Fuinjutsu (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Also known as Sealing Jutsu, the following jutsu regard advanced styles of containment, either within extradimensional space, physical barriers, or one's own soul. This nature can only be gained through the Barrier Nin feat.

Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]

Enclosing Technique

Cost: 10 chakra

Over the course of 1 minute, you may write complex formulas onto one scroll within your possession. You can draw a number of formula scrolls equal to your proficiency bonus + your spellcasting modifier. If you exceed your maximum number of formula scrolls available, the oldest formula scroll immediately ends before the new one applies. As an action while in possession of a formula scroll, you may use this jutsu, storing an amount of objects you are touching that are not in possession of another creature inside a formula scroll depending on the size. Scrolls, Handy haversacks, and bags of holding cannot be stored within scrolls, if attempted, the attempt fails and the scroll, and any of its contents, are destroyed. Objects within a scroll are sent to their own dimension exactly as large as the scroll's maximum capacity.

  • Hand-Sized Scrolls can hold up to 5 square feet of objects that weigh a maximum total of 20 pounds. Costs 20 gp and weighs 2 lbs.
  • Forearm-Sized Scrolls can hold up to 10 square feet of objects that weigh a maximum total of 80 pounds. Costs 45 gp and weighs 8 lbs.
  • Arm-Sized Scrolls can hold up to 20 square feet of objects that weigh a maximum total of 150 pounds. Costs 80 gp and weighs 15 lbs.
  • Weapon Scrolls take twice as long to draw. You may store 2 light weapons for every square foot of storage.

Objects sealed within scrolls can be removed from a scroll as a bonus action for 3 chakra by a creature that can use basic ninjutsu while touching it, 1 chakra for a creature that can use Fuinjutsu while touching it, by having counterspell or dispel magic cast on it, or by directly accessing the scroll's storage dimension. Formula scrolls, and any modified versions of them, count as magical items for the sake of being destroyed.

Nature Sealing Method

Requirements: Enclosing Technique

Cost: 15 chakra

You may convert a formula scroll into an nature sealing scroll over 1 hour of writing. When you make an nature sealing scroll, you must choose 1 damage type. As a reaction when you would take damage of the chosen type from a source other than automatic damage, damage taken at the beginning or end of your turn, taijutsu, bukijutsu, or a melee attack, you may use this jutsu, sealing the damaging effect within the scroll. You must attempt a saving throw using your spellcasting modifier as its ability against the effect's attack roll or saving throw DC. On a success, the effect is sealed, causing it target no creatures. A creature must spend twice as much chakra, or cast counterspell or dispel magic with a 4th level or higher spell slot, to open this scroll, using the same action, bonus action or reaction as the original jutsu if its duration is still active.

Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Requirements: Enclosing Technique

Cost: CR + 3 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a formula scroll to paint an intricate illustration of a creature with a CR no greater than your level that are your size category or smaller and do not have a flying speed. These creatures must be beasts or monstrosities and can not have legendary actions. As an action, you may use this jutsu, bringing the creature to life anywhere within your reach. If the creature created uses PECR or has a level instead of a CR, its CR counts as half as much for this jutsu's cost. Creatures created in this way act on your turn and use your actions, but have their own movement speed. You may concentrate on up to 2 instances of this jutsu at a time.

Super Beast Imitating Drawing: Dragon

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: 3-6 chakra

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a Super Beast Imitation Drawing scroll to give the painting the form of a dragon, granting the creature a flying speed equal to its movement speed, increasing the creature's summoning cost by this jutsu's cost. You may spend 3 additional chakra when you summon this creature to cause it to be one size larger than you.

Super Beast Imitating Drawing: White Sketch

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: 3-6 chakra

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a Super Beast Imitation Drawing scroll to give the painting detachable body parts, allowing the creature to make ranged attacks using one of its natural attacks (i.e. claws, unarmed strike, horns, etc.) with a range of 30/60, increasing the creature's summoning cost by this jutsu's cost. You may spend 3 additional chakra when you summon this creature to double this attack's range.

