Artist (5e Class)

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A creative person that uses its drawing skills and the surrondings for its advantage.

Colorful Mind[edit]

The path of the arts encompasses countless possibilities. And the artists, who studied for years, learned to apply them in favorable situations. We have, for example, a flexible street artist, an iron architect, a born photographer or even a renowned painter. Each artist leaves their mark, a unique style of expressing what they love to do so much. It could be using only metals that can be oxidized, in the architect's case, or using colors that represent emotions. The Artist class is a free speech class where you can let your creativity flow.

Creating an Artist[edit]

Quick Build

The Artist can be a wild card depending on what subclass you will pick up later, but Wisdom should be your highest ability score. Second, choose the Acolyte or the Guild Artisian background. And finally the Diplomat´s Pack and a Spear.

Class Features

As a Artist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Artist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Artist level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies, Painter’s Supplies
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Performance and Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Spear or (b) A Dagger
  • Hooded Lantern
  • (a) Diplomat´s Pack or (b) Scholar´s Pack
  • Leather armor and painter´s supplies
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Artist

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Sketch, Freelance
2nd +2
3rd +2 Art School
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Evolved Sketch
6th +3 Art School Feature
7th +3 Sketch
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4
10th +4 Art School Feature
11th +4 Sketch
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Arcane Tool
14th +5 Sketch
15th +5 Art School Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6
18th +6 Art School Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Magnum Opus


As an Artist, sketching will be your greatest ally. you will be able to record information or know more about monsters, places and person by drawing and being able to show them to other allies or people the sketch.

The number of sketch you can do per short rest depends of your Wisdom modifier


At level 1, you become able to sell your work for other people if you have it in your inventory.

You need a persuasion roll to see if the target buys it (the money quantity you get depends of the DM).

Art School[edit]

At level 3, your arts skills should be developed enough to you have your own skills in art course and can now show what you´re made of. Choose one of the following styles:Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Photographer and Street

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Evolved Sketch[edit]

Starting at 5th level your artist skills rise to the point of granting special effects acording to your art school through your sketches.

  • Street Style: Tattoo

By spending you paint and some materials you can replicate magical tattoos, choose the rarity of the tattoo you're trying to replicate from common up to rare, the time and component that it takes to replicate the tattoos are determined by it's rarity.

Choose up to 4 creatures and which tattoo you're trying to replicate from the tattoo table down below, that creature will be able to use the effects of that tattoo as if it was attuned with it. Tattoos made this way lasts for 8 hours or a long rest.

Tattoo List
Tattoos Components other than Ink
Barrier Mercury
Coiling Grasp Copper Wire
Eldritch Claw Pickled Octopus Tentacle
Illuminator's Phosphorus
Masquerade Humanoid Blood
Spellwrought Diamond, 50gp

Common tattoos takes 10 minutes to make Uncommon tattoos take 30 minutes And Rare tattoos take 1 hour

Painter Style[edit]

Painters are able to take the elements of surrounding world and unite them to inflict others with the crafter’s joyful passion or burning desire. A childhood story and a ocean side view can grant them the will and way to make an art piece that can render others frozen in the wind. Slow, careful, and delicate strokes over the course of minutes can soon cause dozens to feel the emotions one put into a single work.

Canvas Curse[edit]

Sculptor Style[edit]

The sculptor developed his skills as a way of materializing the art he visualized in his mind. But don't underestimate their skills, for a builder's skillful hands serve a much greater purpose than their art. With years of experience in his atelier, the sculptor is capable of mastering countless weapons, even the ones he sculpted. In combat or in everyday life, being up against a sculptor is not a good idea.

Lifting Bulk[edit]

Although they seem extremely heavy, you may find yourself with the weight of concrete sculptures on your back, and you may even be able to walk with something of equivalent weight.

Starting at level 3, you gain proficiency medium armor without feeling heavy.

You've also noticed that wielding a hammer isn't all that different from wielding another martial weapon. With your skilled hands, you become proficient in the use of martial weapons.

