User:Guy/Splat/Tools/Cook's Tools

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Cook's Tools. Common tool (artisan), 5 gp. Cook's tools include the items you need to pursue a specific trade. Proficiency with these tools lets you use them to craft or pursue freelance work during downtime. Proficiency also adds your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made for using the tools for their intended purpose, for any check made in the pursuit of the associated trade, and to Intelligence checks made to recall knowledge associated with this trade.
 These tools enable you to craft delicious and nutritious meals, a vast improvement from the dry or bland rations most adventurers live on. Cook's tools generally include a pot, a pan, a bowl, a ladle, a spoon, a whisk, tongs, knives, and forks.
 Proficiency with these tools adds your proficiency bonus to ability checks with larger cooking appliances such as ovens and stoves.
 Crafting drinks is best handled by brewer's tools instead.
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