Aberrant Summoner (5e Class)

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Aberrant Summoner

By candlelight under a shimmering full moon, a hooded figure scribbles frantically on aged parchment. Scholarly notes, they proclaim, on beasts and creatures which wander Faerûn amongst mortal beings, and others still from further beyond. In their sheltered isolation, however, a darker truth is revealed - the markings and strange illustrations are for a creature yet to establish its form, made to serve the will of its creator. The figure, satisfied with their work, completes an almost alien ritual divined through arduous study and relentless research: from unknown realms, an aberrant form appears before the Summoner and awaits the instructions which define its being.

Pioneers of the Aberrant

The Aberrant Summoner class is designed to give the player a unique sense of power through a mix of control and freedom, at the expense of personal power. Through whatever means, an Aberrant Summoner has come to procure the power or knowledge to summon all manner of creatures from the fearsome and ferocious, to the nimble, friendly and accommodating. Each creature brings with it a new way to focus your abilities and create a variety of choices and options for the summoner to a degree that very few can hope to match. Your Aberrant Summon - whether it was born of your own will, knowledge and power, or bestowed upon you by another for whatever reason - is a creature of its own freedom and will, first bound by obligation, but with infinite potential for growth and change. The possibilities both in terms of choice and potential are virtually endless, with plenty of potential for choice and change of most any degree.

Creating an Aberrant Summoner

When making your Aberrant Summoner, it is important to first consider how your character has come about having a summon in the first place. Was it the result of years of study and practice? A fervent pursuit that finally bore fruit? Perhaps it was something more questionable, such as reaching into some terrible unknown, or treading the fine line between life and death in order to create life, or bring it to something since dead? Or maybe your summoner was instead bestowed the power to conjure or call upon the Aberrant Summon, such as a gift or guardian from a higher power, watchful eyes from a being with questionable or hidden motives, or to give body to a spirit you have create a connection with? Afterwards, its important to also consider what your interactions with your summon might consist of. How will you use your summon? What will its main directive be when you play? How will you interact with your summon both in and out of combat? Are you perhaps amicable with the creature? Or you see it as a source of power - a tool to be used, and a means to an end? Maybe you have an intimate connection to your summon, one that allows for your attachment to it no matter what form it takes. How long has it been since you first gained the ability to conjure your Aberrant Summon? Are you in the thick of your life story with them, or are you just getting started? With the motives and methods of relating your summoner to your summon, it is important to consider how they are as an individual as a result as well. What changes it has brought into their life, what they would do for or against the summon or the forces that brought it into being, and the sacrifices they are willing to make to keep hold of it.

Quick Build

You can make an Aberrant Summoner quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the Sage background. Third, choose two creatures types from those listed under Pursued Knowledge. Its important to consider what archetype you will be pursuing at later levels when you do, though Dragons and Monstrosities give plenty of opportunistic, well rounded and powerful creature choices at all levels. Fourth, choose a light crossbow with 20 bolts, leather armor, an arcane focus, and alchemist's supplies as your starting equipment. Finally, choose the Frostbite and Prestidigitation cantrips, along with the 1st-level spells Bless and Healing Word. It is important to use your spells to maximize use of your action economy.

Class Features

As a Aberrant Summoner you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Aberrant Summoner level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Aberrant Summoner level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s Supplies and one type of artisan's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
Skills: Nature, and two other skills of your choice.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) A component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) A scholar's pack or (b) a set of artisan's tools (one of your choice)
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x10 gp. in funds.

Table: The Aberrant Summoner

Level Proficiency
Features Cantrips Known Spells Known Max CR Aberrant Capacity Bonus HP —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Aberrant Summon, Pursued Knowledge, Spellcasting 2 2 1/2 2
2nd +2 Aberrant Pursuit 2 2 1 3
3rd +2 Aberrant Capacity (+1) 2 2 1 +1 1 4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 2 +1 2 4 3
5th +3 Summon Solidarity, Summon Multiattack 3 3 2 +1 3 4 3 2
6th +3 As One, Devotion 3 3 3 +1 4 4 3 3
7th +3 Aberrant Capacity (+2) 3 4 3 +2 6 4 3 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 4 +2 8 4 3 3 2
9th +4 3 4 4 +2 10 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 Emergency Redeployment 4 5 5 +2 12 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 Aberrant Capacity (+3) 4 5 5 +3 15 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 6 +3 18 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 Countersummon, Summon Multiattack (2) 4 6 6 +3 21 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 Refined Conjuration 4 6 7 +3 24 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 Aberrant Capacity (+4) 4 6 7 +4 28 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 7 8 +4 32 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 4 7 8 +4 36 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Entropic Evocation 4 7 9 +4 40 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Aberrant Capacity (+5) 4 8 9 +5 45 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Aberrant Dynamism 4 8 10 +5 50 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1


As a practitioner of the conjuring arts, you start at 1st level with the ability to cast a variety of spells, though of less variety than your peers as a result of your intense focus on summoning specialization. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting.


At 1st level, you know two Cantrips of your choice from the Summoner spell list. You learn additional summoner Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Summoner table.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Aberrant Summoner table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your summoner spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of summoner spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the summoner spell list. The Spells Known column of the Aberrant Summoner table shows how many summoner spells you can choose. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 3rd-level summoner, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots, and your list of prepared spells can include two spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a short or long rest. Preparing a new list of summoner spells requires time spent in study and recitation as you recount the incantations and gestures you have learned or gleamed: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Summoner spells. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Summoner spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

  • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
  • Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
Ritual Casting

You can cast any Summoner spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus (found in chapter 5) as a spellcasting focus for your summoner spells.

Pursued Knowledge

In the events leading up to the summoning of your aberrant summon, you have come to develop a particularly deep understanding of Aberrations, as well as two creature types of your choice out of Beast, Celestial, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant and Undead, excluding unique or named creatures.

Chosen at 1st level when you first take this class, this determines what your summon is capable of being summoned as, and what Aberrant Pursuit you can choose at higher levels. Additionally, you add your proficiency bonus to all checks you make involving creatures of your chosen creature types, such as checks to recall information about such creatures, or when trying to track, find or detect them.

