Centifolk (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The centifolk are an enigmatic and formidable race, bearing the striking appearance of a humanoid centipede. They stand upright with a multitude of segmented legs &ndashl up to thirty. The front limbs are more commonly used as arms. Their elongated bodies are covered with a chitinous exoskeleton that offers natural protection. Despite their poor eyesight, centifolk possess highly sensitive antennae that allow them to perceive their environment with remarkable accuracy.


Centifolk are solitary by nature, fiercely territorial, and do not hesitate to defend their chosen domain against intrusion by their kin or other races. Their carnivorous nature and need for ample hunting grounds often lead to confrontation and competition. Contrary to what might be expected of such creatures, centifolk do not form hives or colonies, preferring to exist in isolation. Cannibalism is not taboo among their kind and is seen as a necessary part of their struggle for survival.


Centifolk personalities are as varied as the many legs upon which they walk. They are pragmatic to a fault, seeing the world through a lens of survival and utility. They value strength, cunning, and survival skills over social graces. Despite their intimidating demeanor, centifolk can form deep bonds and hold a strong sense of personal honor. They are not inherently evil, but their alien mindset can make them seem inscrutable or menacing to others.


While not particularly religious, some centifolk pay homage to ancient entities that embody the relentless and ruthless aspects of nature. They may venerate primal spirits of predation, survival, and the hunt, often performing solitary rituals that reinforce their connection to the savage aspect of life. Their form of worship is deeply personal and rarely involves communal gatherings.


The culture of the Centifolk is rooted in the individual's ability to survive and thrive. Artifacts and symbols that they create often serve practical purposes and are adorned with patterns reminiscent of their natural form. Their music, if it can be called that, is a complex symphony of clicks and rhythms that mimic the sounds of their natural habitats. Storytelling is an oral tradition, with tales of cunning hunts and narrow escapes being the most revered.

Centifolk are often met with fear and suspicion by other races due to their fearsome appearance and solitary nature. They rarely seek out company but may occasionally be found trading with other races for items or information that they cannot obtain on their own. In such interactions, they are straightforward and blunt, valuing honesty and seeing little use in deception. Despite their reputation, they are capable of understanding and respecting the customs of others, even if they do not choose to follow them.

Centifolk Names[edit]

Like most insect or arachnid creatures, centifolk have trouble forming common words. As such, most creatures have trouble pronouncing centifolk names.

Male: Ktsh, Vrkc, Qhtt

Female: Xrch, Shxsh, Chk

Centifolk Traits[edit]

Centipede-like creatures with a humanoid torso, arms and head.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Centifolk reach maturity approximately 10 years after they are born, evolving from their larvae state into adulthood. They can live up to 600 years before passing.
Alignment. Centifolk embody Chaotic Neutral alignment due to their solitary nature and focus on self-preservation. Their society lacks formal structures, with each individual prioritizing their own freedom and survival above collective needs or laws. They do not actively seek to disrupt order, but their instinctual behaviors often clash with more organized societies. Morality for Centifolk is based on personal honor and the necessities of life, rather than a clear-cut ethical code, leading them to act independently and without allegiance to concepts of good or evil.
Size. Centifolk are typically larger than most humans by a small amount. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
Appendages. You can make any number of object interactions on your turn (instead of just one).
Creeping Advance. You ignore difficult terrain caused by rubble, debris, sand and rough ground.
Mandibles. You can use your mandibles to make an unarmed strike. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Frightening Appearance. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write common.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a Centiperson, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have gorged my fill on human flesh and now seek new delicacies
2 A mandibular deformity gives my gestures an unusual tone
3 I feel some guilt whenever I kill a creature I cannot eat immediately
4 My dangerous life means my plans don’t extend past the next month at most
5 I experience bursts of strong emotion in the presence of music that sounds like clicking
6 I adapt whatever clothes, jewelry, and armor made for other races I can find to my form
7 When I meet sentients that my ancestors knew, clutch-memory goes into full effect
8 I treat vicious carnivores as inherently superior to those without
d6 Ideal
1 Competition. Sentients must be ranked according to physical and mental ability. (Lawful)
2 Power. I must challenge anyone who would command me. I obey only the strong. (Chaotic)
3 Specialization. Gaining new skills guarantees my usefulness. (Good)
4 Survival. My survival is more important than others life. (Neutral)
5 Self-Sacrifice. I have survived far too long. (Neutral)
6 Power. Life is short, and I will grab all I can in that time. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 There is only myself and my prey.
2 I need to find a breeding partner and complete the appropriate ceremonial displays.
3 I am interested in experiencing the religious zeal that other sentients undergo. I hope their gods understand mandibular clicks.
4 I inherited enigmatic clutch memories that I must investigate and comprehend.
5 I wish to seek the parents who abandoned me.
6 I see all creatures as creatures, not just food.
d6 Flaw
1 Do not prevent me from eating at least a piece of any edible creature I kill. You will regret it.
2 Concepts like the difference between “always” and “sometimes” baffle me. Other races are so inconsistent!
3 I cheat in any kind of contest, as I always put both strength and mental prowess to their fullest use.
4 I am uncomfortable staying in the same permanent shelter for more than a week. I am meant to wander.
5 Clutch-memory haunts me with the ghosts of my forebears and all that they suffered.
6 I treat one common race as if they are not sentients, based on one unfortunate encounter.
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