The Taco Bell (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)

This bell is an ancient object from a civilization lost to the sands of time, known as the “Tex-Mexians. no one knows exactly what happened to these long forgotten people, but some sages theorize it had something to do with this very artifact. The bell could be mistaken for an ordinary cowbell, except for the strange greenish markings which cover its entirety. holding it gives one a sort of inexplicable feeling of foreboding, as if something terrible is trapped within, struggling to escape.
Charge The Taco Bell can hold 20 charges. These charges can recharge automatically (regain one charge every long rest or by bathing the bell in a few cubic feet of molten cheese. Completely submerging the Taco Bell in at least 3 cubic feet of molten cheese will cause the bell to gain 3 charges, but the cheese will be absorbed by the artifact.

Crunch Wrap expending 7 charges, you may cast the crunch wrap spell.

8 Sauce Supreme expending 3 charges, you may cast the 8 sauce supreme spell.

Baja Blast expending 20 charges, you may cast the baja blast spell.
Destroying the The Taco Bell. This Artifact can be destroyed by incinerating it in the flames of its own Baja blast. When it is destroyed, it detonates, creating a “dong” sound which can be heard throughout the planes.

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