Aberrant Summon

Through a 10 minute ritual that can be completed as part of a short or long rest, you call forth an Aberrant Summon which manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet. The creature takes on a corporeal form in the image of a creature you choose, as determined by your Pursued Knowledge creature types and maximum available CR. While you summon the same creature each time, the exact form resembles the chosen creature, which determines its traits and stat block. The summon disappears when it drops to 0 hit points, or you recast Aberrant Summon. The summon is an ally to you and your companions. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required of you) and rolls its own initiative. If you don't issue a command, it takes the Dodge action and uses its movement to avoid danger. At 11th level, the summon gains a greater degree of autonomy, allowing it to act of its own accord when not given a command. While the form it takes emulates another creature, it can only do so to a limited degree:

  • It cannot use any Lair or Legendary actions.
  • It cannot use any abilities or features that would allow it to possess another creature, nor shape change into another creature of a CR higher than its own (excluding those granted by spells).
  • If it has the ability to cast spells that require spell slots, it uses your spell slots in order to do so. Innate spells can only be cast if the spell slot level it is being cast at is of a spell slot level available to you.
  • During each damage roll, the maximum number of dice it can roll is limited to 1 damage die (determined before any other bonuses or modifiers, such as a critical hit). This increases by 1 at 5th (2 damage dice), 11th (3 damage dice) and 17th levels (4 damage dice). This does not include damage rolls made as part of a spell, and it determines how these damage dice are distributed if more than one damage type is to be rolled. Flat modifiers to a damage roll apply as normal, such as ability score bonuses, even if no dice are allocated to its damage type.
  • At 1st level, it has 6 hit points, and its hit die is a d6, and can only be of Medium or smaller size. At higher levels, its hit points, hit die and maximum size is determined by your Aberrant Pursuit.
  • It knows all languages you know, but can only speak them if it already has the ability to speak.
  • It uses your proficiency bonus in place of its own for all rules purposes.
  • As an action, you can see through your summon's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the Aberrant Summon has. You can only use this ability while your summon is within 100 ft of you, increased to 300 ft at 9th level, and unlimited range at 17th level. Your summon must be on the same plane of existence as you at all times, ending early if it is on a different plane of existence than you.

As an action, you can temporarily dismiss your summon. While dismissed in this way, you can use your action to cause it to reappear in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you that you can see. If your Aberrant Summon is ever on a separate plane of existence from you, it is automatically dismissed to the same effect.

Aberrant Pursuit

Over the course of developing your knowledge and power as an Aberrant Summoner, you have taken particular interest in the fundamental nature of certain creatures above others, and with this knowledge, learn to better apply it to all of the creatures you summon.

At 2nd level, you choose one of the Aberrant Pursuits. Your choice grants you and your Aberrant Summon unique features starting at 2nd level, detailed at the end of the class description, and permanently specializes your Aberrant Summon, granting it a small collection of features or actions in addition to those it can already make. Regardless of the Aberrant Pursuit chosen, your Aberrant Summon is always considered to be an Aberrant Summon, in addition to whatever creature your Aberrant Pursuit states it to be, for the purposes of any features granted by this class.

Aberrant Capacity

As you grow as a summoner, your abilities - and those of your Aberrant Summon - grow with it. When you reach 3rd Aberrant Summoner level, the maximum challenge rating of the creatures you can summon with Aberrant Summon is permanently increased by +1. This bonus increases by a further +1 at 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th Aberrant Summoner levels for a maximum of +5 to the maximum CR your Aberrant Summon can be summoned as at 19th level.

Additionally, whenever you gain a level in this class, the maximum hit points of your Aberrant Summon is increased by an amount equal to your aberrant capacity at that level, applied individually at each level. The Bonus HP column of the levelling table shows the total additional maximum hit points granted to your Aberrant Summon at a given level.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Summon Multiattack

Beginning at 5th level, your Aberrant Summon can take two actions, instead of one, whenever it uses its Multiattack feature. If your Aberrant Summon's chosen form has more than two actions listed as part of its Multiattack, it can only make two of those actions. This does not include additional attacks granted by other means, such as the spell Haste.

The number of multiattack actions it can make during its turn increases to three when you reach 13th level in this class.

Summon Solidarity

Starting at 5th summoner level, attack rolls made by you and your Aberrant Summon have advantage when attacking a creature already hit by an attack roll made by the other during the same turn. This effect is also shared between Aberrant Summons if you have more than one.

As One

Starting at 6th summoner level, your Aberrant Summon gains the following benefits;

  • Whenever you use your action to cast a spell or make an attack, your Aberrant Summon can use its reaction to make a single attack against a creature within range.
  • Whenever you cast a spell, your Aberrant Summon can use its reaction to deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell instead. You must be able to communicate with your Aberrant Summon telepathically as per Aberrant Summon to do so, and the spell uses your spell save DC and spell attack modifier. You must also still provide any components.

If you have more than one Aberrant Summon, only choose one for this effect.


At 6th summoner level, your Aberrant Summon becomes more devoted to you and your cause. Your Aberrant Summon has advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that would attempt to Charm, Frighten or otherwise control your summon, such as the Command spell.

Emergency Redeployment

Starting at 10th summoner level, your familiarity with the process of summoning creatures and reshaping your Aberrant Summon means you can expedite the process in a pinch. While your Aberrant Summon has at least 1 hit point within 100 feet of you, you can begin ritual casting Aberrant Summon as a concentration spell. At the start of your next turn, you cast Aberrant Summon as normal if concentration hasn't been broken. As per Aberrant Summon, it reappears with the same number of hit points as before Emergency Redeployment was cast.

Emergency Redeployment can only be used once, before requiring you to finish a long rest.


