User:Quincy/Gunslinger Pirateneer (5e Class)

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Class Features[edit]

As a you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Medium armor

Weapons: Simple weapons, Firearms,crossbows, scimitar, rapiers, shortswords

Tools: Tinker's Tools, Alchemist's Tools - Two of the following: Carpenter's Tools, Poisoner's Kit, Smith's Tools, Leatherworker's Tools, Gunsmith's Tools, Navigator's tools

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma

Skills: Choose three (Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Deception, Intimidate, Insight, Performance, Survival and Stealth)


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

One of the following;

Revolver: 500gp 5 lb. Range: 20/60, Reloading(6 shots), 1d6 Piercing, Light

Rifle: 800gp 10 lb. Range: 50/100, Reloading(3 shots), 1d10 Piercing

Blunderbuss: 700gp 15 lb. Range: 10/20, Reloading(3 shots), 1d8 Piercing

The reloading property is a variant of the loading property. A firearm has a number of shots it can make before needing to be reloaded. To do so you must spend your action reloading the weapon.

Bullets (60): 100gp 1 lb. or 20 bolts and a Duster: 5gp 2lb.

(a) A shortsword or (b) a scimitar or (c) a scimitar

(a) Leather armor or (b) Scale Mail

(a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Navigator's tools and Tinker's tools

Table: The Gunslinger Pirateneer [edit]

|Lv B DB Features

|1st +2 1d4 Dueling Ace, Fencing Adept, Gunsmith, Grit, Deeds, Gunslinger, Grit Regain

|2nd +2 1d4 Rigging Monkey,Defensive Cover

|3rd +2 1d4 Pirate Reputation,Sturdy Sea Legs,ColossusSlayer,Dodge,Projectiles,Way of the Forge

|4th +2 1d4 Ability Score Improvement, Pirate Garb,

5th +3 1d4 Extra Attack,Extra Shots, Focused Aim

6th +3 1d6 Follow Foe,Fencing Adept Improvement,Archetype Feature,Fighting Style,Second Wind

7th +3 1d6 Grog Master, Eagle Eyes, Deadshot, Evasion, Cold Turkey

8th +3 1d6 Ability Score Improvement, Special Ammunition Upgrade, Nimble Reflexes

9th +4 1d6 Clipping Shot, Sea life

10th +4 1d6 Slippery as an Eel Improvement, Extra Shots, Fast Reload

11th +4 1d8 Extra Attack(2), Archetype Feature, Improved Grit

12th +4 1d8 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5 1d8 Legendary Greed, Cheat Death

14th +5 1d8 Reputation feature, Special Ammunition Upgrade

15th +5 1d8 Fencing Master, Certain Death

16th +5 1d10 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 1d10 Belay That!, Slippery as an Eel Improvement, Archetype Feature

18th +6 1d10 Reputation feature

19th +6 1d10 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 1d10 Reputation feature, Extra Shots

Dueling Ace

Beginning at 1st level, when you willingly try to attack a target on your turn, you may begin dueling with them as a free action. All subsequent melee and ranged attacks, including targeted spell attacks, you make against a target you are dueling deal an extra 1d6 in damage. If a target you’re dueling takes any action except moving that does not target themselves or you, your targeted attacks against them get advantage on your next turn and you deal bonus damage equal to your proficiency bonus per hit. If you’re dueling and you attempt to attack another target, you immediately stop dueling the prior target and start dueling the new target on your next turn. The dueling die changes as you gain Pirate levels, as shown in the Dueling Bonus column of the Pirate table. Dueling ends if you or the target are put into a dying state, rendered unconscious, or restrained. Your may not duel with firearms or other ranged weapons.

Fencing Adept At 1st level, while wielding a finesse weapon if you’re the target of a melee or melee-spell attack from a target that you are dueling, you may use your reaction to add a +2 bonus to your AC. At 6th level, you can increase this to a +3 bonus to AC.


At the 1st level, you can create firearms, craft bullets, and mix gunpowder for all types of firearms. You are not limited by the normal 5gp per day rule for crafting firearms and bullets.

Crafting Firearms: You can craft a firearm for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. Crafting a firearm in this way takes 1 day of work for every 100 gp of the firearm’s total price.

Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and gunpowder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. Crafting bullets takes 1 day of work for every 50 gp of ammunition.

Gunpowder (60 doses) Cost: 25 gp Weight: ½ lb. One pound of gunpowder is sufficient for 60 shots and is usually contained in a powder horn to keep it dry. Up to 120 pounds may be contained in a barrel. Large quantities of unattended gunpowder can be dangerous; if exposed to fire or electricity, gunpowder explodes in a 10 ft. radius dealing 1d6 points of fire damage for every 5 pounds of powder involved (max 20d6; DC 10 Dexterity save for half damage). If gunpowder gets wet it's unusable until dried out for 2d4 days.


At the 1st level, a Gunslinger has a number of Grit points equal to their Wisdom Modifier (minimum 1). The number of Grit points the Gunslinger has can never exceed their Wisdom Modifier.

The Gunslinger Pirateneer can regain Grit points in the following ways:

Completing a short or long rest: Upon completion or a short or long rest, the Gunslinger regains all spent Grit points.

Critical Hit with a Firearm: Each time the Gunslinger scores a Critical Hit with a Firearm attack while in the heat of combat, they regain 1 Grit point.

Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the Gunslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a Firearm attack, they regain 1 Grit point.

Gunslinger’s Charm: When the Gunslinger succeeds on any Charisma check on another person, they regain 1 Grit point.

Archetype Grit Regain: See your Archetype Grit Regain for description.


Gained at the 1st level, Gunslingers use Grit points to perform Deeds. Some deeds are instant bonuses or attacks, while others are bonuses that can last for a period of time. Some deeds last as long as the Gunslinger has 1 Grit Point.

Quick Draw: You can spend 1 Grit point to be 1st in initiative order and take your turn as normal if you were surprised.

Deadeye: The Gunslinger can spend 1 Grit point as a bonus action, they gain Advantage on the next Attack roll they make this round. The Gunslinger spends the Grit point before making the attack roll, and this Deed cannot be combined with other Deeds that affect an attack.

Gunslinger’s Dodge: The Gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for avoiding danger. When an attack is made against the Gunslinger, they can use their Reaction and spend 1 Grit point to gain a +1 to AC against the attack.

Targeting Shot: You can spend a Grit point to target a specific location when you make a ranged attack against a humanoid. If the attack misses, the Grit point is still lost. If the Gunslinger has multiple attacks for their Attack action, they can make multiple Targeted shots for 1 Grit point each.

Head – On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and has disadvantage on attacks for 1 round.

Torso – The attack is a Critical hit on a 18-20.

Arms – On a hit, no damage is dealt, but the foe drops 1 item of the Gunslinger’s choice.

Legs – On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. (DC = 5 + Damage Dealt) or is knocked prone.

Wings – On a hit, the target takes normal damage, and must make a Constitution Saving Throw. (DC = 5 + Damage dealt) or plummet 20 ft.

Utility Shot: If the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can perform all of the following utility shots. Each utility shot can be applied to any single attack with a firearm, but the gunslinger must declare the utility shot she is using before firing the shot.

Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within range. A lock's AC is decided by the DM. You deal double damage when you hit the lock with a firearm shot.

Shoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of her firearm. The AC of the oject is determined by the DM. As a recomenation, a Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11.

Bonus Shot: You can spend 1 Grit point to fire an extra shot from a firearm as a Bonus Action.

Dash: You can spend 1 Grit point to make a Dash as a Bonus Action.


At the 1st level, you gain one of the following based on your starting firearm:

Revolver: Your attacks with a revolver gain a +2 to the attack roll.

Rifle: Your attacks with a rifle can be made up to maximum range without disadvantage.

Blunderbuss: Your blunderbuss gains the Burst Fire property (DMG p. 267) With a shotgun, the burst fire action uses 3 Bullets.

You also learn to reload a firearm with a bonus action and can duel wield light firearms.

Defensive Cover

At the 2nd level, you can take cover behind any nearby object or take the Dodge action as a bonus action.

Special Ammunition At the 2nd level, you gain the ability to craft special ammunition worth 1d4 of the desired damage type (appropriate materials are required to craft special ammunition). At 8th level this is upgraded to 1d6, and at 14th level this is upgraded to 1d8.

Rigging Monkey

Starting at 2nd level, a life of sailing has given you considerable expertise when it comes to climbing, and rigging is almost an extension of yourself. You gain a climb speed equal to your land speed, and proficiency in Athletics. You cannot be put at a disadvantage on any non-attack checks that involve rope, chain, or hooks. (I.E. Swinging on ropes, restraining things with a chain, catching a ledge with a hook.)

Colossus Slayer

At the 3rd level, your tenacity can wear down the most potent foes. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8 damage if it's below its hit point maximum. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.

Dodge Projectiles

At the 3rd level, you can use your reaction to dodge the projectile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your gunslinger level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can fire a shot back at them by spending 1 grit point if you have the bullets loaded, as part of the same reaction.

