Extended Bard Levels (5e Class)

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Extended Bard Levels[edit]

These are additional levels for the Bard class. See Level 40 Expansion (5e Variant Rule) for more info.

Class Features

As a Bard you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Bard level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Bard level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • None

Table: The Bard

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Demigod, Bardic Inspiration (2d8)
2nd +2 Bard College feature, Song of Rest (2d8)
3rd +2 Improved Ability Score Improvement
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Magical Secrets
5th +3 Wealth of Inspiration
6th +3 Bard College feature
7th +3 Anti-Spell
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Improved Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Inspiration (2d10), Song of Rest (2d10)
9th +4 Expertise
10th +4 Quick Performance, Bard College feature
11th +4 Magical Secrets
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Jack of All Saves
13th +5 Supreme Inspiration
14th +5 Improved Ability Score Improvement, Song of Rest (2d12)
15th +5 Bard College feature, Bardic Inspiration (2d12)
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Expertise
17th +6 Performance Power
18th +6 Bardic Mastery
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Magical Secrets
20th +6 Talent of the Gods


At 21st level, you begin to surpass the capabilities of regular mortals as you slowly become godlike, emulating the things that make you a bard and transforming you into a minor deity in your own right. You’re creature type changes from humanoid to celestial, but you keep your subtype (i.e human or dragonborn). In addition, features and effects that normally can’t increase your ability scores above 20 can now increase your ability scores to a maximum of 24 instead.

From this point on, your physical features slowly change as you gain levels in this class. For example, your eyes might glow blue whenever you cast a spell, your skin might change colors at will, or your hair might do eccentric things. These changes are slow, but by the time you have reached 40th level, you should exemplify several different physical manifestations of your power. Work with your DM to determine what these are and when they start showing up. Finally, you cannot gain levels in any other class.

Additionally, as you gain levels and overcome great challenges, the DM will grant you other features and traits at their discretion in relation to your celestialness, particularly one or more epic boons. Your AC and all saving throws also increase by 1.

Improved Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 23rd level, and again at 28th and 34th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 3, or you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and another ability score of your choice by 1, or you can increase three ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 24 with this feature.

Wealth of Inspiration[edit]

Beginning when you reach 25th level, you gain an additional 3 uses of your Bardic Inspiration feature. In addition, whenever a creature rolls your Bardic Inspiration die, the result is oncreased by 1.


Beginning at 27th level, your Countercharm feature provides advantage on all saving throws against spells and other magical effects in addition to its other effects, and the radius increases to 60 feet.

Quick Performance[edit]

At 30th level, you are able to perform at lightning-fast speeds. Once during each of your turns, you may use your Bardic Inspiration feature (no action required).

Jack of All Things[edit]

Starting at 32nd level, you add half your proficiency bonus to any attack roll or saving throw you make that you aren’t proficient with. In addition, you automatically succeed on any ability check or saving throw that you roll a 20 on, as if you had been making an attack roll instead.

Supreme Inspiration[edit]

Beginning at 33rd level, when you roll for initiative, you regain 2 uses of your Bardic Inspiration feature. When you do so, you may expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration feature to bardicly inspire a creature within 30 feet of you, as with the feature.

Performance Power[edit]

At 37th level, your connection to the base forces of music, song, and storytelling strengthen, granting you fluency with words and fairytale powers beyond even the creatures of the Feywild. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 2, to a maximum of 26; you have an additional +2 bonus to all ability checks; and the minimum that can be rolled for a use of your Bardic Inspiration is your Charisma modifier.

Bardic mastery[edit]

At 38th level, your divine blood infuses you with an endless supply of musical energy, allowing you to endlessly inspire you allies. There is no limit to how many times you may use your Bardic Inspiration feature.

Talent of the Gods[edit]

At 40th level, your transformation from mortal to god is complete. Your DM will grant you one boon from the list of Epic Boons in the Dungeon Master’s Guide after taking suggestions from you. In addition, whenever any creature uses one of your Bardic Inspirations, that creature gains temporary hit points equal to the roll. You also gain sufficient power to grant divine powers to one creature, beginning your ascent to true godhood.

Bardic College[edit]

College of Lore[edit]

Bonus Proficiencies

At 22nd level, you gain proficiency with two in any combination of Intelligence-based, Wisdom-based, or Charisma-based skills of your choice.

Slicing Voice

Also at 22nd level, you can choose to use your Cutting Words feature after the DM determines if an attack roll or saving throw is successful or not, but before damage is rolled. Not being able to hear you and being immune to charm also no longer cause a creature to be immune to your Cutting Words feature. You can also expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration feature to increase the damage of one of your bard spells when you cast it. If you do so with a spell that doesn't normally deal damage, the damage is dealt to one creature of your choice in the spell's area or that the spell is targeting, dealing psychic damage to the creature if it is hit by the spell or fails its saving throw against the spell.

Secrets of the World

Beginning at 26th level, each time you learn a new spell, you can choose a spell from any class. You cannot replace a spell that you had previously chosen from the Bard’s spell list with a spell from another class using this feature; only spells gained from your Magical Secrets feature and this one may be from any class. In addition, you learn one additional spell.

Inspirational Presence

At 35th level, your ability to inspire others and help them achieve greatness evolves into an aura-like ability. Whenever you use your bonus action to give a creature Bardic Inspiration, you can give another creature within range a Bardic Inspiration without expending a use of the feature. If you did anything other than move or take an action (such as perform an item interaction, open a door, push a button, use your Quick Performance feature, etc.) during your turn, you cannot use this feature, nor can you do anything other than use any remaining movement you may have or take your action if you haven't already after using this feature.

College of Valor[edit]

Bonus Expertise

At 22nd level, you choose one weapon that you are proficient with. Whenever you make an attack roll using that weapon, you double your proficiency bonus for that attack. You can change which weapon gains this benefit each time you finish a long rest.

Battle Inspiration

Also at 22nd level, whenever a creature uses a Bardic Inspiration die given by you, it adds the same roll to either its AC or to the next weapon damage roll it makes. It cannot add the roll to its AC or damage twice with the same use of a Bardic Inspiration die.

Flurry Attacks

Starting at 26th level, each time you take the Attack action on your turn, you attack one additional time (three total).

Combat Enchantment

At 35th level, your mastery of the art of combining weapons and magic into one has been bolstered by your divine essence. Whenever you take the Attack action during your turn, you can cast one of your Bard cantrips or spells of 1st or 2nd level that normally takes an action to cast as a bonus action instead. The spell must belong to the school of enchantment or illusion. You cannot cast the enchantment on a creature that you have dealt damage to within the last 24 hours.

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