Prestige (3.5e Trait)

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Prestige [General]

Upon reaching the pinnacle of your current abilities, you can undergo a transformative experience, resetting your character level and gaining new insights and powers.
Prerequisite: Character is at maximum level.
Benefit: You can choose to take this trait when you reach the maximum character level. Reset your character level to 1, but retain all your base attributes, hit points, traits, feats, and non-level-related class features. Additionally, you gain a Prestige. The character's maximum level cap increases bye 100 via 0 prestige is 100 levels 1 is 200 ect.
Drawback: However, each time you prestige, you lose all class levels and associated abilities. You must retake your class levels, regaining your abilities as you level up. Your character retains traits, feats, all non class related things.
Normal: Characters typically do not reset their levels after reaching the maximum character level.
Special: You may only take this trait when you are at the maximum character level. The benefits and drawbacks of this trait persist through subsequent prestiges.
Roleplaying Ideas: Your character may feel the call of destiny, seeking new challenges and pushing beyond their current limits. Perhaps they are driven by a desire for self-improvement or a quest for ultimate power. Roleplay the transformative experience and the growth your character undergoes during the prestige.

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