User:Quincy/Fanatic Romantic (5e Background)

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Fanatic Romantic[edit]

You are in love with a particular character within the world in which you live, this can be someone in your guild or even a simple merchant. There are so many different kinds of people who will love someone no matter what the odds are. But this doesn't always mean the person, or creature, you are in love with loves you back. You may get your happy-ever-after and find your one true love or maybe your relationship has taken a somewhat darker turn and has become... uncomfortable for the other person. No matter what sort of romantic fanatic you are, there are some key traits all of you share in common, namely an undying love for another creature, but that's besides the point. As a fanatic romantic, you show off your flourishing literary arts and skills you have obtain in order to express your undying love to your true love in a plethora of methods; writing, art, monologues, performances. Your commitment to perusing the hearts of your lover may be considered an extreme romantic gesture, it could also be your downfall.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigate and Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's tools

Languages: Any and all languages spoken by the creature you are in love with.

Equipment: Love letters you are too nervous to send, a sketch of your current love interest.

Alignment: Your alignment will eventually to evolve into that of the lover you pursue.

Lover Style[edit]

There are many ways in which you can love someone and it doesn't always mean they love you back. Here are some examples of those kind of fanatic romantics:

d6 Specialization
1 Unrequited Lover
2 Hopeless Romantic
3 Happy-Ever-After
4 Casanova
5 Stalker
6 Friend Zoned

Feature: Persistence[edit]

As a fanatic romantic, you gain notoriety wherever you go as being the absolute romantic. People know you will do whatever it takes, included but not limited to violence, to earn the heart of your one true love and are hesitant to get in your way - making you a natural safeguard for whoever, or whatever, your romantic interest is. This, in turn, also means your hopeful or actual lover gradually becomes more inclined to keep you around as they reap the benefits of the peace you bring, even if you are physically a bit inept.

Alternate Feature: Creepster[edit]

If it has become clear that your true love has absolutely no interest in you, despite all your acclaimed efforts to entice her, like Persistence, you won't give up. You continue your efforts as secretively as possible, only striking at what you deem the most opportune moment to strike, even if it does potentially risk the safety of your lover or potential legal boundaries.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

This should give you an idea of some of the characteristics your fanatic romantic may have.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am blind-sighted by my undying love for my partner
d6 Ideal
1 Dedication All that matters is the well-being of my one true love (Neutral)
2 Commitment. Never shall I betray the sanctity of my exclusive relationship to my beloved (Good)
3 Selfish. (<-Chaotic->)
4 Inevitable. (<-Chaotic->)
5 Respect. I will forever pursue the heart of my beloved, but if they are no longer interested, I shall respect their boundaries. (Lawful)
6 <-Ideal->. (<-Alignment->)
d6 Bond
1 My romantic partner
d6 Flaw
1 I am blind-sighted by my undying love for my partner

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