Peacekeeper (5e Equipment)

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Martial Firearms
Weapon Damage Weight Properties
(Peacekeeper)  (Uncommon) 2d8 necrotic 3 lb. (ammunition 40/120 ft.), reload (6 shots)

There's always been rumours in the Bureau of a celestia wing speciaising in extraplanar affairs. Whether the Peacekeeper is standerd fare for this secretive off-the-books department, or simply a confiscated firearm from the over-zealous group of deva is unkown. However, with its necrotic bolas, this deadly fire arm is equally capable of non-leathal solutions.


You have +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon

Necrotic Bolas. As a bonus action, you can change the firearm's alternate firing mode, causeing dark light to leak through the weapons's joints, and fire a magical bolas at a creature within 60 feet of you. The creature has to succeed on a DC (8 + Dexterity + Proficiency Bonus) Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and restrained by the bolas. A huge or lager creature automatically succeeds on the saving throw. A creature can use its action to make a DC (8 + Dexterity + Proficiency Bonus) Intelligence (Arcana) check, dispelling the bolas and ending the restained condition on a succeed. Each time a creature fails this check, the bolas tightens, dealing 1d8 necrotic damage to the restrained creature.

After you activate this property, roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, you can't activate it again until the following dawn.

Necrotic Reload. The Peacekeeper contains necrotic inductor capable of compressing energy into matter. If a cantrip that deals necrotic damage is cast on the peacekeeper, the weapons creates a number of pieces of ammunition equal to half the damage dealt (rounded down), Loaded into its relevant chambers. This weapon cant be broken by necrotic damage.

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