Super Beast Imitating Drawing: A Hundred Demons Wandering at Night

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: 5 chakra

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a Super Beast Imitation Drawing scroll to simplify the painting, allowing you to concentrate on it in addition to any other instances of Super Beast Imitation Drawing, increasing the creature's summoning cost by this jutsu's cost.

Sealing Technique: Tiger Vision Staring Bullet

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: 12 chakra

When you summon a creature using Super Beast Imitation Drawing, you cause it to only partially summon, forgoing the jutsu's normal effects and causing it to grip one creature it can grapple within its reach and force the target to attempt a Strength saving throw, becoming grappled on a failure. At the beginning of your next turn, they must attempt another Strength saving throw, becoming restrained. At the beginning of your next turn while they are restrained in this way, they must attempt a Strength saving throw, being sealed inside the scroll. They become a unconcious painting on the scroll, even if they would be immune to the condition, perfectly immortalized in their capture. They don't need to breathe, eat, or drink, and don't age. The creature may be freed by any normal means of removing an item from a scroll.

Climbing Sparrow

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: 2 chakra

When you summon a creature using Super Beast Imitating Drawing, you may cause it to charge at a target with enough force to dispel their inky bonds. They immediately move up to twice their movement speed and make a melee spell attack using your jutsu attack bonus, dealing damage equal to their remaining hit points + your spellcasting modifier. After using this jutsu, the summoned creature instantly dies.

Combo Small Birds

Requirements: Climbing Sparrow

Cost: 1 chakra

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a Super Beast Imitation Drawing scroll to paint a number of Tiny creatures with a CR of 1 or lower up to twice your spellcasting modifier within the scroll. You may summon these creatures whenever you would be able to make an attack. When you summon these creatures, they automatically gain the effects of Climbing Sparrow without you spending chakra on said jutsu, you spend half as much chakra to summon the creature.

Super God Imitation Drawing

Requirements: Super Beast Imitating Drawing

Cost: -5 chakra (minimum 1)

You may spend 1 additional minute writing on a Super Beast Imitation Drawing scroll to to instead draw the image of a mighty humanoid. When you summon this creature, you summon a statistically identical version of you that can not cast jutsu or spells.

Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation

Requirements: Enclosing Technique

Cost: 1 chakra

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

As a reaction to rolling initiative or ending your turn, you quickly summon a weapon stored within a scroll in your possession and make an attack with it.

Unsealing Technique

Range: Touch

Cost: 1+ chakra

Touching any kind of chakra seal bound to a physical object (i.e. Explosive Seal, Secret Treasure of the Toads, Flying Raijin, Object Manipulation), but not a creature, you defuse the chakra within the seal. You must spend an equal number of chakra as created the seal. The seal loses any magical properties, returning to a normal piece of paper.

Sealing Technique: Black Aura

Requirements: Unsealing Technique

Cost: 8+ chakra

Range: 5 foot radius

As an action, you use a powerful variant of the Unsealing Technique on nothing, creating a void of sealing chakra. Ranged attacks against you automatically fail. At the end of each of your turns, any creatures within range must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage and be pushed to the edge of this jutsu’s range. You can add an additional 1d6 damage and 5 feet to the affected radius and the distance the target is pushed for every 2 additional chakra points spent. If more than 20 chakra is spent, the ground and buildings within range take double damage. You must spend 1 + half the additional chakra points spend (rounded down) chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

Sealing Technique: Five Elements

Requirements: Unsealing Technique

Cost: 8 chakra

As an action, you unseal a portion of your own chakra, causing it to rapidly fluctuate between natures temporarily. Roll 1d6, resulting in one of the following depending on the roll:

  • 1 - make a ranged spell attack against one creature within 60 feet. On a hit, they take 6d8 fire damage as a fireball blasts from your body. This effect counts as a Fire Style jutsu.
  • 2 - one creature within 30 feet touching the same surface as you automatically takes 3d4 magical bludgeoning damage as heavy boulders suddenly generate around and crush them. This effect counts as an Earth Style jutsu.
  • 3 - one creature within 45 feet must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d8 cold damage and are stunned until the end of their next turn as a tower of water traps and thrashes at them. This effect counts as a Water Style jutsu.
  • 4 - all creatures in a 30 foot cone must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d8 magical slashing damage as a wave of air cuts through them. On a success, they take half as much damage. This effect counts as a Wind Style jutsu.
  • 5 - all creatures in a 60 foot radius must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d4 lightning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This effect counts as a Lightning Style jutsu.

