ranged attacks. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Grid Teleportation

At 3rd level, your Stand manifests as a gauntlet with a keypad and buttons on it. You can manifest your Stand to project a grid of squares in front of you, covering a 20 ft. square area with an edge 5 ft. from you. It moves and turns as you do, keeping you in the middle of one of its sides during use. As a reaction, when someone makes a ranged attack against you that passes over the grid created by your Stand, you can teleport the incoming projectile to a different square in the grid. The projectile keeps its incoming speed and direction. This can cause the attack to miss you, or potentially hit the attacker if they are close enough. If it would be aimed to hit the original attacker, use the attack and damage rolls of the original attack when calculating whether the projectile hits and how much damage it does.

Object Teleportation

Starting at 5th level, you can teleport any object within your Stand's area of effect to another spot within its area of effect as a bonus action, such as a rock, pile of caltrops, or vial of acid. If it would appear above a creature's space, that creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage, depending on the object, in addition to any secondary effects that the object may have. You now have two bonus actions and reactions per round.

Weapon Manipulation

At 7th level, if there is a melee weapon within your stand's grid that is not being held by another creature, you can control it as per the Spiritual Weapon spell. It cannot leave the grid area of your Stand.

Velocity Redirection

Starting at 9th level, you can change the direction and speed of a projectile that you teleport with Grid Teleportation or Object Teleportation. Projectiles that you teleport have their damage and range doubled or halved, your choice. You now use your Stand's Dexterity modifier when making this attack. Your Stand's area of effect increases to 40 square ft. in front of you.

Manipulative Gauntlet

Starting at 11th level, you can teleport any creature that you can see standing within your Stand's grid to another square in the grid as a bonus action. You have three bonus actions and three reactions per round.


At 14th level, you can gain +5 AC until the end of your next turn as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You now have four bonus actions and reactions per round.

D-I-S-C-O Requiem

At 20th level, you can activate Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action or reaction once per day. You gain an unlimited amount of bonus actions and reactions, and can teleport any object of any size or weight to any location within your Stand's area. Your Stand's grid increases to a 100 ft. by 100 ft. area in front of you.

20th Century Boy[edit]

Stand of Invulnerability

The 20th Century Boy Alignment is powerful as a concept, but weak in practice. Your Stand does not have unique statistics, and is a phenomenon.

People who don’t have anything to lose are the scariest types

At 3rd level, while you are prone, you can not have your current or maximum hit points reduced in any way until you are no longer prone. If you take an action, bonus action, or reaction, you do not benefit from this feature until the beginning of your next turn. You can turn yourself prone as a bonus action or and you don't need to spend extra movement to stand up.

We're approachin' a golden age, you know

At 5th level, when you attack after using People who don't have anything to lose are the scariest types, you gain advantage on your attack roll.

Additionally, you may add your charisma modifier to your passive perception.

He must have let you shoot him on purpose

At 5th level, when you use People who don't have anything to lose are the scariest types, you may spend a number of spirit points regain xd6 hit points or spend 2 spirit points remove all conditions and diseases.

At 11th level, you may spend 5 spirit points to remove a spell or curse planted on you.

Do you ever, you know, have Fun?

At 7th level, creatures have disadvantage against persuasion checks against you.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in Intimidation checks.


At 9th level, when you get hit by an attack you may spend 2 spirit points to immediately attack the creature that attacked you, dealing full damage.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in simple and martial ranged weapons.

I don't really care either way

At 11th level, ranged attacks have disadvantage against you.

Additionally, when a creature hits you with a melee attack you can spend 4 spirit points to have the creature take half the amount damage delivered to you.

We don't need you anymore

At 14th level, when you're alone without any allies you gain a +6 bonus to all attack and damage rolls and you can no longer be surprised.

Additionally, you may also add half your proficiency bonus to saving throws.

20th Century Boy Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter requiem mode for 1 minute once per day. During requiem mode you may use People who don't have anything to lose are the scariest types without having to be prone and you gain advantage on all attack rolls. Additionally, you emit an aura that allows you to grant the benefits of your requiem to all allies within 10 feet of you.

Civil War[edit]

Stand of Retribution

The Civil War Alignment Stand materializes one's guiltiest memories. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's ability is equal to your ability + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 45 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

My Stand Civil War’s attack… it’ll be completed soon

At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand can attempt to read a creature's mind within 45 feet of you for any notion of guilt. They must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Charisma saving throw. On a failure, your Stand summons a physical manifestation of that guilt that acts on your turn. If applicable, the manifestation can attack the creature it was created from. You may have as many manifestations active at a time as your Stand's Wisdom modifier. Manifestations are instantly destroyed when the creature they were created from is killed or if they leave a 45 ft. radius of your Stand for 1 minute.

Let’s play it fair

At 5th level, as an action, the manifestations may pass through the space of the creature it was created from. The creature they are targeting must succeed a DC 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier Dexterity saving throw, increasing their "membrane count" by 1. Once their "membrane count" reaches 15, they become prone permanently, and take 3d8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier force damage at the end of each of your turns. A creature may decrease their membrane count by 1d4 by dousing themself in water.

These sins... are now yours to bear

At 7th level, a manifestation may instantly destroy itself as part of "Let's play it fair" to increase the creatures membrane count by 5 instead of by 1.

People must sacrifice something in order to advance

At 9th level, if any creature is killed by another within 45 feet of you and the killer feels any notion of guilt toward them, they return to half their maximum hit points and manifestations of guilt can not be made from them, as the entirety of their guilt is passed onto their killer. For every creature whose guilt has been passed on to them, the maximum manifestations that can be after them increases by your Stand's Wisdom modifier.

You’ve finally killed me

At 11th level, the number of manifestations you can have active at a time is unlimited.

I live within your sins! And that’s why you’ll never be able to kill me!

At 14th level, when a creature is revived by "People must sacrifice...", they become immune to any damage dealt by the creature that killed them for as long as they are within Civil War's range.

Civil War Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. Your Stand's range increases to 100 feet, and creatures automatically fail any saving throws related to this subclass except for ""These sins...". "My Stand Civil War’s attack… it’ll be completed soon" can be used as a bonus action.

Jojolion Archetypes[edit]

Soft and Wet[edit]

Stand of Stealing

The Soft and Wet Alignment Stand is one of great dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 for damage when making them.

Bubble Generation

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate 1 bubble from itself as an action. You have control over this bubble, but it can only move within 15 ft. of your Stand, has a flying speed of 5 ft., and moves as part of your action. You can only have 1 bubble active at a time. You can only use one bubble at a time. If a bubble is popped near an object, you can choose to trap it within the bubble, allowing you to move it along with the bubble. You can release the object at will. If the object is being held or worn by a creature, they must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Strength saving throw, keeping the object on a success, or losing it on a failure. Each of your bubbles have 5 hit points and are Tiny.

Who the hell am I?

At 5th level, your bubbles have gained some force behind them when popped. When a bubble pops, you may cause any small objects within 5 ft. to fly 10 ft. away from the bubble and any creatures within 5 ft. to attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 Force damage.


At 7th level, you can steal more aspects of living beings and inanimate objects. When you pop a bubble, you can choose to make one creature or object within 5 ft. make a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you can make them blind by taking their sight, make them make no sound in any way by taking their sound, cause them to gain 1 level of exhaustion by taking their hydration, or force them to be permanently prone and become stunned and slide 20 ft. in a random direction if they try to stand up by taking their friction. Movement in this manner activates opportunity attacks. These last for 1 minute, and they may retry this effect's saving throw at the end of each of their turns. You can trap smells in a bubble as well. The range of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

That's my precious image of happiness.

At 9th level, as an action for 1 Spirit Point, you can place a creature of your choosing within 15 ft., including yourself, inside of a large bubble and lift them into the air, restraining them and giving them a flying speed of 5 ft. that you control. This lasts until the bubble takes 10 damage.


At 11th level, you can create up to 3 bubbles at a time. You can create 1 additional bubble for 2 spirit points. You may do this multiple times on a single action, but any bubbles above your maximum immediately pop at the end of your next turn. The range of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

Take back the past I lost.

At 14th level, you gain the ability to fuse two similar objects together by absorbing and releasing differing components of their structure, such as grafting a piece of a plant to a different one or fusing a chair to a wall. This can not effect living creatures.

Soft and Wet Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You gain the ability to steal and replace abstract concepts like gravity and morality with altered versions within a 200 ft. radius of your Stand.

  • Example 1, you could steal gravity and replace it with a multiplied version of it or halved version of it, or you could change gravity to center around a single point in that area. Gravity still effects you normally.
  • Example 2, you can steal the morality of creatures within a range and replace them, potentially turning a super sweet pacifist into someone who finds murder morally right, effectively charming them.
  • Example 3, you can steal the logic from another creature, object, or bubble, allowing it to bypass reactions and other effects that it would trigger. It can still be affected normally by creatures, objects, and other bubbles, but cannot trigger effects from them.
  • Example 4, you can steal the causality from another creature. Whenever an action would cost any resource (i.e. spell slots, spirit points, ki points, GP, etc.), its cost is reduced to 0. In the case of resources regained with time (i.e. magic item charges, spell slots, etc.), they may only spend up to their maximum.

Talk to your DM about how stealing other things than the listed above would effect situations.

Alternate Feature
Soft and Wet: Go Beyond

At 20th level, you have learned the truth of Soft and Wet's bubbles, that they are actually infinitely-small lines that spin infinitely quickly, effectively existing outside of space. You can enter Go Beyond as a bonus action once per day, gaining the following for 1 minute:

  • Your bubbles deal four times as much damage to creatures.
  • Any effects that would grant a creature a beneficial bonus against your bubbles (i.e. cover, Evasion, any effects that occur before or after taking damage such as those from the above Stand User Alignment: Civil War or below Stand User Alignment: Wonder of U) are negated outside of their normal AC.
  • Your bubbles can choose to pass through anything without exploding.
  • Creatures without truesight have disadvantage on your bubbles' saving throws.
  • You may choose to ignore any effect that targets your bubbles.

California King Bed[edit]

Stand of Memories

The California King Bed Alignment Stand has high Charisma. Your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Intelligence modifier + 5. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your Dexterity modifier.

