Feathered Edge Katana (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (katana), artifact (requires attunement)

The Feathered Edge katana is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and magic, a fusion of elegance and power. Its blade, forged from the heart of a thunderstorm, possesses a captivating silver-blue hue with lightning-like patterns that seem to dance along its length when exposed to light. This blade is exceptionally sharp and almost weightless, making it feel like an extension of the wielder's arm. The hilt is adorned with ethereal feathers that wrap around it, their texture and color shifting in harmony with the wielder's emotions and the magic being channeled. When the wielder is calm and focused, the feathers maintain a tranquil azure glow. In moments of intense determination, they flare up with a crackling energy reminiscent of a storm's fury. The sheath, engraved with feather-shaped motifs, serves as more than a protective covering. When the katana is sheathed, time itself seems to pause for the weapon, preserving it in its prime condition for eternity. The Feathered Edge katana is deeply intertwined with the legend of the Hero of Time, who once wielded the Ocarina of Time. According to ancient tales, after the Hero's heroic deeds, restoring peace to the land and sealing away great evil, the Spirit of the Storm God recognized the Hero's courage and valor. In recognition of the Hero's deeds, the Spirit forged the Feathered Edge katana from the essence of a legendary thunderstorm, imbuing it with the power of lightning and the fury of the tempests. The katana became a symbol of the Hero's legacy and a guardian of the realm's enduring peace.

Chain Lightning(2/day). you can cast the chain lightning spell without requiring any components

Wind Step(1/day). Grants invisibility and intangibility, allowing the wielder to pass through obstacles unnoticed.

Lightning Aegis(3/day). one spell trying to affect you is canceled and the enemy trying to attack you instead becomes the target

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