User:Quincy/Mob Boss (5e Background)

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Mob Boss[edit]

Mama Meia- breaking limbs and collecting debts it's not the nicest of jobs but you learn to enjoy, the best perk I have is my family and I know no one will ever take that away from me

Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies: Land vehicles

Languages: Thieves' Cant

Equipment: A fine set of close, 4d8 x 10 GP, a set of black gloves

Feature: Gang Members[edit]

Being the Mob Boss you gain three of your members from your gang. If one of them dies you can send a raven to the gang to summon another member it takes 3 days for the member to show up also you can only have three members of your gang with you on your adventure. Each gang member has an AC of 16. Its +2 To each of his modifiers. you can choose one martial or ranged weapon that their proficient in, they also have advantage on grappling And their health is half of yours rounded down.

Alternate Feature: Seedy Underbelly[edit]

Your years spent as a thug in major cities had made you many connections and respect in the lowest of society. Any criminals in the area will come to your aid. In exchange they will be granted one favor.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d6 || Personality Trait
1 Respect gotta be earned not paid for with money
2 Whenever I make a deal I stick with it
3 Strength Comes From the territory and people you own
4 You must help the weak and needy because the have no one to help them
5 The world must be free by the bonds that have been put there
6 I rather not get into to conflict and deals with other I can help myself
d6 Ideal
1 Fun is the best medicine"' (Neutral)
2 "'Lawful"" (Lawful)
3 Family (Any)
4 Greed"' (chaotic)
5 Generosity"' (Good)
6 The world will bow down and praise me"' (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 my family are the closeness things we have
2 me and another gang have made some ties and I can't break our deal
3 someone that Youloved died a tragic death
4 You castes out your child for being weak
5 You are in a forbidden love with another
6 I'm band from a city because of stuff I did there
d6 Flaw
1 You love smoking Weed
2 once you see somthing that's worth stealing all you think should how to steal it
3 revenge is a dish best served cold
4 you have a short temper for people that break deals
5 you love to gamble because the odds are always In your favour
6 You don't care if someone else takes the fall for you

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