Memory Theft

At 3rd level, as an action, you may set a rule for 1 creature for 1 hour or until you end this effect as a bonus action. This rule must be something they can reasonably avoid, they understand the rule is set even if they do not know the consequences or share a language, and you can not deliberately cause them to break this rule. You may only have 1 rule effecting each creature at a time. When a creature breaks this rule, you may roll 1d4 as a bonus action before the end of their next turn, resulting in one of the following effects:

  • On a 1, their Charisma score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific person.
  • On a 2, their Wisdom score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific object.
  • On a 3, their Intelligence score is decreased by 1 and they lose 1 memory of a specific concept, such as a Stand ability, mathematical equation, or event.
  • On a 4, you may reroll. You may spend 1 spirit point to reroll twice, taking both results.

Stolen memories are randomly chosen, and rarely major unless the target has few memories. Each stolen memory becomes a Tiny object that can fit in the palm of your hand easily that is part of your Stand, but can not be de-summoned. If this object is destroyed, the effect of that instance of Memory Theft is undone. Within each object is a visual image of the stolen memory. While the ability score decrease can be undone at the end of a long rest per usual, the memory is not regained.

If you step in the shadow of a creature under the effect of Memory Theft, all instances of this feature effecting them are undone. If an instance is undone after the ability score decrease is undone independently, their respective ability score does not increase.


At 5th level, when holding an object created by Memory Theft, you may view the contents of the memory in its entirety.

Fairness is rules, and rules are power.

At 7th level, when you deal damage to an object created by Memory Theft, you deal an equal amount of damage to the creature who's memory it was, and you only take half as much damage.

Happiness is to share memories with someone.

At 9th level, any creatures of your choice benefit from Caaaaalifoooooorniaaaaa!, and you do not have to spend spirit points on your first 4 each time you use Memory Theft.

Don't fuss over me... that's your job.

At 11th level, when you use Memory Theft on a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to decide the result instead of rolling, and you may choose what memory was stolen. When you steal the memory of a creature with a Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of 5 or less, you may dominate their remaining memory, charming them until their listed ability scores are 6 or more. Additionally, you may choose whether the objects created from stolen memories are part of your Stand or not. If they are not part of your Stand, you do not take damage from attacking them, they have 15 AC and 45 hit points, and if they are destroyed, so is the memory contained within them.

I'm all you know...

At 14th level, when you would enter the shadow of a creature effected by Memory Theft unwillingly, your Stand may attempt a DC 12 + their Dexterity modifier Charisma saving throw. On a success, you and your Stand switch places, and thus you did not enter their shadow. Additionally, your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + its Charisma modifier psychic damage.

California King Bed Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand has reached its peak in evolution and you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute once per day as an action. You may set any number of rules you wish for the sake of Memory Theft, and you may deal 1d10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier psychic damage any time they lose a memory.

Fun Fun Fun[edit]

Stand of Control

The Fun Fun Fun Alignment Stand is esoterically powerful. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to your own. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional summoned form.

Body Puppeteering

At 3rd level, when you are standing directly above a creature and they take at least 1 damage, you may place a mark on one of their arms or legs. While you are standing directly above them, you may control their marked limbs until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action, or until they are no longer directly below you. If you are not standing above them at all, if you become unconcious, or if you end this effect as an action, they lose any marks on their body. They are subject to the following per effected limb:

  • Leg: They have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, their movement speed is halved, and you may move them up to half their unreduced movement speed as if moving your Stand.
  • Arm: You may grant an attack against them advantage once per round, grant remove disadvantage on an attack against them once per round, or cause them to attack themself with the limb as if attacking with your Stand with disadvantage.
I strategically rented out the room above this one.

At 5th level, you gain proficiency in thieves' tools. When you set a trap using your thieves' tools (XGtE pg. 84), you have advantage on the check to set DC. You may spend 4 spirit points when you do this to make is a proficient check using your Stand's Strength modifier.

I haven't even killed anybody.

At 7th level, if a creature has all 4 points controlled by you and you are controlling their limbs, they are paralyzed and you have complete control over their body. Additionally, while you are controlling a limb, you may make it act in any way of your choice in addition to the listed mechanical effects.

All night long, on and on...

At 9th level, any creature you have complete control of gains your Stand's Strength score. Additionally, you gain advantage on Survival checks to find food.

I'm fresh outta business cards, but... nice to meet you.

At 11th level, your Stand gains a traditional summoned form. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position, and twice as far below your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Right now is the beginning of the end.

At 14th level, when you hit a creature with your Stand's unarmed strikes, it places a mark on a number of limbs equal to the number rolled.

Fun Fun Fun Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem as a bonus action for 1 minute once per day. Creatures no longer lose their marks by not being below you, and you may use Body Puppeteering on any creatures within your Stand's range. Additionally, all creatures gain a fifth point that can only be marked when all four other points are being controlled: the heart. When the heart is controlled, the creature must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they instantly drop to 0 hit points. Additionally, you gain the Cardiac Massage feature, but may only use it on creatures whose heart you can control.

Paisley Park[edit]

Stand of Guidance

The Paisley Park Alignment Stand is. Your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 or damage rolls.

They're coordinates that indicate only one thing in this world.

At 3rd level, your Stand can assist any creatures of your choice within 10 ft. of it find exactly what they're looking for as an action, even if you don't know the answer yourself, granting them advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks until the beginning of your next turn. Your Stand always knows the quickest path to any destination.

This is a story about breaking a curse...

At 5th level, your Stand can change the shape of its entire body, though it is still clearly a Stand as a bonus action. This can include changing its size to any category less than or equal to your own, transforming its body into a map to display the quickest path, or turning itself into a shadow or puddle granting itself advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and disadvantage on attack rolls.

There were 4... I'm sure of it

At 7th level, when your Stand sees a creature or container, it knows every item it has in or on it, how many hit points it has, and any effects currently effecting it.

There's an inconsistency somewhere

At 9th level, your Stand can completely read and control any electronics it is touching.

There isn't a single thing that should be overlooked

At 11th level, your Stand can act as if it is, or is in possession of, any electronic it has touched previously.

Les Feuilles

At 14th level, your Stand may designate a 60 ft. long or shorter path. Any creatures or objects that touch this path are instantly moved to the far end of it. This path can be obstructed by moving the bottom of the path, or something underneath the path, to break it. Creatures still move toward the far end of the path, but stop at the break.

Paisley Park Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand may teleport any creatures or objects it can see, including yourself, to any location of its choice, taking the "universal quickest path". Additionally, your Stand knows all information, and can answer any question you ask that has an answer.

Born This Way[edit]

Stand of Pursuit

The Born This Way Alignment Stand has high Strength and Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 500 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand can only attack 1 creature at a time and can only change targets after they have dropped to 0 hit points. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Summon Through Opening

At 3rd level, you can not summon your Stand traditionally. When you physically touch a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to bind your Stand to them. Whenever that creature opens on object that is not part of their body (i.e. opening a door, opening a pen, not opening their hand or opening their eyes), your Stand is summoned in an open space within 5 ft. of them until it is summoned again, you de-summon it, or the opened object is closed.

That family has secrets.

At 5th level, your Stand's range is doubled. Additionally, when your Stand is summoned, it is riding a motorcycle. This motorcycle is effected by any feature your Stand is effected by, but is an object instead of a creature and thus does not have a turn to take.

Icy Blast

At 7th level, as an action for 1 Spirit Point, one creature within 30 feet of your Stand must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier cold damage and become blinded until the end of your next turn.

I'm sure of it, your true identity is...

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may discern the abilities of one magical item you can see, including the ongoing effects of a consumed magic item. Additionally, Summon Through Opening also occurs if the creature is touching an object while it is opening, even if they aren't doing the opening.

Frigid Wind

At 11th level, Icy Blast covers a 30 ft. cube and no longer costs spirit points to use as an action. You may spend 1 spirit point to use Icy Blast as a bonus action. If you target an area with 3 uses of Icy Blast within 3 turns, the area is covered in snow, becoming difficult terrain and granting creatures within the area disadvantage on Icy Blast's saving throw. Your Stand can now be summoned traditionally, but when doing so its range is reduced to 25 ft.

Going Underground

At 14th level, your Stand's range is doubled yet again. Additionally, your Stand's damage reduction increases by 3, and your Stand, but not its motorcycle, has its damage threshold increased by 5.

Born This Way Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand's motorcycle becomes any vehicle of your choice, and you may use Icy Blast as a bonus action, reaction, or as a free action, without spending spirit points, and Frigid Wind's snowy area occurs on every use of Icy Blast. You may ignore difficult terrain, and summoning your Stand traditionally does not reduce its range. If a creature targeted by Summon Through Opening opens an object, you may choose to use Icy Blast without spending any form of action instead of summoning your Stand.

Nut King Call[edit]

Stand of Joints

The Nut King Call Alignment Stand is one of high constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is proficient in unarmed attacks and you roll a d4 or damage rolls.

Nuts and Bolts

At 3rd level, your Stand can place nuts and bolts into objects as an action, creating a functional artificial joint in them. When the nut is removed as a bonus action by your Stand, you can break the object apart, disassembling it instantly. You can also put a disassembled or nut-bearing object back together and remove the nut and bolt as an action. You can only place 1 nut and bolt at a time.

But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...?

At 5th level, when making an unarmed attack against a creature with your Stand, you can place a nut and bolt in the limb you hit as a bonus action. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to immediately disassemble the limb crippling it and making it useless as a reaction or bonus action. They can no longer make checks, saving throws, and actions using that arm, if they attempt any of the prior they immediately fail, they drop whatever they were holding in that arm, and any action they were taking with that arm fails. When a creature who has been under the effect of this feature moves out of a 20 ft. radius of your Stand, their limb will immediately reattach as their nut and bolt disappears, but they must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution saving throw or have it reattach incorrectly, granting them disadvantage on saves, checks, and actions with that limb until the end of their next long rest.


At 7th level, when a creature is reassembled, either by leaving your Stand's radius as in But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...? or as a bonus action or as a free action required, for 1 Spirit Point, you may choose for them to automatically be reattached incorrectly and must still attempt the saving throw, taking 2d8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier slashing damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success (this damage die increases to 3d10 at level 9, 4d12 at level 11, 5d12 at level 14, and 7d10 at level 20).

I can't hold back my feelings!

At 9th level, you can have up to 3 nuts and bolts on objects and creatures as the same time.

Why~~ How could this happe~~n?

At 11th level, your Stand has the ability to disassemble you as a bonus action for 1 Spirit Point. All of your body parts that are removed are still functional and feel as usual. Any detached limbs have a movement speed of 5 ft., and can all be moved at once at the same time as your Stand. Any checks that you are forced to make that would require that body part immediately fail if not attached and any checks it needs to make such is at disadvantage, and if you can't see it, it will immediately fail them. You may reattach a limb as a free action.

