Orshidii (Grisaire Supplement)

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Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Forge, Knowledge
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

The Arrow Maker, as he is sometimes called, is considered the god of inventions, innovation, and ingenuity. M'iaq, Tribore, and Orshiidi are known to be the Mind Givers who created basic sapience on Grisaire, along with higher levels of thought. Orshidii is said to have granted curiosity, lending to the desire to discover and eventually create. He is also known to be a charitable and fun-loving god.


In a time when most gods are ignoring humanity and watching from a distance, Orshiidi still interferes with the mortals. He has around five avatars at a time who travel the world, disguised as tinkers, merchants, and salesmen of wondrous magical items, atypical of the common finds. Orshiidi is known to use these avatars to deliver weapons he deems necessary to the trials of heroes and luminaries. Sometimes, however, his intentions are misplaced and they cause more harm than good.

He Lin, Avatar of Charity[edit]

This aspect of Orshidii is one of the most prevalent in Grisaire, but is perhaps most famous in Lozor due to being the origin of the legendary iron rice bowl in Tuoshu.

A very famous case of Orshidii's misplaced charity is the general-turned-baron of |Premius' northwestern region of Ogulia. The general, Ioque Merrinthson, was an elven upstart in the Premier Force who Orshiidi took a liking to for his unorthodox way of figuring out maps of war. He gifted Ioque with a powerful prosthetic that granted the young general many victories... but was also used to commit many atrocities through the war. Ioque eventually retired, having had his underclassmen take the fall for his crimes, and became baron of the Ogulia region, where he rules his patch of seaside with a literal fist of metal.

Sage of Cogs[edit]

Sometimes, Orshidii is depicted alongside M'iaq, as they both share certain traits and yet also are opposites in other ways.

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