Bag of Unwelcome Surprises (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rare or very rare

The Bag of Unwelcome surprises is commonly regarded as a gag item of various magical effects. Some swearing that it has helped them escape death many times. Others view it as a cursed item that brings nothing but ill omens to the battlefield. Most people simply view it as a massive nuisance that apprentice wizards and young adventurers use for In the modern day it is mostly for large scale practical jokes but still has its uses in pinch situations. This ordinary bag, made of gray, tan or off white cloth, appears empty. The bag weighs 1 pound. As an action, you can flip the bag upside down and empty its contents. The bag You determine what comes out of the bag by rolling a d20 and consulting the Effects table below. Rarer variants of the bag allow the player to choose an effect the bag has already performed once per day in combat. Once the bag has been emptied 3 times, it can't be used again until the next dawn. Swarms and effects spawned by the bag last for 2 minutes before scattering or disappearing.

d20 Effect
1 The bag spawns 1d10,000 burning fire ants that spread over a 90-foot radius that bite every creature in range, dealing 3d6 fire damage and a further 1d4 fire damage at the end of a creature's turn. A creature may use their action to remove the ants from their person.
2 The bag spawns 1d10,000 lightning bugs that spread over a 90-foot radius that sting every creature in range, dealing 3d6 lightning damage and a further 1d4 lightning damage at the end of a creature's turn. A creature may use their action to swat the bugs in their area.
3 The bag spawns 1d10,000 miniature sickles of ice that shoot over a 90ft radius that bite every creature in range, dealing 3d6 cold damage and form a thin layer of ice over the ground and any nearby water. A creature attempting to move more than 10ft must make a DC8+ your level Dexterity save or slip 3d10 feet in a straight line.
4 The bag spawns 1d10,000 praying mantises that spread over 90ft radius that slash every creature in range, dealing 3d6 slashing damage and a further 1d4 slashing damage at the end of a creature's turn. A creature may use their action to remove the mantises from their person.
5 The Bag spawns 1d10,000 hailstones that bounce into the air and drop over a 90ft radius that batter every creature in range, dealing 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
6 A piercing wail emits from the bag, dealing 3d6 thunder damage to all creatures within a 100ft radius of the bag and deafening every affected creature. A creature can make a DC8 + the user's level Constitution save to break the effect.
7 The Bag forms a cloud that rains acid over 100ft dealing 1d6 damage every turn for 1 minute.
8 The bag emits 1d10,000 cubic feet of thick white smoke, heavily obscuring the area as it expands outwards. It constantly extinguishes any flames lit within it and lasts 1 minute.
9 The bag emits 1d10,000 pints of Grease over a 100ft radius, coating all creatures and knocking them prone. Each creature that starts or ends its turn or attempts to move into the greased zone must make a DC11+ the user's level Dexterity save or fall prone or fail to stand when prone.
10 The bag emits 1d10,000 pints of Flammable oil over a 100 ft radius, coating all creatures and knocking them prone. Any fires in the area will set the entire oiled area alight, dealing 2d6 (or 8) damage to each creature within the area.
11 The bag emits 1d10,000 pints or rancid blood in a 90ft radius, pushing each creature 10ft in a straight line to the edge of the radius. Each creature that starts its turn in the area must make a DC8+ the user's level or gag uncontrollably at the choking scent of the blood.
12 The bag emits 1d10,000 cubic feet of severe itching powder in a 90ft radius. Each creature in the area must make a DC8+ the user's level Constitution save at the the start of their turns or spend their turn itching uncontrollably.
13 The bag emits 1d10,000 tumbleweeds connected by webs similar to the Web spell over a 90ft radius, restraining all creatures between the weeds. A creature must make a DC8+ the user's level Strength save to escape the bindings. Any creature attempting to move more than 10ft in the covered area must repeat the Strength save or be restrained again.
14 The bag emits 1d10,000 cubic feet of thick black smoke, engulfing a 100ft radius in magical darkness.
15 The bag shoots out 1d10,000 stunning nettles in a 90ft radius, doing 2d6 (or 8) damage and stunning all creatures in the area. A creature must make a DC10+ the user's level Constitution save to break the stun.
16 The bag shoots out 1d10,000 grass seeds that instantly sprout within a 100ft radius and grow to 30ft tall. The area is heavily obscured and becomes difficult terrain.
17 The bag alters the weight of all currency within a 100ft radius to be 20 times its base weight.
18 Each creature in a 100ft radius is now invisible.
19 The bag tells the funniest joke of all time, forcing every creature that can understand language in a 100ft radius to laugh uncontrollably. A creature must make a DC10+ the user's level at the end of each of it's turns to stop laughing.
20 All creatures within a 100ft radius of the bag that have rolled Initiative in the last minute regain all spell slots and recover all hit points lost since the initiative roll.
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