Sturdy Sea Legs

Starting at 3rd level, a lifetime of fighting on land and sea has taught you to travel with ease over any terrain. You may ignore difficult terrain up to 1/2 your move speed. You gain +5ft movement speed and gain a +10ft bonus to movement speed on ships.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Pirate Garb

Beginning at 4th level, while wearing the awe inspiring Pirate Garb, [ Pirate Garb ]you cannot be put at a disadvantage on skill checks involving Performance, Persuasion, Insight, Deception, or Intimidation.

Extra Shots

At the 5th level, you are able to fire an extra shot from a firearm. this increases to a total of three shots at the 10th level and four at the 20th level.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You can't take firearm attacks with the Extra Attack... if you try the DM smites you with a lightning bolt of death, then you die R.I.P forever (a very long time).

Focused Aim

At the 5th level, you can spend 1 grit point and not move this round to gain a bonus on all firearm attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) with all firearm attacks until the end of the turn.


Focusing their skill on making one important shot the gunslinger unleashes a single, deadly shot with a firearm. At the 6th level, you learn to take the Deadshot action. To do so, spend 1 or more Grit points and make a ranged attack roll. You gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll each Grit point spent. If the attack hits, it deals damage normally, with an additional dice of weapon damage per grit point spent. If the attack missed, Grit points are still expended. (ex: 3 Grit points = +3 to hit, +3d[firearm damage dice])

Follow Foe

Starting at 6th level, as your foe retreats, you stay on their heels, moving through the path made by their escape. When a target within 10 feet of you that you’re dueling takes the disengage action, you may use your reaction to move up to your target's movement speed to keep up with your target. You must use this movement to stay as close to your target as possible, you cannot move through opponents, you do not incur attacks of opportunity when you move this way, you do not set off traps, and other creatures cannot gain advantage against you for flanking or surrounding you until the end of your next turn.

Fighting Style

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once,even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two- weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Second Wind

Starting level 6 you have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit pointsequal to 1d10 + your Gunslinger Pirateneer level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


At the 7th level, When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail

Grog Master

At 7th level, years of heavy drinking has left you hardy and resilient. You have advantage on saving throws vs poisons. Also your an acholic now so when you have the chance to drink you drink a lot. Roll a 1d8 if you roll a 1 the DM takes control of you character for a night, roll a 2 lose half your gold, 3-8 your find for now. WASTED

Eagle Eyes

At 7th level, your time at sea has given you an affinity for spotting incoming foes. You have advantage on all Perception rolls initiated by the DM. In addition, you may use a bonus action on your turn to make a Perception check to find a hidden creature.

Cold Turkey

At 7th level you must drink a shot of acholic (shot may be determined by DM) other wise a successful attack roll is +1 per day you don't drink max 20. Once you drink it resets back down.

Nimble Reflexes

At 8th level, you can stow and draw a weapon or object as a bonus action.

Clipping Shot

At the 9th level, when you miss with a firearm attack and have a least 1 unused Grit point, your shots will graze your target dealing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Sea Life

Having been at sea for so long, you are familiar with the ocean and that which travels her. Starting at the 9th level, you gain proficiency in all waterborne vehicles, you know how to use any ships you come across, and gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Intelligence (History) rolls made against ships and other ocean creatures. Also, when using cannons or other weapons deemed powerful enough at the DM's discretion, rolling a 19 or 20 is a critical hit, instead of just a 20.

Improved Grit

At the 11th level, your number of Grit points is now equal to twice your Wisdom Modifier.

Extra Attack(2)

Beginning at 11th level, you can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn and no firearm attacks unless you like lightning.

Legendary Greed

Starting at 13th level, finding treasure inspires your lust and paranoia towards it, leading you to search for hidden treasure troves. When you find an enclosed container with gold pieces in it, you may search it for hidden compartments. Roll 1d10. On a 1-4, the hidden compartment is empty. On rolling 5-10, you find that many stacks of your proficiency modifier X 5 in gold pieces. If your roll was 10, you also gain 1 of your choice: a potion of healing, a piece of jewelry worth 250 gold pieces, or ammunition +1. You may use this ability once between short rests.

Cheat Death

At the 13th level, whenever the Gunslinger is reduced to 0 hit points or lower, the Gunslinger can immediately spend a Grit point to instead be reduced to 1 hit point.

Fencing Master

Beginning at 15th level, when using the Fencing Adept ability, if you are not hit by the attack, you may either immediately make a single Melee attack against what attacked you, or you may immediately switch positions with what attacked you as a reaction. You may only perform this movement with creatures the same size as you, and neither of you incur attacks of opportunity when moving this way.

Belay That!

At 17th level, when a creature within 30 feet of you that you have line of sight on takes an action, you may use your reaction to make a melee or ranged attack, including targeted spell attacks (as appropriate) against that creature. On a hit, the creature takes no damage or status effects, but their action is spent without having taken effect. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


At 20th level, when you roll initiative and have no energy remaining, you regain 4 energy.


When you reach 1st level, you choose how you want people to perceive you. Choose Dread Pirate, Cunning Pirate,Peacekeeper, or Desperado all detailed at the end of the class description

Peacekeeper Archetype

When you choose this archetype at the 1st level, you may have your shots that would be lethal render the target unconscious instead.

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency with Manacles. Weight: 1 lb. Cost: 1 gp. DC to break free: 20. DC to pick lock: 15.

Archetype Grit Regain

When you capture a target you may gain a grit point.


At the 3rd level, Peacekeepers are able to pronounce judgment upon their foes. At the 1st level, as an action choose a judgment to make and the Peacekeeper receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment.

At first, a Peacekeeper can use this ability once per Long Rest. With each archetype increase the Peacekeeper gains an additional use. Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at which point all of the bonuses immediately end. If the Peacekeeper become paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated, the ability does not end, but the bonuses do not resume until they can participate in the combat again. When the Peacekeeper uses this ability, select one type of judgment to make. As an action, they can change this judgment to another type.

Destruction: The Peacekeeper is filled with great wrath, gaining a +1 bonus on all weapon damage rolls.

Healing: The Peacekeeper is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the Peacekeeper to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the Peacekeeper is alive and the judgment lasts.

Justice: This judgment spurs the Peacekeeper to seek justice, granting a +1 bonus on all attack rolls.

Protection: The Peacekeeper is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 bonus to Armor Class.

Purity: The Peacekeeper is protected from the vile taint of their foes, gaining a +1 bonus on all saving throws.

Resistance: The Peacekeeper is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of resistance against one damage type chosen when the judgment is declared.

Smiting: This judgment bathes the Peacekeeper’s weapons in a magical light. The Peacekeeper’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.

Shared Judgement

At the 6th level, the benefits from a Judgement may now also affect a numbers of allies up your Charisma modifier within 30 feet.


At the 11th level, a Peacekeeper may now have multiple Judgements active at the same time.

Final Decree

At 17th level, Judgements are now restored after a Short Rest instead of a Long Rest.

Desperado Archetype

When you choose this archetype at the 1st level, you gain the Threatening Shot Deed. Threatening Shot: As long as you have one unspent grit point you can shoot into the air in an attempt to frighten others as an action. Enemies within 20ft. who can hear must make a Wisdom save DC=8+your proficency+your charisma modifier.On a failed save, they are frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency in Intimidation.

Archetype Grit Regain

When you sucessfully intimidate a person into giving you their valuble possesions or military currency you may gain a grit point.

Cheap Shot

At the 3rd level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a firearm.

You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

At the 6th level, the bonus damage of Cheap Shot becomes 2d6.

At the 11th level, the bonus damage of Cheap Shot becomes 4d6.

At the 17th level, the bonus damage of Cheap Shot becomes 6d6.

Criminal Tongue

Thieves' Cant. At the 6th level with your desperado lifestyle you have picked up thieves' cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly. In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves' guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Criminal Eye

At the 11th level, you have learned to appraise the value of objects with a single glance. As a bonus action you can take note of an object and the DM will tell you how much you will be able to sell it for. You can also use a bonus action to figure out which object you can see is the most valuable.

Forever on the Run

At the 17th level, you have learned exactly how to give the law the slip in a chase, whether ducking into an allyway or weaving through a crowd. You can't be tracked by nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail and will almost always manage to escape when in a chase. Additionaly your criminal lifestyle has led you to improved haggling skills. When fencing stolen goods you should get a 50% to 100% increase in the price you sell it for.

Dread Pirate

Some of your features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Ability save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Archetype Grit Regain When ever a creature is scared of you, you gain 1 Grit point

Imposing Figure

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, as a bonus action you may force all enemies within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. If any enemy is within 5 feet of you when they become frightened, they provoke an attack of opportunity and remain frightened.

