Mech Pilot, Variant (5e Class)

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Mech Pilot, Variant[edit]

Mech Pilots are engineers who learn how to fight in doubles with their giant companions, while none of them are useless alone, their true power comes from their ability to work together and control the battlefield with elemental skills and support abilities.

Flesh and Steel, Fire and Soul[edit]

Your village is being raided, there is not a single thing you can do other then watch the once bustling town burn before your eyes. The constant sound of crackling flames is suddenly interrupted by the roar of projectiles hitting the ground, wood breaks and iron bends as one of the spikes pierces a siege-tower, men and shrapnel flying in all directions. You turn your eyes towards the towering figure, a construct of metal and stone covered in vines stands upon a hill, bombarding the ravagers with a rain of death once again. A crash is heard as another of the entities breaks through a burning palicade; Instead of the natural look of the other, it has sharp edges and thick plates, made from a dark alloy and decorated with gold, at the top of its shoulder you can see a dwarf holding his axe confidently, on the lookout for more raiders that dare try to match his fury.

Creating a Mech Pilot[edit]

What made you and your mechanical companion want to walk the world together? The immeasurable riches? The beauty of the many landscapes you could explore? Maybe you just got bored at your factory and wanted to have some fun outside of all that bureaucratic paperwork!

Mech's Appearance

You can make the mech look as you wish, but I have some recommendations. Humans generally have more common mechs, Materials of lighter colors with round and sharp edges and sometimes even cloth for decoration, as in banners for example. Dwarves prefer more armored looking mechs, with dark colored alloys, energy points to have some charm and gold/bronze lines for pure décor. Gnomes follow their traditional style of making brownish and golden machines filled with cogs and useless mechanisms for the sake of aesthetic, with steam vents, electric coils and other fluff added all around it. Elves don't enjoy the metal so much, their mechs are normally overgrown or a mix of tech and magic, with rock armor with wooden interior, maybe instead of connection points their mechs have energy tendrils holding the arms and legs. These are only what I thought would be cultural looking mechs, but that doesn't mean you cant choose how they look. Find inspiration, Cool images, Draw them yourself if you can! And most importantly. GIVE YOUR MECH A PERSONALITY! They can always be the boring AI that just responds with "Roger Roger" or you can make a companion of a lifetime! Give them a name, maybe from your own race, maybe its a name based on something from real life (Like ATLAS) or its just a dumb robot based pun (That are my favorite out of the bunch). Giving personality to your mech makes everything more fluid and lifelike, and will make you feel empathy towards your big hulking metal friend.

Quick Build

You can make a Mech Pilot quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution and Dexterity. Second, choose the Guild Artisan background. Third, choose a Shortsword, Hide armor and the Explorer's Pack.

Class Features

As a you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per level after 1st


Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour
Weapons: Simple & Martial weapons (Firearms included)
Tools: Tinker's tools & Smith's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Insight, History, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Two simple melee weapon or (b) A martial melee weapon
  • (a) A hand crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 6 darts
  • (a) Leather Armor or (b) Hide armor
  • Tinker's Tools
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have If you are using starter wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 GP in funds. in funds.

Table: The

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Meet your Mech
2nd +2 Armament Assembly
3rd +2 Elemental Elevation , Mech pilot training
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Steel Sentinel , Extra Attack
6th +3 Elemental Elevation Feature
7th +3 Movement Mod
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Elemental Elevation Feature
10th +4 Chassi Mod
11th +4 Strong Willpower
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 In-Team-Midation
14th +5 Optic Visor
15th +5 Elemental Elevation Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Assault Mod
18th +6 Elemental Elevation Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 P.Y.L.O.N

Meet Your Mech[edit]

When you reach 1st level you gain your mech!

Saving Throws The saving throws for any of the stats of your skills are 1d20 + Your Intelligence + Your Proficiency for your mech.

Ability Scores. The mech uses your Intelligence for its Strength and Dexterity. All the other Ability Scores are the same as yours, Mechs have a personality, so while they can still be charmed, persuaded or intimidated but will always have advantage towards resisting said Checks; And any charm, intimidation or persuasion that would involve one of you damaging each other has no effect also Mech can not be subject to condition frightened, deaf, petrified, poisoned, blinded and can't take levels in exhaustion.