It's all over for you bastaaard!

At 14th level, your Stand can now fasten objects and creatures together with the use of a nut and connecting bolt for 1 Spirit Point as an action. One creature your Stand can touch must make a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they become attached to one other object or creature they or your Stand can touch until the end of their next long rest or they leave your Stand's nut range, as detailed in But I... don't even have that kind of talent, do I...?. If they move while attached to another creature, both creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. Any attack either of the creatures attempt have disadvantage. Your Stand's nut range is doubled.

Nut King Call Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. 5 random joints in every creature's body within a 50 ft. radius of your Stand instantly have a nut and bolt placed in it, and your Stand's nut range becomes a 100 ft. radius. During your turn, you can choose to detach 1 limb from each creature as a free action. You can use your bonus action to reattach any limbs of your choice within your nut range, even if they were not removed by your bolts. If you choose to use I'LL KILL YOU AND THEN MYSELF! wen reattaching a limb, the limb is is instantaneously destroyed on a failure, and on a success they take normal damage. As a bonus action for 2 Spirit Points, you can place another 5 nuts and bolts on any creature within 50 ft. of your Stand.

Paper Moon King[edit]

Stand of Origami

The Paper Moon King Alignment Stand is among the most bizarre Stands to exist. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is a phenomenon, and as such does not have a typical summoned form.

Living Origami

At 3rd level, as an action, you can fold a piece of paper into the shape of a CR 0 creature. These creatures benefit from the features of your Stand, save for their ability scores and Invisible Force. They have their own hit points, and you do not take damage when they are attacked. You may have a number of these origamis alive at any moment equal to your Stand's Wisdom modifier.

It's made of origami, and the power of my heart and mind.

At 5th level, you may fold origami out of any substantially small object (i.e. a phone, a ceramic plate, etc.). The creature gains the object's AC if it is higher than its default AC, and retains the object's functionality.

We need to beat him and move forward!

At 7th level, at the end of each long rest, you gain 1d4 pieces of "spirit paper". These pieces of spirit paper can each be folded into 1 origami creature. Origami creatures created from spirit paper have your Stand's ability scores, and can become folded into origami creatures by other creatures. Additionally, when a creature touches an origami creature, you may cause their senses to distort, causing every face, voice, body, and sentence to look exactly like one of your choosing until you end this effect.

It's a forbidden move, but it was kill or be killed...

At 9th level, while a creature is effected by We need to beat him and move forward!, you may cause all of one object to look like one other object regardless of either object's size (i.e. every leaf looks like an origami creature, small shards of broken glass look like massive spikes, a minor cut looks like a severed limb, every bus looks like a particular person). You may have a number of objects visually replaced equal to your Stand's Wisdom modifier at any given moment.

The land is the curse...

At 11th level, when two origami creatures of the same CR are within 5 ft. of each other, you may combine them as an action, causing them to become a single creature with a CR equal to their original CR+1. These creatures still count as the creatures it is comprised of for the sake of your origami creature maximum.

We'll always have enemies out there, but we'll always win.

At 14th level, creatures comprised entirely of your spirit paper benefit from Invisible Force, have an AC equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier, and any of their actions that do not deal more than 2 dice of damage count as unarmed strikes.

Paper Moon King Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. As an action, you may convert any object within 30 ft. into a number of origami creatures equal to its size category (i.e. Tiny creates 1, Small creates 2, Medium creates 3, etc.), and you may have any number of distortions and origami creatures active at any time.

King Nothing[edit]

Stand of Tracking

The King Nothing Alignment Stand has high Wisdom. Your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. While your Stand is summoned, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

The truth is, I'm also a yanki! Wahahahaha!!

At 3rd level, as an action, you may disassemble your Stand into a mess of puzzle pieces. Its size becomes Tiny, it can not attack creatures that aren't Tiny, and its range is tripled. You may reassemble your Stand as a bonus action while it is within its normal range. While in this state, you may spend 1 spirit point without using a reaction to cause an attack to miss your Stand.

I did say we were taking you in as a public service, but...

At 5th level, while your Stand is disassembled, its movement speed is increased by half its total, and it can track scents perfectly.

Eventually, you're going to get sick...

Starting from 7th level, you can use Wisdom instead of Intelligence or Charisma on any Investigation and Deception checks, and you may spend 1 spirit point to automatically succeed such a check.

Fruit is special

At 9th level, your Stand's range is doubled. As an action while your Stand is disassembled, you may cause it to take the form of an object it is holding any piece of so long as it is not larger than your Stand's original size. If the object can be a part of multiple objects, it must choose 1. This ends if you change objects as an action, choose to end it as a bonus action, or your Stand loses the piece. If the object is a ranged weapon, you may spend 1 spirit point to also create an amount of ammunition to completely fill it once.

Basically what I'm trying to say is... everything here has a natural flow

At 11th level, you may reassemble your Stand while it is within another creature's space, forcing them to attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are trapped within your Stand, paralyzing them and making any attack that targets them target your Stand instead. Another creature within 5 ft. may attempt this saving throw as an action, ending this effect on a success.

Now "flow" is a metaphor but if you don't fight it, you'll definitely reach your goal

At 14th level, you may make Fruit is special apply to creatures and to what the scent it is tracking came from for 1 spirit point. Additionally, while tracking a scent, your Stand's movement speed and range in the direction of what it is tracking is doubled, and you may choose to have it move in relation to the target when they move in addition too or instead of yourself.

King Nothing Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Your Stand's size increases by 1 category, and it gains a Strength score equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. When your Stand deals damage to a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become paralyzed until Requiem ends as they uncontrollably disassemble, during which they also take twice as much damage. This can apply They may attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.

I Am a Rock[edit]

Stand of Acceleration

The I Am a Rock Alignment Stand is more powerful in ability than in stats. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Selective Attraction

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may make a single special unarmed strike against a creature. On a hit, you may choose 1 kind of object (i.e. chestnuts, containers of pesticide, ceramic flower vases) that is then accelerated toward the center of that creature. This lasts until you de-summon your Stand, you use this feature again to select a different kind of object, or the creature moves more than 30 ft. from you, but not your Stand. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed, and move as far as the listed range at the beginning of each of your turns, and make an attack using your Stand's Dexterity modifier at the beginning of each of your turns when they are touching the creature.

Size (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die
1-4 70 1d6
5-9 60 2d6
10-29 50 3d6
30-49 40 4d6
50-99 30 5d6
100-199 20 10d6
200+ 10 20d6
Your rook and king are forked...

At 5th level, you may target yourself with Selective Attraction, and may end its effects on yourself at will.

I am an island.

At 7th level, you may use your Stand's Dexterity score when making a Stealth check, and you are immune to the negative effects of being prone.

Not soft... not wet either.

At 9th level, using Selective Attraction as an action no longer costs spirit points, and you may use it as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may create a transparent film up that covers up to a 5 ft. square and is adhesive to non-rock objects from your eyes. If this film is created on a creature, they must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier Strength saving throw. On a failure, they can no longer breath. The film has an AC of 17 and 20 hit points, and the creature can breath if.

The one born from stone is...!!

At 11th level, at the end of each turn a creature is damaged by Selective Attraction, they must attempt a DC 1 + your Stand's Strength modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their hit points are reduced by 1/4 their maximum as the objects dig into their core. This DC increases by 1 on every consecutive turn they are damaged by Selective Attraction.

So you came all the way here...

At 14th level, you may use Selective Attraction as a reaction when you would be able to make an opportunity attack for 2 spirit points, and the DC for The one born from stone is...!! increases by 2 on every consecutive turn the target is damage by Selective Attraction. Additionally, your Stand's Strength becomes equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3.

I Am a Rockuiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Any range listed in Selective Attraction is doubled, and you may target any creatures of your choice within the feature's effective range with it as an action. You may select up to 3 objects to be attracted at a time. When you hit a creature with Selective Attraction's unarmed strike, any objects attracted to the creature instantly act as if your turn began a second time. Using Selective Attraction as a bonus action or reaction no longer costs spirit points, and you may use it without using any form of action on your turn for 1 spirit point.

Speed King[edit]

Stand of Heat

The Speed King Alignment Stand is relatively weak without a smart user. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Heat Accumulation

At 3rd level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter Heat Accumulation as a bonus action, which lasts for 5 minutes. While in Heat Accumulation mode, you gain the following benefits: You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + your proficiency bonus + your Stand's Constitution modifier fire damage from your Stand's fists. At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a DC 8 + your Stands Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw (this DC increases by +1 at 8th and 12th level). On a failure, they gain 1 stack of Heat, which can result in various effects at later levels (this increases to 2 stacks at 14th level). You may spend any number of spirit points when this happens to increase the stacks of Heat gained by a single target by the number of points spent. Creatures lose 1 stack of Heat at the end of each minute they do not gain Heat. Each stack of Heat heats the same 10 cm area by 10 degrees Celsius. At 6th level, while you are in Fury of Fists, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.

I said, wipe it...

At 5th level, as a bonus action, one creature with 2 or more stacks of Heat loses 2 stacks of Heat and must attempt your Heat Accumulation's saving throw. On a failure, their nose begins to bleed profusely as the vessels inside it burst from the increased heat inside them. They gain disadvantage on all any rolls that add their Constitution or Charisma modifier for 1 minute. They may attempt your Heat Accumulation's saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

You're only human, after all.

At 7th level, you may store Heat in one object, but not surface, that you touched with your Stand as if you had attacked it at the end of each of your turns while Heat Accumulation is active. If a creature touches the object, they gain the Heat stored inside it, and the object loses its Heat. You may spend 1 spirit point when you make an unarmed strike with your Stand to deal damage to a creature's body part instead of their regular hit points.

There's no window dressing in the world of gladiators

At 9th level, as an action, bonus action, or reaction, one creature with 1 or more stacks of Heat loses 1 stack of Heat and must attempt your Heat Accumulation's saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Proficiency Bonus fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. Additionally, when a creature would lose Heat, you may instantly spend 1 stack of Heat on this feature.

Thrill is written with the characters for "feel" and "move".

At 11th level, as a bonus action, one creature with 5 or more stacks of Heat loses 5 stacks of Heat and must attempt your Heat Accumulation's saving throw. On a failure, heated blood inside their head causes minor brain hemorrhaging. They become unconscious for 1 hour. They may attempt your Heat Accumulation's saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. If they roll a 1, they cannot retry this saving throw for 1 minute. They may spend 1 spirit point or an equivalent resource at the end of one of their turns during this minute, ending it early immediately after their turn.