Beginning at 13th level, you can use your reaction to attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of summoning a creature. When you see a spell or effect within 120 feet of you that would summon a creature of a CR equal to or lower than your Aberrant Capacity, the summoning fails to no effect. If the creature that would be summoned is of a higher CR, make an Intelligence check. The DC equals 10 + the CR of the creature being summoned/the spell slot level expended to summon the creature if it doesn't have a CR. On a success, the summoning fails to no effect. If multiple creatures would be summoned by an effect, make this check against each creature being summoned.

Summon Multiattack (2)

Beginning at 13th level, your Aberrant Summon can take three actions whenever it uses its Multiattack feature. If your Aberrant Summon's chosen form has more than three actions listed as part of its Multiattack, it can only make three of those actions. This does not include additional attacks granted by other means, such as the spell Haste.

Refined Conjuration

Starting at 14th level, your familiarity with creatures you can summon allows you to modify them to better fit certain needs. Your Aberrant Summon is granted proficiency in all saving throws, and can be granted one of the following effects;

  • Gains a swim speed equal to its walking speed, replacing a swim speed lower than this value. Additionally, it can breathe underwater, and has blindsight out to a range of 60 feet if it doesn't already.
  • Gains a burrow and climb speed equal to its walking speed, replacing any lower than this value. Additionally, its melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage, and are considered magical for the purposes of ignoring immunities.
  • Increase its size by one. A creature that is already Gargantuan instead increases its token size by 5 ft.
  • Decrease its size by one. A creature that is alraedy Tiny instead becomes 1 inch in size.

Your chosen effect lasts until the creature is resummoned. If you control more than one Aberrant Summon, this effect is unique to each creature. Bonus damage granted by this effect is ignored for the purposes of determining the maximum number of damage die a creature can roll as per Aberrant Summon, and a creature's size can exceed your current maximum available summon size, so long as the creature's original size is one you can summon.

Entropic Evocation

Starting at 18th summoner level, you are able to evoke greater power from your summon. As an action, you activate the Entropic Evocation listed as part of your Aberrant Pursuit. Once you have done so, you cannot do so again.

Aberrant Dynamism

Your knowledge and understanding for the creatures you can summon become as second nature to you, and choosing what your summon can become as innate as breathing. At 20th level, you can use Emergency Redeployment an unlimited number of times.

Aberrant Pursuits

Aberrant Convergence

Sorcerers and Wizards are often goaded into frustration for their weak composure, oft unaccustomed to the heavy and uncouth equipment of the common soldier and the celebrated knight. Due to this, they stay alone - an individual more likely to see a mage at the side of a fattened king than at the forefront of war. Sometimes, however, they need to protect themselves as much as they protect their kings, forcing them into the throes of battle. Here, the Summoner utilizes their skills to shape not just a creature, but they themselves into something stronger. Regardless of the consequences.

You can only take Aberrant Convergence if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Monstrosity.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Convergent Aberration, and takes the form of a creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

The Convergent Aberration no longer has its own hit points, as it is instead summoned as magical armaments, rather than as a creature. Your Convergent Aberration is considered to have at least 1 hit point while it is worn, for the purpose of spells and effects, such as Emergency Redeployment.

Aberrant Union

Rather than summoning and commanding a separate creature, you instead conjure it as living armaments on yourself. Any armour you are currently wearing disappears, and is replaced by your Convergent Aberration as natural armour. Non-natural weapons appear holstered to the armour, and for as long as your Convergent Aberration is worn, you gain the following benefits;

  • You gain any weapons, traits, actions, resistances, senses, and the Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throw proficiencies of your summon that you don't already have, using your ability scores and proficiency bonus, such as for making rolls. Melee attack rolls are made using your reach, unless stated to do otherwise. If your currently chosen creature has False Appearance or another similar trait, you only gain the benefits of that feature while also under the effects of Flawless Immitation. Shapechanging or Possession actions and features such as a Mimic's Shapechanger, Couatl's Change Shape or Ghost's Possession can only be used while under the effects of Flawless Imitation, and end when Flawless Imitation ends. As listed under Aberrant Summon, it cannot use any shapechanging actions to take the shape or form of another creature, unless it is part of a spell cast, such as the Polymorph spell.
  • When you use make an attack listed under your chosen summon's actions, such as a weapon or spell attack, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You gain any types of movement available to the creature your Convergent Aberration is summoned as that you don't have, using the speed listed in the creature statblock. For example, if your summon has a burrow speed of 40 feet and you don't have a burrow speed, you gain a burrow speed of 40 feet. Additionally, if you share a movement type with a creature you summon, you use the speed listed in the creature's stat block if it is greater than your own. For example, if you have a walking speed of 30 feet and you summon a quickling, your walking speed becomes 120 feet.
  • If your summon has any kind of Spellcasting, you share their known spells. When casting these spells, you use your own spellcasting ability score as normal, and you must use your own spell slots and provide material components as normal if they are required. You also adhere to any limitations your chosen creature must adhere to when casting these spells, such as daily limits or recharge checks, unless you also have the same spell prepared.
  • You use your Convergent Aberration's AC in place of your own.
  • Dropping, removing, or otherwise undoning any part of your Convergent Aberration causes it to disappear, returning to the pocket dimension mentioned under Aberrant Summon. This does not include sheathing any weapons.

Healing, temporary hit points, and other bonuses, spells or effects that would target or affect your summon instead apply to you. This includes the effects of Aberrant Summon, Aberrant Capacity, Refined Conjuration, and Guarded Works class features, with the following changes;

  • Aberrant Summon Spells you cast with a range of Touch can be cast at a range equal to that of the reach of your summon if it is more than 5 feet, though you must use your reaction in order to do so. Additionally, if your summon has Shapechanger and can take the shape of objects and items such as the Mimic's Shapechanger feature, the feature can only be used while under the effects of Flawless Imitation.
  • Aberrant Capacity You gain a bonus to your current and maximum hit points equal to the bonus hit points that would be granted to your summon as part of Aberrant Capacity, for as long as you are wearing your summon.
  • Summon Solidarity After landing an attack, your next attack roll against the same target has advantage.
  • Summon Multiattack You gain the benefits of your summon's Multiattack feature, following the same effects and limitations. This Multiattack is considered an Attack action for all rules purposes and can only be used once per turn.
  • As One After landing an attack, casting a spell, or using an action listed as part of your summon's stat block, you can use your reaction to make one additional attack against a creature in range.
  • Devotion You gain a bonus to saving throws against Enchantment spells equal to the proficiency bonus of the creature your Convergent Aberration is summoned as.