Size. The mech is one size larger than you are. The space inside of it is large enough to house a creature your size or smaller as well as the gear it is wearing or carrying (within reason). Mechs have a internal storage area for its pilot that is the size of an average chest. Creatures and objects inside the mech don’t count towards encumbrance.

AC. The mech’s AC is equal to 12 + the mech’s Strength + Constitution modifier. At level 10 the mech’s AC become equal to 15 + the mech’s Strength + Constitution modifier

Hit Points. The mech has hit points equal to 20 + its Constitution modifier for each level you have in this class. The mech cannot regain hit points normally. If you would roll a hit die to regain hit points during a short rest, you may instead add your Intelligence modifier to the roll and apply twice the result to your mech’s hit points instead. Spells and magical effects that repair objects will grant the mech 1d6 points of health, but can only be healed a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per day. On a long rest you can use your tinker tools to regain all mech hit points

Distance conversation You can mentally communicate with your Mech at a distance of 1000ft, if the Mech is more than 1000ft away and does not have orders from the pilot, the Mech will try to re-establish communication with the pilot.

Irrelevant Damage: The mech is immune to poison and psychic damage.

Buffered Damage: Necrotic and radiant damage is halved against the mech.

If the mech is reduced to 0 hit points, the mech falls prone and deactivates, and excess damage is dealt to the creature piloting it. The mech cannot be reactivated until it regains at least half of its hit points, and the creature piloting it is prone until it leaves the mech. The mech is considered unconscious while deactivated, whatever the reason for it being deactivated.

Speed. The mech’s movement speed is 40 ft, crawl speed is 10ft. Additionally, the mech cannot swim, or jump, and it must use its full speed to stand up from prone. If the 'Mech falls into water, it will sink and water will flood into the cabin, but it will still work, when it hits the bottom his walking speed will become 10 feet

Actions and Combat. Mech is a construct, has two arms, each of which can be equipped with an integrated weapon. Choose one nonmagical melee one-handed weapon you are proficient with for each arm. All Integrated Weapon's gains the Light property and loses the versatile property (including Ranged Armaments). If the integrated weapon has the Thrown property, the mech can store up to three copies of that weapon in the chosen arm. You may change the arm's current weapon to your Ranged Armaments, shield or the hands by using your bonus action, you may switch them out for other weapons of your choice when taking a short rest. All mechs come with a folding shield, it doesnt count towards your integrated weapons max but can only be used in one arm at a time.

During your turn, you can command the Mech where it should go (this does not require any action from you). You can command the robot what action to do (this does not require any action from you too). If you don't give the command, the Mech takes the Dodge action. As an action, if you are within 5 feet of a Mech, you can sit in it, causing you to have full command of the Mech's actions. When you in Mech you use Mech stats, you have all Mech abilities, and Mech cannot be charmed, also while the creature is in the mech, creature cannot be affected by spells. If pilot downed Mech use all what he can to save pilot.

Hand Cannon. The mech also has 1 cannon like gun on its wrist. This is a big,strong,and metallic weapon. This weapon uses an action and does 2d4 piercing damage. This action can be use 8 times after you need a short rest to regain those shots.

Hands. The mech also has a five-fingered claw hand for each arm that is typically used when not in combat. These hands can be used for clumsy or simple tasks, such as to grasp things or grapple targets, but cannot be used for anything complex or tasks that require finesse, such as picking a lock, turning book pages, holding cards, tying knots, holding weapons, etc. They can still do things like opening doors and moving objects, but they can't do it silently

Attacks and Saving Throw DCs. The mech is considered proficient with all of its attacks and abilities, with the attacks using the mech’s Strength as the ability modifier. The mech uses your proficiency bonus in place of its own. If one of the mech's physical attacks forces any creature (including itself) to make a saving throw, the DC of that save is equal to 8 + the mech’s Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the Mech is dual wielding, it can add damage to the second hit as if it had the Dual Weapon fighting style. All melee damage dealt by the Mech is increased and receives an additional damage die (a battle ax deals 1d8 in the Mech's hands it will deal 2d8, a greatsword does 2d6 in the Mech's hands it will deal 4d6 damage)

Mech Destruction and Rebuilding. The mech can be irreparably destroyed in much the same way that a player character can die: from massive damage and failed death saves. The mech does not make death saving throws, but it can accumulate death saving throw failures. If the mech is at 0 hit points, any time it would receive damage equal to or greater than one third its maximum hit points in a single damage roll, it suffers 1 death saving throw failure. If it takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than its maximum hit points in a single damage roll, it is instantly destroyed. The mech keeps all death saving throw failures until it has at least half its maximum hit points again.

