Discussion:Should i/ is there a way to show that i made a homebrew creation so that no one can take it and claim its theirs?

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Azaphc (talk03:36, 9 January 2022 (MST)[edit]

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Is there a way i can claim something that ive made so that there is no misconception about who made it if someone decides to steal it.

The wiki has a strict policy that whatever's on the wiki, belongs to the wiki. The entire wiki, as a whole. Putting works up onto the wiki in the first place is relinquishing any and all ownership, legal or otherwise, of said material. That being said, if you create a userpage and place whatever it is you want to make on it instead, then it's all yours to do with what you will. I will note, however, that some of the greatest works on this wiki came about due to collaboration between multiple users, and I encourage you to give it a shot - other users can help cover your blindspots and see ways a page could be improved that you may not have thought of yourself. --Nuke The Earth (talk) 04:38, 9 January 2022 (MST)

Yanied (talk12:52, 9 January 2022 (MST)[edit]

Main space pages are subject to the fine print at the bottom every time you make an edit: unknown.png Sometimes people will leave something on the talk page but that's nothing much more than a suggestion. We can also see who made the page on the history tab.

- Guy 13:29, 9 January 2022 (MST)[edit]

No. Not in any way that actually matters.
If you post "your" homebrew creation on this site, chances are high someone will inevitably change your finished and functional work to suit their whims regardless.
Chances are decent someone will directly copy the text of your work to their site, or to their PDF, or whatever, and claim it as their own.

VegetaWrath (talk22:25, 2 August 2022 (MDT)[edit]

Which is why I keep a copy of what I put on here on Google Docs first. That way if someone does copy it word for word and what not, then I can prove that I created it first and that I can give D&D Wiki the right to use and edit as seen fit while protecting my rights too as the actual creator. Google Docs has a time and date stamp on it that you can screenshot and post up to prove that yes, you did indeed create the race/class or other things first. However, like they said above as well, there are times a collaboration of other players can help you see the weaknesses and the strengths of your homebrewed things. In fact, I know well that the Jronian 5e Race that I entered here, works beautifully. How do I know? I have spent about 23 years playing on that world and with Jronian characters in many different Classes. I had time to write a book on some of the adventures I've created, and more. Now I just got to redraw the Jronian picture and its set. These are just some ideas of things you could do if you are worried about someone else outside D&D Wiki claiming your work as their own. I hope this helps you out!

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