This house will prosper to even greater heights.

At 14th level, over a long rest, you may drill a hole near the brain of a creature at 0 hit points and fill it with an appropriate amount of wax using any set of artisan's tools. When you grant them at least 1 stack of Heat, or if they take at least 40 fire damage in a single round, the wax melts and they go berserk for 1 minute. After this one minute, they immediately drop to 0 hit points, and automatically fail any death saving throws they attempt without outside help.

Speed King

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You do not have to spend spirit points to enter |Heat Accumulation, creatures automatically fail its saving throw, and you may use This house will prosper to even greater heights. as an action without wax or Artisan's Tools instead of over a long rest, and the creature automatically regains half their maximum hit points.

Doobie Wah![edit]

Stand of Breath

The Doobie Wah! Alignment Stand isn't powerful at first. Your Stand's Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your Charisma modifier. Your Stand can move up to 500 ft. away from your character's position. Additionally, your Stand is Tiny. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Pursuing Vortex

At 3rd level, you can not summon your Stand traditionally. When you physically touch a creature or their Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to bind your Stand to them for 24 hours or until they leave your Stand's range. At the end of each of your turns, your Stand gains a number of stacks of Breath equal to the number of bound creatures within 15 ft. of it that are not holding their breath or suffocating. When your Stand would gain at least 1 stack of Breath if it were within 15 ft. of a bound creature, you may summon it at that location. For every two stacks of Breath your Stand has, all of its ability scores increase by 1. Your Stand loses 4 stacks of Breath at the end of each of your turns it does not gain Breath.

Can they keep holding their breaths?

At 5th level, for every 4 stacks of Breath your Stand has, its size category increases by 1. Additionally, you may spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to grant your Stand 1d4 stacks of Breath.

Just try to run away.

At 7th level, your Stand can pass through gaps as small as half an inch regardless of its size without squeezing.

There's always going to be a risk for anything great it does...

At 9th level, when your Stand makes an unarmed strike, it attacks every creature within range, including those within its space. Additionally, it can pass through and occupy other creatures' spaces without spending additional movement, and opportunity attacks against it have disadvantage.

I should really dispose of them first...

At 11th level, when your Stand hits a creature with its unarmed strikes, you may increase the damage dealt to one creature by 1d4 for every stack of Breath you spend.

The entire world outside these fingers...

At 14th level, you only take damage if your Stand's body, which occupies one 5 ft. space at the center of its area, is attacked, and attacks against it using Strength have disadvantage. Additionally, your Stand only loses 3 stacks of Breath at the end of each turn it does not gain Breath.

Doobie Wah!
Da Da Da Da Da!

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Every creature within Pursuing Vortex's range begins suffocating, and you gain 1 stack of Breath for every creature that is suffocating within 15 ft. of your Stand. This effects creatures that do not need to breath to live, as you draw the very essence of life, or unlife as it may be, from their form.

Schott Key[edit]

Stand of Synergy

The Schott Key Alignment Stand exists in two possible forms. If you pick the No. 1 option at 3rd level, your Stand is a phenomenon and does not have a traditional summoned form, and its Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3.

If you picked the No. 2 at 3rd level, your Stand's Wisdom is equal to your Wisdom + your Charisma modifier + 3. Your Stand can move up to 25 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand is Tiny.

The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity or Wisdom modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Double Stand

At 3rd level, you must pick one of the following:

  • No. 1. One of your hands is turned to a rocky stub. Any d20 rolls that you would add your Dexterity modifier to made with your stub hand use your Stand's Dexterity modifier. At will, you may transfer what you are holding in your normal hand to your stub hand, or vise versa. The object must be small enough to be held.
  • No. 2. Your Stand constantly produces poisonous gas. At the beginning of each of your turns, it fills one 5 ft. square area it or its gas can touch with gas. Any creature that touches the gas must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier poison or acid damage, your choice. On a success, they take half as much damage. This deals no damage to objects (i.e. keeping it in a paper bag would keep the gas from spreading).
It seems we won't be able to stay in this town long, either...

At 5th level, you gain one of the following based on what you chose at 3rd level:

  • No. 1. You can not be disarmed of items held in your stub hand. You may teleport an object or creature no larger than your size category you can touch into your hand as a bonus action, causing them to move to another open space you can touch of your choosing. Unwilling creatures may attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, avoiding this effect on a success.
  • No. 2. While a creature is within your Stand's gas, they can not breath.
Give me the ball back!!

At 7th level, you gain one of the following based on what you chose at 3rd level:

  • No. 1. You can not be disarmed of items held in your stub hand. When you teleport a creature, you may cause them to hold the object you were holding in any way you wish (i.e. holding a weapon, wearing a glove, having a handcuff around their hand, wrapping wire to cause them to become restrained).
  • No. 2. You can make attacks with an object containing your Stand without dealing damage to the object, it gains the Thrown (20/40) property if it did not already have a better Thrown property, and you are automatically proficient with it.
We're changing the order. Start with this guy.

At 9th level, you gain the option you didn't choose at 3rd level, resulting in two Stands.

Kinda similar, isn't it?

At 11th level, you gain the option you didn't choose at 5th and 7th level.

Double Fusion

At 14th level, both of your Stands benefit from both of their unique features, and you become immune to your Stand's gas. Both of your Stands only produce gas at the beginning of each of your turns if you wish for them to. You may teleport objects between your Stands and your hands at will, and neither of your hands can be disarmed.

Schott Key No. 7

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. You gain 5 additional Stands, each of which benefits from all of your Stand's features. When your Stands produce gas, they fill two 5 ft. square areas instead of 1, and you may decide whether a creature must attempt its saving throw. Additionally, when a creature is damaged by your gas, you may cause them to become charmed. If they are immune to being charmed, they still become charmed on a roll of 1.

Vitamin C[edit]

Stand of Hands

The Vitamin C Alignment Stand's speed only makes its ability all the more terrifying. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks deal slashing damage.

Organic Softening

At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may place a Handprint anywhere you can touch that lasts for 1 minute, or until you create another one. Creatures must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Perception or Investigation check to see them. When a creature enters the same 5 ft. area as a Handprint, they must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. If a creature is holding an object with a Handprint on it, they automatically fail this saving throw. On a failure, they gain 1d4 stacks of Softening. When a creature has a number of stacks of Softening equal to their Constitution modifier, minimum 1, you can either halve the creature’s movement speed, give them disadvantage on attack rolls, or give them disadvantage on all d20 rolls using one ability score except Intelligence. Creatures automatically lose 1 stack of Softening at the end of each minute they do not gain Softening, and you may remove any number of stacks of Softening at will.

Just answer my questions when I ask them.

At 5th level, for every 2 additional stacks of Softening the creature has, you may impose one of the effects of Organic Softening on that creature an additional time. Additionally, you may place a number of Handprints equal to your Dexterity modifier.

It makes you easier to cut than butter.

At 7th level, when a creature has at least 10 + their Constitution modifier stacks of Softening, they become paralyzed, but you may allow them to speak. If they are immune to being paralyzed, this requires 4 additional stacks of Softening and ignores immunity. Additionally, creatures with at least 6 stacks of Softening take twice as much slashing damage, and any damage die smaller than 1d6 of an attack against them that deals slashing damage automatically becomes 1d6, and any smaller damage die instantly becomes 1d6.

He's sure to be someone I'm looking for.

At 9th level, when a creature gains 4 more stacks of softening than it requires to become paralyzed, they become heavily obscured as their body evenly coats the floor. Additionally, creatures count as one size smaller for the sake of squeezing for every 3 stacks of softening gained. Additionally, It makes you easier to cut than butter's damage doubling applies to all damage types.

Do not underestimate me.

At 11th level, It makes you easier to cut than butter's smallest damage die becomes 1d8. When you deal damage to a creature paralyzed by Softening, you may deal all of your damage to a body part of your choice instead of their regular hit points.

That day on the yacht...

At 14th level, you may place any number of Handprints of your choice, and creatures gain 2 additional stacks any time a gains stacks of Softening. When you or your Stand hit with an unarmed strike, the target instantly fails Organic Softening's saving throw.

Vitamic C Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. Any creatures of your choice become immune to your Handprints, you leave a Handprint in every space you move through, and you gain a burrowing speed equal to your movement speed that can move through any material as it liquifies on touch.

Killer Queen, Alternate Universe[edit]

Stand of Destruction

The Queen Alignment Stand has high Strength and Charisma. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Bomb Bubble

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate 1 bubble from itself as an action. You have control over this bubble, but it can only move within 15 ft. of your Stand, has a flying speed of 5 ft., and moves as part of your action. You can only have 1 bubble active at a time. You can create 1 additional bubble for 2 spirit points. You may do this multiple times on a single action, but any bubbles above your maximum immediately pop at the end of your next turn. You must manually detonate bombs below your maximum to be able to create additional bubbles below your maximum. Each of your bombs has 5 hit points, and is Tiny.

As a reaction or bonus action, you may detonate any number of bubbles. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after using this. Creatures within 10 ft. radius of a detonated bomb must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus force damage on a failure, or half as much damage on a success. Your bombs' damage die increases to 2d10 at 6th level, 3d10 at 9th, 4d10 at 15th, and 5d10 at 17th. You may spend 1 spirit point to adjust the bomb upon detonation, making it affect only one creature within 5 ft., and dealing full critical damage to them. You may also spend 2 spirit points to double the explosion's radius.

I'm going to steal one. One of those fruits

At 5th level, if you have made an unarmed strike with your Stand on the same turn, you may create a Bomb Bubble in the same space as the target as a bonus action. If you detonate the bomb before they move, they automatically fail the saving throw and take maximum damage. Creatures unaware of the location of a detonated bomb bubble take critical damage. You and your Stand are unharmed by any of these explosions you are aware of.

Are you a man of the sea? Or a man of the land? Which is it?

Starting at 7th level, your precision with your Stand is surgical. You gain proficiency in Intelligence (Medicine) checks. As an action, you may attempt to cure a creature of any disease as a DC 20 Intelligence (Medicine) check with advantage, curing them on a success by erasing the cause.