Your Convergent Aberration armaments are considered nonmagical unless stated to be magical as part of the creatures stat block. Your capabilities while wearing these armaments follow the same limitations as those listed under Aberrant Summon.


When you would take damage that would reduce you below 1 hit point while wearing your summon, the Convergent Aberration dies instead, causing your original armour to reappear. You then regain a number of missing hit points equal to 2 x your summoner level. Any remaining damage is then dealt after.

Flawless Imitation

While wearing your Convergent Aberration, you can use your action to magically personify the creature it is currently summoned as, until you use an action or feature that your chosen creature cannot do, use an action to end the effect, or you reach 0 hit points, at which time Flawless Immitation ends and your Convergent Aberration dies to the same effect as listed under Aberrant Union.

Once transformed, you become virtually indistinguishable from the creature your Convergent Aberration is summoned as. While transformed, the following rules apply;

  • Your game statistics are replaced with the statistics of your summon, but you retain your hit points, alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of your summon. If your summon has the same proficiency as your own and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use your summon’s bonus instead. You also retain all of your known languages, but can only speak them if your chosen creature can also speak. Equipment that is currently being worn disappears until Flawless Immitation ends.
  • Your actions are limited to the capabilities of your new form. Flawless Immitation doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell that you’ve already cast. You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. For example, if your summon has spellcasting, you can continue casting spells, so long as your new form has the ability to provide the necessary components. However, you can't use any special senses you have, unless your summon also has that sense. Casting a spell or taking an action otherwise unavailable to the creature your Convergent Aberration is summoned as ends Flawless Immitation. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Your capabilities while under the effects of Flawless Immitation follow the same limitations as those listed under Aberrant Summon. For example, at 3rd summoner level, if the creature you have taken the form of has multiattack, you can only attack once per action. Additionally, Shapechanging actions and features such as a Mimic's Shapechanger or Couatl's Change Shape can only be used while under the effects of Flawless Imitation, and end when Flawless Imitation ends. As listed under Aberrant Summon, it cannot use any shapechanging actions to take the shape or form of another creature, unless it is part of a spell cast, such as the Polymorph spell.
Entropic Evocation - Pneuma

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Pneuma, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • The maximum CR available to you is increased by an amount equal to 2 x your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). You can then resummon your Convergent Aberration using this new CR maximum.
  • Whenever you use an action listed as part of your Convergent Aberration's stat block, you regain missing hit points equal to your summon's Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

At the end of the duration, your current summon immediately reverts back to the creature that was summoned before Pneuma was activated.

Aberrant Defiance

The term "elemental" typically strikes an image of intense, raw power. They are creatures rarely seen on the Material Plane, and for good reason: their natural magic and extraplanar origin makes them impervious to most mortal threats including disease, paralysis, and fatigue. It can be assumed, then, that those who wield such creatures as minions for their own will are either extremely powerful, or extremely foolish. Either way, the Defiant Aberration wielded by the Summoner demonstrates the great feats that such individuals hold, and attests to their unyielding - and nigh untouchable - nature.

You can only take Aberrant Defiance if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Elemental.

  • Hit dice 1d10
  • Hit Points 6 + 7x your Summoner level.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Defiant Aberration, and takes the form of a Large or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Defiant Aberration can become a Huge creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Defiant Aberration can become a Gargantuan creature within the chosen creature types.

Whenever a creature damages your Defiant Aberration as a result of a melee attack against it, that creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + half your summon's AC, rounded down) or have its speed reduced by half until the end of its next turn. A creature already slowed by this effect instead refreshes the duration.


If a creature within reach of your Defiant Aberration would be made the target of an attack, your summon can use its reaction to impose disadvantage on that attack roll. If the attack is still successful, your summon can choose to substitute its own health for that of the original target, using the original resistances of the original target during the damage roll.


Whenever you summon a creature with an AC lower than 11 + half your Aberrant Summoner level (rounded down), its AC becomes this amount instead, as natural armour.

As an action, your Defiant Aberration can reduce its AC by an amount equal to 1 + your Aberrant Capacity. Creatures it chooses within 30 feet of it then gain a bonus to their AC equal to that amount until the start of your Defiant Aberration's next turn. Affected creatures also gain the benefits of Defiant for the duration. While this action is in effect, your Defiant Aberration cannot use its reaction.

Entropic Evocation - Halidom

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Halidom, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • Whenever your Defiant Aberration takes damage equal to its CR or lower, it ignores that damage.
  • Critical hits against your summon and creatures it chooses within 150 feet of itself are considered normal hits.
  • At the start of your Defiant Aberration's turn, it can grant a number of temporary hit points to itself and creatures it chooses within 150 feet of itself equal your summons AC until the start of your summon's next turn. While they have these temporary hit points, a creature also gains the effects of Defiant.
  • The range of Dependable and Hardy is increased to 150 feet.

Additionally, an ally that remains in the effects of Halidom for the full 1 minute duration gains the benefits of a short rest when it ends.

Aberrant Divergence

Beasts of the wilds are fierce and loyal creatures, making up for their more mundane strength and lesser intellect with the incredible strength of numbers. From packs of wolves to swarms of insects, murders of crows and even herd of sheep are testament to the power of this pack mentality. Such great strength and potential is exploited deeply by the Summoner through their Divergent Aberration: A summon which takes on the forms of many to provide the Summoner with a varitable army, manipulating the primeval ferocity of natural instinct for their own means.

