Fairy Contractor (5e Class)

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Work In Progress

Fairy Contractor[edit]

Neat descriptive scene #1

Neat descriptive scene #2

Neat descriptive scene #3

Rough summary.

Lore Section #1[edit]

Common personalities shared between contractors?

Lore Section #2, maybe[edit]

I dunno yet. Probably something mildly interesting.

Creating a Fairy Contractor[edit]

TBD questions to give ideas an examples on how and why you learned to make magical contracts with fairies.

Quick Build

You can make a fairy contractor quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the noble background. Third, choose the shortbow, 20 arrows, dagger, blank book, and diplomat's pack as your equipment choices.

Class Features

As a Fairy Contractor you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Fairy Contractor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Fairy Contractor level after 1st


Armor: Light
Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbows, scimitars, shortswords, whips
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two simple melee weapons or (b) a shortbow, 20 arrows, and a dagger
  • (a) a blank book or (b) 4 scroll cases and 16 blank sheets of parchment
  • (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • leather armor, 1-ounce bottle of ink, and an ink pen
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10 gp in funds.

Table: The Fairy Contractor

Level Proficiency
Features Total Fairy Levels Maximum Fairies
1st +2 Fairy Service, Contract Style 1 1
2nd +2 Indentured Fairies 2 1
3rd +2 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2
5th +3 5 3
6th +3 Contract Style 6 3
7th +3 7 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 4
9th +4 9 5
10th +4 Contract Style 10 5
11th +4 11 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 6
13th +5 13 7
14th +5 Contract Style 14 7
15th +5 15 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16 8
17th +6 17 9
18th +6 Contract Style 18 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 19 9
20th +6 Breaking the Limitations 20 9

Fairy Service[edit]

At 1st level, you have the service of one fairy you formed a binding contract with. This fairy obeys your commands and takes its turn immediately after yours but otherwise acts on its own. The fairy has the same statistics as a sprite, except it cannot use any of the actions in the stat block and some of its ability scores will change. The fairy ignores the Strength requirements of armor it wears and can use its Dexterity score in place of its Strength when making attack and damage rolls with weapons. The fairy cannot willingly move to a space more than 120 feet away from you. You lose the service of the fairy if it is reduced to 0 hit points, the contract breaking immediately and the papers, parchments, or pages used for the contract disintegrating to dust. The fairy then leaves as soon as it regains consciousness if it survives, but may return to your service when you make a new contract if you treated it well. A fairy for whom its contract has ended can use its action, bonus action, or reaction in response to anything to return to its home plane, or to the Material Plane if it's already on its home plane.

When you gain the service of a new fairy, choose from barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, rogue, or wizard. The fairy has a level in the chosen class in addition to its base statistics, gaining the maximum hit points, features, proficiencies, and equipment of the class as if it were another player character, except all equipment is sized for a Tiny creature and its weapons deal half as much damage as they normally would. The fairy does not have a race or background and it gains the additional maximum hit points as if it already had a class level. You choose the equipment, skill proficiencies, and subclass for the fairy. The DM can choose to allow other classes to be chosen instead at their discretion. The Fairy Ability Scores table shows replacement ability scores for the fairy depending on the class you chose for it, with blank spaces representing no change. Whenever you gain a level in this class, one of your fairies of your choice also gains one level in its chosen class, gaining the maximum hit points and features of its new level.

To gain the service of a new fairy, you must spend one hour of time summoning and negotiating with the fairy, which can be done in place of a short rest or during a long rest. For each level the desired fairy will have, you must use 1 sheet of paper, 2 sheets of parchment, or 4 pages in a book to write the contract on, all of which must be blank before the contract is written. The combined levels of all fairies in your service cannot exceed your level, as shown in the Total Fairy Levels column of the Fairy Contractor table. In addition, the maximum number of fairies you may have contracts with at any given moment is shown in the Maximum Fairies column of the same table.

Fairy Ability Scores
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Barbarian 6 14 7
Cleric 14 15 13
Druid 14 12 15
Fighter 5 12 10
Rogue 16 9 13
Wizard 17 8 17

Contract Style[edit]

Also at 1st level, the nature of your contracts and how they are written is made apparent, which determines what your fairies can and cannot do. Choose between Considerate, Crafty, and Crazy, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th, and 20th level.

Indentured Fairies[edit]

At 2nd level, you have a slight bit of power over all your contracts and can force them to persist when they would normally end. When one of your fairies is reduced to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction to have it drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again for that fairy until you finish a long rest.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Breaking the Limitations[edit]

At 20th level, you can use your charm and personality to convince fairies to enter your service beyond what's reasonable. The Total Fairy Levels you can have is increased by your Charisma modifier, the Maximum Fairies you can have is increased by half that (rounded down), and all your fairies can have one additional level that neither has to be of the same level as their chosen class nor counts towards your Total Fairy Levels.

Contract Styles[edit]

Every fairy is unique, possessing its own personality and desires like any other intelligent creature. Not every fairy agrees to a contract after reading its contents, either wanting things the contractor can't or won't give or not wanting to do things the contractor desires their services for. Due to this, there's a very limited number of fairies that can agree with the demands of a given contractor which inevitably creates "cliques" of fairies that are naturally drawn towards certain types of contracts. Some fairies believe that only the most fair and equal contracts are worth their time and thus the most balanced and considerate contracts are the ones they sign. Others like their contracts a little more unorthodox, sometimes even signing a contract just for the fun of it to see where adventure brings them. Then there are the fairies that try to bargain for a contract that's more in their favor than the contractor's, forcing a complex back-and-forth of bargaining that forces the contractor to get crafty to satisfy both parties.