The mech can be rebuilt by salvaging the remaining components and collecting replacement parts, which can be costly in both time and money. It takes 8 hours to rebuild the mech , and costs 100gp for each level you have in this class. His conscience will not be lost and will be preserved via the link your formed; while the mech is destroyed or totally deactivated it acts as a voice in your mind and can see, feel and hear everything that you can.

Armament Assembly[edit]

When you reach 2nd level you can choose between one Light Armament and one Heavy Armament to be added to your Mech. You can use a full turn to change a Light Armament, but Heavy Armaments can only be changed on short rests. Each dice roll on your attack costs 1 ammo, all light ammo is replenished during a short rest, while heavy ammo is replenished in long rests.


Rail Cannon: Deals 3d12 piercing damage, Deals half of that damage as slashing shrapnel to enemies 5 ft from the target, Constructs always take max damage, has a range of 100/375 ft, Has 4 Uses.

Shotgun: Deals 4d8 slashing damage to creatures in a 15 ft cone in front of where you are aiming, Can forfeit the area damage to focus and shoot the 2 slugs at a 30/90 ft range, Has 8 Uses.

Grenadier: Deals 4d6 damage based off your subclass, Deals half of it to any creature on a 10ft radius 30/90 ft range, has 4 Uses.


Beam Rifle: Deals 8d6 damage based off of your subclass and applies the elements on hit effect, has a range of 50/100 ft, has 1 Use.

Machine Gun: Deals 6d4 piercing damage, has a range of 50/250 ft, Has 5 Uses. And has the property burst fire (Weapons with this property can be caused either by being used sequentially on a single target or by being used in a 10-foot cube area within normal range. All creatures in the area must make an DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take normal damage from the weapon. This action uses 5 rounds of ammunition.)

Grattler: Deals 6d4 slashing damage, has a range of 50/250 ft, has 2 Uses.

A.A. Platform: Deals 6d6 slashing damage with a 10 ft area of effect shrapnel damage, has a range of 100/375 ft but disadvantage at hitting enemies within 15 ft of you, shooting at flying enemies always gives you advantage and forces a disadvantage to your main target. has 2 Uses.

Mortar: Shoots 3 bombs into the sky that can each be targeted at different areas, each one dealing 6d10 on a 5 ft radius (The order of the damage will always be higher damage the closer you are to the target, for example you got a 8, 9 and 10; The target closest to you takes 10, the second closest takes 9 and the farthest takes 8), has a range of 300/500 ft has but disadvantage at hitting enemies within 50 ft of you, has 1 Use.

Elemental Elevation[edit]

When you reach 3rd level, you chose an Elemental Elevation. Choose between the ones listed here: Elemental Elevations. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd level and again at 6th, 9th, 15th, and 18th level. You gain a glove that you can use that will interact with your subclass skills.

Mech pilot training[edit]

When you reach 3rd level, you chose one one-handed melee weapon and one ranged weapon. Now you can use intelligence insted of strengh or dexterity you can chose additional weapon on 6,9,12,15,18 and 20 level. You can choose unarmed strike if you choose this option your unarmed strike become 1d6. On the 8th level you can add your intelligence mod to AC

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Steel Sentinel[edit]

When you reach 5th level, you can order your mech to guard a certain area. It will ground itself with its feet and observe a designated zone, it will provide constant video feed of an area of normal human vision towards in a 120 degree angle and will also have 60 ft of tremorsense, When any creature gets within said tremorsense radious the mech will alert you, as a reaction to that you can order your mech to wait, interact or attack whatever is getting closer.

Extra Attack[edit]

Starting at 5th level, you and your Mech can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Movement Mod[edit]

When you reach 7th level you can choose 1 out of 3 modifications for you and your mechs legs.

Claws: Your mech gains powerful biped legs with 4 toed metal claws at their ends, giving them a climbing speed of 30ft; You gain a thin "Exo-skeleton" legs covering yours. giving you climbing speed equals to your walking speed, If you already had climbing speed equal or higher then you walking speed, you gain advantage in rolls against getting moved against your will or getting knocked prone.

