Talk:Zeno's Death Summon (5e Spell)

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I'm sorry but the spells seems useless at that point (possibly even negative) when you're a 4th level spell caster. You could summon fire balls and rays of brilliant light at that level. And it takes the spell caster out of the fight. Especially it does less damage than the summoner themselves. That protection is neat for the creature. But it still is alot weaker that wizards at that level of spell casting.

Well, my best comparison to this would be Summon Greater Demon, and seeing as that creates a CR 5 creature with no gold or hitpoint cost, this could probably get retuned a bit. The damage and hitpoints could probably get bumped, or it could use a custom statblock stuck to the page, like the newer Summon Creature Type spells, or for an onsite example, Abhorrent Colossus (5e Spell). Any thoughts on that? --SwankyPants (talk) 23:03, 26 December 2021 (MST)
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