Chedarians (5e Race)

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You don’t know what it’s capable of. I won’t let you come close to it! Stay away!
—King Jaze III's final words

Physical Description[edit]

"Examples of Chedarians" - @iordcheese (Twitter)

A Chedarian is a construct of cheese given sentience. Their construction resembles that of a humanoid without any gender features. On top of every Chedarian's head is a cheese wheel that is the same type of cheese that particular Chedarian consist of and can be shaped. Chedarins have various sizes and forms. Based on their type of cheese, a Chedarian's physical features can consist of but not limited to: holes, various colors based on cheese type, having a wide or tall figure, mold, etc. The rinds of Chedarians are very durable making it hard to damage or penetrate.


Chedarians are a very rare race of cheese people that were created from the mutations of an unknown incident. Most speculate their creation was caused accidentally by an “animate object” spell. From whomever casted it remains a mystery. This incident created a tree filled with cocoons that births Chedarians at random intervals.

The first recorded Chedarian is named Lord Cheese, believed to be the first Chedarian. Throughout the history of his sightings, it seemed he spent most of his time alone. Over the course of several centuries, he would reappear near civilizations every now and then appearing stronger and more dangerous. He is often regarded as a being that is unpredictable and should be avoided. He would raid villages and cities at random with no goal in mind, but survivors of those attacks argued that he had a look as if he was trying to find something. Eventually, Lord Cheese disappeared. Adventurers began to venture out to find the cocoon tree that gave birth to Lord Cheese and found themselves at a kingdom filled with Chedarians. It is unknown when this kingdom was constructed. The kingdom, Chedaria is considered off limits to the rest of the world as Chedarians usually only live there but that is not always the case. Those few that are seen outside of Chedaria are considered dangerous and should be either killed or avoided.


Chedaria is studied from a far distance, those who venture too close are swiftly killed by Lord Cheese. There seems to be no other force protecting the kingdom. Chedarians are seen to be carefree beings who live their daily life in Chedaria mostly doing whatever. Some pick up various hobbies. Those who venture out of Chedaria come back with resources to usually trade with other Chedarians. Note that they do not have a sense of value for the objects they bring. Objects they usually find are common resources (sticks/logs, stones, gold, lost clothing/weapons, etc), and occasionally bring in wild life that they keep as pets sometimes. Most Chedarians seem to lack intellect but there are some notable few that stand out.

Chedarian Names[edit]

Male: Any male honorifics, followed by cheese.

Female: Any female honorifics, followed by cheese.

Chedarian Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Chedarians consist of mostly cheese, making them ageless and last for eternity.
Alignment. Chedarians are happy and carefree, they are either chaotic or neutral and are usually good.
Size. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Purified. Your whole body is purified by a perpetual loop of Purify Food and Drink. This prevents all common deterioration like spoilage and rot that applies to cheese.
Cheese Restoration. You are able to regenerate any major lost limbs during a long rest and minor limbs can regenerate at ease.
Heat Prone. You have disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and melee attack rolls under extreme heat and your movement is reduced to half.
Slice and Dice. Thanks to your malleable yet sturdy skin, you gain resistance to non-magical physical damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Chedarian.
Subrace. A Chedarian is born with a type of cheese, Soft, Hard, or Blue.

Soft Chedarian[edit]

Soft Chedarians mainly focus on their mental ability rather than their physical abilities because of how malleable their body is.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Intelligence score increases by 2.
Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation skill.
Awareness. You have advantage on Perception checks.
Extra Language. You are able to learn a language of your choice.

Hard Chedarian[edit]

Hard Chedarians are created from hard pressure that compresses their structure, granting them great strength and durability but still allows for the flexibility of a Chedarian.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution or Strength score increases by 2.
Enduring Cheese. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Reinforced Rind. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Strength or Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Unstoppable Cheese. When you make your chosen saving throw or ability check, you may roll a d4 and add the number rolled to that saving throw or ability check. Additionally, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Blue Chedarian[edit]

Blue Chedarians consist of Blue penicillium mold that is visible on their rind. This allows them to be more stealthy within the dark as opposed to their lighter counterparts.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Shady Cheese. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Moldy Spores. You can cast the Poison Spray cantrip once using this trait. If the creature fails its saving throw, they are Poisoned for 1d4 hours. You regain this ability when you finish a long rest.
Speak with Fungus. Through sounds and gestures you can communicate simple ideas with any size fungus. Blue Chedarians love funguses and often keep mushrooms, toadstools, and moldy objects as beloved pets.

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