You can only take Aberrant Divergence if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Beast.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 3x your Summoner level.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Divergent Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creatures you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Divergent Aberrations can become Large creatures within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Divergent Aberrations can become Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

Upon taking this archetype, you become able to summon more than one Aberrant Summon at a time as you prioritize increased numbers over raw strength of a single entity. Whenever you cast Aberrant Summon, you can choose to summon or re-summon up to 2 creatures, instead of the usual 1. This increases by an additional 1 at 5th (3), 11th (4) and 17th (5) Aberrant Summoner levels. Furthermore, the bonus granted to your maximum available CR by Aberrant Capacity is doubled.

The total CR of the creatures you summon must be equal to or less than the maximum CR you can summon to. Each summon can take a different form, which you determine when summoning them as normal. For example, at 2nd level, you might choose to summon one CR 1 creature, and one CR 0 creature. Regardless of CR distribution, no individual creature can have a CR greater than the standard maximum CR you can summon at, at any given level (CR 15 by 20th level).

All summoned Divergent Aberrations are considered Aberrant Summons for all rules purposes as normal.


Whenever a Divergent Aberration deals damage to a creature, it regains missing hit points equal to your Aberrant Capacity.

Pack Stratagem

When a Divergent Aberration makes an attack roll against a creature, roll a d4 and add the result to the attack roll, if at least one of the summons allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Entropic Evocation - Plenitude

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Plenitude, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • The maximum CR total you can summon from is doubled, though the maximum CR a single creature can be summoned as remains unchanged. You can then resummon any number of Divergent Aberrations you currently have summoned using this new CR maximum.
  • The healing granted by Gluttonous is doubled.
  • The range of Pack Strategem is increased to 10 feet.
  • Whenever you target a Divergent Aberration with a spell or effect, it also applies to all other Divergent Aberrations that are within the spell or effects target range from the original target. For example, if you cast Healing Word at 1st level on a Divergent Aberration, all other Divergent Aberrations within 60 feet of the original target are healed for the same amount.

At the end of the duration, you must choose any number of summoned creatures to dismiss until the total CR of the creatures you have summoned is equal to or less than the maximum CR total available to you.

Aberrant Divinance

The few pursuers of Aberrant Divinance are typically founded from one of two very contrary situations; the heretically dissident, or the fanatically obsessive. Whether it is in one's love and adoration for their god or deity that they try to call upon them, or in spite of ones god that they perhaps try to call upon another, those that practice Aberrant Divinance have peerless faith in that which they summon. An all-encompassing attachment that, through feast and famine alike, cannot so simply be dismissed as just reverence. A pursuit not of power or providence, but one of devotion to faith and belief, that for better or for worse, ones chosen God given a form of their own would do better than they can alone.

You can only take Aberrant Divinance if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Celestial.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 4x your Summoner level.

Upon chosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Divinant Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

Additionally, this summon is henceforth also considered a Celestial variant of whatever creature it is summoned as, in addition to any existing creature types it has, granting it resistance to Radiant damage if it doesn't already.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Divinant Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Divinant Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

Your Divinant Aberration can forego moving during its turn to instead teleport to an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you (no action required).

Divine Perception

Your Divinant Aberration gains Truesight out to a range of 60 feet and proficiency in Perception if it doesn't already. Additionally, your Divinant Aberration telepathically receives visual information from your location as if from Truesight, out to a range of 15 feet.


Your Divinant Aberration is blessed with a sliver of divinity, granting it the following benefits.

  • It is summoned with a bonus to all of its ability scores equal to your Intelligence modifier (maximum of 30).
  • After your summon lands an attack, you can expend a spell slot as a reaction to cause the attack to deal additional radiant damage equal to a number of d8 equal to the spell slot level expended. This damage is not included in determining how many damage dice it can roll as per Aberrant Summon.
  • It has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws against Fiends and Undead.

While your Divinant Aberration is more than 15 feet from you, its current and maximum hit points are reduced by half, and it loses all traits and features granted by Aberrant Divinance.

Entropic Evocation - Reverence

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Reverence, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • Your Divinant Aberration is cleansed of any conditions afflicting it, and is made immune to new ones for the duration.
  • Your summon's size is increased by 1 (for example, a Medium creature becomes Large)
  • Divine Perception has its range increased to 150 feet for both your summon.
  • Radiant damage dealt and ability score bonuses granted by Henosis are doubled.
  • Creatures your summon chooses within 150 feet of it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your summon's Wisdom modifier + its Proficiency bonus, determined before Reverence bonuses) or are forced to prostrate themselves before it as a divine being. Affected creatures are Charmed by your Divinant Aberration, while Undead and Fiends are Frightened of it. Creatures that are Charmed fall prone and are paralyzed. Creatures that are Frightened must take the Dash action and move away from your Divinant Aberration by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. At the end of a creature's turn, it can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the effects of Revenerece ends for that creature.

Aberrant Mucilagence

You can only take Aberrant Mucilagence if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Ooze.

  • Hit dice 1d10
  • Hit Points 6 + 6x your Summoner level.

Upon chosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Mucilagent Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

Additionally, this summon is henceforth also considered an Ooze variant of whatever creature it is summoned as, in addition to any existing creature types it has, granting it resistance to Acid damage if it doesn't already.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Mucilagent Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Mucilagent Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.
Aberrant Form

Your Mucilagent Aberration can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Whenever your summon lands an attack with any natural weapons it has, a creature touches your summon, or lands a melee weapon attack on your summon while within 5 feet of it, that creature suffers acid damage equal to a number of d6 equal to your Aberrant Capacity. Additionally, nonmagical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10. This ability replaces any similar abilities a creature you summon may have, such as the bonus effects of some Pseudopod attacks.

Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits your summon corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits your summon is destroyed after dealing damage. Your summon can also eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or metal in 1 round. This ability replaces any similar abilities a creature you summon may have, such as Corrosive Form.

Your Aberrant Summon can choose to avoid afflicting a creature or material with the effects of Aberrant Form at will.


As a bonus action, you summon can choose to congeal or coagulate, maintaining the chosen form until it uses a bonus action to end the effects of Tripoint, or swap to the opposing state.

  • Coagulate.