Considerate contractors take the needs and wants of their potential subordinates to heart, forming truly mutually beneficial agreements with the fairies that help them as much as they help the contractor. Though this doesn't necessarily mean the fairy will want to come back to the contractor, they typically have the highest return rate for fairies that are knocked unconscious in battle, so long as they are keeping those fairies alive when that happens. With a kind mind and a good heart leading their decisions, many considerate contractors even find new friends in the fairies they contract with.

The Nice One

When you choose this style at 1st level, your contracts reflect an attention towards renewable contracts that most sane fairies would find reasonable. Your fairies can take any type of action available to them, but cannot ever willingly target you or any other non-hostile creature with, nor include in the area of effect of, any harmful effect they control, even if you command them to. Such a creature willingly entering a persisting harmful effect after it is created has no effect on the contract. In addition, if you or any other creature the fairy considers your ally targets it with, or includes it in the area of effect of, a harmful effect, the contract ends immediately.

All fairies you contract with have their hit point maximum increased by twice your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

Symbiotic Contract

Starting at 6th level, you and the fairies you contract with each get something from the other. Each fairy can choose one of your ability scores to change its to, such as changing its Strength score to match yours. Then you gain benefits depending on which fairies you have contracts with: you have a +1 bonus to melee weapon damage rolls for every 2 levels of barbarian, you regain 1 additional hit point from healing spells for every 2 levels of cleric, you have a +1 bonus to all Wisdom checks for every 2 levels of druid, you have a +1 bonus to initiative for every 2 levels of fighter, you have a +1 bonus to all Dexterity checks for every 2 levels of rogue, and you have a +1 bonus to all Intelligence checks for every 2 levels of wizard.

Health Insurance

By 10th level, the magic of your contracts with your fairies helps keep them from harm. If one of your fairies would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can have them drop to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

In addition, if one of your fairies falls unconscious due to being reduced to 0 hit points by damage, it can choose to add your Charisma modifier to its death saving throws despite the contract having ended.

Sponsored Union

Starting at 14th level, your fairies have rights separate from the contract. At any time a fairy can hold a democratic vote among itself and its peers to see if it can end its own contract. If it wins the majority, its contract with you ends immediately. In return, you gain temporary hit points equal to half the fairy's current hit points as well as the features from the first half of its class levels, rounded down. You lose these class features when you loose the temporary hit points. Multiple fairies can leave your service in quick succession, adding their temporary hit points to any you already have from this feature and their class features to any you already have from this feature, following the same rules as before.

Renewal of the Contract

At 18th level, you can consistently re-contract with the same fairies you've had contracts with before. When you re-contract with a specific fairy, it has one additional class level than it normally would. This level does not count against your Total Fairy Levels. You can re-contract with a number of different fairies at a time equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).


Clever minds make for complex contracts with a plethora of conditions, rules, and terms for the agreement. Despite the wide variety of different mindsets and desires behind this process, somehow every contract a crafty contractor makes with these more eccentric fairies ends up with the same general limitations. Some fairies are impressed, some are indignant, and some don't care about the similarities so long as they get what they want out of the agreement.

The Smart One

When you choose this style at 1st level, your contracts are filled to the brim with all kinds of limitations and boundaries imposed by the fairies. They cannot use their action to take the Dash or Ready actions, nor can they use their action to make an Object Interaction. If they are at less than half their hit point maximum, they will choose to only take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action, or to cast a spell that helps them accomplish the same types of behavior, with the intent of escaping danger. They will ignore commands to do otherwise unless they realize escape is impossible, and they prefer to save their precious class resources such as spell slots or uses of Wild Shape until necessary, using more renewable methods when possible.

All fairies you contract with have their AC increased by your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

Excessive Wording

Starting at 6th level, your contracts are sometimes so wordy people get tired just reading them. This quality can also cause enemies who hear you or one of your fairies read one of these contracts aloud to be affected in one of a few different ways. As an action, you or a fairy can magically recite the terms or conditions of one of your contracts to a creature that can hear and understand and is within 30 feet of the creature doing the reading. The target creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or be randomly affected in one of the following ways:

  1. The creature is charmed by you and your fairies until the end of your next turn or until it takes any damage from you or your fairies.
  2. The creature is frightened of you and your fairies until the end of your next turn.
  3. The creature goes berserk and must use its action during its next turn to make one or more melee weapon attacks against random creatures it can reach, either before or after moving (its choice).
  4. The creature is confused, becoming incapacitated until the end of your next turn.
  5. The creature falls unconsious until the end of your next turn or until it takes any damage.
  6. The creature gets angry at the reader specifically and cannot make attacks against creatures other than the reader until the end of your next turn.
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Some fairies are simply impossible to know the true motivations for, which is a perfect fit for contractors whose contracts are filled with strange or wild requirements on the fairy's part. The fairy often makes odd requests of its own, resulting a nonsensical yet still magically binding contract between the two insane parties. Often reveling in the chaos together, these contracts attract particularly wild fairies that like to throw caution to the wind.

The Wild One

When you choose this style at 1st level, your contracts are unorganized messes of mismatched and often incomprehensible or unusually specific rules. Your fairies cannot take the Disengage, Dodge, Help, or Hide actions, and will refuse to retreat from a fight unless they realize defeat is inevitable. They will also rarely if ever conserve class resources such as spell slots or uses of Channel Divinity, opting to give their all in every situation.

Fairies you contract with have their speeds increased by five times your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).

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Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the fairy contractor class, you must meet these prerequisites: Charisma 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the fairy contractor class, you gain the following proficiencies:

(one vote)

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