Legendary Saiyan (3.5e Trait)

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Legendary Saiyan [General]

Descended from a line of legendary warriors, you possess the latent power of the Saiyan race.
Prerequisite: Must be chosen at character creation and part of the character's backstory.
Benefit: Gain temporary bonuses to Strength during combat. The Dungeon Master determines the exact bonus based on the intensity of the battle. If you lose control in combat, you deal twice as much damage during the time period.
Drawback: Experience points are gained at half the normal rate. When in combat, roll a d20 at the beginning of each turn; on a roll lower than 10, lose control for 1 turn.
Normal: Characters gain experience points at half the standard rate.
Special: This trait may not be suitable for campaigns where experience progression is tightly regulated or where combat encounters are infrequent.
Roleplaying Ideas: In the heat of battle, the Saiyan blood within you surges, granting incredible strength. However, this raw power comes at the cost of occasional loss of control, turning you into a destructive force for a brief period.

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