Transformations (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)

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Means of Ascendance[edit]

Every Martial Artist has the potential to achieve transformations, be it from their race or from reaching a new level of power. Starting at 1st level, you can work to achieve Transformations by meeting their requirements, once you meet all the requirements for a transformation, you may gain it immediately, although some may require training points as well.

General Transformations[edit]

Max Power[edit]

Prerequisites: 150 Training Points, level 10

As a bonus action for 5 Ki, you may choose to enter your Max Power form, gaining the following benefits:

  • Your size increases by 1.
  • Your Strength and Constitution increase by 6
  • Your Dexterity goes down by 4.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 1.
  • Your movement speed is halved and you are unable to take the Dash Action.
  • When you use a Ki Technique, the damage of that technique is doubled, including any extra damage you put into it.
  • After 1 minute passes or you use a Ki Technique, the transformation ends and you gain 3 levels of Exhaustion.

Saiyan Transformations[edit]


Prerequisites: Saiyan, have a Saiyan Tail.

If there is a Full Moon or Power Ball on sight, you may look at it and transform as a full turn action, you gain the following effects:

  • Your size becomes Gargantuan.
  • Your Strength and Constitution increase by 10 + your proficiency bonus.
  • Your mental stats all become 6.(your base wisdom is used for purposes of your ki pool and DC/Technique Modifier)
  • Your movement speed is halved.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier go up by 3.
  • Your damage reduction is doubled.
  • You become Berserk.
  • Your battle power is multiplied by 10.

Super Saiyan[edit]

Prerequisites: Saiyan, level 26, experience a moment of extreme emotion or, if determined by your DM as possible, 1.8k training points or whatever value your DM chooses

You have achieved the legendary form of the saiyans, as an action, you may transform, gaining the following effects:

  • You emit bright light in a 30ft radius
  • Your physical stats all increase by 18
  • Your movement speed doubles
  • Your unnarmed strikes tier goes up by 2
  • your ki pool increases by 60
  • Your damage reduction quadruples
  • Your Power Level is multiplied by 50
  • You lose 10 ki per turn you spend on this transformation

Namekian Transformations[edit]


Prerequisite: Namekian, level 16

As an action, you may choose to become a giant, gaining the following benefits:

  • Your size becomes Gargantuan.
  • Your Constitution increases by 10 and your Strength by 8.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 2.
  • Your damage reduction is doubled.
  • You lose 6 ki every turn when in this form

Super Gigantification[edit]

Prerequisite: Namekian, level 24

As an action while in the Giant form, you may choose to grow even bigger, gaining the following benefits:

  • Your size becomes Enormous.
  • Your Constitution increases by 8 and your Strength by 6.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 3.
  • Your damage reduction is doubled.
  • You lose 12 ki every turn when in this form
  • This stacks with Gigantification

Frost Demon Transformations[edit]

Second Form[edit]

Prerequisites: Frost Demon Mutant, Level 10

You've reached a level where you are able to let out a bit more of your true power out, as an action, you may transform, gaining the following effects:

  • Your size becomes Large.
  • Your Strength increases by 8, your Constitution increases by 6 and you dexterity increases by 2.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 1.
  • Your damage reduction is doubled.
  • Your ki pool increases by 20
  • Your power level doubles
  • You lose 4 ki per turn when in this transformation

Third Form[edit]

Prerequisites: Frost Demon Mutant, Level 18

You can now let out even more of your true power, as an action, you may transform, gaining the following effects:

  • Your size becomes Large.
  • Your Strength increases by 4 and your Constitution increases by 6
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 2.
  • Your damage reduction increases 1.5x.
  • Your ki pool increases by 40
  • Your power level triples
  • You lose 6 ki per turn when in this transformation
  • When you unlock this form, your second form doesn't cost any ki to maintain anymore
  • This stacks with second form even if you don't transform into it before entering this one.

True Form[edit]

Prerequisites: Frost Demon Mutant, Level 26

You've reached a level where you are able to let out a bit more of your true power out, as an action, you may transform, gaining the following effects:

  • Your size becomes your original one.
  • Your Dexterity increses by 10, your constitution increases by 10 and your strength increases by 6.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 1.
  • Your speed increases by 60ft.
  • Your ki pool increases by 40
  • Your power level is multiplied by 20
  • You lose 10 ki per turn when in this transformation
  • When you unlock this form, your third form doesn't cost any ki to maintain anymore
  • This stacks with third form even if you don't transform into it before entering this one.

True Form: Full Power[edit]

Prerequisites: Frost Demon Mutant, Level 26

You are finally able to unleash your full power upon the universe, as an action, you may transform, gaining the following effects:

  • Your Dexterity increses by 4, your constitution increases by 6 and your strength increases by 4.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage tier goes up by 2.
  • Your speed increases by 40ft.
  • Your ki pool increases by 50
  • Your power level is doubled
  • You lose 12 ki per turn when in this transformation
  • When you unlock this form, your true form doesn't cost any ki to maintain anymore
  • This stacks with true form even if you don't transform into it before entering this one.

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