Ocean's Heart (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item (Orb), Artifact (requires attunement by a creature with Proficiency: Water Vehicles)

This pulsing blue-green gemstone the size of an apple seems to roil with internal waves. It calls out to those who have bound their lives to the sea.

Master of the Ship: Ocean's Heart only draws some of its power from attuning to a living being. It must also attune itself to a ship, by having a place of honor built into the ship, and the attuned wielder placing it into the place of honor. Once attuned to a ship in this way, the owner of Ocean's Heart has advantage on all skill checks to use any part of the ship for its intended purpose. This includes ropes, sails, and cannons. The owner of the heart also has advantage on all Charisma checks made to interact with the crew of the attuned ship.

Master of Water: The bearer of the heart may use the Shape Water Cantrip, and may cast either Tidal Wave or Sleet Storm once per day. Charisma is the ability score for casting these spells

Moonbound: When commanded to, Ocean's Heart will shed moonlight in a radius of 30 feet. While doing so all weapon and spell attacks made by the owner of the heart, or the bound ship count as Magical and Silver for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally the owner of the heart gets +2 to all attack rolls with spell and weapon attacks, and the DC of all spells they cast increases by 2. The crew of the bound ship, if any, also receives +2 to attack rolls using any weapons mounted to the ship

Curse This Gem is haunted by the spirits of every captain who has ever held it. While Attuned to the Ocean's Heart, the ghosts of its previous owners will hunt the seas searching for the heart. Destroying the ghosts and their ghost ships will put them to rest for a time, but they will eventually rise again, fueled by their desire for the heart. If you perish while attuned to the heart, the same fate befalls your soul. Additionally the sea itself seeks to reclaim you and the heart. The owner has disadvantage on Athletics checks made to swim, must pass DC 5 athletics checks to swim even in calm waters, and can never have a swim speed or the ability to breath underwater as the very water rejects them for their hubris. The owner of the heart can only hold their breath under water for a number of rounds equal to 1 + their constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).

breaking the curseThe curse of the heart may be broken in two ways: If you find the corporeal remains of one of the heart's previous owners and put the heart into its hands, the soul will be drawn to the body, animating the captain, his vessel, and his crew as a ship of damned pirates The original location of the Heart was a place of the sea so pure that it crossed paths with the elemental plane of water. Returning the heart to that location and willingly relinquishing its power will cause its power to rejoin the sea forever, effectively destroying the Heart as a magic item

Credit This item was inspired by and based off of the Cutlass "Sea Seeker"

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