Words of Terror

At 6th level, as a bonus action before your attack, you speak grimly to a target you’re dueling, either threatening to dismember it, to gouge out it's senses, or scar it's beauty. The target must be able to understand at least one language you can speak. If you threaten to dismember it, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. If you threaten it's senses, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you threaten it's beauty, the target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save you gain advantage on attacks against them this turn and the target takes psychic damage equal to the Dread Pirate’s Charisma modifier times two (at level 14 this increases to 3 times your Charisma modifier damage). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier plus 1. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Fearful Inspiration

At 6th level, your threats inspire the crew to do things they didn't even know they could. While out of combat, you may choose an ally who is not proficient in Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Medicine, Persuasion, Intimidation, Insight, Slight-Of-Hand, or Stealth. They must roll an Intelligence save. If they fail the save you may pick one of these untrained skills. They treat the skill as if they were proficient in it for the next 24 hours. You may only use this skill once between long rests and cannot use it on a person who is already benefiting from it.

Horrifying Figure

Starting at 9th level, you become your enemies’ worst nightmare. When you use the Imposing Figure ability, you may force your targets to act as though under the effects of the spell “Fear” instead. All enemies take 12d4 psychic damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one.

Dead Men Tell Tales

Starting at 14th level, word has spread of your terrors. You have advantage on all Intimidation checks against those who recognize you. You gain advantage on one attack made against one enemy that has been fighting you, or your allies, for more than three rounds.

Crippling Words

At 18th level, in addition to the effects of Words of Terror, on a failed save the target becomes paralyzed. The target remains paralyzed for up to 2 minutes. At the end of each of it's subsequent turns, it may attempt the same kind of save it previously failed. It may also attempt that save any time it is attacked. On a successful save, or after taking more than 1/4 of it's HP rounded down in damage while paralyzed, it is no longer paralyzed.

Dreadful Aura

Beginning at 18th level, as an action, you may begin to radiate an aura of pure menace inspiring hopelessness and dread in all who enter it for up to 10 minutes. Enemies who enter or begin their turn within 30 feet of you have disadvantage on attack rolls against you and your allies. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. If on the high seas, enemies must pass a wisdom saving throw DC 13, on a fail, they jump ship. If on land, when enemies enter the aura they provoke an attack of opportunity as if they just passed by you.

Davey Jones' Locker

At 20th level, you use your entire action to channel the spirit of Davey Jones. You may pick 5 enemies + your charisma modifier within 120 feet of you. These enemies must pass a wisdom saving throw higher than your spell-save DC, on a failed save, these enemies swear fealty to you for the next hour. They retain their order in the initiative. Those who swear fealty take 12d12 psychic damage when the effects end. On a successful save, the enemies take 6d12 psychic damage. You may use this ability once per long rest.

Cunning Pirate

Some of your features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Ability save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Archetype Grit Regain When ever you bombs go off you gain onew Grit point

Cheap Shot

At 3rd level, you can attempt to blind a target you’re dueling. As a bonus action, you can throw gravel, dirt, grass, mud, or sand up to 10 feet as long as it is available, or if you are carrying a whip, chain, bandana, or rope, you may flick it at their eyes. Your target must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or be blinded until your next turn. Only usable against creatures with physical eyes. Creatures with more than 3 eyes gain advantage on their saving throw. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier plus 1. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Explosives Expert

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, Cunning Pirates learn to create devious bombs to take down their opponents. Once a day, you may spend 2 hours and 25 gold pieces in a village, town, or city collecting materials to create bombs of your choice. You can carry up to 6 bombs in any combination of types on your person, and can store up to 12 more. You may only give these bombs to other characters if their intelligence is at 9 or above, and may only give 1 for each point of intelligence they have 9 or above (Int 10 give 1, Int 11 give 2, ect.) Roll a d4 and add 2 to determine how many bombs you are able to create within that hour, any bombs made beyond your maximum are immediately sold for 5 gold pieces each. After the roll, you are free to determine which bombs you create. As an action, a person holding a bomb may throw it to an area up to 30 feet away, affecting everything in a radius of 15 feet around that area. Other player characters that throw your bombs must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw at a DC of 13 or drop the lit bomb at their feet. The types of bombs you can make are listed below.

Powder bomb. Creates a 15ft radius explosion. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or take 4d6 fire damage, half as much on a successful save.

Scatter bomb. Creates an explosion sending small pellets flying. This bomb's explosion radius is only 5 ft due to the pellets' loss of momentum. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or take 5d6 piercing damage, half as much on a successful save.

Poison bomb. Releases a cloud of poison. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your ability save or take 2d6 poison damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the character takes 1d6 poison damage. On a successful save, the poison ends. Maximum of 1 minute duration.

Smoke bomb. Releases a cloud of smoke. The area becomes heavily obscured for 10 minutes or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Sticky Bomb. Releases a viscous liquid that covers the ground. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or be restrained. All creatures must make a Strength save at the end of each of their turns to free themselves.

Death from above

At 8th level, whenever you drop down adjacent to a creature from a height of at least 10 feet, you gain advantage on an attack made against one enemy and deal an additional 3d6 damage on a successful attack.(This increases to 6d6 at the 14th level.)

Poison Savant

Starting at 9th level, whenever you spend an hour in town collecting bomb materials, you may also collect vials of poison. Spend 20 gold pieces and roll a separate d4 to determine how many vials of poison you are able to purchase up to a maximum capacity of 8. The only poison you are able to procure this way is basic poison. In addition, as a bonus action you can apply any injury poison to a weapon or five pieces of ammunition. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 5 minute before drying. Struck targets must make a Consitution saving throw vs your ability save or take an extra 1d6 poison damage.

Explosives Master

Starting at 14th level, you learn to create more powerful bombs, as listed below. To create these new bombs you must spend 50 gold pieces and spend 6 hours in a village, town, or city. You are only allowed to have one of each bomb at a time, they are too dangerous to give to others, and cannot be sold without raising suspicion. The radius of affect for all bombs you make with Explosives Expert increases by 5 feet and they may be thrown up to 40 feet. Furthermore, when creating the bombs listed under explosives expert ability, you roll a d6 plus 2 to determine how many bombs you create. Incendiary bomb. Creates a deadly explosion. All creatures in a 10ft radius must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or take 6d10 fire damage, half as much on a successful save.

Fury bomb. Releases a cloud of gas. All creatures in a 20ft radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your ability save or fall under similar effects of the Confusion spell. All creatures must make a Wisdom save at the end of each of their turns to overcome the gas. Sleep bomb. Releases a cloud of gas. All creatures in a 30 foot radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw vs your ability save or be knocked unconscious. All creatures must make a Wisdom save at the end of each of their turns to overcome the gas. A sleeping creature awakens when attacked.

Concussive bomb. Creates a concussive shock-wave. All creatures within a 60 foot radius that have Line of Sight to the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw vs your ability save or be stunned. All creatures must make a Wisdom save at the end of each of their turns to snap out of it.

Yellow Bellied Lubber

Beginning at 14th level, you are able to spend at least 15 minutes searching the surrounding area for broken glass and crushing it. If the area has glass, roll a d4 plus two to determine how many vials of powdered glass you gain. This may be done during short rests. You may carry a number of vials of powdered glass equal to your proficiency bonus. When using Cheap Shot, you may spend a vial of crushed glass. If the target fails it's saving throw, the target is blinded indefinitely, and takes 1d6 slashing damage to their eyes each turn. If the target is healed, or takes a short or long rest, the damage is stopped. If the target is magically healed, it is no longer blind. If the target is not magically healed within two weeks, one eye rots and falls out. This repeats every two weeks until the creature has no eyes.

Black Market Regular

Beginning at 18th level, you are considered an important person in underground black markets. Whenever you spend an hour acquiring poisons, you can acquire any type of poison. You must spend 100gp and roll a d6 to determine how many vials you collect. After the roll, you are free to determine which poisons you collect. The save against the poisons is your ability save.

Disabling blow

At 20th level, whenever you hit with a finesse weapon you may choose to sever a muscle in one of the areas on your target listed below. This is limited to Beasts and Humanoids. The target must perform a long rest before regaining control of the damaged muscle. Arm. You disable a muscle in one of their arms. The target must succeed against a Constitution saving throw else be forced to take disadvantage on subsequent attacks with that arm. Leg. You disable a muscle in one of their legs. The target must succeed against a Constitution saving throw else have their movement speed cut by half.

Class feature, Maintenance

At the 2nd level, you always keep your weapon maintained and as an action can fix minor problems, such as a jams or misfires (Natural 1s). Jams and misfires are a recommended result for a natural 1. Some DM's feel nat 1s are already bad enough and this feature is not relevant, but for those that want to have them be more severe this is the ideal result for a firearm. The feature then shows how the gunslinger can repair their weapon in the heat of combat using an action.

Way of the Forge

At the 3rd level knowledge of tinkering is not limited to just firearms but all kinds of gadgets You cannot used, lose, or gain Grit points while crafting non firearms. You can craft a gadgets for a cost in raw materials equal to the price of the gadgets. Crafting a gadgets in this way takes 1 day of work for every 100 gp of the gadget's total price.