Multi-Terrain You and your mech gain a stronger leg exo-skeleton, enabling you to walk through non-magical difficult terrain without problem you gain advantage in rolls against getting moved against your will or getting knocked prone.

Thrusters You and your mech can now perform the Dash action as a bonus action, and your mech gains jumping height of 15 ft. You can run up to your move speed on a wall. While you are running on a wall, you can jump away from it to distance equal to half your speed.

Chassi Mod[edit]

When you reach 10th level you can choose 1 out of 3 modifications for your mechs main chassis.

Camo Module As action your mech can use the hide action to become invisible, while using the Camo Module it cannot do anything, any action that it does, except movement, or that interacts with it like leaving the mech will disable the invisibility, but anything inside them is invisible as well and cannot be heard those outside. As action you also can use the hide action to become invisible all the rules that apply to Mech also apply to you, except you can interact with objects

Aquarius Prototype You gain swimming speed equal to your walking speed, your mech gains swimming speed of 30 ft; You may now breath underwater and the mech is airtight.

Carrier Frame Your mech may carry 4 people on his back or shoulders (Not counting pilots) while out of combat and you gain a pocket dimension inside the cabin that works like a Magical Bag of Holding

Strong Willpower[edit]

Forged by the blood, steel and fire of many battles, the link with your mech only got stronger. When you reach 11th level you gain: You gain two actions per turn. Your mech can use a turn to gain 2 actions on the next one, all actions on the buffed turn will have advantage.


Ya know, its kinda difficult to intimidate someone when they got a giant metal machine that could probably wrestle a house and has a weapon thats two times your size. When you reach 13th level you gain: While you or any ally is with the mech, the creature will have advantage on doing and resisting Intimidation rolls.

Optic Visor[edit]

You learned how vision is really important, in and out of the battlefield. When you reach 14th level you gain: You gain darkvision of 60 ft. Your mech gains truesight of 60 ft.

Assault Mod[edit]

When you reach 17th level you can choose 1 out of 3 modifications for your your and your mechs matrix.

Aerial Matrix Your mech gains the ability to fly for 1 minute once every short rest, the mech can use an Aerial Strike, from which it falls down dealing 6d10 + Weapon Damage. You gain 20 ft of flying speed. The both of you receive immunity to fall damage.

Sprint Matrix Your mech gains +5 ft of movement and you gain 10ft of movement. When using at least half your movement on your first turn you may make a strike with your weapon with no action cost.

Mountain Matrix You and your mech gain burrowing speed of 30 ft, while burrowed the both of you gain tremorsense of 30 ft, you can jump out of the ground hitting enemies in a 5 ft area near your exit, pushing them 5 feet away from you and stunning them until the end of their next turn.


When you reach 20th level you gain access to 3 P.Y.L.O.N.s, these are an extremely useful tech but must be prepared before used.

Green P.Y.L.O.N

Placing a green pylon takes a 5 hour ritual, you can have up to 5 green pylons up, when you want to place more then 5 you must discard one that's already place. After placing said pylon you can teleport to any of them by doing an 1 hour ritual.

Yellow P.Y.L.O.N

Placing a yellow pylon takes a 1 hour ritual, for 24 hours you may use the Yellow P.Y.L.O.N to shop on all shops connected to the city or village you have placed it in.

Red P.Y.L.O.N

Placing a red pylon takes a 12 hour ritual, you may only have one red pylon, the red pylons work as an emergency switch, either you or your mech must use an action to toggle the emergency trigger, and after a turn, you, your mech and all selected creatures will teleport to the red pylon, ignoring all prohibitions on teleportation, and if downed they will be stabilized and healed by 1 Hit Point. You can use the red P.Y.L.O.N up to a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier

Elemental Elevations[edit]

Fire Focus[edit]

The fire in of your souls is only surpassed by the fire you will be roasting your enemies with!

Pyro Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 fire damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, setting an area of 5 ft from the point of impact on fire, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and must make a Constitution saving roll or get set on fire, creature outside of the fire area can make use their reaction to extinguish a fire on themselves or a ally within touch distance. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Amber Aspect

6th Level: Melee attacks made by your Mech do 1d6 extra fire damage. All attacks made by you do 1d6 extra fire damage. You and your Mech gain Fire Immunity.

