Tidalus (3.5e Deity)

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Lesser Deity
Symbol: A frenzied shark fin cutting through tumultuous waves
Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Water
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Rage and Primal Fury
Clergy Alignments: None
Domains: Rage, Strength
Favored Weapon: Bite


Tidalus Ragefin, the lesser deity, is the embodiment of unrestrained rage and primal fury. Followers are encouraged to embrace their inner rage, channel the untamed fury of the tides, and revere the unbridled strength of sharks as symbols of the deity's wrath. Tidalus grants favor to those who harness their rage for protection and unleash it with primal force.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

The clergy of Tidalus Ragefin is composed of individuals who seek to tap into and control the power of rage. Temples dedicated to Tidalus are often found in tumultuous coastal regions, and ceremonies involve rituals that honor the unbridled fury of the tides. Followers often engage in martial training and seek to channel their rage for strength and protection.


Tidalus Ragefin is a lesser deity in the Celestial Beast Pantheon, embodying the primal rage and untamed fury of the oceans. In the Elemental Plane of Water, Tidalus's influence is felt wherever the waves churn with anger, and the unrestrained power of the sea is revered.

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