Aquiring a gadget costs money and time to craft, depending on the gadget's tier, as seen on the table below. While on your person, gadgets are always in effect. If a gadget is somehow damaged, you must repair it with an Intelligence (Tinker's tools) check with a DC=12+Gadget Tier, spending half of the cost and time to repair it. A gadget lost or destroyed must be replaced entirely. Many gadgets have spell-like effects, but these are nonmagical, and therefore cannot be affected by spells such as dispel magic, counterspell, or antimagic field.


At level 2, you gain 4 energy, an expendable pool of points that is regained after a short rest or long rest. Many Gunslinger Pirateneer features utilize energy, denoting costs in such abilities' descriptions.

Lv E

2 4

3 5

4 6

5 7

7 8

8 9

9 10

10 11

11 12

12 13

13 14

14 15

15 16

16 17

17 18

18 19

19 20

20 21

Carrie Capacity of Gadgets

You may allow Carrie a limited amount of gadgets at a time This is shown in the table below.

Lv G

1 3

2 4

3 5

4 5

5 6

6 6

7 6

8 7

9 8

10 8

11 9

12 9

13 9

14 10

15 10

16 11

17 11

18 12

19 12

20 13

Tier Cost

1 50gp

2 100gp

3 150gp

4 200gp

5 500gp

6 1000gp

Hidden Blade

Hidden Blade 100 gp 1d4 Piercing 1/2 lb. Hidden, Light, Finesse, Special.

A fine weapon made for Assassins to execute their operations of exclusion, this weapon is attached to the arm of the person which keeps it hidden from plain sight. This allows the weapon's user to have an advantage to any roll to keep it hidden. If you attacked with this weapon while it is hidden you get both an advantage to attack roll and replace the damage dice with 4d4 instead of 1d4, and the attack itself is counted as a Bonus Action. Though once you reveal the weapon, enemies are aware of it and you cannot attempt to hide the weapon until combat is over, or your opponents are sufficiently distracted. If you attempt to hide the weapon after it's been revealed, you do not have Advantage on Sleight of Hand check. Also, the weapon is small and without a proper grip like a normal dagger, cannot be used in conjunction with the Dual Wielder and/or Two Weapon Fighting features, . It requires the Tinker Tools to equip or remove (The Assassins have expert understanding of the weapon and how to utilize it to its maximum potential, thus don't need the tools to equip or remove), and among the things you can do with the help of a tinkerer is adding improvements and modifications to the weapon. However, some attachments require specific proficiencies to add onto the weapon, and some attachments will get in the way of others which prevents adding all of the attachments to one blade. Attachments that can be added to the Hidden Blade are as follows:

Arm Guard

The Hidden Blade will have an Arm Guard attached to the top part of your arm, allowing the character to block and deflect attacks easier using the Arm Guard. It gives you +1 AC to the character armor, the type of armor used by the Arm Guard is determinant by the type of armor that you have proficiency with. As it goes over the arm, it makes no interactions with the blade mechanism on the bottom of the arm alongside eliminating the need of Tinker's Tools to put on or take off, making donning/doffing the weapon easier. However with the Arm Guard attached, the weapon is subjected to the Partial Armor rule. It costs (50 gp for Light Armor, 75 gp for Medium Armor 150gp for Heavy Armor) to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Arm Guard Abilities +1 AC (Subject to Partial Armor Rule), Removes Tinker Tool need for Don/Doff.

Hidden Gun

The Hidden Blade will have a Gun attached to it allowing the character to shoot a target using a normal range attack with a Piercing damage of 1d8 and a range of (30/90), it is a one shot weapon that require an action to reload it using normal ammunition, and you can use your proficiency bonus with Handguns to your attack roll. Keep in mind that shooting with this weapon will reveal you if you were hiding from the loud explosion-like sound it makes when fired. Due to the mechanism's size, this prevents other attachments like the Hook Blade, Pivot Knife, and Phantom Blade from being attached. If the Hidden Blade has the Poison Blade attachment, one can replace the standard ammunition with a Poison Dart, allowing administering poison from a range and keeping stealth if fired at the cost of you don't roll for damage, and if you attacked from stealth with a Poison Dart, the target has Disadvantage on the Poison's Saving Throw, if applicable. It requires proficiency with Handguns, and costs 250 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Hidden Gun Stats 1d8 Piercing, Range (30/90), Loading, (*)Special: Poison Darts [Silent]

Hook Blade

The Hidden Blade will have a Hook attached to it and allowing the user to climb vertical walls with little to no footholds easier, effectively making your climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and have Advantage when climbing Difficult Terrain. Due to the nature of the hook however, it gets in the way of attachments like the Phantom Blade, Poison Blade, Hidden Gun, and Pivot Knife, so having the Hook Blade prevents attaching those upgrades. It cost 100 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Hook Blade Abilities Climb Speed = Movement Speed, Advantage when climbing Difficult Terrain.

Pivot Knife

The Hidden Blade's mechanics have been modified to a greater extent and adding a pivot to the blade end and allowing the user to hold the blade like a normal dagger. If you have the Dual Wielder and/or Two Weapon Fighting feature, the weapon can get the benefits of those features as normal. Due to the mechanisms necessary for the extension, there's little room left for the Hook Blade, Hidden Gun, Poison Blade, and Phantom Blade to be attached. It cost 100 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Pivot Knife Abilities Allows bonuses with Two Weapon Fighting and/or Dual Wielding.

Phantom Blade

The Hidden Blade will have a small Crossbow attached to it allowing the character to shoot a normal range attack with a Piercing damage of 1d6 and a range of (30/120), it is a one shot weapon that require an action to reload it using normal ammunition, and you can use your proficiency bonus with Hand Crossbow to your attack roll, shooting with this weapon will not reveal you if you were hiding. Because it's a silent and stealthy version of the Hidden Gun, attachments like the Pivot Knife, Hook Blade, and said Hidden Gun cannot be added if the Phantom Blade is attached. If the Poison Blade is attached with this weapon, it allows the user to coat the bolt with poison in the Poison Blade. It requires Proficiency with the Hand Crossbow (Martial Weapon Proficiency counts) and costs 250 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Phantom Blade Stats 1d6 Piercing, Range (30/120), Loading (*)Special: Poison Tipped Bolts

Poison Blade

The Hidden Blade will have small needle-like blade attached next to the main blade. Instead of rolling damage for the main blade, one can administer any type of Poison directly by piercing their target directly with the needle and exposing them to the effects. If the Hidden Blade is hidden when the target is struck, the target has Disadvantage on the Poison's Saving Throw if applicable. After a Poison is used, however, a new dose must be loaded into the mechanism. It's small size and placement next to the Hidden Blade allows it to be attached with the Phantom Blade or Hidden Gun, but it CANNOT be attached if the blade has the Hook Blade or Pivot Knife upgrades. As a special bonus, if this attachment is on the Hidden Blade alongside either the Phantom Blade or Hidden Gun, it allows using alternate ammunition for those weapons. It requires proficiency with a Poisoner's Kit, and cost 150 gp to attach your weapon with this upgrade.

Poison Blade Abilities Administers Poison as Injury, Loading, Disadvantage on Saving Throws when Hidden, Enables Special properties of Hidden Gun and Phantom Blade. (*)Only with Poison Blade attachment


Cost 100gp of work

Adds plus 1 Energy capacity if user has no Energy capacity. If the user gains more capacity while using this buff the battery blows up deal 1d4 damage to it's surroundings.

You or others may only Carrie four batteries at once.

Battery actions

Give plus 1 Energy this action can be used once after every short or long rest

You can equip a battery to a firearm to remove the need for gunpowder. Cost 100 gp of work When every you critical miss take 1d4 damage. You may remove with Tinker's tools.

Battery Plus requires level 3

Cost 200gp of work and 1 battery

Adds plus 2 Energy capacity if user has no Energy capacity. If the user gains more capacity while using this buff the battery blows up deal 1d6 damage to it's surroundings.

You or others may only Carrie 2 battery plus at once.

Battery Plus actions

Give plus 2 Energy this action can be used once after every short or long rest

You can equip a battery plus to a firearm to remove the need for gunpowder and bullets, this counts as special ammunition. Cost 200 gp of work. When every you critical miss take 1d6 damage. You may remove with Tinker's tools .

S.S suit Requires Level 4

You can make a S.S suit or Safety Suit .This Special Suit protects its wearer by using advanced armor plating to keep its wearer out of harms way. This suit can be crafted for 600gp in 6 days. It has a solid AC 20, which can be altered by gadgets and magic items. It has an unarmored strike attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning, it also has +2 to hit and damage from it's built in strike guidance system. The suit fails to wild any weapons that require finesse, but can still have an impact in combat.

Protective System Upgrade Requires Level 8

You can upgrade the S.S suit by spending 300 GP and 3 days of work. This upgrade makes the AC equal 21 and have an option to either increase your walking speed by 10'or to give the suit a Hazmat system, which gives the user resistance from any elemental damage. i.e.(Fire, cold, Lightning, thunder, and Acid)this also lets the user to breathe anywhere for 30 minutes in locations wear oxygen is not readily available.

