Kasumi Miwa (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Kasumi Miwa[edit]

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense, classical swordplay)
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 45 ft.

11 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +5
Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +5
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Cursed Energy. Miwa has 12 cursed energy which she can use to fuel her abilities. All of her cursed energy is regained at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Strikes. Whenever Miwa makes an unarmed strike, she can spend up to 3 cursed energy to increase it's damage. On a hit, she deals 1d8 extra necrotic damage per energy spent.

Weapon Specialist. Miwa has a +2 bonus to attack rolls with all melee weapons (already included).

Classical Swordplay. While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, Miwa gains a +1 bonus to her attack rolls and AC (already included) so long as she's not using Heavy Armour or a Shield.


Multiattack. Miwa makes 2 attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Cursed Katana. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage and 8 (1d8 + 2) necrotic damage.


New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (5 Cursed Energy). Miwa surrounds herself with a 15 ft. barrier for 1 minute. The circle has 150 hitpoints. Any cursed techniques or spells that target her or targets an area that overlaps with her simple domain, will now target the barrier instead, reducing it's hit points by the damage it would cause. To use this technique, Miwa must remain still without moving and must maintain concentration as if she was concentrating on a spell. If she is in a Domain Expansion then she negates it's sure-hit effect on herself and any other people inside the area, as it only affects the barrier. Miwa's refinement for her Simple Domain is 50.

Martial Arts. After using the attack action, Miwa can make an unarmed strike or an one-handed weapon attack with a bonus action.

Cursed Weapon Enhancement. Miwa can spend up to 3 Cursed Energy to add to her melee weapon damage rolls for 1 minute. Whenever she hits a target with her weapon, it takes extra necrotic damage equal to four times the amount spent.

Cursed Blast of Blows. After Miwa uses the Attack action, she can spend 1 Cursed Energy to perform two unarmed strikes.

Cursed Patient Defense. Miwa can spend 1 Cursed Energy to take the Dodge action, and she gains advantage in Constitution and Charisma saving throws when she uses the dodge action granted by this feature, as long as she benefit from the dodge.

Cursed Wind Step. Miwa can spend 1 Cursed Energy to take the Disengage or Dash actions, and her jump distance is doubled until the end of her turn.

Cursed Armor. Miwa can spend up to 3 cursed energy to give herself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 5 for 1 minute. Miwa can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having her temporary hit points reduced to 0.


Cursed Armor. As a bonus action or reaction against being targetted by an attack or damaging saving throw, Miwa uses her Cursed Armor.

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain. As a reaction against a cursed energy attack roll or saving throw, spell or domain expansion opening, Miwa uses her Simple Domain.

Batto Sword Drawing. As a Reaction to someone entering Miwa's simple domain's range while she is wielding a martial melee weapon with the finesse property, she covers her weapon with cursed energy and makes one attack roll with advantage against said creature. On a hit, her attack is considered a critical and deals her weapon's damage and an additional necrotic damage equal to the weapon's damage dice, and their movement speed is reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn.

Kasumi Miwa, in her Simple Domain, ready to perform a Batto Sword Draw, source [1]

Kasumi is a kind hearted, hard-working girl who isn't as jaded as some of her classmates. She's much more restrained, down to earth, and behaves otherwise normally. [2]

She constantly calls herself useless and genuinely fears that her weakness causes trouble for others trying to protect her. Kasumi admits to gripping her sword tightly out of fear of dying; however, with the right motivation, she is willing to risk her life against a stronger enemy. [3]

Miwa is an apprentice in the New Shadow Style, which is a fighting style that combines the use of different fighting styles (swordsmanship in particular) and the use of anti-domain techniques (Simple Domain in particular) to create a way for the "weak" sorcerers to fight back against the strong, particularly devised as a method to counter their Domain Expansions. [4]

Binding Vow: Never to Swing a Katana Again.

Miwa trades her ability to hold a sword for all of her life to make a special powerful attack that does extra damage worthy of this sacrifice. When Miwa makes a melee weapon attack roll with her katana, she can choose to do so with advantage. On a hit, it will be considered a critical and the maximum amount of damage will be rolled. If the attack roll was already a critical, then the damage dice are doubled again. After making this attack, Miwa will never again be able to hold a sword.

Feats. Miwa's feats are:

Basic Barrier, Simple Domain

(one vote)

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