While coagulated, your Mucilagent Aberration gains AC equal to your Intelligence modifier, but its speed is reduced by half. Additionally, when it initially coagulates, and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, it can choose to briefly jut sharp spines from all over its body. Until the start of its next turn, a creature that touches the Mucilagent Aberration, hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it, or is hit with a melee attack made by your Mucilagent Aberration takes 1d6 acid damage, in addition to any other penalties for coming into contact with your Mucilagent Aberration, such as Aberrant Form.

  • Congeal

While congealed, your Mucilagent Aberration loses AC equal to your Intelligence modifier, but its speed is increased by half. Additionally, while congealed, your summon leaves behind an acidic, translucent mucal trail on all solid surfaces it touches or moves along for 1 hour. This trail shares the same effects as Aberrant Form, taking effect on all creatures, objects and surfaces that touches it. A creature that come into contact with your summon or this trail must also make a Constitution saving throw against your summon (DC 8 + your summon's Constitition modifier + its proficiency bonus) or become Poisoned until the start of their next turn.


When your summon is subjected to lightning or slashing damage while it is Small or larger and has at least 10 hit points, it splits into two new creatures once the damage has been dealt. Each new creature has current and maximum hit points equal to half that of the creature being split (rounded down), are one size smaller than the split summon, and otherwise share the same traits and features.

All conditions, effects, expenditures and requirements such as recharge checks persist through Split, and apply to both of the new creatures. If you dismiss your summon, all creatures that were created as a result of it splitting are dismissed. When you next resummon your Mucilagent Aberration, it is resummoned with its usual maximum hit points, and with current hit points equal to the combined total of the dismissed split summons. For example, if you summon was split, with both of the new creatures being dismissed with 12 hit points each, your summon is resummoned as a single creature again, with 24 current hit points if none have been gained since.

A creature you summon that has Split or other similar effect no longer gains its benefits and is instead replaced with this effect.

Entropic Evocation - Emaculation

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Emaculation, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

Your Mucilagent Aberration and any split parts of itself:

  • Are cleansed of all conditions and diseases, and are immune to new ones for the duration.
  • Can manually Split (no action required). Once a Mucilagent Aberration has manually split, the split parts cannot do so until the start of your Mucilagent Aberration's next turn.
  • Can choose to gain the benefits of Inspissation, Deliquescence, both, or neither at will rather than using a bonus action.
  • Can use its action to take on the form of a new creature, as if resummoned by you.
  • Can use its action to hide in plain sight. It has advantage on any Stealth checks require to hide or remain hidden, and any checks made to seek out, find or track a hiding Mucilagent Aberration you control are made at disadvantage.

Aberrant Necromance

You can only take Aberrant Necromance if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is undead.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 4x your Summoner level.

Upon chosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Necromant Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

Additionally, this summon is henceforth also considered an Undead variant of whatever creature it is summoned as, in addition to any existing creature types it has, granting it resistance to Necrotic damage if it doesn't already.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Necromant Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Necromant Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.
Foul Conscription

You can spend 1 minute in ritual while within reach of a creature's remain to attempt to reanimate it as an undead. The target must be a creature other than your Necromant Aberration. In order to do so, you must succeed on a Nature check with a DC equal to 5 + the CR of the target creature. On a success, you reanimate the creature as an undead variant of its usual stat block, with a number of maximum hit points equal to half that of your Necromant Aberration, and current hit points equal to 1d6 + your Aberrant Summoner level + your Aberrant Capacity. The creature summoned follows teh same rules, benefits and restrictions as your Necromant Aberration as well as those listed under Aberrant Summon.

If you fail the check or lose concentration on the spell, the remains are destroyed, rendering them unusable for any features of this class. If the target remains are indistinguishable, the remains animate as a Skeleton or Zombie, depending on the condition and age of the remains.

Grim Celerity

After being summoned, your Necromant Aberration only last 24 hours, at which time it disappears, leaving no physical form behind. Alternatively, before the end of this duration, you can spend 1 minute in ritual while within reach of your summon to sustain your summon for another 24 hours. This can be done as part of a short or long rest.

When your Necromant Aberration is reduced to 0 hit points, it leaves behind remains for 10 minutes before disappearing. While within 30 feet of these remains, you can use your action to begin casting Aberrant Summon on them as a concentration spell. At the start of your next turn if concentration hasn't been broken, your Necromant Aberration reforms, causing it to reappear again with a number of hit points equal to 1d6 + your Aberrant Summoner level + your Aberrant Capacity. The spell automatically fails if the remains are destroyed or you are more than 30 feet from the remains of your summon at any point during the cast.

Casting Aberrant Summon in this way does not allow you to change the creature your Necromant Aberration was previously summoned as.


As an action, you can instantly execute any number of undead creatures you control within 10 feet of you, reducing them to 0 hit points and destroying their remains in the process, rendering them unusable for any features of this class. As part of the same action, you then choose one creature within 60 feet of you (can include yourself) that you can see to regain hit points equal to the total hit points lost by the executed undead.

Entropic Evocation - Penumbra

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Penumbra, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • Grim Celerity, Foul Conscription and Reap have their ranges increased to 150 feet.
  • The cast time for Foul Conscription is reduced to one action.
  • When an undead creature you control takes damage that would reduce it below 1 hit point while it is within 150 feet of you, it instead makes a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the damage taken. On a success, the creature is instead reduced to 1 hit point.

Aberrant Prepotence

The green folk, as they are commonly known, have a reputation for being mischievous but kind-hearted creatures. The abundant sprites of the feywild infrequently make their appearance on Faerûn for common sighting, and the noble Eladrins have no time for mortal affairs, but they have traversed to the material plane enough for some to have studied these Fey sufficiently. With this study, their guarded nature and kind-hearted essence has been accentuated in the form of the Prepotent Aberration: a summon whose very being is to ensure no harm befalls their summoner and allies, even if they must stand at the front lines to do so.

You can only take Aberrant Prepotence if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Fey.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 4x your Summoner level.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Prepotent Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Prepotent Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Prepotent Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

Your Prepotent Aberration has a number of charges of Fount equal to 1 + your Aberrant Capacity, and regains all expended uses when it finishes a long rest.

