Wine Domain (5e Subclass)

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Wine Domain[edit]

Cleric Subclass

Dedication to gods of wine or intoxication is not for the faint of heart. Thus the clerics of the Wine Domain are stout individuals with voracious appetites for…everything. Often not what one imagines a cleric to be, they are nonetheless devout and dedicated worshipers as well as enthusiastic revelers.

This domain is appropriate for worshipers of any god of wine or other alcohol, the harvest, or fertility.

Wine Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st hideous laughter, purify food and drink
3rd mirror image, suggestion
5th hypnotic pattern, life transference
7th aura of purity, staggering smite
9th contagion, synaptic static
Bonus Proficiency

You are proficient with brewer's supplies.

Bringer of Spirits

Also at 1st level, your deity gifts you with a magical wine skin which can be used as a focus for your cleric spells. When the wine skin is not empty, it can also be used as a weapon, dealing 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage. (Strength is still your attribute to strike.) You are proficient with this weapon. Each time you deal damage with this wine skin, heal yourself 1 hit point.

If you spend 10 minutes in prayer during a long rest, at the end of that rest you will find the wine filled with a number of doses of healing wine equal to your Wisdom modifier. A creature that drinks this wine as an action rolls a number of d4’s equal to your proficiency bonus. They are healed a number of hit points equal to the roll + your Wisdom modifier. They must also make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for a number of rounds equal to that roll. The DC for this save is 18 minus your Wisdom modifier. They may repeat the save at the beginning of each turn in which they are poisoned.

If the creature was unconscious when the wine was given to them (which would require another creature’s action), they make the poisoning saves with disadvantage.

Channel Divinity - Aura of Intoxication

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to intoxicate the creatures around you. As an action, you present your holy symbol and utter a prayer of good harvest. Every creature within 30 feet of you (including you) gains the poisoned condition for 1 minute while you maintain concentration as on a spell. At the end of each of their turns during which they are poisoned by this feature, creatures hostile to you (you pick) take 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Creatures friendly to you (your pick again) gain 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points at the end of each of their affected turns. If a friendly creature still has any of those temporary hit points at the beginning of a turn, all attacks and ability checks made during that turn can add a d4 to their result.

At the beginning of each creature’s turn, they can use their reaction to attempt a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If they succeed, they are no longer poisoned, ending all other effects on that creature.

Creatures immune to the poisoned condition are not affected.

Iron Stomach

Starting at 6th level, you have proficiency with Constitution saving throws. You also make all saves against being poisoned with advantage, though you may elect to fail any save against being poisoned.

Blessing of the Vine

Starting at 8th level, you gain the following benefits while you have the poisoned condition:

  • Your AC increases by +2.
  • Add +1 to all saving throws.
  • Once per round, if you deal damage to a creature within 10 feet, add 1d6 radiant damage.
Life of the Party

At 17th level, whenever you or an ally succeeds with an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check while poisoned, you can use your reaction to give a d4 to a number of creatures up to your Wisdom modifier that are within 30 feet. The d4 can be added to one attack roll or saving throw. If used on an attack that hits, they can also add 1d6 radiant damage to that attack. Creatures may only have one Life of the Party d4 at a time.

This feature may be used a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), resetting at the end of a long rest.

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