Architect Style[edit]

Dense Thinker[edit]

As an architect, you feel safer always having a plan with you. That's why you've read countless survival books to be able to absorb the maximum potential in situations where you must fend for yourself.

Starting at level 3, you become proficient in Survival.

Photographer Style[edit]

One With Nature[edit]

At level 3, you notice that to get authentic photos of the nature of animals and humans, it is necessary to blend in with it so that it does not interfere with the lives of other living beings. You become proficient in Stealth.

Cheesy Flash[edit]

Starting at level 5, you can enable your camera flash and shoot an enemy that is watching you to blind them with the glare of your camera as an action. The creature must roll a constitution saving throw. If it fails, the creature is blinded. If she is already blind, this ability will not affect her. And if the creature is light-sensitive, it must make the check with disadvantage. On its turn, the creature can roll another constitution saving throw to recover from blindness. With each failed attempt, the difficulty to recover will decrease by 2 as she slowly recovers from blindness.


At level 6

Memory Record[edit]

At level 10

Arcane Lens[edit]

At level 13


At level 15

Persepective Focus[edit]

At level 18

Magnum Opus: Glared Trance[edit]

At level 20

Street Style[edit]

If for others the world is a work of art, for the street artist it is his canvas. Straight from the streets, the Street Artist makes works of art that are not always understood by the rest of society, having to act quickly and practically so that he is not caught by the authorities. Street Artists are usually proactive and creative, having a different worldview from others, as they can see beautiful works of art even in gray ruins. When creating a Street Artist, consider some ideas to add to the character. Who taught him this art: Did he teach himself to express what he felt? Did you have a master or family member who passed on the teachings of the art so that you could follow your legacy?

Urban Experience[edit]

At level 3, many years of experience in your field have been useful in learning to fully use the available space for painting, reaching places that were previously inaccessible to you. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics and you learn the Poison Spray cantrip.

Escapist Rascal[edit]

At level 6, you comprehended on how to avoid being caught, meaning that seeing time through time on how people will try to get you. As such, if a creature makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to move half your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, you regain it after a short/long rest.

Chroma Explosives[edit]

At level 10, you learn to create modified bombs made out of your paint, though having a more fragile shell meaning a single impact could activate it, but due to their small size you can disguise it and put inside objects.

Bombs save DC = 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

To craft one costs 5gp and max carry is 10 units, you need 1 ounce bottle of ink + other component required, varying on what type of bomb you want to craft from the following below:

  • Alarm Explosive (Ink + Gunpowder): With the mixure of gunpowder you can fabricate an alarm explosive.

This bomb upon exploding will make a loud sound and release a firework into the sky, so you can use as a distraction or a signal.

  • Gas Explosive (Ink + Any Ingest Poisonous Plant): By the power of the neurotoxins gived of the poisonous plants you can fabricate an gas explosive.

This bomb upon exploding will release a poison fog of 10-foot radius, any creature inside this fog needs to roll a constitution saving throw. The creature takes 3d8 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fog only lasts 1 minute.

  • Flammable Explosive (Ink + Oil): The mixture results in a petroleum-like liquid that fabricates into a flammable explosive.

Throwing this explosive will make release the liquid on its throw line and upon impact its scatters in a 10-foot radius puddle. Litting on fire will make the entire liquid trail and puddle to set on flames, the flames are considered difficult terrain and anyone in it on their turn will take 2d6 fire damage. The flames last for 3 minutes.

  • Magnetic Explosive (Ink + Iron Piece): With the concentration of iron you created a liquid that fabricates into a magnetic explosive.

Upon impact, this bomb will release a magnetic puddle of 5-foot radius that will attract metal within a area of 10-foot near the puddle and make it stuck. If a creature wears armor or have metallic skin, it needs to roll a strength saving throw to see if its pushed towards the puddle, if it fails, it needs to make another one to see if gets also restrained. However if the creature is Large or Huge, it´s immune to the restrain roll.

The puddle only lasts for 1 round and you can not throw at a creature to make it covered by the liquid.

  • Slippery Explosive (Ink + Soap): A powerful and literal bath bomb that can be fabricated.