As an action, your Prepotent Aberration can expend any number of charges to target the same number of creatures that it can see within 60 feet of itself (excluding itself). Until the start of your Prepotent Aberration's next turn, targets can add your summon's ability score modifier to one attack roll, ability check or saving throw it makes, in addition to its own. This bonus can only be applied to a target once, and replaces any existing Fount bonuses granted to the target.

Whenever your Prepotent Aberration makes a successful attack roll, ability check or saving throw, it regains one expended use of this ability (can only regain one use per turn).


Your Prepotent Aberration can use its action to touch a willing creature and receive one negative condition afflicting it for its remaining duration. Alternatively, if your Prepotent Aberration is within reach of a creature that fails a saving throw against a condition that targets only that creature, your summon can use its reaction to receive one negative condition afflicted as part of failing the saving throw in place of the original target. Your Prepotent Aberration cannot use Scapegoat if it is already suffering from a negative condition.


Your Prepotent Aberration is is summoned with proficiency in all skills. Whenever it is required to make a skill check or ability check, it magically creates any tools or instruments required to make the roll (no action required), assuming it has the capacity to use the item or instrument (such as a means of holding an instrument or tool). It is considered proficient in any tools or instruments created in this way. Once the check has been made, the magically created equipment disappears.

Entropic Evocation - Censure

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Censure, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

Whenever a creature starts its turn within 150 feet of your Prepotent Aberration, your summon can use its reaction to force that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your summon's Wisdom modifier + its Proficiency bonus). On a failed save, that creature wastes its action that turn doing nothing.

Aberrant Providence

The Aberrant Pursuit of Providence is a selfless one. To actively seek out ways to aide and provide for those that can't do so themselves, and to assist those that would need the hand lent. Even among the best of healers, clerics and aides however, there is only so much one person can achieve, and it is through this Aberrant Pursuit that one would find that assistance one would need to truly provide their all for others.

You can only take Aberrant Providence if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Plant.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 3x your Summoner level.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Provident Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Provident Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Provident Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

During its turn, your Provident Aberrations actions (excluding Charitable) add to a reserve of potential, rejuvenating energy. Each action (including actions made at once such as per multiattack) adds a sliver of power to this reserve, represented by a d4, storing up to a maximum number of d4s equal to 1 + your Aberrant Capacity.

As an action, your Provident Aberration can choose one creature it can see within 60 feet including itself, and spend all the dice it currently has reserved. Roll the spent dice, and add them together. The target then regains a number of hit points equal to the total.

Additionally, whenever your summon restores health to an ally as per a spell or effect that isn't Charitable, it can choose one additional target.


While you can see it within 120 feet of you, if your Provident Aberration would take damage, you can use your reaction to magically substitute your own health for that of your Provident Aberration, causing you to take the damage in its place. Damage taken in this way uses your summon's immunities, resistances and vulnerabilities rather than your own, and it is still considered to be the original target of the attack, spell or effect.


When a creature within 60 feet of your Provident Aberration would be reduced below 1 hit point from damage taken, your summon can use its reaction to expend all d4s it currently has reserved for Charitable to reduce the damage that would be dealt by 4 per die expended.

After using this ability, your Provident Aberration cannot regain any d4s until the end of its next turn.

Entropic Evocation - Benediction

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Benediction, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • When initially cast, your summon and all allies within 150 feet of it are cured of all conditions and diseases. Those affected can use their reaction to immediately stand up.
  • For the duration, your summon and all allies within 150 feet of it double any healing they receive.

As a bonus action while under the effects of Benediction, your summon can give itself a full complement of d4's for Charitable, before choose any number of creatures within range - including itself - as targets for one of the following effects;

  • Instantly regain 50 hit points
  • Instantly regain a number of hit points equal to 3 + your Provident Aberration's Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). Targets then regain the same number of hit points at the start of their turn for as long as they are under the effects of Benediction.

Once your summon has used this effect, it cannot do so again until you cast Benediction again. A creature loses the benefits of Benediction if they are more than 150 feet from your summon, your summon dies, or it is re-summoned.

Aberrant Severance

While typically associated with isolated study and lonesome experimentation, the work of the Aberrant Summoner is not exclusive to magical colleges and royal courts. Instead, some find their way onto the battlefield, using their skills to shift the tides of military action, while others use their knowledge to aid in the defeat of grand foes seemingly unmatched by any other adversary. These battles between titans are only made possible through the wielding of the Severant Aberration; creatures of pure strength and ferocity, birthed in the image of the grandest titans of all: Dragons.

You can only take Aberrant Severance if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Dragon.

  • Hit dice 1d8
  • Hit Points 6 + 5x your Summoner level.

Upon choosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Severant Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Severant Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Severant Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

Your summon is bloodthirsty, and eager to rip into its enemies. Whenever you roll for initiative, your Severant Aberration does so as well. You can then choose to use its initiative in place of your own. Additionally, your summon gains the following benefits.

  • When making an attack roll, a d20 roll of 19 or higher is considered a critical hit. While missing at least half its hit points, this becomes 18 or higher.
  • The Severant Aberration can use its bonus action to move up to half its movement towards a creature. This ability replaces any other ability with similar functionality, like the Aggressive trait.
  • The maximum number of actions that can be taken when using a creature's Multiattack is increased by 1, in addition to the maximum granted by Summon Multiattack.

When your Severant Aberration lands an attack or deals damage to a creature, it marks that target after that attack and damage roll; a mystical representation of the summon's animosity and drive to tear them apart. Until your summon attacks another creature, it gains a bonus to its attack rolls against the marked creature equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you summon attacks or damages a creature that isn't the marked target, the mark is lost. If your summon hits or damages multiple creatures at once, this mark applies to each of them.


Your Severant Aberration takes necrotic damage after it makes a damage roll, ignoring your Severant Aberration's immunities and resistances. The damage taken is equal to the number of damage dice included in the damage roll (minimum of 1). Additionally, whenever it deals damage to a target that is marked by Malicious, your summon deals an additional +1 damage for every 6 hit points it is missing.

