Sentiment (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Gun, Specials), Legendary (Major) (Requires attunement, True romantic love for another living being, who feels the same way towards the user.)

A Desert Eagle that was made from the love of crafting, and their partner. Made from an artificer and enchanted by their bardic husband, this gun as been passed down from generation to generation, only being capable of activating its true power by loving another.

This gun only holds 6 bullets, you can recover the bullet after you fire it, or when the next sun rise happens, the gun fabricates any missing bullet and the original bullet would turn to dust. The gun can only use its own bullets, other bullets you own will never fit in the chamber no matter what you do.

The following modes work like this: Sensation=basic Desert Eagle with high damage but no affects. Passion=revolver less damage but can ricochet into other enemies. Furious=Rifle that has a semi automatic and a full automatic mode, one deals more damage and can shoot weapons out of enemies hands, while the other can hit multiple people but does less damage. Sorrow=High damage shot gun that has bad accuracy, turns shells into one big slug round and can pierce dealing damage to others.

Sensation You gain +2 to hit rolls, It deals 2d10+2 Piercing damage, Range (30/90 ft.)

When in any mode other than Sensation, the bonus to hit and damage are changed for that mode.

Passion While feeling Passionate about something, your gun morphs into a revolver, gaining the following properties:

The damage becomes 1d6+3, +1 to hit, Range (30/90 ft.)

Whenever you hit a target, roll a d20, if its a 15 or higher, the bullet ricochets X amount of additional enemies within 10 feet from it, where X is the number of damage dealt, minimum of 4.

Furious While you are feeling pissed, your gun morphs into a rifle that has a semi automatic and a full automatic mode, gaining the following properties:

Semi Automatic: The damage becomes 1d12+3, +3 to hit (80/240 ft.)

When you hit an enemy, if they are holding an item in their hands, they must beat a DC15 Slight of hand save with disadvantage or they drop everything in their hands.

Full Automatic: The damage becomes 3 1d6+1, +1 to hit (80/240 ft.), burst fire,

When you make an attack action, you must make three different attack rolls, you may choose target different targets instead of one, but you can only attack an enemy in your line of sight from the first target.

Sorrow While you are feeling down in the dumps, your gun morphs into a high impact assault shotgun, you gain the following properties:

The damage becomes 6d6+6, -2 to hit (30/90 ft.)

When you make an attack with this gun, your bullets turn into balls in a slug round and are all used in one shot, but when you do hit your target, roll a d20+ your proficiency and if you beat their AC you, your bullets pierce through X amount of targets where X is the numbers above the AC of the target.

(one vote)

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