Winding Smoke

Requirements: Unsealing Technique

Cost: 6 chakra

Range: 50 ft. radius

Duration: 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

As an action, you rapidly create and destroy small seals, quickly building up a large cloud of summoning smoke. For any creature that doesn't have Path of the Assassin, this area is considered lightly obscured beyond 5 ft.

String Light Formation

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: 15 ft.

Weaving hand seals, you release scrolling jutsu formulas around a creature within range. This creature can not leave a 5 ft. radius area. If they attempt to, they must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d4 psychic damage from the physical strain. Creatures within this jutsu's range of your choice may spend their action, or their next turn's action as a reaction, to increase this jutsu's saving throw by half their proficiency bonus (rounded down) for 2 chakra, or by 1 for 0 chakra, even if they do not know this jutsu. Any creatures that add chakra to this jutsu must spend 1 chakra at the beginning of each of their turns and not move to maintain their added bonus.

Five Elements Seal

Cost: 25 Chakra

You burn a five-pointed seal into a restrained or willing creature's body. Their chakra point maximum is decreased by 12 points or they lose access to their highest unlocked feature in one non-dojutsu implantable subclass of your choice. This jutsu may be cast on the same creature multiple times, but can only be affected by each effect once. This can only be undone by a cast of this jutsu or the Creation of All Things jutsu.

Tsuchigumo Style: Forbidden Life Technique Release: Creation of Heaven and Earth

Cost: 25 Chakra

Casting Time: 1 minute

Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal

You draw an extremely complex seal on one willing or incapacitated creature you can see, then infuse it with your chakra. Any chakra spent on this seal can not be regained until the seal disappears. As a bonus action while a creature bearing this seal is within 15 feet of you, you may release it, causing them to automatically take in a large amount of natural for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they gain a number of senjutsu chakra equal to your Wisdom modifier at the end of each of their turns. If they spend any of this chakra, this effect immediately ends. Once this effect ends, the seal disappears. Any chakra gained in this way is lost at the end of their next long rest.

Three Directions Seal

Cost: 6 Chakra

Range: 15 ft.

While you and at least two creatures you are controlling, including shadow clones and puppets, are equidistant from each other and from the target, you create a triangular green barrier. You can see and hear through this barrier, but nothing can pass through it, even by teleportation or by being intangible. Each creature that cast this jutsu must spend 1 chakra at the end of each of their turns to maintain this effect, and this jutsu immediately ends if any of them move at least 5 feet.

Five-Seal Barrier

Cost: 25-45 Chakra per tag

You place a large chakra tag to a surface. Individually, each tag is useless, but when two or more tags are placed, they create an indestructible wall extending from tag to tag. Each tag's wall can only extend to one tag in a straight line. The user may spend 20 additional chakra to have the tags create a clone of of the creature that removed the tag upon doing so.

Four-Corner Sealing Barrier

Cost: 60 Chakra

Range: 60 ft. radius

Up to four creatures within a 10 ft. radius fuel any amount of their chakra into a single seal, so long as the total amount matches its cost. After focusing their chakra for 1 minute, the seal extends to its full size, where the four creatures select a single creature. The creature must succeed three Dexterity saving throws using the highest spell save DC among the creatures or they are teleported to a pocket dimension.

Red Yang Formation.

Range: Touch

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

Cost: 20 chakra/Wall

The user produces a blast of red light that is then shaped into a massive barrier of transparent red light. The wall is between 10 and 60 feet wide and up to 200 feet tall. They have 300 hit points and an AC of 20. You must touch the wall to concentrate on it. If you have Truth-Seeking Orbs, you can sacrifice one to allow yourself to concentrate on 6 walls at a time so long as the walls touch and reduce each wall’s cost by 5 chakra. If you have Black Receivers from the Outer Path, you may concentrate on 1 wall per receiver so long as the walls touch and reduce each wall’s cost by 3 chakra.