Techgauntlet requires level 3

At the 3rd Level, you may develop a type of gauntlet(s) which allows you to cast certain spells. The gauntlet(s) serves as a simulated Spellcasting Focus, and is required to cast. Your spells all use your Energy count so these spells don't look like there normal self but have a faint blue glow ex. Red Firebolt may have a tint of blue around it. All people who know or have seen real magic before will not mistake you for a spellcaster. The spells that have spell-like effects are uneffected by dispelling effects and anti-magic fields because there not magic but science.

Spellcasting to cast spells you must use Energy, this is shown in the table below.

Lv 1 2 Energy

Lv 2 3 Energy

Lv 3 5 Energy

Lv 4 6 Energy

Cantrips. You learn 3 cantrips from the Techgauntlet spell list.

The Techgauntlet has a level system, to level it up you must do work equal to the upgrade cost Lv 1 - Lv 5 100gp, Lv 6 - Lv 10 200gp, Lv 11 - Lv 15 300gp, Lv 16 - Lv 20 400gp. You gain a certain amount spells at each level.


Lv Can Spells

1 3 3

2 3 3

3 3 4

4 3 4

5 3 4

6 3 5

7 3 5

8 3 5

9 4 6

10 4 6

11 4 7

12 4 7

13 4 8

14 5 8

15 5 8

16 5 9

17 5 9

18 5 10

19 5 10

20 5 11

Spell List

(*) Homebrew

(ee) Elemental Evil

(scag) Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide



Static Shock*



Ray of Frost

Shocking Grasp


Mage Hand

Produce Flame

Blade Ward

Minor Illusion

Thunderclap (ee)

Elemental Strike*

Frostbite (ee)

Lighting Lure (scag)

1st Level

Burning Hands

Cure Wounds

Magic Missile



Chromatic Orb

Absorb Elements (ee)


Arc Strike*

Mage's Feint*

Blazing Mote*

Frost Fan*


Faerie Fire

Purify Food and Drink

Silent Image

Color Spray

Detect Poison and Disease



Mage Armor


Ray of Sickness

2nd Level

Flame Blade

Lightning Blade*

Scorching Ray


Magic Weapon


Aganazzer's Scorcher (ee)

Maximilian's Earthen Grasp (ee)

Aqua Jet*

Void Rupture*

Frigid Rebuttal*

Mirror Image

Hold Person

Find Traps


Flaming Sphere


3rd Level

Void Bombard*

Void Blink*



Lighting Bolt

Vampiric Touch

Hypnotic Pattern



Dispel Magic

Call Lightning

Stinking Cloud

4th Level

Storm Sphere (ee)

Vitriolic Sphere (ee)

Watery Sphere (ee)

Aetheric Ballista*


Arcane Eye

Fire Shield

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

Giant Insect

Alchemist requires level 3

The Alchemist is an engineer adept at brewing potions and poisons to aid their allies and devastate their foes. Cost 300gp Upgrade Lv 2 100gp, Lv 3 200gp, Lv 4 300gp.

Alchemical Expertise

you gain proficiency in Poisoner's Tools, if you did not already. If you did, choose 1 other proficiency from the Gunslinger Pirateneer's Tool list instead.

Your proficiency bonus is doubled for ability checks using the Alchemist's and Poisoner's tools.

Infuse Potion

You gain the ability to create potions. Potions (or Poisons) require one action to apply, consume or throw. A successful check with the appropriate tools is required to make a brew. A failure results in a less potent or random failed concoction (DM's discretion). An exceptional or critical success may result in a more potent or duplicate brew, free of costs (also DM's discretion). Potions that use your statistics in their description use your statistics at the time of brewing. Keep track of the number upon brewing. Potions that have spell-like effects are uneffected by dispelling effects and anti-magic fields.

You may attempt to lessen or waive the monetary cost of a brew's ingredients with a Nature or Survival check to gather ingredients (at the DM's discretion).

Alternatively to using a cost to brew, your DM may impose an energy cost to brewing a potion. The cost is 2 Energy for a Tier One Potion, 3 Energy for a Tier Two Potion, and 5 Energy for a Tier Three Potion.

Under this variation, the spent energy cannot be regained until the brew is used.

The potions you can create at this level are "Tier One" Potions. Tier One Potions require 30gp and 3 hours to create. The check DC for brewing a Tier One Potion is DC15.

Tier One Potions

Potion of Lesser Healing. Heals the drinker 2d4+Gunslinger Pirateneer Level HP.

Potion of Climbing. Gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. You gain advantage on checks made to climb.

Potion of Enlarge/Reduce. Choose either the enlarge or reduce effect of the enlarge/reduce spell. The drinker is under that effect for 1 hour.

Potion of Swiftness. The drinker gains a bonus of 15ft to their walking speed for 1 hour. Lesser Poison. Upon ingestion, wounding, or splashing, a creature must succeed on a Con save or take 1d6+Engineer level Poison damage.

Skilled Alchemist

At the Lv 2, the amount of time and money it takes to brew a Tier One Potion is reduced by 1/3 (or 1 less energy under the variant rule). Applying, drinking, or throwing a brew costs you just a bonus action.

Infuse Greater Potion[edit]

At the Lv 2, you can concoct Tier Two Potions. Such potions follow the same guidelines as Tier One Potions, except that they require 60gp and 4 hours to create, and a successful DC 18 check.

Tier Two Potions

Potion of Greater Healing. Heals the drinker 3d6+Engineer Level HP.

Potion of Alter Self. Choose one possible effect of the alter self spell, and define it thoroughly upon brewing. Upon consumption, the creature possesses that effect for 1 hour.

Potion of Flight. The drinker gains a flying speed of 60 feet for 10 minutes.

Potion of Waterbreathing." The drinker can breathe underwater for 8 hours.

Potion of Haste. The drinker is under the effects of haste for 1 minute.

Potion of Resistance. Choose one type of damage (acid, cold, fire, lighting, force, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, and thunder) upon brewing. The drinker resists that damage type for 1 hour.

Potion of Firebreath. The drinker can breathe fire, as through the burning hands spell at the 1st level, as an action for 1 minute. The spell save DC is equal to your Engineer Save DC.

Greater Poison. Upon ingestion, wounding, or splashing, a creature must succeed on a Con save or take 2d8+Engineer level Poison damage.

Adept Alchemist

At the Lv 3, the amount of the amount of time and money it takes to brew a Tier Two Potion is reduced by 1/4 (or 1 less energy under the variant rule). Healing potions you brew heal for an additional amount equal to your Intelligence modifier (min. 1). Poisons you brew deal an additional amount of damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (min. 1).

Infuse Superior Potion

At the Lv 3, you can concoct Tier Three Potions. Such potions follow the same guidelines as Tier One and Tier Two Potions, except that they require 120gp and 6 hours to create, and a successful DC 21 check.

Tier Three Potions

Potion of Superior Healing. Heals the drinker 4d8+Gunslinger Pirateneer Level HP.

Potion of Stoneskin. The drinker resists nonmagical piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage for 8 hours.

Potion of Polymorph. Choose a creature (within the limits of the polymorph spell). The drinker turns into the creature, following the perimeters of the polymorph spell, for 1 hour upon ingestion. A creature this is splashed on, or an unwilling creature that who spits it out, must succeed on a Con save or be affected.

Potion of Invisibility. A creature who drinks this potion is invisible for 1 minute upon ingesting.

Potion of Massive Strength. The drinker's Strength score is 23 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Strength score is already that high.

Potion of Swift Reflexes. The drinker's Dexterity score is 23 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Dexterity score is already that high.

Potion of High Durability. The drinker's Constitution score is 23 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Constitution score is already that high.

Potion of Glibness. The drinker's Charisma score is 19 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Charisma score is already that high.

Potion of Brilliance. The drinker's Intelligence score is 19 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Intelligence score is already that high.

Potion of Enlightenment. The drinker's Wisdom score is 19 for 1 hour. This potion fails if their Wisdom score is already that high.

Potion of Resurrection. The drinker is restored to life, as per the revivify spell.

Superior Poison. Upon ingestion, wounding, or splashing, a creature must succeed on a Con save or take 3d10+Gunslinger Pirateneer level poison damage. On a failure, a creature is also poisoned for 1 minute.

Paralytic Poison. Upon ingestion, wounding, or splashing, a creature must succeed on a Con save or be paralyzed for 1 minute.

Master Alchemist

At the Lv 4, the amount of the amount of time and money it takes to brew a Tier Three Potion is reduced by 1/6 (or 1 less energy under the variant rule). While brewing a potion or poison, you may spend 1 Energy per tier to duplicate the brew, free of costs. This may be done after the brew check, and only one duplicate can be made doing this.

Healing Potions you brew cure any diseases and conditions afflicting the drinker.

Poisons you brew have an increased save DC of +2.

Power Boots

Tier 1. Increases your walking speed by 10 feet.

Jump distance and height is doubled

Fall damage is halved

Medic Kit

Tier 1.

