Soul Fruit (5e Equipment)

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Soul Fruit[edit]

I have already made a variant rule for this, it will be linked here;

Soul Fruit The Soul fruit is a Paramecia fruit, it grants control over souls.

  • At level 1, you gain the ability to summon 'Buddies'. When you hit someone with a melee attack, you gain a Soul. By using a bonus action, you can use a Soul to summon a 'Buddy'. These are below;
  1. Old Tree - Restrains a random target within 30ft of it for two turns. It then disappears.
  2. Lollipop - Heals the summoner 1d12 HP every turn for three turns. It then disappears.
  3. Toxic Flower - Deals 1d6 poison damage to everyone except you within 10ft of it for two turns. It then disappears.

You determine these by rolling a d6. 1-2 = Old tree, 3-4 = Lollipop, 5-6 = Toxic Flower

  • At level 5, you can fly around on a cloud. You gain flying speed of 30ft, and while flying, you sit on a cloud.
  • At level 8, you can shoot a beam of light at an enemy. It deals 1d12 fire damage and 1d8 necrotic damage.
  • At level 15, you can shoot two beams at an enemy. This deals 1d12 fire damage, 1d12 eletric damage and 1d8 necrotic damage. This then explodes, dealing 1d12 fire damage to all within 15ft of where it blows up.

I hope you enjoy, please use this wisely, the last move is a tad overpowered!

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