Dharma Sealing Jutsu: Sen no Rikyu

Cost: 5 Chakra

Requirements: Dharma Power Seal

Range: 45 feet

Duration: 1 minute

One creature within range must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a chakra chain latches onto their tenketsu causing them and any creature that touches the chain to lose 2d2 chakra at the end of each of your turns. They must repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns for this jutsu's duration. If they are a jinchūriki, they lose their red chakra first, after which if they critically fail this saving throw their Tailed Beast is removed as per Jinchūriki Creation. If they lose the ability to cast jutsu, such as with Chakra Disruption or Tenketsu Needle, or if they completely enter a chakra construct, you become the target of this jutsu.

Dharma Power: Silhouette

Cost: 7 Chakra

Requirements: Dharma Power Seal

Range: 45 feet

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As action, your chakra-laden music lifts the target's shadow from the ground, wrapping itself around them. One creature within range must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success, and taking 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a failure.

Dharma Power Barrier: Auspicious Sign

Cost: 4 Chakra

Requirements: Dharma Power Seal

From a seated position, your fuinjutsu-enhanced music erects a barrier of blueish-green chakra around you. As an action if you have not willingly moved since the end of your previous turn, you fall prone, your movement speed drops to 0, and you erect a 10 ft. radius, 30 ft. tall barrier around you. Nothing can pass through this barrier (except from above). Area of effects from outside of the barrier do not target creatures inside the barrier, and area of effects from inside the barrier do not target creatures outside the barrier. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Gate of the Great God

Cost: 10+ Chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you materialize and slam a massive tori gate onto a nearby creature. They must succeed a Strength saving throw or become restrained for this jutsu's duration. You may increase this jutsu's DC by 1 for every 2 additional chakra point spent to a maximum increase equal to your proficiency bonus. You may only have two tori gates active at a time. If this is used as a Sage Art to grant the creature disadvantage, the disadvantage remains for this jutsu's entire duration.

Reaper Death Seal

Range: 15 feet

Cost: 20 Chakra

You call upon the power of the reaper of souls, creating a ghostly apparition of the being behind you, which then removes your soul. Both you and the target become paralyzed, and they must attempt a death saving throw at the beginning of each of their next turns until they succeed or fail 3 times. If they fail, regardless of their current hit points they immediately die. If they succeed, they lose their ability to cast spells and jutsu that require hand seals.

Creatures killed by this jutsu must have their souls freed from a mask bound to the reaper’s soul, of which only one exists before they can be resurrected by any means. This means that Jutsu such as Rinne Six Paths or Impure World Reincarnation won’t work on them.

This can only be cured with a Wish Spell or a cast of the Creation of All Things Jutsu.

Twin Snakes Mutual Death

Range: Touch

Cost: 20 Chakra

You weave hand signs using both you and the opponent's hands, wrapping the two of you in layer after layer of snake. They must attempt a death saving throw at the beginning of each of their next turns until they succeed or fail 3 times. If they fail, regardless of their current hit points, they die. If they succeed, they permanently have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and Saving Throws. Regardless of the outcome, if the technique was not aborted, you die instantly.

This can only be cured with a Wish Spell or a cast of the Creation of All Things Jutsu.

Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal

Range: Touch

Duration: Until you deactivate it as an action or die

Cost: 20 chakra

As an action, you apply a seal to a creature's tongue, choosing a specific type of information that the creature can not speak. Should they try, they become paralyzed until the beginning of their next turn, failing to say what they tried to say.

Self Cursing Seal

Requirements: Paralysis seal

Range: Touch

Duration: Until you deactivate it as an action or die

Cost: 20 Chakra

You place a stronger variation of the paralysis seal, effectively juinjutsu which requires a powerful release of chakra to break out of, on a creature within range. You may place this seal as an action, and when triggered as a bonus action or reaction, you may force any creatures with this seal to pass a Constitution saving throw at disadvantage or be paralyzed for 1 minute at the end of which the seal disappears. At the end of each of its turns, the affected creatures can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the creature is no longer affected by the seal and it disappears.