You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your Gunslinger Pirateneer level x 5. As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

1 Energy- Touch a dying creature as an action to stabilize it and return it to 1 HP.

Eagle Lens

Tier 1

You add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum 1) to Perception checks you make.

You gain a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls.

1 Energy- Gain advantage on a weapon attack roll you make.

Climbing Hooks

Tier 1

You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

You gain advantage on checks made to climb.

Mage Lens

Tier 1

As an action, you can nonmagically cast detect magic.

1 Energy- As an action use this gadget to nonmagically cast identify.

Appendange Retractable Machine (A.R.M)

Tier 1

You have a retractable (as an action) mechanical hand that can move up to 30 feet away from you, and otherwise functions and has restrictions similar to a durationless mage hand spell.

Scout Lens

Tier 2 Requires Level 3

You can see through darkness (including magical darkness) to a distance of 120 feet and have no perception or inspect penalties

The lens also magnifies

Voice Changer and Amplifier

Tier 2 Requires Level 3

If you have spent a minute or more hearing a creature speak, you can mimic their voice unerringly. A Wisdom (Insight) check is required to discern if that the voice is false. You can also change the pitch of any voice (including your own) spoken through this device.

1 Energy- You can increase the volume of your voice to 10 times as much.

SCUBA Equipment

Tier 2 Requires Level 3

You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

2 Energy- As a bonus action, you can breathe underwater for 8 hours.

Power Gauntlets

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.

Unarmed attacks you make gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

2 Energy- You add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum 1) to a melee weapon attack and damage roll you make. You must choose to use this feature before rolling the attack roll.

Sustenence Blood Infuser

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

You do not require food or water to survive. Your Hit Point maximum is increased by 1 for each engineer level you have.

You gain proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws.

1 Energy- You can cure one poison or disease you are afflicted with as a bonus action.


Tier 3 Requires Level 6

1 Energy- A beam that heals a friendly target for 3d4+int modifier, gain an additional d4 for level 11, and 2d4 for level 17


Tier 3 Requires Level 6

3 Energy- As an action, you nonmagically cast haste.

Grid Shield

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

"3 Energy- As an action, a 5ft by 5ft shield appears in front of you and stays in front of you,frontal attacks must hit the shield instead of you . The shield has an AC of 15 and HP 25 if not destroyed the shield vanishes in one hour

"3 Energy- As an action, Hexagonal shields overlap your armor. Add +2 to your AC, remove this when you are knocked out, when the fight ends, or after one hour passes.

Thanotic Reader

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

You can detect the location of undead within 60ft of you.

You can identify how and when a corpse died

2 Energy- As an action you can nonmagically cast speak with dead.

Disguise Mask

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

You are proficient in Charisma Saving Throws

1 Energy- Non-Magically cast Disguise Self,

Soul Reader

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

You can detect the alignment of a person within 60ft of you.

You are proficient in Insight Checks

1 Energy- As an action you can nonmagically cast detect good and evil.

1 Energy- Nonmagically cast False Life (1d10+Your Level) on you or an ally

Energy Canteen

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

A Storage Canteen that restores 1d6 energy to your energy pool, usable after short or long rests.

Autoressurecting Elemental Device

Tier 3 Requires Level 6

1 Energy- When you would take damage that would reduce you to 0HP, but not kill you outright, you can use your reaction to instead stay at 1 HP.

1 Energy- A single creature within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 lightning damage on a failure, and half damage on a successful save.


Tier 4 Requires Level 10

Creatures who understand at least 1 language can understand any language you speak, and you can understand any spoken language.


Tier 4 Requires Level 10 A device on your back allows you to effectively cast a levitate spell at-will.

4 Energy- Gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 10 minutes.

Engitech Offense System

Tier 4 Requires Level 10

2 Energy- As an action you may shoot a energy core from the system. The damage will be a 4d8+your Gunslinger Pirateneer level+Intel Modifier. To imbue the Energy Core with acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder use an additional Energy, an additional 2d8 on damage for the element imbued. The opponent must do a dex save, on success take half and on fail take the full blow. Add 1d8's at level 12, 16, and 18.

Engitech Defense System

Tier 4 Requires Level 10

Your AC is increased by 1.

1 Energy- You can use your reaction to deflect a projectile, including spells. When you are hit by a ranged attack, you can reduce the damage by 4d8+your Intelligence Modifier+your Gunslinger Pirateneer Level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend an additional 1 Energy to reflect the projectile back at the attacker, who must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the attacker takes the initial full damage and half on a success. Add 1d8's at level 12, 16, and 18.

Ghost Goggles

Tier 4 Requires Level 10

You can see into the ethereal plane to a distance of 30 feet, as well as invisible creatures and objects.

1 Energy-For a minute, you will be able to see through objects such as pockets, crates, walls and see what is behind or inside the object.

Stealth Cloak

Tier 4 Requires Level 10 Add your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) to Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks that you make. 4 Energy- Nonmagically cast Greater Invisibility as an action.


Tier 5 Requires Level 14

You add a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) to spell saving throws that you make against spells

If you pass a saving throw again spells, take no damage You resist damage from spells

Additional Signature Device

Tier 5 Requires Level 14

Gain a Secondary (or Tertiary) Signature Device and select a next level upgrade to go along with it You may give another gadget slot to select a second level upgrade

Freeze Ray

Tier 5 Requires Level 14

3 Energy- Spray a large mist of ice to a target onto a target, the opponent must do a Constitution Saving Throw, on a fail they will take 6d4 Cold Damage and will be entombed inside of ice for 2 rounds, if they are hit or nearby fire during these rounds the ice will break and be free. on a pass they will take half damage and have their running speed reduced by half.

3 Energy-Shoot a Icicle generated from the ray, the opponent must use a dex save on a fail take 4d6 Piercing Damage and 3d6 Cold Damage, and on a Critical Fail they will take an additional 6d6 of Piercing Damage, On a pass take no damage.

Neuromage Headgear

Tier 5 Requires Level 14

You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws

You resist Psychic Damage

Your thoughts cannot be read, and attempts to detect your presence through your consciousness fail 2 Energy- You attempt to mind control someone, the target must give a wisdom saving throw, with a fail making them be controlled by you. The target will look normal but you may control them to do or say things. The Mind control lasts for 5 minutes. If in combat the target may give wisdom saving throws when its the end of their turn.

Excess Energy Storage Device

Tier 5 Requires Level 14

You add 3 Energy to the maximum amount of Energy you have. For every 10 lightning damage you take, you regain one spent Energy. (Any resistance, immunity, and vulnerability is nullified for this calculation).

Bionic Eye

Tier 6 Requires Level 18

Your critical hit range for weapon attacks increases by 2 You deal an extra 6d8 damage on critical weapon hits. You see through illusions.

Portable Blink Devices

Tier 6 Requires Level 18

As a bonus action, you can teleport up to 60ft away to an unoccupied space you can see, without provoking attacks of opportunity.

As an action, you may teleport an item, person, weapon, to a location within your 60ft radius 1 Energy- As a reaction to being targeted by an attacker you can see, you impose disadvantage on the attack.

1 Energy- As a reaction to attacks that involve dex saving throws, you may give yourself advantage on the save.

Backup Energy Supply

Tier 6 Requires Level 18

As a action, use this to gain 10 Energy back to your pool Add an additional 5 Max Energy to your pool This can be recharged by a short or long rest

Signature Device

At level 2, you gain a signature device, a versatile, and later customizable invention. You choose one between a flamethrower, grenade kit, elixir gun, turret, drone, or magitech omnistaff. Building it costs 200gp which results in 2 days of time. Repairing it requires a DC15 Intelligence (Tinker's Tools) check, and half the money and time it takes to build it. At 5th, 13th, and 17th level, you choose an upgrade feature for your signature device. This device and other signature countsignature as 1 gadget.


A two-handed weapon that can sear foes and create smokescreens, manipulating the battlefield in interesting ways.

Fireblast. As an action, you shoot a ball of fire at a target creature you can see within 40 feet. You make a ranged weapon attack, dealing 1d8 + Int. Mod fire damage on a hit. This deals 2d8 at level 5, 3d8 at level 11, and 4d8 at level 17. The attack roll uses Dexterity.

Napalm Spread. As an action, spending 1 energy, force all creatures within a 15ft cone to make a Dex save. On a failure, they take 4d6 fire damage. A creature takes half damage on a success. You can spend more energy to deal an additional 1d6 fire per point spent, up to 3 energy.

Smokescreen. As a bonus action, and for 1 energy, exhaust smoke from your flamethrower. A 10ft-radius sphere centered around yourself is filled with smoke for 2 rounds, heavily obscuring the area for all creatures except you.

Enhanced Flamethrower (Level 5 - Choose One)

Light Frame. You can wield the flamethrower in one hand.

Distant Ammunition. Fireblast has a range of 80ft, Napalm Spread affects a 25ft cone, and Smokescreen fills a 20ft sphere.

Fine Optics. Grant a +1 bonus to the attack rolls and Dex save DC to the actions your flamethrower.