Entropic Evocation - Relentless Malediction

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Malediction, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • If your Severant Aberration takes damage that would put it below 1 hit point, it instead makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 15 + the number of damage dice rolled). On a success, your summon is instead left at 1 hit point. If the damage taken is from Sadomasochist, it automatically succeeds the save.
  • The maximum number of actions that can be taken when using a creature's Multiattack is unrestricted by this class.
  • Bonus damage granted by Sadomasochist is dealt to all targets hit, regardless of whether a target is marked by Malicious or not.

Aberrant Vengeance

You can only take Aberrant Vengeance if one of your chosen Pursued Knowledge creature types is Fiend.

  • Hit dice 1d6
  • Hit Points 6 + 4x your Summoner level.

Upon chosing this Aberrant Pursuit, your Aberrant Summon is summoned as a Vengeant Aberration, and takes the form of a Medium or smaller creature you choose of the three creature types you have Pursued Knowledge of, of a CR equal to or less than the listed CR maximum available to you.

Additionally, this summon is granted proficiency in Arcana if it doesn't already.

  • At 8th summoner level, your Vengeant Aberration can become a Large creature within the chosen creature types.
  • At 16th summoner level, your Vengeant Aberration can become a Huge or larger creature within the chosen creature types.

Your Vengeant Aberration gains a cumulative +1 bonus to its attack rolls as, as well as its skill checks and saving throws against spells and other magical effects, whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. This bonus can accumulate to a maximum value equal to your highest spell slot level, and lasts until you start your turn without having met the requirements to add to this bonus (meeting the requirements to add to this bonus while at its maximum bonus, such as casting a spell of 1st level or higher, or through Malicious Compliance still perpetuates this effect). Additionally, whenever your summon casts a spell of 1st level or higher, or your do so while within 30 feet of your summon, it regains hit points equal to the spell slot level the spell was cast at.

Malicious Compliance

Damage your Vengeant Aberration takes from a spell cast at a level equal to or less than your Aberrant Capacity is reduced by half. Additionally, whenever your summon is forced to make a saving throw as part of a spell, attack or magically effect and it doesn't have advantage on that saving throw, it can choose to willingly fail the saving throw to the following effects:

  • Any conditions, diseases or similar effects suffered for failing the saving throw automatically end at the end of its next turn.
  • Damage your summon would take is reduced by half. If the damage is dealt by a spell cast at a level equal to or less than your Aberrant Capacity, it instead deals 1 damage per damage dice (minimum of 1 damage).
  • It gains advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes within 1 minute, and a +1 bonus to its attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws as per Covetous.

Your Vengeant Aberration has proficiency in Arcana checks. Additionally, it can cast spells you know, using your spell slots. You choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma to be its spellcasting ability when it is summoned if it doesn't already have a spellcasting ability. Furthermore, it always knows the spells Counterspell and Dispel Magic and can cast one of them once without expending a spell slot between long rests. Whenever it successfully uses one of these spells, it also learns the details of the spell or magical effect it was used against, such as the name of the spell or the level it was cast at.

Entropic Evocation - Titanomachy

Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to evoke Titanomachy, granting the following effects for 1 minute;

  • The bonus granted by Covetous is doubled.
  • Your Vengeant Aberration can cast Counterspell without expending its reaction once per turn. It still expends your spell slot to cast.
  • Your Vengeant Aberration can make one attack or cast one spell with a cast time of 1 action as a Legendary Action each round.

Additionally, your Vengeant Aberration creates a 150-foot radius sphere centered on itself. Your summon and creatures it choses within the area have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. When an affected creature succeeds on a saving throw against a spell or magical effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw.

Aberrant Summoner Spell List


blade ward, dancing lights, encode thoughts, frostbite, guidance, infestation, light, mage hand, mending, message, mind sliver, minor illusion, prestidigitation, sapping sting, spare the dying, thorn whip.

1st Level

bane, bless, color spray, comprehend languages, cure wounds, detect magic, detect poison and disease, disguise self, expeditious retreat, faerie fire, false life, fog cloud, gift of alacrity, goodberry, healing word, heroism, identify, mage armor, sanctuary, silvery barbs, sleep, speak with animals, thunderwave, unseen servant.

2nd Level

aid, alter self, blindness/deafness, blur, borrowed knowledge, continual flame, darkvision, dragon’s breath, enhance ability, enlarge/reduce, fortune’s favor, gust of wind, hold person, invisibility, lesser restoration, knock, locate object, misty step, rope trick, spider climb, suggestion, tasha's mind whip, vortex warp, wristpocket.

3rd Level

bestow curse, counterspell, create food and water, Crusader's Mantle. dispel magic, fear, Galder’s tower, gaseous form, glyph of warding, haste, magic circle, major image, mass healing word, life transference, protection from energy, revivify, speak with dead, tiny hut, tongues.

4th Level

arcane eye, banishment, control water, dimension door, dominate beast, fire shield, greater invisibility, guardian of nature, hallucinatory terrain, polymorph, resilient sphere.

5th Level

creation, dream, far step, geas, greater restoration, legend lore, mass cure wounds, modify memory, raise dead, reincarnate, scrying, seeming, skill empowerment, wall of force.

6th Level

contingency, eyebite, Fizban's Platinum Shield, guards and wards, heal, magic jar, mass suggestion, Tenser’s transformation, true seeing, wind walk.

7th Level

etherealness, plane shift, regenerate, resurrection, reverse gravity, simulacrum, teleport, tether essence.

8th level

antipathy/sympathy, demiplane, dominate monster, draconic transformation, feeblemind, power word stun, telepathy.

9th Level

foresight, gate, imprisonment, mass heal, shapechange, power word heal, true polymorph, wish.


In the process of gaining the 1st level in this class, a character must make a sacrifice, as described under Aberrant Summon.

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Aberrant Summoner class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Aberrant Summoner class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons, nature skill.

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