We're here right now because of flying fish jumping out of the south sea

At 9th level, you may create 2 Bomb Bubbles as an action, or 1 as a bonus action or reaction, and you may have up to 3 bubbles active at time. Furthermore, when you make a roll with a disadvantage, you can use this feature to eliminate the disadvantage. You do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses at the end of a long rest, or by restoring 1 use with 1 spirit point. You may also expend 1 spirit point without expending a use from this feature to change a roll that you must make that has a disadvantage into a roll that has an advantage if you are proficient in the roll.

Sheer Heart Attack

At 11th level, as an action, you can spend 1 spirit point to infuse any number of bombs your Stand can touch with more energy, transforming it into a small tank. Its hit points are tripled, and its flying speed (which becomes a climbing speed) and detonation radius are doubled. Additionally, the range of all of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their flying speed, are doubled.

I swear I'll kill both of you

At 14th level, your bombs deal twice as much damage to objects, and the range of all of your bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their movement speed, are doubled.

Killer Queen Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. The range and damage of all of your Stand and its bubbles' explosions and distance, as well as their flying speed, are doubled. You may have any number of Bomb Bubbles,


Stand of Shape

The Heart Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Charisma. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Charisma + your Dexterity modifier + 3, your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 5 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Heel Spikes

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to manipulate the shape of objects you touch. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may use this on your footwear and extend a spike out at a creature within 15 ft. of you, dealing 1d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit (you may do this 2 times as a bonus action at 5th level, 3 times at 9th level, 4 times at 11th level, and 5 times at 14th level).

Oh, My!

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can morph the shape of your footwear to allow you to traverse easily in any terrain, including walls and ceilings, for 1 minute.

Your whole world’s gonna come tumbling down!

At 7th level, your Stand is able to create a shield or barrier that can be raised to block an incoming attack. As a bonus action or reaction for 5 spirit points, you become immune to all except psychic and force damage until the end of your next turn.

Breaking Heart

At 9th level, your Stand can transform any object into a weapon for 1 minute as a bonus action. This costs 1 spirit point for any simple melee weapon or 5 pieces of ammunition. 2 spirit points for any martial melee weapon or ranged weapon. You may end this effect instantly as a free action.

“Green Turtle”

At 11th level, you can change the shape of your footwear and the ground below it, doubling your movement speed and jump distances until the end of your next turn. You may do this a number of times equal to your Stand's Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Every use beyond this number costs 1 spirit point.

King of Hearts

At 14th level, while you are below 10 hit points, you can make one additional attack when you take the attack action. This lasts until your hit points are restored above 10.

Walking Heart Requiem

At 20th level, your Stand may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. None of the above features cost spirit points, and you may reshape up to 50 cubic feet of inanimate material that you can see into any shape that you see fit as a free action.

Space Trucking[edit]

Stand of Cards

The Space Trucking Alignment Stand has high Constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 20 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Dimensional Storage

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand produces a deck of cards. If you use this more than once, the same deck teleports back to your Stand and is repaired. You may use this as either a normal deck of cards or as a bag of holding capable of holding 52 objects no larger than a playing card, switching between what it is acting as at will. Each object is stored in a single card, and can be removed by any creature of your choice. In the latter case, the deck of cards acts as any other object when stored in a Handy Haversack, Portable Hole, or similar item.

I don't have any regrets...

At 5th level, you may make attacks against anything stored within your deck of cards using your Stand's Constitution modifier with advantage, and you may make one such attack at the end of each of your turns.

But that's because I'm going to take back the life I lost.

At 7th level, you may store things as large as a 5 ft. square within your cards, including creatures. Each creature within your deck can breath for up to 10 minutes regardless of the number of creatures stored. Unwilling creatures may attempt a DC 4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw, not being stored within your cards on a success.

Shouldn't it be obvious I'd at least want to see my kids?!!

At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action or reaction to being attacked for 1 spirit point, one creature within your reach must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you store their limbs within your cards, causing them to become paralyzed. If you move your deck, they stay within 5 ft. of it. The target may attempt a Strength saving throw with the same DC at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Don't think lightly of me!

At 11th level, when you remove an item from your deck, you may make an attack roll using your Stand's Constitution modifier with a range from your deck and a damage die dependent on the weight of the object, as listed below:

Size (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die
1-4 70 1d6
5-9 60 2d6
10-29 50 3d6
30-49 40 4d6
50-99 30 5d6
100-199 20 10d6
200+ 10 20d6
I've always loved you all!

At 14th level, you may make attacks using Don't think lightly of me! at twice the range listed with disadvantage, you may make attacks with your Stand using its Constitution modifier, and you gain a second deck that acts identically to the first, but can store its own 52 objects independently from the first.

Space Trucking Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 hour as a bonus action once per day. You can store objects within any creature you touch as if they were one card of your deck. As an action, bonus action, or reaction to being touched, one creature you can touch must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you pull them inside out, reducing them to a single playing card until Requiem ends. These playing cards show an image of the creature's face, and take 4 times as much damage.

Milagro Man[edit]

Stand of Money

The Milagro Alignment Stand is insidious, but physically harmless. Your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 60 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Milagro Man's Curse

At 3rd level, your Stand can create a single gold piece, or its value in another currency. Any money created by your Stand that has a serial number ends with 13R, or as close as it can get to ending with 13R, but is otherwise completely distinct. If another creature comes in possession of this money, it begins endlessly multiplying in the following ways:

  • If they attempt to spend money, it is refunded in full before the transaction is completed.
  • If they attempt to destroy the money, it reconstitutes itself in the creature's possession in a place it will not be destroyed by the same source.
  • If they attempt to lose the money, it will invariably return to the creature.
  • At the end of each hour, this money increases by 2d100%.

This lasts until the creature gives some of the money to another creature without them returning it to them (whether by trickery or force), you end this effect as an action, or they die. When this ends, any money created by the curse disappears except those given to another creature.

I'll make sure you're the only one seein' hell!

At 5th level, creatures effected by Milagro Man's Curse suffer the following in addition to the effects already in place:

  • If they attempt to spend money, they gain an additional 1d100% of the money.
  • If they attempt to destroy the money, they gain an additional 1d4+1 times as much money.
  • If they attempt to lose the money, they gain an additional 1d100% of the money.
  • At the end of each hour, this money increases by 2d100%.
H-how is it growing like that...?!

At 7th level, while a creature has at least 1,000 gp created by Milagro Man's Curse, they take twice as much fire and acid damage as the money that would have been destroyed instead reforms somewhere else on their body, burning them again. Additionally, when they take either of said damage types, 1d10% of the money they have on them is destroyed, fulfilling the curse's second bullet point.

You dropped this money, here you go.

At 9th level, when a creature attempts to give the Curse's money to another creature, they must attempt a DC 13 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Persuasion or Intimidation check. On a failure, they refuse to take their money.

Was all that really a dream?

At 11th level, creatures gain 1 level of exhaustion that can not be lost until Milagro Man's Curse ends at the end of each day the curse is active as the toll of having infinite, but worthless wealth sets in.

Take this money from meee!

At 14th level, any time a creature would gain a percentage of additional money from Milagro Man's Curse, they instead gain 1d4+1 times their wealth.

Milagro Man
The Liar

At 20th level, any time a creatures additional money from Milagro Man's Curse, the amount gained is doubled.

Blue Hawaii[edit]

Stand of Zombies

The Blue Hawaii Alignment Stand has high Strength Constitution. Your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Mind Control Contagion

At 3rd level, when a creature's body touches a part of your Stand or part of your body, you may bind your Stand to it as a reaction for 1 spirit point. They gain your Stand's ability scores and some element of their appearance, you can not summon your Stand without ending this effect, and you may set 1 target that you know the appearance of and know exists. The creature moves in a straight line in the exact direction of the creature on each of their turns and attempts to deal as much damage as possible to the target. This lasts until you summon your Stand, the creature dies, or you fall unconcious.

I wouldn't mind living out the rest of my days here

At 5th level, when a creature's body touches the body of a creature under the effects of Mind Control Contagion, you may stop controlling the initial creature and take control of the second in the exact same way. Additionally, any creature under the effects of Mind Control Contagion gains any features that would effect your Stand, save for Invisible Force and Manifestation of Will.

You can just do what you want...

At 7th level, once per turn when a creature under the effects of Mind Control Contagion attempts to move through an occupied space, such as by running into a wall between them and the target, it makes an unarmed strike against both the space's largest occupant and itself as it tries to force its body through.

There's no real meaning out there...

At 9th level, while a you or creature under the effects of Mind Control Contagion is missing at least 1 hit point, any creature that moves or ends their turn within 5 ft. with exposed skin must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + the controlled creature's Constitution modifier Dexterity saving throw, having blood splashed on their on a failure, allowing you to cause them to be controlled.

Ya know, you two, you're getting involved with some pretty messed up stuff.

At 11th level, you may use Mind Control Contagion as an action without spending spirit points. When you use Mind Control Contagion as a reaction, you may roll 1d20, regaining the spent spirit point on a roll of 16 or higher.

Limp Bizkit

At 14th level, creatures under the effects of Mind Control Contagion do not stop being under its effects when you summon your Stand, another creature falls under its effect, or they die, and they gain the effects of Invisible Force and Manifestation of Will.

Blue Hawaii Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. When a creature comes under the effects of Mind Control Contagion, you may choose to drop them to 1 hit point or cause them to regain their maximum hit points at will.

Doggy Style[edit]

Stand of Peeling

The Doggy Style Alignment Stand has high Dexterity and Wisdom. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Wisdom can go up to 26. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma are equal to your own. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. While your Stand is summoned, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage.

The priorities here are protecting me is first

At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand. While it is summoned, you may make unarmed attacks and grapple checks at a range of 15 ft.

I don't do business with anyone else

Starting at 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may make a ranged attack against a creature within 45 ft. by forming a skin spike. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + your proficiency bonus + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level, 3d4 at 15th level, and 5d4 at 18th level. You may spend 1 additional spirit point when you use this to have your attack stun the creature until the start of your next turn.

I'm purposefully letting insects and diseases attack the strawberries around here

Starting from 7th level, you can use Wisdom instead of Intelligence on any Arcana and Nature checks, and you may spend 1 spirit point to automatically succeed such a check.

What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be?

Starting at 9th level, you can interact with objects up to 30 ft. away from you. Additionally, as a reaction when you take damage, you may completely unravel yourself. You become paralyzed until the end of your next turn, you become prone, and creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw or believe you are dead until you are no longer prone or you take any action.

Promises are "sacred"

Starting from 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may turn one of your arms into any ranged weapon of your choice that you have seen and disassembled. The chosen arm counts as one hand wielding it, and you must still have its respective ammunition.