Evil Sealing Method

Range: Touch

Cost: 25 chakra

Casting time: 1 minute

You surround a creature's Cursed Mark, a Kurama Clan Prodigy's Kekkei Genkai mark, or a similar feature which is not a dojutsu or a Karma seal (with the key elements being awakening on a failed saving throw, the feature only affecting the user for potentially more than 1 turn, and the feature being able to be ended by successful a saving throw) with a barrier of chakra only accessible by the creature themself. They can activate said feature as a bonus action, they gain a +2 bonus to saving throws incurred by their use of the feature, and it no longer activates automatically. A creature may only have one instance of this jutsu active on them.

Caged Bird

Cost: 20 chakra

As an action, you touch the forehead of a willing or unconscious creature you can touch, imbuing it with a seal that roots itself in their brain and optic nerves. When a creature affected by this jutsu is killed, any dojutsu they can benefit from are destroyed. As a bonus action, a creature that knows this jutsu may deal up to 12 points of psychic damage. This lasts until the creature dies or a creature that can cast this jutsu ends it as an action.

Cursed Seal Tag

Cost: 20 chakra

As an action, you wrap your hand around the heart of a willing or unconscious creature you can touch that is not a construct or elemental, placing a seal that causes the action to be painless and heal near-instantaneously. A creature bearing this seal can not remove the seal or intentionally deal damage to themself, though they can willingly take damage from another creature. As a bonus action or reaction, a creature that knows this jutsu may cause them to become paralyzed until the beginning of the caster's next turn. This lasts until the creature dies or a creature that can cast this jutsu ends it as an action, or until their heart is destroyed.

Barrier Talisman: Armored Eye

Cost: 10 chakra

Material Component: Requires Ink or calligrapher's tools to draw the seal

As an action, you create a small talisman of chakra-infused paper. You may apply this talisman to a willing creature you can touch as an action, placing it near one limb of your choice. When the limb would be damaged by any creature, including the creature the seal was applied to or by critical hit, the creature's general hit points take the damage instead. You may have up to half your Intelligence modifier, rounded up, talismans active at a time. Only creatures that know this jutsu may destroy one talisman they can touch as an action.

Genjutsu Cursed Seal

Requirements: Yin Style

Cost: 20 chakra

Duration: 24 hours

As an action, you create a spiraling seal on one willing or unconcious creature you can touch that is under the effects of one genjutsu of your choice. Until this jutsu ends, they are under the effects of the genjutsu, which no longer requires concentration and can not be escaped using a saving throw. A creature may see how many minutes this jutsu has remaining based on the number of ticks in the seal's spiral, and you may cast this jutsu on a creature under the effects of this jutsu for half as much, resetting its duration. If this seal is destroyed by any means, such as from this jutsu ending, the Unsealing Technique, or by removing the limb bearing the seal, the genjutsu this jutsu was effecting ends as well.

Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 20 chakra

Range: 15 ft.

To use this jutsu, you must first write a seal on a humanoid using ink as an action. This seal lasts for 12 days or until it is removed as an action. When you use this jutsu as an action, you target one Tailed Beast except Datara and one humanoid creature that isn't already the host of a Tailed Beast. You must then succeed a DC 20 Intelligence or Constitution saving throw if it is paralyzed you gain advantage. On a failure, you gain three levels of exhaustion. On a success, you gain one level of exhaustion and the creature is sealed inside the humanoid, who becomes unconscious for 1d10 hours. After a creature has been sealed, the only way to remove the seal is with this Jutsu to target one creature sealed within them, and the target may cause this jutsu to fail by succeeding a Dexterity saving throw against your jutsu save DC. If the creature is a Tailed Beast, the humanoid becomes a jinchuriki. If the creature is not a Tailed Beast, the humanoid becomes a vessel.

