Geography (Baronan Supplement)

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The Geography of Baronan[edit]


Borno is an entirely man-made floating city. While technically not a continent, it has a higher population on its own than Sanato, Chyras and The Forgotten Isles combined.

It floats using a combination of the natural floating properties of wood, and a giant magic rune in the under-city.

Borno is essentially made up of three distinct 'layers', each one controlled by one the three crime syndicates that control Borno:

The Upper City: All of the floors above sea level together are called the upper city. There are around 3 floors in the upper city, but building in reach higher. The bottom-most floor in the upper city is a dense layer of merchants and small stalls selling everything from charms and trinkets to less-than-legal services. The second floor of the upper city has fewer walkways, to allow light into the first floor, and mainly contains small shop buildings, and houses of the merchants who live their lives in Borno. The third floor of the upper city has even fewer walkways, and is entirely made up of giant stores in building reaching up to the sky.

The upper city is controlled by the Trycan crime family, a family of halflings who use their prodigious wealth and contacts, as well as a personal army of guards and ruffians, to extort pretty much every person selling items in the upper city with hefty 'taxes' for allowing them to sell there.

The Harbour: The entire sea-level floor of Borno is one giant harbour. It is a mixture of wooden walkways and water canals to allow boats into Borno. It is controlled by the Buccaneer's Gang, a group of pirates who make every ship to come into Borno pay a fine depending on the size of the vessel and whether they are selling anything. It is common knowledge how much they charge: 5gp per person on board 5gp per 100gp worth of items they are selling 5gp fixed - per boat

The Under-City: Below the harbour is the under-city, a labyrinth of passageways technically under sea level. It is the home of the thieve's guild, and you can buy almost any illegal service here, from beatings, to robbery, to assassination. On top of this, the thieve's guild also puts on auctions for illegal items and slaves, as well as selling legal items that they have stolen.

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