You'd best not doubt my probabilities

Starting at 14th level, the range of your unarmed attacks, grapple checks, skin spikes, and item interactions are doubled. Additionally, you may spend 1 spirit point when you use What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be? to cause all creatures to fail the Wisdom saving throw. You may also spend 1 spirit point when you use What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be? to halve any damage you take until you take any form of action that would break the illusion of your death.

Doggy Style Requiem

At 20th level, you can enter Requiem mode for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. None of the above features cost spirit points. When you deal damage to a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become paralyzed until Requiem ends as they unravel into a pile of their own living flesh, during which they also take twice as much damage. They may attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.

Brain Storm[edit]

Stand of Bacteria

The Brain Storm Alignment Stand has high Dexterity. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 30 ft. away from your character's position and is Tiny. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, your Stand's unarmed strikes deal acid damage and deal no damage to objects. At the end of each of turn your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, it gains 1 stack of Hemolysis to a maximum of your Stand's Dexterity modifier. For every stack of Hemolysis, your Stand deals 1 additional point of damage against that creature. Unless the target has at least 1 stack of Hemolysis, it can not damage a creature completely covered in an object, such as a hazmat suit or water. A creature may remove 1d4+2 stacks of Hemolysis on themself by removing one body part of their choice.

You sure like to talk, don'cha...

At 5th level, you may decide which body part a creature must remove to reduce their stacks of Hemolysis, and creatures' maximum stacks of Hemolysis increase to your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. Creatures with stacks of Hemolysis take a number of acid damage equal to their stacks at the end of each of their turns.

Choosing a good killing order is invaluable for work efficiency.

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may choose 1 creature you can see to become your Target for 1 minute. No creature other than your Target can gain additional stacks of Hemolysis, they gain twice as many stacks of Hemolysis, and your Stand's range is doubled when moving straight toward them or you. If your Target is reduced to 0 hit points before the minute is over, you may use this feature on another creature without spending spirit points once, losing this use at the end of a short or long rest.

Doremifasolati Do

At 9th level, you gain a second Stand. The Doremifasolati Do Alignment Stand has high Strength and Dexterity. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 15 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

This Stand does not benefit from Invisible Force, can be used as a mount by you, and has a burrowing speed equal to your movement speed +15 ft. Additionally, this Stand does not deal damage to you when it is attacked, and it has its own pool of hit points equal to half of your maximum hit points. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it instantly de-summons and can not manifest for 24 hours. You may decrease this time by 1 hour for every spirit point spent.

I can't believe you chucked two knives at me...

At 11th level, your Doremifasolati Do Alignment Stand may make unarmed strikes as a ranged attack using its Dexterity modifier with a range of 30/60 ft.

I'm above all of you.

At 14th level, creatures gain 1 stack of Hemolysis every time they are hit by an attack by your Brain Storm Alignment Stand, and both of your Stands' ranges are doubled. Additionally, your Doremifasolati Do Alignment Stand's burrowing speed increases by +15 ft.

Brain Storm Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. For every stack of any feature a creature has, you may choose to count it as a stack of Hemolysis. Additionally, your Doremifasolati Do Alignment Stand's burrowing speed increases by +15 ft. and its unarmed damage die becomes 2d10, and you may choose what features from your Brain Storm Alignment Stand it benefits from at will.

Wonder of U[edit]

Stand of Calamities

The Wonder of U Alignment Stand has good intelligence and charisma. Your Stand's intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Charisma is equal to your Charisma + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom are equal to your own. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your stand Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks and simple melee weapons, and its unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls. Your stand is automatic and can move 500 feet away from you, with its range being 500 feet. It also has its own personality and sentience and shares your ideals, bonds and flaws, its personality traits are determined by you.


At 3rd Level, When a creature hostile to you (or with the intent of being so) enters your stand's range, it becomes a target of Pursuit. A creature in that range that you are hostile to is a target as well. You can have up to 5 creatures as targets of Pursuit at a time (increases to 8 at level 10, and 10 at level 18). If you are aware of the available targets of Pursuit, you can select which become targets of Pursuit. If not, your stand will automatically replace the first selected target, with the newest available target when it goes above the maximum. Pursuit can be active for up to 8 hours (12 at level 9, and 24 hours at level 14), and ends whenever you are unconscious. Targets of Pursuit have disadvantage on all rolls related to tracking you and following you (such as investigation, and perception, any roll to find you). This effect ends on a target whenever they find you, and cannot be reapplied until you are more than 120 ft away from them. When Pursuit ends, it cannot activate again until you finish a long rest.

Did you perhaps come here intending to pursue me?

Targets Pursuit that are hostile to you that are 60 feet away from you (or your stand at level 7) or farther or they will have to make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns that they remain in your ability range, on a success the target takes half damage, on a fail it takes full damage. (this damage is classified as environmental damage, thus cannot be avoided)

The base damage is 2d4 + your stand Charisma modifier, the damage die increases as the target approaches you, 2d4 at 60 feet away, 3d4 at 40 feet, 4d4 at 30 feet, 5d4 at 20 feet, 6d4 at 10 feet, 10d4 at 5 feet away and 15d4 at 2 feet away. (the damage die increases to a d6 at 6th level and to a d8 at 10th level)

Calamitous Charge

At 5th level, your stand can imbue objects with calamitous energy, any object can become a potential weapon against your targets inflicting mortal wounds against them, the damage die this feature is the same as the one you use for the above feature. As a separate action you can touch a specific object (objects that are already considered weapons are not included) and until the end of your next turn that object will deal damage to everyone who touches it. (You and your stand are the only exception) The damage is the same as “Did you perhaps come here intending to pursue me?”, but uses your distance from the object instead of the target of Pursuit.

You can use this ability as many times as your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after finishing a short or long rest.

The Head Doctor

At 7th level, your stand can take a human form and become visible to non-stand users, in that form he can talk with other people and wear normal clothes, your stand can live and walk like a real person and other stand users will think he is the enemy stand user and not you. This form of Wonder of U is a separate entity that is capable of living it's own life, though will still carry out your will. You can assume full control of this humanoid form, but doing so will cause you to become incapacited. You can also take control of it while sleeping. If a creature has discovered you before, they can make a Charisma saving throw against 8 + your proficiency bonus + your stand's charisma modifier to go after you instead. If they pass, they will not be forced to pursue your stand until Pursuit is reapplied to them. Once a creature has passed this save 3 times, they are unaffected permanently. The humanoid form of your stand will pursuit creatures affected by Pursuit.

While Pursuit is active you and your stand gain +5 AC, and Pursuit stays active while you're unconscious, but “Did you perhaps come here intending to pursue me?” will only be active on your stand. If you take a long rest while Pursuit is active, it resets the time, but does not reset the targets.

Is he really 89?!

At 9th level, your stand is now proficient with any type of weapon, if your stand holds a weapon it is proficient with, it will become part of him, in addition to becoming magic for the purpose of ignoring resistances and immunities.

You now can add your stand Intelligence modifier instead of Strength to you and your stand attack and damage rolls.

Your stand walking speed is doubled, you become immune to fall damage, you and your stand can walk on walls, and your stand becomes able to walk on air.

There's nobody who can attack me...

At 11th level, calamity acts to help you, making your opponents' attacks potentially miss you, as well as extending further. You gain the following benefits:

  • You and your stand gain +2 AC.
  • All creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity and Constitution saving throws.
  • Wonder of U's range becomes 1 mile.
Flow of Calamity

At 14th level, calamity flows in your favor, making your attacks more accurate and lethal. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on attack rolls against your targets.
  • Now when you make a critical hit the damage is doubled.
  • At this point calamity affects even space-time related abilities, making your stand immune to any ability that would stop it from protecting you, remaining active during Time related abilities, but not yourself. (Wonder of U can harm during Time Erase, remain active during Timestop, and will not trigger Bites The Dust, further rulings are up to the DM).
The Miracle of Your Love

At 20th level, as a bonus action, for 24 hours the effects of calamity protect you fully. Any creature who thinks about pursuing you is affected by “Did you perhaps come here intending to pursue me?”, the damage is considered as if they were the maximum distance and if any victims get closer than 1ft, they take 18d8 + your stand's charisma modifier damage from your calamity. Wonder of U also gains an unlimited range while this ability is active. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again for 30 days.

Alternate Features

The following may be chosen instead of features that share the same level to unlock, or granted as boons by the DM before or after you reach the required level.

Eternal Calamity

At 20th level, your stand becomes the ultimate pursuit of calamity. If you die while Pursuit is active, your stand stays manifested. Wonder of U gains immunity to all nonmagical damage (or from extradimensional sources such as Spin), and 200 HP. Wonder of U's movement speed is also doubled (stacks with “Is he really 89?!”). If Wonder of U successfully kills all targets of Pursuit, you are resurrected with full HP. If Wonder of U is killed, it does not reform. While this feature is active, Pursuit does not end from time, and your stand's humanoid form has an infinite range. Once you have died and been brought back this way, this ability cannot be used for another year.

Long Range Illusion Creation

Your stand gains the ability to create illusions of itself in its human form or stand form that they fully control, you have no control over how this ability activates, Wonder of U May choose who may see these illusions and unless an enemy knows that this ability exists they will not assume it to be an illusion and these illusions can create sound and may be seen by non stand users should wonder of u want it to. You may only obtain this feature after you obtain “The Head Doctor” You can only obtain this ability from your DM awarding you it.

Miscellaneous Stands[edit]

The following are Stands included in officially published material outside of the original manga including Stands from Jorge Joestar, the various manga novelizations, Araki interviews, and other such sources, as listed by release date.

Charmy Green[edit]

Stand of Fusion

The Charmy Green Alignment Stand resembles its predecessors, the Star and Hierophant. Your Stand's Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma modifier + 3, and your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 10 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Coiled Body

At 3rd level, your Stand's body is able to stretch rather far, allowing it to interact with or attack creatures/objects up to 60 ft. away without leaving the space its currently occupying, but will only deal half damage to those not in melee range. You may use your action to stretch your Stand almost invisibly across a 30 foot radius anywhere within this range, alerting you to the presence of any creatures within the radius, but doing so keeps you from using your Stand in any way except for ending this effect as an action. Creatures must succeed a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Wisdom saving throw to detect your Stand in this manner.

Your Stand can grab objects and pull them to you or pull yourself to the location it is occupying with a bonus action or as a free action. Grappling with your Stand still allows your Stand to move around without moving the grappled creature nor removing the grappled condition from them; you can grapple more than 1 creature with your Stand, but they will be all be freed if any of them break out or if your Stand has been stretched farther than 60 ft. of them. You can spend 1 spirit point to double the range to 120 ft until the end of your next turn.