Burning Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with blazing energy, dealing 3d8 fire damage and forcing any creatures in said area to roll a dexterity saving throw or they will start to burn. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft. Both your weapons and your gloves can now set fire to any combustible materials, such as hay or oil. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

More Burn for your Buck

15th Level: Fire is good, But it can be better! All your fire skills now use Thermite. All past skills that use fire receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all saving throws made by creatures for getting set ablaze or extinguishing themselves now have a disadvantage. Your fire zone can no longer be extinguished so easily; Wind has no effect on it and it must be fully submersed in water to disappear.

Elegant Eruption

18th Level: Your scorching courage is so strong it spreads to all your allies! As an action you can make a fire nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 fire damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the Amber Aspect buff, including Fire Immunity to the Nova itself. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.

Cold Focus[edit]

Freeze and shatter those who stand against the two of you!

Cryo Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 ice damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, turning an area of 5 ft into difficult terrain, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and get slowed by 10 movement points until healed. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Hail Aspect

6th Level: Melee attacks made by your Mech do 1d6 extra cold damage. All attacks made by you do 1d6 extra cold damage. You and your Mech gain Cold Immunity.

Freezing Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with blazing energy, dealing 2d8 cold damage and forcing any creatures in said area to roll a dexterity saving throw or they will get paralyzed by one turn. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft. Both your weapons and your gloves can now freeze small amounts of liquid an extinguish flames. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Ice, Ice Baby!

15th Level: Its just gonna get colder from here! All your ice skills now use Liquid Nitrogen. All past skills that use ice receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all saving throws made by creatures for getting paralized now have a disadvantage. Your ice zone can no longer be melted so easily; Small fires has no effect on it and it must be fully covered in flames to disappear.

Brilliant Blizzard

18th Level: Your cold touch is so strong it spreads to all your allies! As an action you can make a ice nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 cold damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the Hail Aspect buff, including Cold Immunity to the Nova itself. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.

Acid Focus[edit]

Melt flesh and armor alike and just sit down and hear the sweet hissing sound it makes.

Acrid Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 acid damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, covering an area of 5 ft with an acid puddle, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and get loose 1 AC per turn spent in said area. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Sulphuric Aspect

6th Level: Melee attacks made by your Mech do 1d6 extra acid damage. All attacks made by you do 1d6 extra acid damage. You and your Mech gain Acid Immunity.

Acerbic Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with acid energy, dealing 3d8 acid damage and forcing any creatures in said area to roll a dexterity saving throw or they will loose 3 AC. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft. Both your weapons and your gloves can now corrode small amounts of materials, such as metal rods or making holes on a wooden door. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Corrosive Projection

15th Level: Guess you can say you and your team have some chemistry going on? All past skills that use acid receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all creatures now loose 1 AC more when getting hit by your skills. Your acid zone can no longer be balanced so easily; It must be fully covered in flames to disappear.

Caustic Chaos

18th Level: Your friends now can interact with your acid without loosing limbs! Woohoo! As action you can make a acid nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 acid damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the Suplhuric Aspect buff, including Acid Immunity to the Nova itself. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.

Poison Focus[edit]

Overpower your enemies with the unrelenting toxicity of poisonous gas! I don't even know if this is legal but who cares!

Gas Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 poison damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, covering an area of 5 ft with an gas cloud, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and must make a Constitution Saving throw or get poisoned. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Toxic Aspect

6th Level: Melee attacks made by your Mech do 1d6 extra poison damage. All attacks made by you do 1d6 extra poison damage. You gain poison Immunity and can breath anywhere because of a apparatus. (Its appearance can be chosen by the player or DM).

Noxious Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with acid energy, dealing 3d8 toxin damage and forcing any creatures in said area to roll a saving throw or they will get poisoned. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft. Both your weapons and your gloves are now covered with poisonous material, every time you hit a target they take an extra 1d3 of Poison Damage. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Toxic Relationship

15th Level: You and your Mech are now more toxic then Shadowblade the Edgy Tabaxi Warlock/Rogue! All past skills that use poison receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all creatures now have a disadvantage on the poison saving throw when getting hit by your skills. Your gas has become thick and counts as a small Darkness spell, creatures with Darkvision can't see through it but you and your mech can.

Miasmatic Menace

18th Level: Your friends now can see through your gas, guess they got used to it! As action you can make a poison nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 poison damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the Toxic Aspect buff, including Poison Immunity to the Nova itself. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.

