Power Armor (5e Fallout Campaign Setting)

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Power Armor[edit]

Power armor, unlike almost any other armor in the wasteland, defends against ballistic, energy, explosive, and melee damage, as well as radiation itself. Your rad pool increases by an amount listed in the “radiation” column. All power armor has the heavy property and requires a unique proficiency that can not be gained by leveling to wear, except for the power armor helmet. You may benefit from normal armor and power armor at the same time. Power armor requires a Fusion Core to function, of which one can power a suit of armor for decades, if not centuries. Oftentimes, however, the same fusion cells have already been used for decades. They will not likely last very long. Most recovered suits are already outfitted with cores, but suits in pre-war storage typically do not.

Power armor hands can come in one of two forms. In Brawler form, Melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage. In Commando form, you may add your proficiency bonus to firearm use. Armor can be retooled into the other form using advanced machinery for 1/4 of its cost. Certain races are not fit to wear pre-War combat armor. Refitting a suit costs 1/2 of its initial cost.

The t-10 is an early power armor prototype resembling an exo-suit, where as the t-9 is a frame upon which power armor can be attached. You may wear a suit of t-9 power armor while wearing other power armor. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 15 if it is not higher, and sets your dexterity to 8.

t-10 t-9
Radiation 10 12
Price 750 caps 500 caps
AC +2 +1
carry weight 1,000 lb. 1,000 lb.

T-45 power armor was the first power armor produced on a large-scale by the United States Military. While its durability is undeniable, it is easily outshined by later models. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 17 if it is not higher, and sets your dexterity to 9.

t-45 t-45b t-45f
Radiation 40 45 50
Price 500 caps 600 caps 700 caps
AC +1 +2 +3
carry weight 500 750 1,000

NCR salvaged power armor is used by NCR heavy troopers. These suits of power armor are most often taken from the bodies of Brotherhood knights who dies in the NCR Brotherhood War. This power armor does not require power armor proficiency and has been adapted to use smaller energy cells. One microfusion cell can power this armor for 1 week, one small energy cell can power this armor for 1 day, and one electron charge pack can power this armor for 11 days. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 16 if it is not higher, and sets your dexterity to 8.

NCR t-45 NCR t-45b NCR t-45f
Radiation 15 20 25
Price 450 caps 550 caps 650 caps
AC +1 +2 +3
carry weight 250 500 750

Deployed at the end of the Anchorage Reclamation, T-51 power armor became standard issue to all United States power armor infantry units. It is the magnum opus of pre-War power armor. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 17 if it is not higher, and sets your dexterity to 10.

t-51 t-51b t-51f
Radiation 60 70 80
Price 600 caps 700 caps 800 caps
AC +2 +3 +4
carry weight 750 1,000 1,250

Created by the Brotherhood of Steel after the Project Purity conflict, T-60 power armor combines the technological advancements of the X series with the low cost design of previous T series power armor. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 20 if it is not higher, and sets your dexterity to 12.

t-60mk1 t-60mk2 t-60mk3
Radiation 90 100 110
Price 750 Caps 850 Caps 950 Caps
AC +3 +4 +5
carry weight 1,150 1,400 1,650

X series power armor was created post-war by the Enclave. While easily the greatest suit of armor ever constructed, it was incredibly resource heavy to create. Wearing this armor style sets your strength to 20 if it is not higher, and gives advantage to strength checks.

X-01 X-02 X-03 “Hellfire”
Radiation 100 120 140
Price 900 Caps 1000 caps 1200 caps
AC +3 +4 +5
carry weight 1,000 1,250 1,500

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