Staff of Heatbane (5e Equipment)

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Staff, Very rare (Requires attunement)

This simple walking staff, made out of wood or metal, usually adorned with ice giant runes, furs or blue gems, is slightly cold to the touch. The staff can be used as a magical quarterstaff without attuning with it.

Heatbane Magic. Whenever you cause cold damage with a spell while wielding this staff, you cause additional 1d6 cold damage.

Heat Resistance. You gain resistance to fire damage. You are immune to the effects of extreme heat.

Cold Magic. You can cast armor of agathys at will, as a 1st-level spell. You can also cast control weather with the staff, only to reduce the temperature. You can't do it again for the next 30 days.

Curse. This staff is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. Dropping the staff fails to end the curse on you. You become cursed with reverse thermic perception. Standing in front of a bonfire would have you feel like you're freezing for example.

Heatbane Staff by Nicolas Mareschal

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