Emerald Star Finger

At 5th level, one creature within 60 ft. must attempt a DC 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning or piercing damage (this damage die increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 6d6 at 14th level, 8d6 at 17th level). On a success, they take half as much damage. If they cannot see your Stand, this counts as a critical attack. You may spend 1 spirit point upon using this to have them roll with a disadvantage. If they already have a disadvantage, they will automatically fail instead if you spend the spirit point.

Precise Movements

Starting from 7th level, you gain an advantage and are proficient in Perception checks and cannot be taken by surprise. In addition, difficult terrain does not negatively effect your movements. When you are forced to make Dexterity saving throws where you take half damage on success, you instead take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure. If you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can spend 1 spirit point to treat it as if you succeeded.

Urya Urya Rush

At 5th level, you may spend 3 spirit points to enter ORA ORA ORA! as a bonus action, which lasts until combat is over. While in Urya Urya Rush, you gain the following benefits: you may dash or make a trip attack (on a hit, a Large or smaller creature becomes prone) as a bonus action each turn. You may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action (stacks with Exchange Blows attacks). On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + your proficiency bonus bludgeoning damage from your stand's fists (the damage die increases to 2d8 at level 11, and 2d10 at level 14). At the end of your turn, any creatures you have attacked must also succeed a Strength saving throw versus your DC 8 + your Stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon a failed save, the target is knocked prone. At 11th level, while you are in Urya Urya Rush, you are unable to fall asleep or become unconscious.

Kakyoin, did you lay this egg?

Starting from 11th level, while in Urya Urya Rush, when using an extra attack granted by Exchange Blows, you may expend that stack when you land a hit, causing it to deal full critical damage. Furthermore, critical hits against a creature with less than 10% of their maximum hit points incapacitates them and halves their movement speed until the end of their next turn.

I always feel irritated

Starting at 14th level, the range of Emerald Star Finger becomes a 60 ft. line. You may spend 1 spirit point to double this range or double the damage dealt.

Charmy Green Requiem

Starting at 20th level, you can enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action once per day. During this, Emerald Star Finger counts as an attack for the sake of any features that are based on attacks, such as Exchange Blows, Denting Blows, etc.

Additionally, you may activate "Time Stop" as a full turn action. Time does not pass and you are the only creature that can act in any way for 1 round. During Time Stop, extra actions are still extra actions and movement speed is automatically doubled without the use of dash. You can make an attack against creatures or interact with an object that is being held by a creature without breaking the "Time Stop" effect. If an object is thrown at an enemy, at the end of Time Stop, the enemy must succeed a DC 15 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus Dexterity saving throw with a disadvantage for each attack, taking half damage (rounded down) upon success; attacks that hit will deal critical damage. You and your Stand's melee attacks are considered automatic criticals for the duration. You can use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest. Attempting to use this "Time Stop" with no uses remaining will still activate the effect, but will result in you gaining 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Time Stop. Expending 1 spirit point will double the duration of "Time Stop"; you can only double the duration on the moment you cast it and only if you do not have any stacks of exhaustion.

If you are subjected to a Time Stop effect caused by others, you may use your reaction to cast Time Stop and have your turns with them. The rules of your Time Stop still apply to you. Using it this way does not count against your total uses nor does it give you exhaustion.


Stand of Being a Submarine

The U-Boat Alignment Stand is a miniature German u-boat. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand is Tiny. Your Stand can move up to 120 ft. away from your character's position. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.


At 3rd level, your Stand can make a ranged attack with its torpedoes. It makes a ranged attack at a creature within 30 feet with a damage die of 2d10. If your Stand is inside a creature when it makes this attack as per {Manifestation of Will, they take 4d10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier psychic damage as its exiting ethereal missiles cause excruciating pain. This feature must recharge (5-6) before it can be used again. Your Stand has swimming speed equal to its movement speed.

Periscope Headset

At 5th level, you can detect all creatures in a 60 ft radius of your Stand as an action. This feature does not work on creatures who do not breathe air. You can use this feature an amount of times per day up to your Stand’s Constitution modifier, and you can spend 1 spirit point to reset the amount of times you have used it.

Naval Gun

At 7th level, your Stand can make a ranged attack with its torpedoes. It makes a ranged attack at a creature within 30 feet with a damage die of 2d6. If your Stand is inside a creature when it makes this attack as per Manifestation of Will, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier psychic damage as its exiting ethereal missiles cause excruciating pain.

Swimming Through the Sky

At 9th level, your Stand gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed.

Naval Mines

At 11th level, your Stand lays a cluster of naval mines which fill a 10-foot cube centered around it. The mines are visible with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. A Medium or larger creature that moves through the area containing mines must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 19 (5d6) bludgeoning damage and 19 (5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Your Stand is equipped with 12 mines, all of which are expended once it performs this action. The mines deal double damage against objects and structures. You may regain your mines for 4 spirit points.


At 14th level, as an action for 20 spirit points, you may transform your Stand into a full-sized U-Boat that still has any of its features of your choice and acts as its own crew until you revert it to its basic state as a bonus action.

U-Boat Ultimate

At 20th level, you may tap into the full power of U-Boat for 1 minute as an action. When your Stand is inside another creature, it may release a sonar blast. The creature automatically takes 20d20 psychic damage and is deafened for 1 hour, its ranged attacks have twice as much range and damage.


Stand of Wounds/Wound of Clowns

The Coulrophobia stand alignment can’t be summoned traditionally and has a very high intelligence. It takes the form of any sort of official fear, such as clowns, spiders, or… *phallophobia*.

Wound Manifestation

At 3rd level, you can lock all doors and windows in a room when you’re standing at one of it’s doors. You don’t have to be inside the room, and can be just outside of it. You get to choose when the doors unlock as a bonus action.

I can't stop myself thinking about the clown, but...

At 5th level, your stand can be summoned in the center of the room or the closest thing to the true center. All hostile creatures in the room are frightened of your stand, and your stand has a movement speed of 0 with no unarmed attack.

Worst comes to worst, I'll tell everyone I did it, so you just do the best you can.

At 7th level, your stand gets malicious. All hostile creatures in the room start suffocating as they are hung by the materials in the room. For instance, if they’re in a cave or room of dirt then vines would hang down. If they’re in a fancy parlour, they’d be hung by a tablecloth or rolled up carpet.

Artificial room

At 9th level, you can now create a locked room out of the materials in your environment as your stand gets more bloodthirsty. This room is 15 feet wide and long, while being 10 feet tall. Inside a cave, this room would be made of stone and the nooses out of vines. In a field, the room would be made of dirt and grass, with grass nooses.

Ballroom of the Clown

At 11th level, your clown gains mobility. It can now move around the locked room freely, and uses a d4 for unarmed strikes. In addition, your artificial rooms double in size in all aspects except height.

Cube House

At 14th level, you can create a four dimensional house with 8 rooms. The functions of these rooms are unknown but everyone must be in the same room at all times. If not, the room without the creator of the house is stretched and warped, causing 4d6 psychic damage to all within it. Each room the user strays from the people who wandered from the group, they take the damage again, warping through time and space. Fun! On the fourth time the stand user travels, they return to the ones who were led astray.

Fear the Clown

The world is encased in a room by space junk and asteroids. For one minute, everyone who you dislike or is hostile to you is hung with a golden, radiating rope. Everyone else gains a deathly fear of your stand and things that look similar, as they experience intense hallucinations of your stand, and will attack them on sight. If those hung survive this process, they are dressed in a costume of your stand that requires a dc 14 dexterity save to get rid of. You do not need to be pierced by the arrow to activate this ability. Instead, if you are pierced by the arrow you gain a new path at 3rd level, in addition to Coulrophobia at 20th.

Hey, it's me. Tazer Man#2725 again. Back with some more homebrew I did in school. I hope y'all have fun.

NYPD Blue[edit]

Stand of Law Enforcement

The NYPD Blue Alignment Stand takes the form of a seemingly normal police officer. Your Stand's Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma modifier + 3, your Stand's Intelligence is equal to your Intelligence + your Charisma modifier + 3. The rest of your Stand's Strength, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma are equal to your own. Your Stand can move up to 200 ft. away from your character's position. Your stand shares your Ideals, Bonds, and is sentient, It can act on its own but will follow your orders and commands to the best of its ability. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Your Stand is also proficient in unarmed attacks, and it's unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Firearm Generation

At 3rd level, your Stand can generate a fully loaded one-handed firearm or other ranged weapon as an action. Your Stand can generate its ammunition as part of reloading it. Your stand is proficient in any weapon it generates.

Evidence Gathering

At 5th level, your Stand gains expertise in Investigation, Insight, and Perception.


At 7th level, your Stand gains expertise in Animal Handling, Nature, and Medicine.

Video Broadcasting

At 9th level, your Stand can record and broadcast anything it can see or hear to any television or other audio-video device that you know the location of.

Colt Python

At 11th level, your Stand's ranged attacks deal twice as much damage dice and your Stand may now reload its generated firearm as a free action.


At 14th level, your Stand increases to three separate creatures. Two of these Stands do not reflect damage on you, and instead have 50 hit points.

NYPD Blue Requiem

At 20th level, you may enter Requiem for 1 minute as a bonus action. You gain your Stand's features, Patrol increases to 5 creatures, and each Patrol Stand has 150 hit points.

Stand User Alignment: The Passion[edit]

Stand of Connections

The Passion Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional manifested form. Until you reach 4th level, if some effect (but not simple social interaction) tries to force you into fighting someone, you will fall unconscious until the effect ends or 50 days pass, in the latter case of which you will die.


At 3rd level, you are aware of the precise direction of and distance to every living relative of yours directly related to you by blood who is on the same plane. This allows you to track their movements, and whether or not they are alive.

I can feel it! They’re coming home!

At 5th level, you are now aware of the status and conditions affecting any living creature related to you by blood: unharmed, wounded, unconscious, dying, frightened, stunned, poisoned, diseased, charmed, etc. If the creature is on a different plane, this only allows you to know that fact, not which plane or their status.

Humans live hoping to conquer their anxieties and fear, and attain peace of mind.

At 7th level, you may spend 1 spirit point as an action while touching a crystal ball, camera, or other visual media device to instantly create a snapshot of one creature are related to at the moment of using this feature.

That reasoning is as compelling as rat shit in the bathroom and it will be your demise!

