User talk:D'Artagnan/5e Custom Spells

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"This page is not formatted correctly. Reason: Please create new homebrew spells with the "add new spell" link at 5e Spells"

I know I know. I've made spells here before (Psion class). This is intentional. It's just I really get tired of babysitting each entry I make here. A knucklehead who thinks they're real funny, or some critic who doesn't do nice will wander on with their grubby paws all over it. Frankly at the rate I've been adding stuff, it'd be a constant job. There is a reason I took my breadcrumbs off my classes and archetypes (except Psion and Runepriest). If I don't leave a trail, they won't find it.

I'm mostly adding this stuff to keep a digital copy of my stuff so I can share and reference it. Honestly if I could have a nice relatively private place where I can type all this up with the nice formatting layout stuff I'd do it there.

If the spells are in mainspace, they can be edited by others. My advice is to put these in your userspace, I'll move this there now. Marasmusine (talk) 13:03, 24 February 2016 (MST)
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