Talk:Undead Summoner, 2nd Variant

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I am using the Undead summoner class in the mad mage dungeon starting at Lv5. the class is fun but there are some major issues I would like to fix.

1. the DPS is far too high. With 4 buff skeletons from summon undead, 3 or more zombies/skeletons from revival, plus the summoner has access to spells. I kill everything before my team can touch them.

2. too many tokens. I love summoning as much as the next guy but moving 8 tokens around the narrow corridors of a dungeon is a nightmare.

3. the life regen and survivability is just silly. I understand that liches are hard to kill but with the outstanding DPS a lot of creatures end up dead which heals you and add to your army.

This seems like a great solo build but not very well suited for team play. I will attempt to fix that. --Triten (talk) 13:22, 23 June 2019 (MDT)

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