Eight Trigrams Sealing Style

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into swirling calligraphy, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes a great golden gate in a sewer. If the target is a jinchuriki, the creature may use Hidden Chakra one additional time, but their Red Chakra saving throw DC increases by 2 while they have 0 uses remaining. If the target is a vessel, they may grant themself 1 additional use of their Bound Element at the beginning of each of their turns until the beginning of their next turn, but must attempt a DC 10 + number of uses since their last short rest Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level of exhaustion on a failure. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

Torii Seal

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into geometric crosses, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes a shadowy expanse surrounding a red, wooden cage. If the target is a jinchuriki, Hidden Chakra grants them half as many chakra points, but they have advantage on their Red Chakra saving throw. If the target is a vessel, they can not double a jutsu's cost and range by spending their element, but reclaiming their element becomes a bonus action. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

Steel Shell Seal

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into the word IRON, and the jinchuriki's inner world resembles the depths of the ocean with a pit just deep enough to hold their bijuu. If the target is a jinchuriki, they are not effected by the level limitations of implantation, but have disadvantage on their Red Chakra saving throw. If the target is a vessel, they are not effected by the level limitations of implantation for that subclass, but reclaiming their element becomes a full turn action. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

Dharma Power Seal

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into sprawling calligraphy, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes a still ocean at night. They automatically succeed the saving throw for having their tailed beast or second soul removed, but the number of jutsu they can know is decreased by 2.

*Black Horn Shell Seal*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a diamond-shaped mark that covers one half of their face, and the jinchuriki's inner world resembles the depths of the ocean with a pit just deep enough to hold their bijuu. If the target is a jinchuriki, their Red Chakra saving throw is decreased by 2 so long as they have not defeated or befriended their bijuu. If the target is a vessel, when they use Bound Element, doubling a jutsu's range does not double its cost but you can not reduce a jutsu's cost. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

*Deep-throated Vertigo Seal*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a rough patch on the inside of their throat, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes an expanse of bubbles that harden to steel at the holder's will. If the target is a jinchuriki, they begin suffocating while they are controlled by their tailed beast, but can hold their breath twice as long while they are not. If the target is a vessel, they begin suffocating while they do not have their elemen, but can hold their breath twice as long while they are not, and reclaiming their element becomes an action. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

*Mist Weapon Seal*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a long stitch descending from one of their eyes, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes a misty valley surrounding a shadowy cave. If the target is a jinchuriki, their jutsu deal twice as much damage to tailed beasts, but their Red Chakra saving throw to avoid exhaustion gains a +2 bonus to its DC. If the target is a vessel, the minimum roll for Elemental Shield to activate is decreased by 2, but its bonus is also decreased by 2. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

*Grudge Tea Kettle Lid*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into jagged, chaotic calligraphy, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes the surface of a moonlit lake with a row of spikes containing their bijuu. If the target is a jinchuriki, gain their tailed beast's feat and unique jutsu, but if their passive Arcana is less than their Red Chakra saving throw while they are unconscious by any means other than dropping to 0 hit points, they are controlled by their tailed beast. If the target is a vessel, they gain two Path of Permanence Unique Jutsu of their choice and their maximum chakra points increase by 2, but reclaiming their element becomes an action, and they become berserk if they do not reclaim their element before the end of the turn after they spend it. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

*Cat Claw Crochet*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a crisscross of string-like characters, and the jinchuriki's inner world becomes a comfortable field of yarn entangling their sealed being. If the target is a jinchuriki, they count as having defeated their beast, but they gain half as many red chakra at the end of each of their turns. If the target is a vessel, Elemental Armor grants +10 additional feet of reach (+15 total), but gaining temporary hit points from Elemental Armor costs twice as many chakra points. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

*Consumed Intestine Seal*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 35 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a simple phrase on one of their shoulders. The seal can no longer be used to seal a creature using Jinchuriki Seal, and they can not have any other Jinchuriki Seals. If the target successfully makes a bite attack, which counts as an unarmed strike but does not benefit from the Martial Arts feature, they count as having the creature sealed inside them as per Jinchuriki Seal. If they do this while they are counted as having a creature sealed inside them, the creature inside them changes. Implantation limitations are 1 level higher for subclasses gained in this way.

