Lumina (3.5e Deity)

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Lumina: The Sacred White
Greater Deity
Symbol: White sun with a female face accented by yellow.
Home Plane: Plane of Radiance
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Compassion, dawn, day, forgiveness, healing, hope, protection, sun.
Clergy Alignments: CG, NG, LG
Domains: Charity, Community, Healing, Hope, Humility, Good, Light, Protection, Purification, Radiance
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
Lumina's Symbol

Lumin, the Goddess of Light, is a radiant deity revered for her unwavering compassion, divine protection, and the promise of redemption. She is hailed as the bringer of a new day, the embodiment of the dawning sun that banishes evil and illuminates the world with hope. Lumin's devotees find solace and guidance in her gentle radiance, seeking her blessings for healing and solace in times of need. Known by various titles, such as the Dawnbringer and the Sun's Embrace, Lumin's influence extends far and wide, inspiring worshipers from all walks of life who seek her illuminating presence and strive to spread her radiant virtues throughout the realms.

Religious Training[edit]

The religious training within the faith of Lumina is a sacred and transformative journey that instills in its followers a profound sense of compassion, devotion, and the desire to bring light to the lives of others. Those who aspire to serve Lumina as brauchers, clerics, and thought apostles are often drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds, united by their shared commitment to making the world a more radiant and benevolent place. The training is both rigorous and nurturing, emphasizing the importance of selflessness, healing, and the preservation of life. While not excessively strict, the demands of Lumina's teachings may cause some aspiring individuals to realize that their calling lies in other paths, returning them to their homes with a renewed sense of purpose in spreading Lumina's divine radiance through their everyday lives.


Possibly the only belief to do so, the followers of Boler often find themselves striving against the The devoted followers of Lumina embark on noble quests that are driven by their unwavering commitment to compassion, protection, and the eradication of malevolence in all its forms. They actively oppose the forces of corruption and seek to bring healing and forgiveness to those in need. Lumina's followers, known as "Lightbearers," possess the remarkable ability to infuse others with radiant energy, empowering them to ward off afflictions and burdens. Through their touch and divine blessings, they strengthen the spirits of individuals, granting them resilience and fortitude to resist the corrupting influences of malevolence and wickedness. These quests may involve dispelling malevolent entities, purifying tainted lands, or aiding communities in defending themselves against oppressive forces. By sharing their divine radiance, the Lightbearers become beacons of hope, illuminating the path towards a brighter, protected world under Lumina's watchful gaze. lords, or destroying a malignant hallow dragon are good examples of missions for the glory of Boler.


The prayers of Lumina's devoted followers are radiant expressions of their unwavering devotion to the principles of compassion, protection, and the triumph of Lumina's divine light over the forces of evil. These prayers often take the form of affirmations, spoken with conviction and deep belief in Lumina's divine grace. Followers of Lumina may utter prayers such as "May Lumina's radiant light guide and protect us in times of adversity," or "In Lumina's name, I offer compassion and healing to all who are burdened by the evils of the world." Through these prayers, the faithful seek Lumina's blessings and guidance, invoking her divine presence to bring solace, strength, and redemption to themselves and others. The prayers serve as a beacon of Lumina's unwavering love and the believer's commitment to illuminate the path of righteousness with Lumina's divine light.


Lumina's temples stand as majestic beacons of divine radiance, designed with a blend of elegance and practicality. They often feature grand architecture adorned with intricate carvings and stained glass windows that shimmer with the hues of the sun. Lumina's temples are strategically located in bustling city centers, serene countryside settings, and even remote villages, ensuring accessibility to all who seek her light. These sacred sanctuaries serve as places of worship, solace, and communal gathering. Within their walls, Lumina's faithful partake in divine ceremonies, offer prayers for guidance and healing, and receive blessings from the temple priests. The services provided include spiritual guidance, counseling, communal rituals, and the sacred rites of baptism, marriage, and funerals. Lumina's temples are cherished havens where individuals can find respite from the darkness of the world and bask in the radiant presence of Lumina's divine light.


Lumina's major festivals and rites revolve around the celebration of light, renewal, and the triumph of goodness over evil. They are often held during significant celestial events, such as the summer solstice or the equinoxes, when the power of the sun is most radiant. One example of a rite observed by Lumina's followers is the Illumination Ceremony, which takes place during the summer solstice. This rite involves a vibrant procession where devotees carry glowing lanterns and torches, symbolizing the spreading of Lumina's light throughout the world. Participants offer prayers of gratitude for the blessings of the sun, seek enlightenment, and renew their commitment to be beacons of compassion and protection. The Illumination Ceremony serves as a joyous occasion for communities to come together, celebrate the power of Lumina's light, and strengthen their bond with the goddess and each other.

Herald and Allies[edit]

Lumina, the Goddess of Light, has a majestic herald known as a Solar. Allies are movanic devas, kirin, planetars, and rainbow dwellers


There are several relics and artifacts of Lumina. Each are hidden throughout the world. Here are a few of the most known.

The Radiant Sunstone: This gemstone is said to have been imbued with Lumina's divine radiance. It emits a warm and comforting glow, symbolizing the goddess's light and protection. The Radiant Sunstone is believed to possess healing properties and is often used in ceremonies and rituals to channel Lumina's energy.

The Dawnbringer's Staff: This ancient staff is said to have been wielded by one of Lumina's most devoted champions. Carved from a rare and luminescent wood, the Dawnbringer's Staff is a conduit for Lumina's power. It is said to amplify the effects of healing magic and can ward off evil forces with its radiant energy.

The Shimmering Veil: The Shimmering Veil is a delicate, translucent fabric that is believed to have been woven from the very essence of Lumina's light. When worn or held, it grants a sense of serenity and protection. It is often used during rituals and ceremonies to symbolize purity and to enhance the connection between mortals and Lumina's divine presence.


Lumina is a prominent deity within the Layara pantheon as the goddess of light and goodness, revered as the embodiment of radiant compassion and the guiding force against evil. She stands as a beacon of hope and protection, and her presence is widely recognized in various pantheons where gods exist. Lumina often serves as an advocate for the forces of good, especially in realms where the combination of goodness, positive energy, and light is lacking. She opposes gods of light and evil, such as the Burning Hate and Solas, the Corrupting Light, who exploit the purity of light for corrupt purposes. Lumina seeks to influence other gods of light, like Amaunator, to embrace a more compassionate and balanced approach to their divine responsibilities. She encourages them to recognize the importance of embracing darkness as a complementary force, rather than dismissing it as inherently evil. Lumina's most ardent foes are the deities who combine the aspects of darkness and evil, such as Shar and Tharizdun, who propagate malevolence and chaos. Lumina's innate distrust of gods of darkness stems from the prejudices she has faced as a deity of light and compassion, with the exception of her closest allies among the gods, Boler the Benevolent Black, god of darkness and goodness. Lumina goal is challenging these preconceived notions and championing the balance of light and darkness in the pursuit of ultimate goodness.

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