Advanced Flamethrower (Level 13 - Choose One)

Incendiary Fireblasts. Fireblast deals d10s of damage instead of d8s.

Toxic Smoke. Smokescreen poisons creatures except for you for 1 minute when they fail a Con save upon starting their turn in it or entering it for the first time.

Sticky Napalm. Napalm Spread deals 1d6 damage to creatures who fail the initial Dex save at the end of each of their turns. This lasts until they spend an action to attempt a successful Dex save, which ends this effect.

Ultimate Flamethrower (Level 17 - Choose One)

Elemental Converter. Spend 1 energy to deal a different kind of damage (acid, cold, or lighting) with Fireblast and Napalm Spread.

Quickblast. Spend 1 energy to make a Fireblast as a bonus action.

Agonizing Napalm. Napalm Spread deals d8s of damage, as well as a bonus amount equal to your Intelligence Modifier (min. 1).

Grenade Kit

A bag that contains ingredients for several grenades that can be made on the fly. Creating a grenade costs 1 bonus action, and throwing one is a standard action. Grenades can be thrown at a point 40 ft away, and have a blast radius of 10 ft.

Basic Grenade. Creatures within the blast radius must succeed on a Dex save or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. The damage increases to 3d6 at level 5, 4d6 at level 11, or 5d6 at level 17.

Elemental Grenade. Creatures within the blast radius must succeed on a Dex save or take 3d8 (acid, cold, fire, or lighting) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. This costs 1 energy. For each additional energy spent, the damage increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 3 energy. Smoke Grenade. For 1 energy, you can create a smoke grenade that fills its blast radius with a cloud of smoke that heavily obscures the area for 2 rounds for all creatures except you.

Enhanced Grenade Kit (Level 5 - Choose One)

Elixir Grenade. x Energy. Heal creatures in the blast for xd6+Int Mod HP, and are restored of 1 disease or condition (poison, blinded, deafened, or paralysis.) (Max 3 energy)

Poison Grenade. x Energy. Creatures in blast make a Con save. On a failure, they take 2xd8 poison damage and are poisoned for 1 minute. On a success they simply take half damage. (Max 3 energy) Concussive Grenade. For 2 Energy, you can create this disorienting grenade. Creatures in the blast must succeed on a Con save or take 2d10 thunder damage and are blinded and deafened for 1 minute. On a success they take just half damage. They may repeat the save at the end of their turns to end the blindness and deafness.

Advanced Grenade Kit (Level 13 - Choose One)

Lightweight Shell. Grenades have a thrown range of 80 feet.

Dual Bomb. Two grenades can be created in a bonus action, and two can be thrown in a standard action. They do not have to be the same bomb.

Black Powder. Grenades have a blast radius of 20 feet, and Basic Grenades do d8s of damage.

Ultimate Grenade Kit (Level 17 - Choose One)

Dangerous Grenades. Damage dealing grenades deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier (min. 1).

Specialized Elementalist. Your Elemental grenades have unique effects, and deal d10s of damage. Acid. Creatures who fail the Dex save suffer an AC loss equal to your Int Mod. (min.1) until the end of your next turn.

Cold. Creatures who fail the Dex save suffer halved speed until the end of your next turn, unless they resist or are immune to cold.

Fire. Creatures who fail the Dex save take an additional 1d10 fire damage.

Lightning. Creatures who fail the Dex save are pushed away from the bomb by 10 feet.

Heavy Smoke. Your smoke grenade lasts 5 rounds, and blinds creatures who fail a Con save upon starting their turn in it or entering it for the first time for 1 minute. They can repeat the save at the end of their turns until they succeed.

Elixir Gun

One-handed weapon that can launch alchemical elixirs and poisons. It has a range of 60ft, the loading property, and a capacity of 1. It requires a bonus action to be reloaded.

Elixir T. A ranged weapon attack that deals 1d8 + Int. Mod poison damage.

Elixir H. x energy. Heals the target for xd8+ Int. Mod HP. (Max 3 Energy)

Elixir G. Costs 1 Energy. The target makes a Str save, and on a failure is restrained for 2 rounds. On a success, their speed is halved until the start of your next turn.

Enhanced Elixir Gun (Level 5 - Choose One)

Light Frame. You can wield the elixir gun on your sholder

Dual-Shot. The Elixir gun can be fired twice before being reloaded.

Advanced Rifling. Grant a +1 bonus to the elixir gun's attack rolls and increases the range of your elixir gun to 90 feet.

Advanced Elixir Gun (Level 13 - Choose One)

Super T. Targets hit by Elixir T take an additional 1d8 poison damage, and must succeed on a Con save or be poisoned for 1 minute.

Super H. Creatures healed by Elixir H are healed for d10s and are cured of 1 disease or condition (blinded, deafened, poisoned, paralysis). The energy maximum for Elixir H is now 4.

Super G. Creatures restrained by Elixir G take 4d4 acid damage at the beginning of their turns, and have disadvantage on the Str Save against it.

Ultimate Elixir Gun (Level 17 - Choose One)

Elemental-Infused T. Elixir T now deals an additional 1d12 (cold, fire, or lighting) damage.

S-Infused H. Creatures targeted with Elixir H now gain a walking speed bonus equal to 5+5x feet for 1 minute, as well as a +x bonus to AC and Dex Saves. X equals the energy spent firing Elixir H. Reinforced G. Elixir G's duration is extended to 4 rounds.


A small deployable device with an AC of 12 and HP equal to 5+(2*your Engineer Level). As an action you can deploy the turret to a space adjacent to you. An undeployed turret is a 6-inch box. A destroyed or lost turret may be rebuilt with 4 hours of work and 50 gp. Turrets are infused with arcane energy to defend and support an engineer and their allies. Only 1 may be deployed at a time, unless otherwise stated. A turret can be undeployed while adjacent to it. A turret is immune to Poison and Psychic damage.

Arcane Strike. Creatures that enter a 25 ft radius around the turret, or start their turn there, must make a Dex save. On a failure they take 1d4 + int mod (min. 1) force damage. They take half damage on a success. This increases to 2d4 at level 5, 3d4 at level 11, and 4d4 at level 17.

Healing Mist. xEnergy. As a bonus action, activate this feature. Friendly creatures within 15 ft of the mist heal for xd4+Int mod HP. (Max Energy of 3.)

Force Net. As a bonus action, and for 1 energy, force a creature that you can see within 25 feet of the turret to make a Dex save, or be restrained until the beginning of your next turn.

Enhanced Turret (Level 5 - Choose One)

Sturdy Turret. The turret's AC is increased by your Intelligence Modifier, and its HP by 2*your Engineer Level. It resists all damage.

Distant Turret. You can deploy and undeploy a turret up to 30 feet away. Arcane Strike and Force Net have a range of 50 ft, and Healing Mist has a range of 30ft.

Second Turret. You may deploy a second turret at a time, and it takes 50% less time and money to rebuild one.

Advanced Turret (Level 13 - Choose One)

Empowered Strike. Arcane Strike deals d6s of damage instead of d4s. Restorative Mist. Creatures healed by Healing Mist are healed for d6s instead of d4s, and are restored of 1 disease or condition (poison, blinded, deafened, or paralysis.)

Electrified Net. When a target fails their Dex save against Force Net, they take 4d6 lighting damage, and cannot take reactions until free.

Ultimate Turret (Level 17 - Choose One)

Shield Turret. Upon deploying a turret, friendly creatures (including yourself) within 30 ft of the turret are under the effects of the Shield spell until the start of your next turn.

Explosive Turret. As an action, or upon destruction, a turret explodes. Creatures within 30 ft must succeed on a Dex save or take 6d6+6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone on a failure (half damage on a success).

Mobile Turret. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move a turret up to 30 feet. It ignores rough terrain.


A small deployable flying device with an AC of 12 and HP equal to 5+(2*your Engineer Level). As an action you can deploy the drone to a space adjacent to you. An undeployed drone is a 6-inch sphere. A destroyed or lost drone may be rebuilt with 4 hours of work and 50 gp. A drone has a flying speed of 30 feet, and cannot move more than 300 ft away from you. A drone moves on your initiative, has its own movement action, but uses your actions for its abilities. Only 1 may be deployed at a time, unless otherwise stated. A drone can be undeployed while adjacent to it.

A drone is immune to Poison and Psychic damage. It cannot be charmed or frightened, and is immune to poison and disease. It has a Str Save bonus of +0 and a Dex Save bonus of +2. It fails any other saving throw. It has a carry weight of 10 pounds.

Drone Shot. As an action, your drone makes a shot at a target you can see. This attack has a range of 60 ft. On a hit, drone shot deals 1d8 + Int. Mod piercing damage.

Drone Mark. For 2 energy, your drone marks a creature that you can see as an action. A creature is marked for 1 hour, and while marked, you have advantage on attack rolls against it, as well as Survival checks made to track it. The creature is also covered in a faint glow that only you can see.

Scry. For 1 Energy, you can see what the drone sees.