If is a jinchuriki, they have 1 fewer maximum uses of Hidden Chakra, and they go berserk instead of being controlled by their tailed beast. If the target is a vessel, regaining their element costs 3 chakra. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time. If the creature sealed in them is extracted, such as from being controlled for too long in Tailed Beast Mode, they drop to 0 hit points but are stable, and a blob of red chakra appears in a 5 ft. cube within 5 ft. of them. If a creature can absorb chakra, they may absorb this blob to gain red chakra equal to the vessel/jinchuriki's level, otherwise it disappears at the beginning of the creature's next turn.

*Beast Synchronization Seal*

Requirements: Jinchuriki Seal

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: Touch

As an action, you modify a creature's Jinchuriki Seal into a spiral of stitch marks across their back. The creature that would have been sealed inside them is not, but their life force is permanently tied to it. If a creature was already sealed within them, it is released without needing to make a saving throw.

If the target is a jinchuriki, when they enter a jinchuriki form, they instead summon a shadow clone of themself. They may spend red chakra at will to grant the clone twice as many hit points. If they fail a red chakra saving throw, they instead become poisoned for 1 minute, or paralyzed if they are already poisoned. If the target is a vessel, they are aware of the location of the creature that would have been sealed within them at all times, and may summon them as an action for 5 chakra if they are within 5 miles. Only 1 Jinchuriki Seal modifier may be active at a time.

Flying Raijin: Guiding Thunder

Cost: +5 chakra to place, +13 activate seal

Requirements: Flying Raijin Jutsu

As part of placing a Flying Raijin seal, you may increase the complexity of its seal. When this seal would be within a jutsu, you may teleport it as a reaction, causing it to appear with its source at one Flying Raijin seal of your choice.

*Flying Raijin Cloud*

Cost: 12 chakra

Duration: 1 hour (concentration)

Requirements: Flying Raijin Jutsu

As an action, you focus your chakra on two Flying Raijin seals, causing any liquid or gas within a 10 ft. radius of one seal to be moved to the other for this jutsu's duration, causing an inhospitable, but very dry area. Any creatures within this area must hold their breath.

*Flying Raijin Double Sided Barrier*

Cost: 15 chakra

Duration: 1 hour (concentration)

Requirements: Flying Raijin Cloud

As an action, you focus a vast amount of chakra on two Flying Raijin seals, causing any substance short of buildings and creatures within a 5 ft. radius of one seal to be moved to the other for this jutsu's duration. Any creatures within this area must hold their breath, take 2d4 necrotic damage at the beginning of each of their turns, and can not be targeted by jutsu with a range other than touch.

*Strength of One Dozen*

Cost: 2+ chakra

As an action, you store a number of chakra points equal to half the chakra spent on this jutsu into a small, purple, diamond-shaped mark on your forehead to a maximum of three times your Constitution modifier. If you use this jutsu while you already have chakra stored with this jutsu, the new stored chakra replaces the previous instance. As an action, you may open the seal, gaining access to all chakra stored in the mark. This chakra can extend beyond your maximum. After the seal has been opened, you lose 5 chakra at the end of each of your turns. Once the seal has 0 chakra remaining, it closes and you may store chakra in it once more.

Non-Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]

Flying Raijin Jutsu

Cost: 10 chakra to place a seal, 2 chakra to teleport

As an action, you create a seal unique to you on any creature or object for 10 chakra. As a bonus action or a reaction to being targeted by any effect, including attacks, you can teleport to a target bearing this seal. If you are still within area of an effect, or if the effect automatically effects you, you are still targeted by it. You may have a number of Flying Raijin seals active equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. If you go above this limit, you may choose which seal loses its power.

Revolving Flying Raijin

Cost: 3 chakra

Requirements: Flying Raijin Jutsu

As part of teleporting to a Flying Raijin seal if you have a Flying Raijin seal in your possession but not on you, you leave the seal behind and one creature within 5 ft. of the seal you move to must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are teleported to the seal you left behind.