At 9th level, “Okay!~” and “...peace of mind.” now work on creatures related to you by adoption.

My name is Jonathan Joestar

At 11th level, glimpses of the future begin to press in on your awareness. When you finish a long rest, roll four d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature related to you that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll. Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.

Everything in this world, no matter which loop of history, no matter which parallel world, all of it is mine and mine alone to control!

At 14th level, you can’t be surprised by any creature related you, and you have advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws against these creatures. Additionally, these creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Finally, all features from this archetype that only work on creatures related to you now work on creatures which are related to alternate universe counterparts of yourself.


At 20th level, you are the protagonist of your own story. Most actions of yours come out to benefit you, though this is not guaranteed. As a bonus action once per day, you may benefit from the full extent of your Stand. For 1 minute, you may reroll all 1s on attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws. In addition, whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can roll an additional d20. You can do so after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can also use this when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours.

Manic Depression[edit]

Stand of Drugs

The Manic Depression Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 30 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Drug Creation

At third level, for 16 grams of salt and a spirit point you can create a drug capable of creating a "high", 1giving those who inject it the poisoned effect, while also giving temporary hit points equal to the charisma mod of the creator of the drug for one minute.

Poison Barbs

At 5th level, your unarmed attacks now can deal poison damage. For 1 spirit point when you attack, you can create one drug for free.

You no longer have free will.

At 7th level, the hit dice of the consumer of the drug can be added to the healing effect also. As a downside however, if this bonus is added then the drug becomes addictive, causing those who don't take it every day to get one level of exhaustion for each day they haven't taken it. At the 6th level of exhaustion, when they would die, they instead break free of the addiction.

Manic depression can control you completely.

At 9th level, when your stand makes an unarmed attack, it may forgo all damage to take any number of points out of the Cha of the victim and divide them into other of their stats freely for 1 minute. For instance, if they have a charisma of 17 and a intelligence of 13 and a strength of 9, you can take 4 points from charisma and add 3 to strength, and 1 to intelligence. This makes their strength 12 and intelligence 14 for a minute.

Nightbird Flying

At 11th level, as a bonus action for 5 spirit points, one person within 100 feet that you can see gets a level of exhaustion. This effect lasts for 30 seconds, and is stackable.

Neurochemical Manipulation

At 15th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, a creature of your choice must attempt a DC 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they gain one disease of your choice.

Manic Distortion

At 20th level, once per day, you can go into distortion mode for one minute. When in distortion, you can put someone within 20 feet in the withdrawal of the drug as a free, bonus, or action action. For each turn they don't take an addicting substance, they gain one level of exhaustion. When they get to 6, the process starts over again. This leads to a "Manic Depressive" state, having them change moods and amounts of energy by the second.

My puns aren't nearly as good as Reference's but I figured it's better than saying Manic Depression Distortion (Btw if I wasn't supposed to put this here without permission I'm Tazer Man#2725)

All Along Watchtower[edit]

Stand of Lies

The Watchtower alignment is one of chaos and disorder, undermining and manipulating while keeping your own intentions secret. Prioritize CHA, preferably performance. It has a range of 4 miles.

Manifests as 4 cards, the JQKA of one suit.

Stands reflect the owner's personality. When there's a shift in the psyche, the Stand changes too.

At 3rd level, you gain advantage on all deception checks. You can also use your cards as weapons, with an amount of shots equal to the number of available cards you have before having to reload. These weapons have +CHA mod to hit, and a range of 30/60. They deal 1d8 slicing damage on a hit that is magical for purposes of negating resistance.

I don't think there's a single thing in life or this world that's remotely permanent.

At 5th level, you can carry out espionage missions, with each card of yours being able to handle one at a time. To do this mission, you can send a card out for one day and roll a dc 12 performance check. On a success, the mission works and you gain the benefit. On a failure, that card is shredded and regenerates after 1d4 days. If all cards are shredded, you fall into a comatose state and take death saving throws every day until at least one regenerates. The missions aren’t bound by your range and are as follows: Item Retrieval - You gain one non magical item. This can be denied by your DM if the item is too OP. The item must be stated before the mission starts. Information Gathering - You learn one piece of knowledge that your DM can pick off one person, location, or thing that you choose. The subject must be stated before the mission starts. Locate - You can find the location of one person. This person must be stated before the mission starts. Messenger - Your card can carry one message to a creature of your choice. This message has no restrictions.

I don't trust myself. That's why my Stand is divided.

At 7th level, your stand manifests as 13 cards, all the cards in one suit. Only the royals and ace can be sent on missions but the other 9 can still be used for combat and show.

At 9th level, you gain advantage on all checks relating to cards (not including your attacks). You now have proficiency in attacks with your stand.

This is bad. You're a liability! Like a horse with blinders. Can't see the big picture

At 11th level, your stand is now a bound one, and can bind to any stack of cards in the world. If you know the city the target of the mission is, you can cut down the time spent on the mission to 1 hour. However, if the town is wrong, the mission automatically fails. You also gain two more mission types, and are as follows: Map - You can get the layout of an area, and a complete map (including secret areas if you get an 18 or above) of it. If you get a 15 or up, you also learn roughly how many creatures are in each room/area. Micro Spying - You send out all 13 cards to slowly gather info on the lives of the denizens of one town. They watch and learn schedules and personal lifes, and if you do it for a week straight you learn any dark secrets, but also all of the townsfolk’s schedules. Sabotage - Choose one industry, plan, or system in general. On a success, you manage to undermine it, making the DM have to roll a DC 6 throw every time the system is used, with the system failing on a failed save. For instance, you can sabotage a court trial, making the DM roll a die every time evidence is provided, with the evidence being voided on a fail. You can also use this to mess up wars, ration delivery, etc.

You're just like me. You have a void in your heart.

At 14th level, your normal missions now succeed on a dc 10. You also gain 3 new missions, hard ones. These require 2 cards each to handle, and require a DC 15 performance check in order to succeed. The missions are as follows: Assassination - Choose one creature you know the location of. You can send two cards after that creature to assassinate them. If you and your DM wish, your DM can set up a unique puzzle that you, on a success, kill them and if you are discovered, must escape before your cards are destroyed. Stand Giving - Choose one creature you know the location of. You give your two cards a stand arrow and on a success, give the creature a stand. This is useful in manipulating and gaining minions. If you fail the mission, you also lose your arrow. Seed Rumor - Say a short phrase or rumor. Your cards will work to plant evidence and whisper words of something happening, allowing for you to manipulate the populace. On a success, people will believe this rumor unless substantial evidence is provided.

All Along Watchtower Distortion

At 20th level, your cards can actually tell the future and scry. You have your cards form a dancing tower. Ask your DM one question, which they must answer truthfully. This can be done once every in-game week.

Hey, Tazer Man#2725 here again. Been a while since I pumped out a piece of homebrew and this one is largely campaign focused rather than combat. Works well in sandboxes or where you need to topple a tyrant tho. Proud of this one and I hope y'all are too.

Minor Stands[edit]

Certain Stands are not complex or powerful enough to warrant their own fleshed out path. They are incredibly underpowered and not suggested, though theoretically you could play a character with multiple minor Stands. The following can be taken as a path, but you only gain features at a handful of levels. Feel free to convert any of these into full Paths.

Tubular Bells[edit]

Stand of Balloon Animals

The Tubular Bells Alignment is weak as a concept, but powerful in practice. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Constitution is equal to your Constitution + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move any distance from your Character’s position, but can not be summoned or de-summoned. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Your sentence to torture is now repealed! Now! Immediately! You are to be executed!

At 3rd level, you may blow into a metal object as an object, turning it into a metal balloon. As another action, you may tie your balloons into the shape of any Beast of your choice of a similar size (i.e. a rat for a nail, a motorcycle for an elephant, etc.). They act as your Stand, save for not benefiting from Manifestation of Will, Invisible Force, Exchange Blows, or Exploit the Armor.

Public Image Limited[edit]

Stand of Harm

The Public Image Limited Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional summoned form.

This Stand's original user's name in canon is Rigatoni

At 3rd level, when you make a ranged attack, you may spend 4 hit points to add +1 to your attack and damage rolls (you may do this multiple time).

Joy Division[edit]

Stand of Transportation

The Joy Division Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 15 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Spacial Shifting

At 3rd level, you may teleport any object or creature held by either you or your Stand's hand into another hand.

Voodoo Child[edit]

Stand of Lips

The Voodoo Child Alignment Stand is situational at best. Your Stand’s Strength is equal to your Strength + your Charisma Modifier, your Stand’s Dexterity is equal to your Dexterity + your Charisma Modifier. The rest of your Stand’s Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all equal to your own. Your Stand can move 30 feet from your Character’s position. Your Stand’s AC is equal to 10 + your Stand’s Dexterity Modifier + your Charisma Modifier. Your Stand is also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

Repeating Lips

At 3rd level, on a hit with your Stand's unarmed attack, a mouth appears at the impact that repeats the closest, most recent words said near the attack.

Rainy Day Dream Away[edit]

Stand of Emotions

The Rainy Day Dream Away Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional summoned form.

This Stand's original user's name in canon is Rigatoni

At 3rd level, as an action or bonus action, you may force a creature within 60 feet of you to only feel that emotion until you end this effect as an action or they leave this feature's range.

Dolly Dagger[edit]

Stand of Reflection

The Dolly Dagger Alignment Stand appears as a dagger when summoned.

Partial Damage Reflection

At 3rd level, when you take damage, you only take 30% of it, rounded up, while the creature who dealt the damage takes 70% of it, rounded down.

Nightbird Flying[edit]

Stand of Addiction

The Nightbird Flying Alignment Stand appears as a small bird when summoned, and it can be anywhere within 100 feet of you.

Partial Damage Reflection

At 3rd level, as an action, one creature within 15 feet of your Stand must succeed a DC 20 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they become fatally addicted to a substance of your choice. The further the creature gets from you, the more the addiction wanes, fully fading at 200 feet.

Grand Bleu[edit]

Stand of Dolphins

The Grand Bleu Alignment Stand manifests as 12 dolphins. Your Stands can be anywhere within 300 miles, and have a flying speed of 3000 feet (300 mph).

Altered Physics

At 3rd level, up to two creatures can ride one of your dolphins. It is an incredibly gentle ride for its immense speed.

Blue Thunder[edit]

Stand of Flight

The Blue Thunder Alignment Stand does not have unique ability scores or a traditional manifested form.


At 3rd level, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.

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