Races (Cookie Run Supplement)

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The races given below are the playable species that can be found within the setting of Cookie Run Kingdom. This list does not include every sanction race within the cookie run Kingdom universe, as there's either simply too little information to work with or it is simply too hard to translate it into a playable race.

Note: This list made change with information given in the future, thank you for your patience and understanding.


  • Cookiefolk - A sentient species of gingerbread-like creatures. A sentient species of gingerbread-like creatures. Known for their stamina in long distances and community building.
  • Gustatory Cookiefolk - A unique variant of cookiefolk that has elemental properties baked deep inside their dough, making it easier to live in harsher climates or manipulate the elements in certain situations.
  • Merfolk Cookie - A peculiar species of cookies able to breathe underwater! Caring for their home within the ocean as they fulfill the desires of the desires of the Almighty sea.
  • Faerie Cookiefolk - A race known for their seclusion from the other species of earth bread. Found in the enchanting wilds of beast yeast, they spend many months partying or protecting their lands from intruders and other various threats.


  • Bear Jelly - A happy-go-lucky species of gummy bears! They're known for their generosity and hospitality, to the point where it's their greatest strength and weakness.


  • Ginkgoblins -Surprisingly intelligent yet devious creatures that resemble gumballs. They have a knack for building gadgets to help with physical tasks, which they often use to pillage and terrorize those outside of their circle.
  • Warehound - A humanoid canine race that somewhat resembles a cupcake. They're known for their strength and their animosity against Cookiefolk

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