Enhanced Drone (Level 5 - Choose One)

Sturdy Drone. The drone's AC is increased by your Intelligence Modifier, and its HP by 2*your Engineer Level. It resists all damage. Its Str Save bonus increases to +3. Mobile Drone. Your drone's flying speed becomes 60 feet, and can move 180 more feet away. Its Dex Save bonus increases to +5.

Second Drone. You may deploy a second drone at a time, and it takes 50% less time and money to rebuild one. You can command both drones on the same action or bonus action. (example: simultaneous Drone Shot). Energy is expended for both drones in doing so.

Cloak. For 1 Energy, you can cloak your drone. As a bonus action, your drone becomes invisible and makes no noise for 1 minute, or until it takes damage or uses its Drone Shot or Drone Mark abilities.

Advanced Drone (Level 13 - Choose One)

Improved Shot. Drone Shot uses a bonus action, and now has a range of 120 feet.

Improved Mark. Creatures marked by Drone Mark take an extra 2d6 damage from you and your drone, and Drone Mark lasts 4 hours.

Improved Senses. Your drone can see through 120 feet of darkness, magical and nonmagical, and can see through heavily obscured areas. Drone Senses requires no energy to use.

Ultimate Drone (Level 17 - Choose One)

Shock Shot. Drone Shot gains a +2 Attack Bonus, and deals an additional 2d6 lighting damage.

Efficient Mark. Drone Mark requires 1 less energy, and is just a bonus action.

Sustained Cloak. Drone Cloak lasts for 10 minutes, and is sustained even after using Drone Shot or Drone Mark. (only if drone has cloak)

Magitech Omnistaff

A device that functions as a regular quarterstaff, but can also deliver a powerful arcane attack. Additionally, when you make a tinker's tool check to build or repair something, you add a +2 bonus to the roll while in possession of the staff, as it also functions as a tool. Staff Strike. You make a melee weapon attack with the staff.

Mend. You can use your staff to cast mending on a damaged simple device made of stone, metal or wood within 10 feet. You may also use this feature, spending 1 energy, to heal a construct (including your drones and turrets) within 10 feet for 1d6 + 1 HP as a bonus action, as long as the construct has at least 1 HP.

Arcane Ray. As an action, while wielding the staff, you can spend energy to make a ranged spell attack against a creature within 60 feet. On a hit, the creature takes 2d8 force damage + and additional 1d8 force damage per energy point spent (maximum 3 energy). Add your proficiency bonus and Intelligence modifier to attack rolls with this ability.

Magitech Pulse. For 2 Energy, as an action, you can force all creatures (size large and smaller) within 5 feet to make a STR save. On a failure, they are knocked prone.

Enhanced Magitech Omnistaff (Level 5 - Choose One)

Enhanced Staff. Your staff now has the reach property when wielded in two hands, allowing you to make melee attacks against creatures within 10 ft. When wielded in one hand, it has the light property. You gain a +1 bonus made to attack and damage rolls made with "Staff Strike". It also gains the finesse property.

Dual Ray. You can target a second creature with Arcane Ray for no additional cost, as long as the creature is within 10 ft of the first target.

Powerful Pulse. Add +2 to the save DC of Magitech Pulse. Its range is increased to 10 feet.

Advanced Magitech Omnistaff (Level 13 - Choose One)

Elemental Ray. You can change the damage type of Arcane ray (to cold, fire, or lightning). Efficient Repair. You may use the mend ability to a range of 30 feet. The bonus to Tinker's Tool checks the staff gives is increased to +5. You may add your intelligence modifier to the healing that the feature gives to constructs.

Booming Pulse. Magitech Pulse deals thunder damage equal to half your engineer level (rounded up) to creatures that fail the STR save. They are also deafened until the end of your next turn.

Ultimate Magitech Omnistaff (Level 17 - Choose One)

Efficient Pulse. Magitech Pulse uses a bonus action, and costs just 1 energy.

Ravaging Ray. You may spend up to 6 energy on Arcane Ray. You may also add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of Arcane Ray.

Energetic Strike. Staff Strike deals an additional 2d6 force damage, and is considered a magical weapon for purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.

More Firearms

You may not buy this guns only crafted

Handgonne 50 gp 3d6 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading, special, two-handed

The handgonne (or hand cannon, handgun) is the earliest type of portable firearm, a precursor to the arquebus. It is a simple barrel of metal or bamboo attached to a long handle. The black powder is ignited with smouldering wood or coal, or with a cantrip spell. It can be loaded with a handful of pebbles; iron or stone balls; or a small cannonball. Handgonnes are quite inaccurate, but are simple enough for nonprofessional soldiers to use. Take two rounds to load in you are profficiant in Firearms if not 4 turns

Pistol Sword

Blade 300 gp 1d6 piercing 5 lb Finesse, Light

Flintlock 1d10 piercing Ammunition (range 30/90), loading, light

The sword pistol is a shortsword with a flintlock pistol incorporated in the hilt. It makes for an unbalanced blade, and an overweight pistol, but their combination frees up the off-hand for a shield or second blade. Sword pistols fell out of favor completely with the invention of detachable bayonets.

When you hit a creature with the blade you can use a bonus action to make an attack with the loaded flintlock against the same target. This is considered to be a melee attack.

Pepperbox 1000gp 1d10 Piercing 3lb Ammunition (30/90), reload (6 shots)

A late renaissance style pistol, the pepperbox deals the same damage a standard flintlock but offers a revolving barrel for multiple shots before reload

Small Pistol 150 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), loading, light, Hidden

This is a flintlock or matchlock pistol with a snub-nosed barrel and smaller grip. It has a shorter range than a full pistol, but is easier hide and to fire in the off-hand. They are commonly manufactured in pairs and carried in a brace.

Extra Guns

You may not buy this guns only crafted Must be proficient with Firearms

Allowance Rod 400 gp 1d8 ballistic 1 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), loading, light

Behemoth Pistol 1200 gp 2d10 ballistic 4 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (2 shots)

Firebrand Piece 800 gp 2d8 fire 4 lb. Ammunition (range 10/30), reload

Fowling Piece 3000 gp 2d4 ballistic 6 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), reload (2 shots), two-handed, simultaneous (2d8 ballistic)

Frontier Longarm 4000 gp 2d8 ballistic 6 lb. Ammunition (range 150/600), loading, two-handed

Horse Carbine 4000 gp 2d8 ballistic 5 lb. Ammunition (range 90/360), loading, two-handed, cavalry

Orbiting Shortarm 7000 gp 2d8 ballistic 8 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), reload (6 shots), two-handed, cavalry

Orbiting Longarm 8000 gp 2d8 ballistic 10 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (6 shots), two-handed

Persuader, Excess Drum 12000 gp 2d10 ballistic 14 lb. Ammunition (range 50/200), reload (12 shots), two-handed

Perseverance Gyre Pistol 3000 gp 2d6 ballistic 3 lb. Ammunition (range 40/160), reload (6 shots), light

Allowance Rod. A small, one-shot gun meant to be cheap and easy to conceal.

Behemoth Pistol. Unwieldy pistol with two chambers for over-sized loads. Made for finishing off monsters. Unpractical and overpowered for most civilian use.

Firebrand Piece. Notoriously dangerous (particularly to their wielders) these weapons are often little more than a pistol chambered for a shot round filled with volatiles. Seen as hazardous and unnecessary, most town constables will confiscate these weapons on site.

Fowling Piece. These weapon statistics could depict any of hundreds of models of inexpensive scatter-guns found in the hands of hunters and farmhands everywhere.

Frontier Longarm. Rifles of this type were built for hunting game, though similar weapons are common in most modern militarizes.

Horse Carbine. A shorter, lower powered rifle proportioned for firing from horseback.

Orbiting Longarm. Combining a larger version of a multi chambered cylinder with a long, rifled barrel. Not as accurate as a standard longarm, but nearly as reliable, and capable of firing six rounds before reloading. The “orbiting” firearms have a flat horizontal wheel embedded in the gun above the cylinder to manually advance the chamber.

Orbiting Shortarm. A lighter, easier to handle version of the orbiting longarm, the barrel is no longer than a man’s forearm. Made specifically to accommodate ranged combat.

Persuader, Excess Drum. The Excess Drum Persuaders were guns designed explicitly as monster-hunters. Overpowered, needlessly complex (to accommodate the large cartridge cylinder), and over-burdensome, the entire line of “Persuader” model guns are considered grossly impractical except in the most extraordinary circumstances. It is very rare to see them in the field, though at least one can be found in any armory.

Perseverance Gyre Pistol. One of the most popular manufacturers of a gyre pistols, Erantian, has produced several very successful models. The perseverance is well regarded due to its reliability and price. Statistically, this could represent any number of other standard six-bullet gyre pistols.

New Weapon Qualities

Simultaneous. more than one round can be fired simultaneously for a greater damage total.

Cavalry. A character proficient with firearms on horseback with the Mounted Combatant feat has the advantage on attacks with this firearm while within short range

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