Upon exploding will release a soapy liquid that covers the ground in a 5-foot radius. Any creature that steps into it needs to make a dexterity saving throw, if it fails it will be knocked prone.

  • Hypnotic Explosive (Ink + Sand): the mix within the sand made the dust a tranquilizing aroma fabricating a hypnotic explosive.

Upon impact, the bomb shell slowly will create a sleeping gas. The gas takes 1 minute to materialize and have a 10-foot radius. Any creature inside the gas must make a constitution saving throw, if it fails the creature becomes unconscious during their next turn.

If the creature its still in the area after waked up, the gas will have no effect again on the creature.

Arcane Sprayer[edit]

At level 13, you gained much experience with your can sprays that makes you wanting something more potent, as such you gained a paint sprayer with arcane properties. The sprayer grants you two new abilities to your kit.

  • Your Poison Spray cantrip upgrades into a new cantrip called Chromatic Spray, this essentially works similar to the same rules of the original Poison Spray, but the damage adds now your proficiency bonus and you can choose what type of damage will deal during the attack, including :acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder.
  • When drawing graffiti , you can make a portal that you can use it to open an entrance to an extradimensional space. You can bring along side you inside 4 medium creatures or smaller and stay inside for 1 hour. You can only use this feature once, regaining it after a long rest.

You can also draw inside the extradimensional space another portal to make the feature end earlier, with everyone inside of it automatically getting regurgitated after you exit.

Speed Demon[edit]

At level 15, with the pressure of the streets and constant change of pace, you learned that the best way to solve things is quickly. When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Dexterity modifier to the roll.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Expanded Catalogue[edit]

At level 18, your bomb knowledge became higher each time you used, with that you have been granted more new and powerful explosives to fabricate. This are not smaller compared to your regular ones and to make it you need more exotic materials, but they compensate for their destructive capacity. Though be cautious, because you can only have 1 in your inventory needing to use it before you make another one.

  • Missletoe (Ink + Star Sapphire): With the mystical powers inside of the sapphire you craft a Missletoe.

Upon impact, the bomb shell opens generating a constant and powerful ice storm. Each creature in a 20-foot radius must make a dexterity saving throw. A target takes 6d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage in a successful one. If the creature starts their next turn inside the area, it must make a constitution saving throw, failing it makes the creature petrified by the extreme cold until their next turn.

The hailstorm stays only for 1 round.

  • Chrono Explosive (Ink + Diamond Dust worth at least 1000gp): Mixing the diamond dust´s properties you crafted a chrono explosive.

Upon impact, the bomb will start ticking down, and after 1 round it will activate. The bomb creates a temporal bubble of 40-foot radius, any creature inside of it have its speed reduced by half and have disvantage in Dexterity saving throws and penalty of -4 in its AC.

The temporal bubble stays for 10 minutes.

  • Summoner Explosive (Ink + Undead Eyeball): With the eldritch energy of the eyeball you perform a ritual fabricating into a summoner explosive.

Upon impact, you can choose any aberration, fiend, celestial, elemental, fey or monstrosity creature with 5 cr or less to summon and become a temporary ally. You can give commands during the period of time.

After 1 hour the creature will despawn.

  • Rainbomb (Ink + Any Magical Item): The magical item´s unkwown powers have make its holyness fabricate into a rainbomb

Upon impact, the bomb starts glowing and will open into dazzling color beacons of high luminosity. Each creature in a 10-foot radius must make a constitution saving throw, failing it will make the creature blind during his next 2 turns.

After 1 round, the bomb will start glowing again and will explode. Any creature still in the 10-foot radius must make another constitution throw or it will take 8d6 radiant damage, succeding it will reduce the damage by half.

Magnum Opus: Dazzling Aroma[edit]

At level 20, as a street artist, the objective of your art was always to encourage your allies and scare your foes, and your Magnum Opus demonstrates that. Once per long rest, you irradiate an aura around you of a 20-foot radius, as such anyone in that area depending if is your ally or your enemy it can give him a buff or debuff.

You choose what buff and debuff the aura will give everytime you use this ability. The aura lasts for 3 rounds.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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