Flying Raijin Strike

Cost: 4 chakra

Requirements: Flying Raijin Jutsu

As part of teleporting to a Flying Raijin seal, you slightly accelerate the teleportation, allowing you to make a non-jutsu attack of your choice with advantage.

Flying Raijin — Second Step

Cost: 5 chakra

Requirements: Flying Raijin Jutsu

As part of teleporting to a Flying Raijin seal, you greatly accelerate the teleportation, allowing you to use one jutsu of your choice. You may spend an additional 3 chakra to grant yourself advantage on the jutsu's attack roll, or grant the target disadvantage on its saving throw.

Adamantine Attack Chains

Cost: 4+ chakra

As a bonus action, you produce spiked, ethereal chains from the small of your back. Your reach increases by 5 ft. until the end of your turn. You may increase this reach by an additional 5 ft. for every 2 additional chakra spent.

Adamantine Sealing Chains

Requirements: Adamantine Attack Chains

Cost: 15 Chakra

Range: 100 feet

Duration: 1 minute (Concentration)

You summon radiant chains from the small of your back and launch them at a creature in range. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target takes 5d8 psychic damage and is grappled by you. Jinchuriki grappled by this Jutsu are not able to access their Subclass features for as long as they're under the effect of this Jutsu. Likewise, Tailed Beasts that are affected by this Jutsu are Paralyzed for the duration. On each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 2d8 psychic damage to affected creatures automatically.

A grappled creature can use its action to attempt to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Jutsu Saving Throw DC. A Tailed Beast can still attempt to escape this, despite being Paralyzed, but it makes the check at disadvantage.

Casting this Jutsu again on a different creature while concentrating on it does not break your concentration, however, concentrating on multiple instances of this Jutsu counts as one for the purpose of maintaining concentration.

Vitality Seal Formation

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

As an action, you weave fuinjutsu into your weapon in an attempt to seal off chakra within the target's body, though this jutsu lacks the precision of the Gentle Fist. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, the target takes half the weapon's damage and loses 10 chakra points of your choice. At the end of this jutsu's duration, they regain these chakra points.

*Vitality Sealing Blade Ink*

Cost: 10+ chakra

Requirements: Unsealing Technique, Vitality Seal Formation

Duration: 1 minute

Material Components: A bottle of ink

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

As a bonus action after spending 1 hour imbuing this jutsu's components with fuinjutsu, you apply the ink to one weapon you can touch. On a hit with this weapon, the target takes half the weapon's damage and loses 5 chakra points of your choice. At the end of this jutsu's duration, the weapon loses this effect and the target regains these chakra points. You can increase this jutsu's duration by 1 minute for every 5 additional chakra spent.

Bubblegum Ninjutsu

Cost: 15 Chakra

Range: 100 feet

Duration: 1 minute (Concentration)

You blow a chakra-infused bubble of gum and launch it at a creature in range. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target takes 6d8 bludgeoning damage and is restrained by you. You may end this effect early as a bonus action, dealing an additional 5d8 fire damage.

A grappled creature can use its action to attempt to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Jutsu Saving Throw DC.

Casting this Jutsu again on a different creature while concentrating on it does not break your concentration, however, concentrating on multiple instances of this Jutsu counts as one for the purpose of maintaining concentration.

Clone Trap

Requirements: Shadow Clone

Cost: 4 chakra

When you create a shadow clone, you may imbue its internals with sprawling Fuinjutsu formulas. When it is destroyed by any means other than being dispelled, the source of the damage must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained for 1 minute as the formulas explode across their body. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. This also causes you to not regain the base chakra spent to create the clone.

*Fuinjutsu: Bound Rasengan*

Cost: 8 chakra

Range: Touch

Requirements: Rasengan

As an action, you you form a Rasengan before sealing it within your palm, leaving a spiral-shaped mark. Until this jutsu ends, successful attack rolls with your unarmed strikes deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, and moves the target 5 x your Intelligence modifier feet away from you. You must spend 4 chakra at the end of every turn after your first to maintain this jutsu.

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