User:Guy/Splat/Injuries and Death

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If your hit points drop to 0, you suffer an injury. Whenever you suffer an injury, you fall prone. While you remain at 0 hit points, you suffer another injury whenever you would take damage and after you deal damage.

For each injury you have, subtract 1 from every d20 roll you make: every attack roll, ability check, and saving throw. Any saving throw DC you impose on another creature is also reduced by 1 for each injury you have.

If your number of injuries ever exceeds your proficiency bonus, you die outright.

You can fully restore hit points with rest. You can recover from injuries during downtime, as an enterprise. Even after you recover from an injury, it will usually leave a scar.

Pushing through injuries is part of what makes protags special. Non-player creatures who fall to 0 hit points will usually fall unconscious, and might die from merely one injury if it is severe enough.

Instant Death[edit]

Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum.


Once your character dies for good, that is usually the end of their story. Death is not easily reversed. Even the most powerful life-giving magic known to exist, the resurrection spell, is not guaranteed to succeed.

You however can undertake character creation again to make a new 1st-level character to join the party at the next downtime, or whenever the narrator determines an opportune moment. Your narrator might substitute alternatives depending on the nature of your campaign.

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