Lightning Focus[edit]

I was walking along, minding my business when shock came and hit me in the eye; FLASH, BANG, ALAKASAN; Outta of a mech and a weird guy.

Eletric Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 lightning damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, covering an area of 5 ft electric particles, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and must make a Constitution Saving throw or get stunned until their next turn. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Voltaic Aspect

6th Level: Melee attacks made by your Mech do 1d6 extra lightning damage. All attacks made by you do 1d6 extra lightning damage. You and your Mech gain Lightning and Thunder Immunity.

Charged Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with electric energy, dealing 2d8 lightning damage and forcing any creatures in said area to roll a dexterity saving throw or they will get paralyzed. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft. Both your weapons and your gloves are now charged with a whole lotta Volts, you can charge stuff that requires electrical energy and electrify conductive materials with your weapons. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Shocking Personality

15th Level: You are more attractive then a Lightning Rod now, You always seem to leave people without resistance. All past skills that use lightning receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all creatures now have a disadvantage on the paralyzing saving throw when getting hit by your skills. Your shocks can spread to up to double the skills range if going through a conductive material.

Galvanic Outburst

18th Level: Good job Sparky, I promise i'll stop with the Lightning jokes, shocking isn't it? Oh sorry I will ground myself until I learn how to conduct myself properly. ;) As action you can make a lightning nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 lightning damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the Voltaic Aspect buff, including Lightning Immunity to the Nova itself. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.

Force Focus[edit]

The Action: Your enemies existing, The Reaction: You turning them into mush. See? Physics is easy! This subclass works a tiny bit different then the other ones, so pay attention.

Impact Missiles

3rd Level: As a bonus action your mech fires 3 missiles dealing 3d6 force damage each at 1 to 3 chosen locations within 50 ft, covering an area of 5 ft eletric particles, any enemy entering said area for the first time will take 1d6 damage and must make a Constitution Saving throw or get throw 10ft towards the opposite side they where walking. Your glove can replicate said skill, but launches only 1 missile. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Improved Dynamos

6th Level: Your mech can now have a Two-Handed melee weapon in only one of his arms. At the beginning of the battle you and your mech gain a protective shield of Temporary Hit Points, its value is 10 + INT Modifier, while this shield is up you gain resistance to non-magic slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage. At level 10 it becomes equal to half your intelligence modifier * 10 and resist to all damage. At 15 level it becomes equal to your intelligence modifier * 10 and keep resist to all damage. Your mech can now throw or squish creatures he is grappling. If you squish a creature it will take 4d10 bludgeoning damage, you can only do this once per creature per turn and they must be medium or smaller (Tiny Creatures take 8d10). If you throw an enemy creature it will fly 30ft (+10ft for every size under the mech, -10 for every size over the mech), the damage will be 2d20 and the type of damage will vary depending on the type of ground it lands (Spikes = Piercing, Wall = Bludgeoning, Blades = Slashing, Etc...).

Crash Blast

9th Level: Your mech blasts a 30 ft cone in front of him with Force energy, dealing 4d8 force damage and pushing any creatures in said area 15 ft away. Your glove can also use this skill, but the radius will be decreased to 15 ft and the pushing distance reduced to 10 ft. You now have a small exo-skeleton prototype, it ain't great but now you count as a size larger when counting your Carrying Capacity. Uses of both of this skills are regained after a short rest.

Strong Aura

15th Level: You are a bulwark of a person, and you know that. All past skills that use force receive a buff in damage, 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12 -> 1d20, and all creatures now have a disadvantage on the parlaying saving throw when getting hit by your skills. Your can now use a shield together with any two-handed weapons, all weapons with the versatile tag will always count as being held with two hands.

Collision Course

18th Level: Break, Crush and Kill. Easy to say, and for you, easy to do. As an action you can create a force nova centered in you or your mech, dealing 5d10 force damage to all creatures in a 35 ft radius, all allies inside this area will benefit from the shields of Improved Dynamos and gain immunity to Force Damage, The amounts of shield generated by this aura will be 10 + 2 times your INT modifier, this does not stack with the shields from Improved Dynamos and will replace said shield if the value is bigger. Uses of this skill are regained after a short rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the mech pilot class, you must meet these prerequisites: dexterity 13 and intelegence 15

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the mech pilot class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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